That Ukraine bro
I know dude I don't have a photo of the riot currently unfolding on my phone. I was out of the loop for like two days, and can't watch videos or anything right now because I'm at work.
The americanization of Europa. I weep for you euro anons there will be no escape from it this time, the monster is awake now, this false god the son of joseph will come for you all....
How is it an Americanization if antifa was imported, or at least is much stronger in Europe than the US? Also is it really that serious?
>if antifa was imported, or at least is much stronger in Europe than the US?
Why do you ask questions you already know the answers to?
Antifa is a cancer that originated in Europe. We need a Pinochet.
So it's not really Americanization.
>So it's not really Americanization.
Your hope blinds you, don't you see it? It is but a delusion disguised as hope to lull you into a false sense of security. You and I have already been assimilated. That's their end game, to assimilate all feelings all desires all dreams all love into packaged goods.
You'll spend an eternity chasing your redpills while the they already own your soul.
The grip tightens around the neck, I only see bad things in future, this was your choice, this was my choice and now the chickens have come home to roost
I don't think this is the case, what would they get from this other than an even worse name?
cui bono?
Um, no, it's just not Americanization by definition, regardless of what delusions I might or might not have. Although I almost agree with the rest of your post.
It's not a bad name for other potential "revolutionaries", it's a show of strength.
I'm not here to convert you or to shove my ideology down your throat.
If you're from Europe then you'll know how the great men of the past in the 80s and the 90s made music to awaken the spirit of this great motherland.
I want to believe in a bright future for the sons of Europa but I don't see it possible, not while we are forced to live on our knees by our own ally. One day maybe I'll realize how wrong I was or maybe you'll realize the moment when it all went wrong.
In america we would beat the fuck out of these people. Are euros so weak they wont let their cops cracm skulls and have tbe protesters raped in prison aa a lesson?
Liberation through resistance is always possible and can always be effective. The near future is bloody but the far future is indeed bright. You can know that by the fact that our great race was forced to it's knees - does it make sense to you that the white race will die in captivity? I don't think so.
easy to larp on the internet bro, watch
'In england we'd form a cavalry formation and decapitate these antifa cucks in one fell swoop with our 12 inch bladed cocks'
There were police fucking everywhere and the left organises in much greater numbers since the government makes no attempt to stop them, yet does not afford right wing groups the same right.
Liberals. Radicalized
Antifa is doing this shit all the at the G20 demo are a lot antifa people
Im not koddong, on a.erica if tjeu pulled that shit we would ler the cops beat them and later they wpuld be raped as a. lesson.
Yoi dont pull that shot hete, people hate protesters
Alt left showing they arent a bunch of virgin 17 y.o shitposting all day and thinking they have any sort of influence on the world politics
any german user that walks into the antifa crowds with a antifa faggot mask, and starts waving a swastika nazi flag... the police will IMMEDIATELY reverse their bullshit and get out the big toys and clear the streets.
one swastika and they go shitnuts over there.
just literally false flag them, the government will have to act.
Yea, but they aren't winning. They are just a generation that will grow old and see that their country is not what they fought for.
Jesus are you fucking drunk or something?
Again, easy to say. I seem to remember a huge amount of riots in the last year alone with nobody having 'the cops beat them and later they wpuld be raped as a. lesson'
Berkely? Baltimore?
It's true bong, but mostly because America is used to nigger riots.
Don't worry buddy the right wing is yet to be fully radicalized, but it will be.
They're going ham on burgers.
>los pepes
all the coincidences are just insane
Alt right was just one shot against capitalist government and it happened only because the mainstream medias allowed it, to counter growing leftist opposition such as what happened with podemos or tsipras election, or to avoid what happened in France during the last working law.
TLDR, alt right exists because the system allows it and you will disappear when people will find out about it, just look at the election of macron, the loss of alt right in netherlands or the unpopularity of trump, he will get glassed in the next senate election
>alt right
It was never real, dumb clown.
Well that's not exactly true. The "alright" was obviously perpetuated by the establishment, but the grass roots movement was already there. This after the radical right was invisible for over sixty years.
Conservatives, conservative wave, revolution, whatever semantic fantasy you want
What is the difference between 'liberals' and 'libertarians'?
