Why are far-left women so violent?

Far-right women wouldn't hurt anyone, except in self defense. But far-leftie women are all on drugs or drunk and then chimp out. Is leftism rewiring women's brains?

Far-anything people tend to be violent.

Kill all marxist. They have to die.

>Far-right women

Progressivie women want to emulate male behavior.

Reminds me of the Bienno Rosso in Italy

They are grown up babies that have to throw poopie fits for food money and drugs.

they actually existed once, and weren't known for violence.
but its been many centuries and probably isn't coming back any time soon.

Women are as violent and slutty as society lets them. Women are the niggers of gender.

Inferiority complex

They're intoxicated on the power they have. The men they surround themselves with are weak pussies who let women get away with literally everything without saying "no" while simultaneously jumping to their defense whenever someone outside their group decides to put a bitch in her place.

Modern lefty women literally have no fear, because they almost never experiences consequences for any of their actions, so they act as though their actions will never receive reciprocation. Once they receive a swift punch to the face, or get torn down for the first time, they'll stop being so violent.


same as with a misbehaving dog
leftist "women" don't know their place

They are not violent when you bump into them when they are alone.


>Once they receive a swift punch to the face, or get torn down for the first time, they'll stop being so violent.

This is very, very true.

Sounds like Sup Forums.

The far right, for all its flaws, at least has some level of self awareness. They might do bad things, but they'll at least stop and consider from time to time whether they are doing bad things.

The left never considers itself to be in the wrong. This means it can do whatever it chooses and they're still justified in their minds

They are not violent. They are pretending to be violent because they have never seen what real violence is.

Its all just amusement for them.

They are all degenerate. Let them self-destroy.


>Far-right women wouldn't hurt anyone, except in self defense.
tacit admission you think gays and non christians are all not people. Far right women do things like checking their children into brick walls for blaspheming.

Well not much sense in letting some commie riot get in the way of a good dicking

god I hope she has a penis

There's no such thing as far left or far right women. Women stick to the mob that has the most attractive guys.

>Women stick to the mob that has the most attractive guys

So why would they stick to cuck, numale, skinny leftists?
Women stick to the mob which has the most vocal supporters because they see safety in numbers. Why weren't women outwardly leftist before (((feminism))) (and to a lesser extent women's suffrage)? Because they had no one to lead them. If there's no leader then no one can follow and if no one can follow then you can't have safety in numbers.
Women are more like a school of fish trying to frighten off predators by pretending to be something they're not. Most predators will back off when they see a school and mistake it for a larger animal that could cause them harm. The more alpha predators will swim into the school with their mouth open and fuck their shit up.

>"Why should our movement care whether women are pleased or not? Women's opinions are useless. If we win, they'll support us anyway, if we lose they'll immediately switch sides."

Sums it up pretty well.
Women piss themselves when shtf because they aren't expendable in the way men are and that isn't their fault because it's completely biological. Sure, they can pretend strength is just a social construct and whatever other memes they like, but they would immediately side with 25 cuck males against prime Mike Tyson for the same reason the fish swim together. An illusion of safety.
Bring that up at your next roastie meeting.

>So why would they stick to cuck, numale, skinny leftists?
estrogen induced lesbianism?


Sup Forums is a board of peace.

lefties are violent brainlets or insulated campaign socialists

not hard to figure out. far right women are violent. they just use their violence differently than lefties.

Dad took them to see fearless girl.
They got delusions of grandeur.

I know
>the kid was probably gay
>or raped by a gay

acts like dindus


The left is far more driven by emotion than the right.

I am NOT saying the right isn't driven by emotion at all, just that the left is moreso driven by it.

Tbqh this.

you fags are outta control

Pretty sure this is against the Geneva Convention

>far right women
So women who want to take their own rights away? Honestly haven't ever seen a single one.