Why do some white people tan while others burn, is this a nigger trait?
Why do some white people tan while others burn, is this a nigger trait?
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no its a basement dwelling subhuman male trait
Filthy a*glos and N*rdics/G*rmans/sl*vs burn in the sun
Mediterranean master race
No. Some Europeans tan. Some don't. Not every White person is an Albino snow nigger with pink skin who burns from a light bulb being too close.
I tan and have never had a sunburn but I have no nigger in me at all. I'm mostly southern european (Sardinian, Portuguese, Spanish) with some British and Irish.
Maybe it could have to do with the climate your genetic ancestors are from? Since I'm mostly Mediterranean and they lived in warm climates with lots of sunlight they adapted to that and got dark, therefore I've maintained that genetic. You have to be a retard to not understand this
Its not about tan and not tan, nothing in life is black and white you chimp.
Literally every white, even the northeners could tan but the genetics dictate how much sun you can handle, the more you tan the more you can handle, there is positive feedback to it. If you have problems with the sun use sun cream and with a proper defensive factor you can tan no matter how shit your body is at handling the sun. My mom is 50% hungarian 50% german but if you look at her during the summer she might as well be african, sun cream.
only irish sunburn
I'm 50% Spaniard and I burn because of the French side. Worst mix ever. :(
The Irish are just complete genetic failures.
There's no difference
Both cause cancer equally.
I'm 50% Anglo/Frog and 50% Spaniard, I burn at first but then it turns into tan
>southern european
>not black
Seems to be strongly related to the same mutation linked to red hair. Usually these people are also even paler than normal whites during winter.
i generally recieve a light sunburn and when and if it peels there's a pretty heavy tan underneath.
>Why do some white people tan while others burn, is this a nigger trait?
White people are supposed to slowly develop a tan in the springtime as the sunlight get stronger and stronger. By the time summer arrives they are supposed to have a dark tan already developed. The problem is that the indoor, modern lifestyle disrupts the natural process.
also happens to some blonde's too
>Doesn't burn
>Is part moor
>Isn't a negro
Proper skin care
Damn. Underrated. Checked.
We all tan it's just a matter of how. Tan is just a polite term for sun damage. Some of us freckle too and burn more first but everyone will burn before they "tan".
My wife never spent a lot of time outdoors and when she did she protected her skin more. I used to work outdoors and it took me a year to figure out I should wear a lightweight long sleeve linen shirt instead of tanks or t shirts.
Olive complexion "whites" likely have some sort of nigger in the woodpile.
Can confirm. Red hair and I burn quickly. Sunscreen prevents the burn by my skin feels like the sun is cooking it. I just freckle.
What beat me to saying.
You too? Same mix here, but more French than anglo
I took a genetic test and have nothing but european heritage and don't burn, stay mad pink faggots
I'm Lithuanian, Italian and french. I have a mild sunburn on my 1st afternoon in the real sun but after that I take nicely throughout the year, like OP's pic.
I can get a farmers tan. But i've never been able to tan my whole body without getting red/ burned. My friend on the other hand can easily tan. He doesn't get super brown. But he definitely get's noticeably browner. Both of us are blonde.
Yeah, it's a nigger thing.
I'm part Spanish, and I tan great even though my skin is normally very pale.
friendly reminder you're not white unless you have blonde hair, light skin and blue eyes
Holy shit, this.
Tanned Aryan god checking in. Check'em you pale fucks
>I can get a farmers tan. But i've never been able to tan my whole body without getting red/ burned. My friend on the other hand can easily tan. He doesn't get super brown. But he definitely get's noticeably browner. Both of us are blonde.
I bet it's because you let your arms slowly tan naturally in the spring, then the summer comes and you take your shirt off and burn under the full sun. Tanning is supposed to occur slowly in the spring, so you are ready for the summer.
You are like an arctic fox who keeps his fluffy white fur by staying in a freezer and then coming out in the middle of summer unprepared for the heat. You can't just jump out into the summer sun in your pale winter skin.
hmm i guess that makes sense. But spring here is like 15 C so it's not really tanning your whole body weather. And then when it's always raining or cloudy in the summer. You don't really get a chance to tan in periods. *I guess i would have to move to southern Europe to find out
Jup. I make a particular effort to get out in the sun early in the year not just because it's nice to be outside and the vit D stuff, but also because the slow protection buildup means I'm less likely to accidentally burn when shit gets real.
Apparently we're getting a lot more higher frequency UV these days, so I think that's important. Feel kind of bad for people who have genetics that don't let them tan at all. I almost look like one of those people in the middle of winter.
Brad is part Cherokee.
>skin becomes darker when exposed to sun
essentially you are negrofied. If your skin tans then you're not even white
He's fucking orange though, Hollywood actors use fake tan like sunscreen.