Jesus christ
You don't know shit.
One is deluded enough to think they can be degenerates without a government.
The other is deluded enough to think a government should serve to make being a degenerate easier.
Yeah the extent of internet in the early 2000s let them a new access to medias, their message was totally new and people wasnt used to it, but now that people are well informed about alt right, their doctrine and what they are worth, they will not vote for it again
You are disregarding a revived, and for some a brand new ideology, which is in fact in it's diapers. Which is great for me, but I still can't help but to warn you that you simply do not understand, or are ignoring the severity of the situation. If you think that no one will vote for the radicalized right, or that it's really about the Democratic process, you are mistaken.
Communism is going on in Hamburg.
Germany hasn't seen a good firestorm in decades.
Libertarians in the US have been subverted by kikes. Read Hoppe and you'll see he envisions entire countries without jews, muslims, niggers, gays, etc. purely because degenerates aren't productive and, moreover, are mostly parasites, feeding off other people's hard work and innovation.
Germans need prison rape as a deterrent
Nah I'm right. Good talking to you.
I cant see where the alt right can go, but here in France, the FN has only won 4 sits and is collapsing from the inside. We'll see what will happen but im pretty sure alt right was only one shot
Here's a quote from Hoppe: "One may say innumerable things and promote almost any idea under the sun, but naturally no one is permitted to advocate ideas contrary to the very covenant of preserving and protecting private property, such as democracy and communism. There can be no tolerance toward democrats and communists in a libertarian social order. They will have to be physically separated and removed from society."
Does that sound like a libertarian that repeats "dude, weed, lmao" while sharing his wife and her innumerable STDs with Tyrone?
If everything in that pic is accurate it's pretty scary actually, it means the left is far better equipped to attain their goals moving into the future than the right is. Members of the right are going to be putting literally their entire lives and livelihoods at stake trying to protect society from the monsters on the left, I mean just look at the whole CNN blackmail thing that happened this week, in a moment's notice your identity could be out in open air for posting some dumb pro-Trump meme, and then your social life is over, you job is probably gone too.
Hoppe isn't alive and leading libertarians these days nor is he as securely quote ready/understood to them. Be real.
That is just modern Germany
Its not even related to g20. that is just how hamburg looks now.
its sort of freeing to see it. If there were any hope we would have to get off our asses and do something
But since there is no hope you might as well and enjoy the cleansing fire.
Reminder that we are in year 5777 of the Jewish calendar and today is 5777 days after 9/11.
The result of overtly liberal policy with a heavy helping of entitlement.
>leading libertarians
Yeah exactly, they can't be lead and they can't be counted on. Zero charge.
not much. antifa has a bonfire in the middle of a roadway and they keep throwing trash on it. cops just watching.
pretty boring "riot" desu senpai.
People have this misconception about libertarianism...
Libertarianism is the best system of choosing leaders and it's not by a majority rule, it's by following the rules the proprietor has on his property... much like this very board.
Maybe, but it does not mean that the world wide radicalization of the right is halted. Every grass roots movement has a reason so I suggest you ask yourself what is the reason for that one, and what can said reason cause in the future.
Are live streams still down?
Go suck a cock.
It was 5779 days ago.
Blame the US for a group that started in Europe.
Why do (((they))) hate us so much?
No you wouldn't. You would hide in your parent's basement.
>German state literally tolerates and finances leftwing terror groups
>invests all their time and money into persecuting """"right-wing"""" agitators on facebook (aka people who say "I think we have enough refugees")
>completely unable to deal with the "surprising" voilence the left displays
>thinking that the alt right is a real movement
12 y/os and weebs crying on twitter has no impact on the world
nobody thinks this would work?
its exactly what the israeli special forces would do
Just another Antifa riot, nothing out of the ordinary
Peak leftism.
alt right is just media hype. A way to explain away the rising anti-immigrant sentiment. Ten years ago these views were almost exclusive to stormfront tier sites. Now apparently these views are so prevalent that google and co have changed their algorithms to filter 'fake news'.
Enjoy Macron too. We've already seen this one. It doesn't end well.
Antifa zogbots showing how peaceful and tolerant they are.
10/10 post with an 11/10 ending.