what can you tell me about current events using nothing but this photo as explanation?
What can you tell me about current events using nothing but this photo as explanation?
the nail that sticks out gets hammered
tha fuck does that mean
World leaders stand behind the Leader of the Free World©, patiently awaiting for her to announce her plan to solve the North Korea nuclear crisis.
All of them will be dead long before she ever does.
More than 20 people in the pic. This triggers my autism
This are the filth of the planet. The new pseudo-elected monarchy. They are the one doing the transition to a one world government.
All of them are part of the elite that enslave humanity.
We've all died and this is our hell.
it means Merkel literally coordinated her outfit to match the red carpet.
Why red? Because she's a Satanist.
It means fuck Merkel.
>part of the elite
Spain was there!! as special guest!!!
Why the fuck does Merkel always stand out like a sore thumb?
Look at the Trump's face! My sides, he's such a fucking dipshit. HAHA!
People are trying to make the world a better place.
This pic will be used to explain why the west fell - woman leading men haha truly hilarious.
Attention whore
Only people who have fucked over a whole continent are allowed to wear red
>36 REPS
why does antifa riot over these every year?
Merkel is wearing red as a tribute to Mars. Same reason George W. Bush always wore a red tie. It wasn't because Republicans = Red. Nothing of the sort.
The name Rothschild means "Red Shield." Mars is the red planet and a symbol of war and death. Some even speculate that beings who inhabit the elite groups of our society originate from Mars. Merkel knows damn well what mass immigration is causing on the continent and she is filled with fucking glee because of it.
why are they all manlets besides trump?
Germany is going red.
Macron wanted to get away from that nigger
notice how almost everyone thats smiling is a giant piece of shit pretending nothing bad is going on in the world right now
>Trump being way taller than i ever imagined him
>macron literally looking like hes been photoshopped in and shrunk
>Leafboy looks so fucking uncomfortable and like he has to shit
>Merkhad looks like a cretinous goblin beast
I want to see putin and macron knife fight while the rest cheer and throw money
Why does everybody look autistic?
Merkel and the train she pulled.
Makes it seem like there is only one race,human race.
Handsome dude.
Women can wear different colors and still look professional while men are just supposed to wear boring black suites. Same as any workplace
The angle of this photo is deliberate to hide Theresa May
20 leaders and their (central banks)
Then why did you post a picture of an ape?
women are attention whores who will always try to stand out.
red = commie
Merkel is a satanist.
Macron is trying to parrot Trumps machismo, but lacks any amount of charisma.
the squeaky wheel gets the grease
Trump and Macron confirmed for extreme right
Id like to hammer her giggity giggity....
He's cute though. He's into older folks so I ship him with Trump. He'll come around and make France frog again.
Unfuckable lard-ass.
Argentina and its allies Germany and South Africa are leaders of the free world.
>Empty spot in the back row
>Some kind of alien creature in the back row
>Merkel doing her usual Illuminati handsignal
>Merkel wearing red
>Macron is wearing shoes with a high heel to look taller
>The Roach overlord is taller than I expected
>roach overlord
sides gone
Britain = Blue
Germany = Red
The real conflict is between the aryans and the anglos, no other peoples have any power.
>macron kisses Trudeau then pushes leaders from the second row to run over next to Trump for the photo
It's not too late to clean Europe once again, Nigel
Modi is really short