Perhaps, but do you see these europeans who 'tan' as they age...they do irreparable damage to their skin.
Who wants to look like an old baseball glove at the age of 50?
This, I am swede/anglo/french
anyone can tan. use sunscreen a few times until you start to tan, then lay off
If you're darker than this after having an outdoor lifestyle you're either a nigger or you're using fake tan.
olive skin
My face and lower arms seem to have a permanent tan but the rest of my body which never gets exposed to the sun is as white as milk.
Myself and my family can get unexpectedly dark if we basically sun worship. A few of the people who fell for that whole tanning fad back in past decades are really not looking so good in old age.
Little bits of skin cancer seem to be more likely to pop up for those people, too. Kind of defeats the purpose of being able to tan imo.
Because some idiots stay out in the Sun too long without sunscreen.
You tan if you sit in the sun for the proper amount of time and apply the proper amount of sunscreen for the allotted time. You burn if you're a stupid shit and sit out in the hot sun all day. Not even coal black Africans do that. They'd call you a maniac. But some beach bums do it regularly. Enjoy the cancer you dumb fucks.
Jesus Christ how do you get a body like that
Good genes, a good start in life, and then a good maintenance program. You can get closer than you might think and with less work than you might think if you head to /fit/ and read the fucking sticky.
Check out a current body thread for an assortment of more realistic expectations, and then realize that might be aiming high depending on your situation.
Look dumb fuck, your skin gets conditioned over time to the sun. If you are always in the sun, you will stop burning. Office workers who are inside all day will get slapped when they go on their beach vacation without sunscreen. You need to work your way back up to it. When summer started I was pale and burnt easily. Now I've been outside every day for 3 weeks and I'm tan and won't burn for a while. You aren't naturally resistant to burns or anything you cock suck.
Also depends on where you live. I'm right at the intersection of freezing winters and searing summers, which results in a drastic change of skin color from season to season.
korean/german maybe a little scottish mix. (middle name leads me to believe I am part pictish)
I get around the sandnigger dark range.
Different types of white ppl idiot
Usually people with freckles are the ones who burn. Has to be some sort of skin condition related to that.
All white people will get tans in the sun if exposed for long enough. My family and some of my friends have moved to Florida and when I visit them they are as tan as the Cubans. They spend all year in the sun it's gonna naturally happen.
what does that make me if my brother meets that criteria?
Redheads are rare.
>white people
Not a race. You have many white races and everyone of them can tan, just that some can't be exposed on sun for very long, not because of race, because of skin problems, exception to this are redheads who have normally problems with sun.
This user is the only one that knows.
Atlantic coast whites are pale as fuck and don't tan whatsoever, (Irish, Welsh, Scots, "English" without Anglo Saxon, Normans) because they have cloudy and grey climates, Mediterraneans are permatanned and stay fairly dark year round, and the older they get the darker and darker they get. Baltic and North sea dwellers are light in the winter and can bet vary tan in the summer, generally going back and forth every year and losing their tans as fast as they get them. This is because they experience drastic changes in sunlight levels due to being near the Article circle, from 5 hours of weak sunlight (requiring max vitamin d absorbtion) a day to 19 hours of powerful sunlight per day (requiring powerful uv protection). An element of camouflage may also be present, in the way that hares and foxes change color, though I imagine predation was negligible to the evolution of Scandinavians.
In th US upper midwest, many of the Scandinavians have Amerindian admixture so that tanning traits of both races is present, so that there are people as white as a ghost in the winter but turn dark (even in the absence of serious sunlight exposure) in the spring.
"tanning" is a faggot activity
being out and about on vacation is something else, although targeted sunbathing is retarded, moreso between 9am to 5pm
however, it can have a striking effect on many people whom it adds to youthfulness
It's pretty convenient to be versatile about sun exposure that way :D
You gotta go traditional. Lightweight white linen shirt does the trick for me, but our springs in the Midwest are maybe a little nicer.
depends, if you also do then you're white
>Baltic and North sea dwellers are light in the winter and can bet vary tan in the summer, generally going back and forth every year and losing their tans as fast as they get them.
Most scandinavians are pretty much tanned year round, its their natural complexion. Sure they are more tanned during summer from a sun tan, and lighter during the winter, but they always have a light golden-brown hue to their skin. I always cringe at how americans think they are the palest europeans. When they tan enough they literally go the colour of northern pajeets
>When they tan enough they literally go the colour of northern pajeets
well they're not called "aryan" for nothing
Lol wat
Germanics are the ones who get this golden tan
Meds are either brown or pale like the Irish
>I always cringe at how americans think they are the palest europeans. When they tan enough they literally go the colour of northern pajeets
Most Americans (though I can really only speak for Upper Midwest) pride themselves on their tanning range oddly enough (how light they go vs how dark they go). I think it has to do with our hot humid summers (to wear you barely want to wear a shirt two months of the year) and freezing winters (where you never see the sun and leaving the house is frankly retarded). So to us, being as dark as an Indian in the summer is good, but being as light as a Britton in the winter is also good.
