This is a Jew

This is a Jew.

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I thot as much.


Actually, she was created by God in the womb of a barren woman as a receptacle FOR God.

Sorry, not a Jew. She was white.

Are the other two Jews as well?

This is what Christians actually believe

Doesn't your bible list her genealogy as being the most Jewish blood-line ever conceived?

>god creates woman in womb of jewish woman in jewish community to give birth to man that considers himself jewish and seeks to reform what the other jewish people in his jewish community believe
>woman is """""white"""""

u wot

The shroud of Turin which is a color inverted imprint of Jesus depicted Jesus as a blonde. BLONDE IS A KIKE HAIR COLOR REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

actually yes.
>but very few people understand that the jewish bloodline and the Ashkenazi bloodline are two separate races,
the jews died out decades ago..
the Ashkenazi are not one of gods creation.

You retards fail to realize today's (((jews))) aren't the same jews spoken of in the Bible. They had light skin and various hair and eye colors were quite common. Can't wait until I hear the new (((white))) meme you shills are working on.


Like most religion, it is a religious belief. A matter of faith.


That thing you can't have for anyone or anything.


Now go be a clever edgelord at the evil people who want to create jobs.

There was no Jewish genetics in her creation. God created her completely to be His vessel, not to be a dirty fucking jew.

Finally someone else who knows what's going on. Today's (((jews))) are the synagogue of Satan.

Pussy juice

>The shroud of Turin
Is fake
>today's (((jews))) aren't the same jews spoken of in the Bible
That isnt true at all. Its just bullshit made up to justify hating jrws while also practicing their religion.

So, you just completely ignore genetics?

You can measure this stuff with genetics. The place where all of the "pure bloodied Jews" are? Israel. They actually have a eugenics program for this. Effectivily the more pure your blood is the more likely you are to be allwoed to immigrate.

While they are focusing on genetic purity the Goys are having sex with niggers.

I'm not concerned with genealogies because I'm not a flesh worshiping faggot like yourself. There is nothing wrong with Israelite blood.

"Jew" in the modern sense is a satanic talmudist cult which rejects Christ and worships their father, Satan.

The Mother of Christ is a Christian.

Hail Mary, full of grace!

Thank you, OP.

Yes, she was a Jewish girl. And?

is worshipping (((Jesus))) degenerate?

I don't believe this

That's a cow


>says she was a Jew

God created her to be his vessel. Mary is 100% genetically not a Jew. Her mother was barren.

The catholic asks a faggot...

Looks European

Your bible literally lists her lineage. It makes a point to say that every ancestor she had going back to fucking Adam was a pure bloodied Jew.

She is literally the most Jewish woman that has ever existed. She probably knew how to do compound interest in her head before she turned 6.

>be Jews
>live in Roman Empire
>love Shekels
>love them more than anything
>no matter how many Shekels you have, Romans distrust you
>They know you worship a false God
>come up with idea
>*miscellaneous kikery*
>oy vey this is the son of God
>if you dont worship this lovely Jewish man youll burn for all eternity
>Romans now allow more kikery
>life is good
>empire collapses due to loss of culture, history and overall too much kikery
>2000 years later goyim still believe it

Never revolt against us, goyim!

You wouldn't want God's Chosen People (tm) to deny you eternal paradise!

No, Mary was a Jewish girl. FACT. The vast majority of early followers of Christ were literal Jews also.

If your Jew-hating is that important to you, how about stop LARPing as a Christian and stick to your Stormtard collective.

Yes, "Mary" sure is a Jewish name. Isn't that right, Mr. Shekelberg?


>american education

>full of grace
her only job was to literally cuck her husband.

Hey faggots. Her mother didn't produce eggs.

B. A. R. R. E. N.




Her mother was a gestation chamber with dark skin and legs.

Get this. So Jesus was a Jew, with a mother who according to prophecy has Jewish blood so pure every descendant dating back to Adam was a Jew.

The origenal 12 members of Jesus's religion were all Jews.

