Jews voted like African Americans

>Jews voted like African Americans

What did he mean by this?

i dont think they break down voting stats by religion, is he just pulling this from his ass?

He means they voted multiple times.

Probably some (((pols)))

>other whites

He means jews as an ethnic group, religious jews are extremely conservative and vote overwhelmingly republican.

He remembers guys. Do you remember?

remember what?

We all remember.

That's why we voted for Trump. To finish the job.

I don't think that's true to be honest. I hate to go all "muh yardsigns" but I live by a massive synagogue and a shitload of religious Jews, and the vast majority of the Jews had pro Hillary signs. I don't think I saw a single one openly support Trump.

>Us Jews love Muslims
>Meanwhile in Israel they bomb the shit out of Muslims


>Other whites
Jews aren't white.

Simply what I have heard, I don't know if it's true but I could see logically why it would be given their conservative values and Trump sucking Jewish cock whenever he can.

So why are all pro-Trump neighborhoods in NYC Jewish? Check the map how NYC voted and then see who lives there.

>Please coloured goyim, remember that we are one of you when the brainwashing to KILL WHITEY is complete

>this kike thinks that Jews are white
Oh my Lord, that's rich. Like a fucking kike.

That ya'll wuz kangz n shyeeet

The simple answer is that most Jews in NYC are orthodox. Orthodox Jews skew heavily Republican whereas reform jews are heavily Democrat

Trump is hitler yo, minus the concentration camps, urge to conquer the continent, and desire to create a master race.

Completely hitler, I remember it like yesterday.

So which are the good ones?

None of them

The new York Jews Trump is used to are not what the vast majority of religious Jews in America are like. They probably do have a work ethic, even if that ethic does include acting like a con man. The Jews in my nieghborhood literally just have money because their parents had money. Then they send their kids to a special little Jewish school and basically just refuse to integrate with anything that isn't run by Jews.


Not true at all, you stupid fucking kangaroo kike.

I remember when this was all mass graves.

Yes, 100%. Votes are anonymous (duh) so all group breakdowns are based on exit polls or just entirely made up.

The white identity was useful to jews, so the adopted it for themselves to infiltrate. Now that they have demonized the identity to this extent, it is no longer convenient. So they reject it, claiming now that they are not white. It's just jews being jews. Always remember they are not white. They are not Americans. They are a parasite that attaches to the strongest host and drains them until they die.

Why do kikes NEVER learn?