Scandinavia has a somewhat milder climate, I suppose, so perhaps they can stand going outside in the summer with sun protective clothing.
Fucking retards. Go read up on neanderthals. Their technology did not improve for 50k years until they met cromagnons.
This "Med" is literally whiter than any Central & Eastern European
A tan is a gradual thing from spending your time outdoors in the sun, working and stuff.
Not taking a full dose of the brightest sun all at once with no protection
I don't know any Americans who pride themselves on being pale. The ones who are super pale usually view it as a nuisance and an sometimes even something that makes them undesirable.
Anything down to maybe what you'd call olive or light gold or something is pretty much white or maybe not really white but not worth splitting hairs over depending on taste.
>this shitty LARP again
Youre white if you have white skin. That's what the word "white" refers to, retard. That's not sayying there aren't different white subtypes tho. Blonde and blue-eyed people should keep to themselves and the others to themselves.
I have blue eyes, white skin and blond hair and I know for a fact I have at least 10% Maori blood
The Aryan body.
Base line melanin in whites is low.
Melanin is the body's coping mechanism for UV radiation.
Being exposed to UV radiation triggers increased melanin production in the skin.
If you don't get regular exposure to UV you will burn easily if you're suddenly exposed to lots of UV.
Even if you do get regular exposure to UV, you can still get more of it at one time than your skin can handle. Even niggers can get sunburn as it is fundamentally a radiation burn.
White is a concept that is supposed to make you feel better about being mixed race with anglos, nords, celts, hispanics and other Western European races. You're actually mongrels with no defining culture unless you are 100% one race.
One of the left was severely stunted. Not just shorter but smaller all around. Truly manletism is a the timeless curse.
> In th US upper midwest, many of the Scandinavians have Amerindian admixture so that tanning traits of both races is present, so that there are people as white as a ghost in the winter but turn dark (even in the absence of serious sunlight exposure) in the spring.
North Dakotan reporting in, very true although there appears to be a lot of odd Slavic adimixture up here as well that I suspect gives the tans, not to mention there is a thing called "black Germans" up here who tan very dark in the summer.
I did a genetic test and it turns out a lot of those "German" relatives had Balkan DNA.
I don't know too much about the Native American mixture thing, yea there are a few people that I've seen with a bit of Native blood but it's mainly whatever the fuck kind of Germans that came to the upper Midwest that did it.
I have pale skin and brown hair in the winter, and in the summer I have brown skin and pale hair
Fun to see my gravy coloured hair turn dirty blond in the sun
Just a reminder that Europeans gave up brown skin to be able to synthesize their own Vit D is low sun climates.
This is why many niggers are vit D deficient
>tfw brown eyes
>tfw will never have babies with a blond Aryan
I never really noticed that effect because I went from blond to lightish brown during roughly the course of puberty. But now that it's stabilized I've been noticing it does actually get lighter in the summer.
Not really you idiot
>Why do some white people tan while others burn, is this a nigger trait?
Are you literally retarded?
I've noticed that meds can be really pale, like a greyish white. Northern/West euros are either pink or orange
There are a few people in my office who immigrated from Greece and have the most ashen looking white skin. Granted I'm convinced that they pretty much never spend time in the son, but it's almost weird.
And then I start to think the Ashkenazi Jews don't look to much different.
Implying burning and tanning are somehow mutually exclusive. DeShawn, please.
Too much carbs.
Seriously, I used to burn easily. When I went paleo I realised I could go outside without sunscreen now. Your skin is mostly fat, so you need more healthy fats in your diet.
Why would you like to tan in the first place? It makes your skin look dirty.
>Meds are either brown or pale like the Irish
>pale like the Irish
It depends on the med you're talking about. Celtiberians (northern portuguese and northwestern spanish) yes, somewhat. As for any other med type, i really don't think it is the case. Maybe northern italians, but that's because they're partially alpine (if not mostly alpine), therefore not exactly med anymore.
Blond hair is literally the worst thing that can happen to a male.
Hair patterns are way worse than coloring. If anything I wish my body hair were closer to black, but I wouldn't mind it in the least if I had straight blond hair and twinkchest etc.
LOL. What's superior: Getting golden skin after UV exposure or having your skin flake off like some reptile?
These dudes look weak af
swedes really tan better than brits?