After Jesus died James took over and Jame's biggest rule was that only Jews could join the religion.

So basically 100% of the first followers were Jews.

Oh one last tibit. Jesus began his ministry at 30? Why 30 because that's the year you became a Rabbi. Don't think he was a Rabbi? The bible makes a big deal about saying how when he was 5 years old his mother took him a Temple where he did nothing but study Torah for years.

Genetics testing proves that today's Jews are Khazars. Don't ever believe the Jew. You can believe the Israeli scientist that proved that Jews originates from Khazaria.

Mary was entirely created by god to be a vessel for god.]

I bet you think Sarah is a Europian name too huh?

It seems like Jew-hating is the most important principle to you and all other views you hold must adhere to it. It is sad, but you chose it. So be it.

Whatever you're trying to argue, it doesn't impress me.

Christ is the last mainstream shelter against degeneracy. You want to reject that as well? Might as well go die on Israel wars, you retards. Jews killed Christ for a reason.

Here is your response

I'll also add this. According to your own damn prophecies if Mary is not the most pure-blooded Jew ever to rub 2 shekels togeather than Jesus is a false prophet.

Who said European, Steinberg?

Blessed her name.

Eurocuckfags are discussing matters of faith like you have some investment in it.

You don't.

Mary is a divine creation. You don't get more holy than that. It's WAY better.


These people don't know about the immaculate conception of Mary or that she was raised in the temple to be wise and pure.

You're wrong. You really need to choose to either be a follower or Christ or a follower of some Stormtard ideology.

>John 2:4 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee?
yeah thats right smack that jewess and put her in her place.

Messianic Jew. The best Jews.


So fake, that they still cannot determine how it was made. Some impressive work by people couldnt figure out shitwater causes illness.

The only good kind, a dead one.

Didn't Jesus get rejected precisely for not being a Jew since the Messiah was supposed to be Jewish?

I'm Catholic.

Mary was white, and entirely, purely a creation by God.

Eurocuckfags are listening too much to Jews on matters of faith.

You do not have the authority to dictate my religion to me.

look at this shit.

> He thinks Jews where friends with Jesus
> He actually believes that Rome dissolved because of Christianization

NA education right before your eyes fellas.

It's not fake. Dating shows the inner-most part where the image is located is 2000 years old.

>You do not have the authority to dictate my religion to me.
there's literally one argentinian's job, christcuck.

>muh breaking statues
what is he, a Muslim?

You call yourself Catholic, but the implication of your statements is that you're a Stormtard hiding under a Catholic mask. Maybe you can fool yourself, but you can't fool me.

>herp derp i don't get it so it must be god


Don't tell me you actually believe their lie. They only claim to be from Israel. Their genetics is Khazar.

Is this the best strategy joos can come up with? Further angering people by mocking Christianity?
I thought you had some brains.


Looks just like a qt I met a week ago. Hopefully we'll seee again because she was really into me.


That is why the immaculate conception of Mary was a white person.

God didn't want to be a nigger.

I am not telling you what to believe.

However, there is evidence that I am correct, political correctness be damned.

You christcucks are fucking stupid.

I think that statue is actually of Thérèse de Lisieux.

And that video is a good example of why Protestantism is degenerate. It leads to these self-centered preacher men drunk off their own ego teaching whatever they feel like teaching.

she is de-jewed. god can do that.

I never heard of that. They reject him because being a Jew is about the only thing he fufills. The prophecies describe the Jew as a warlord. Christians like to ignore that text and say the Jews are stupid for wanting that in the first place.

Old Testament the messiah is basically supposed to lead an army. He will free the Jews, destroy their enemies, and create an empire where the Jews are the rulers and viewed as a privilaged race that cannot be questioned.

The Old Testament is so radically different than the New Testament. Like all of the scheming the kikes are doing right now is straight out of the OT, there actually stories in there about how they conquer enemy nations from within by controlling the political narrative. And their God is not only ok with it but punishes them if they show any mercy to the goys.

What's funny is that Khazar theory is actually a Jewish theory. It's one of their lies.

Catholics belief that Mary was born absent of all sin, including the sin of being Jewish. So she's not a Jew.

pretty hot, ngl.

this retarded

Could you space it out a little more?
I'm having a hard time reading it

>h-he-he Jesus was a JEW from Israel goy, shouldn't you antisemites hate him?
Sorry Shlomo, we don't hate you because of where you come from, we hate you because of what you do.

>ancient Jews that later became Christians are exactly the same as the Pharisaic Jews that killed Christ and were kicked out of every country
bad meme

I don't know. Jews really get butthurt about it.

Reddit is down the hall to the left, (((faggot))).

Blessed art thou amongst women

You are right and that might be her name. I forget her name, but its not Mary the Mother of God, its Mary of the infant Jesus.

Is that why Jesus was killed by Jews? Is that why Jesus said they were a synagogue of Satan? Is that why all modern Jews hate Jesus and curse his name?

Got my brainy bits dancing


hope you realize jews opposed and fought christianity and that early church father used a foreign language (koine greek) and not hebrew to spread the message of Jesus.

You know Israely government does DNA tests on all it's immigrants? They don't let you in unless you are a pure blood Jew.

So if you think pure Jewish blood is cool you'll fucking love Israel. They are the closest genetically to the earliest Jews.

God you christ cucks so fucking stupid. Go send your shekels to the pure blooded in Israel.

>The Old Testament is so radically different than the New Testament.
For a homosexual atheist maybe.

If you study scripture, you can see all the amazing interplay between the Hebrew Bible and the NT.

Mary / scripture:

The Romans aced the tribe of Judah. Destroyed the ark of the covenant in all likelihood too (they loved to bring it onto the battlefield)

whoa whoa whoa that's way too close
I need at least 5 spaces easy

>my source is a youtube video made by a nobody

not what I said at all you fucking cuck
I'm arguing that she was not a jew in the modern sense
+ it could be argued, and has been argued, that jews as we know them became as such BECAUSE of being kicked out of every country and needing to be secretive, neurotic, assholes as a survival tactic

Mary was part of the group of Jews that were getting kicked out every fucking country. The story literally starts with Mary and Joseph fleeing persicution from a shoah.

Than they cross the boarder as illegal immigrants.

The entire fucking old testament is the Jews running from persecution.

God is dead

yeah sure, but 2000 extra years of that makes the modern jew very different from one from antiquity
the main thing about pharisaic Jews is that they cling to the idea of "gods chosen people"
whereas the ones that went on to become christians accepted jesus's view that god judges all groups equally

mary was certainly not the same as a modern jew
neither in character nor blood

Such a dumb strawman. They can figure out the genetics. They just lie about where those genes came from.

It was just a video related to Mary and scripture, hardly meant as some definitive source about the interplay between NT and OT. I just happened to remember if after mentioning the interplay.

Your "my source is" response is just weird and puerile to me, but then again, it implies you must be very poorly read if your first assumption is that my comment about the interplay was based on that video. Anyone who has actually studied scripture would recognize my remark is pointing to something commonly known rather than some completely unheard-of thing it seems to be to you.

Hugh Boss: In stores now.

Take a hard right on Nationalist st.

>Mary was part of the group of Jews that were getting kicked out every fucking country. The story literally starts with Mary and Joseph fleeing persicution from a shoah.

Typical satanic faggot, leaving out that they were fleeing from the tyranny of their Jewish ruler, who had ordered that all the first born of his subjects be slaughtered.

Not exactly the same thing as Jews getting kicked out for kiking is it fag?

>This is a Jew

Revelation 3:9 (KJV)

"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."

The (((Jews))) of today have nothing to do with the Hebrews and Israelites of old, except for the religion they stole. The Hebrews ended up converting to Islam and are the main ancestors of the modern-day Palestinians.

nazi scum

Yes, a jew. Not the pharisee type of jew, the ancient israelites that were actually chosen, not these lying kikes we have now.