Question to Holocaust Revisionists

Personally speaking, I acknowledge the fact that Hitler's regime committed war atrocities, resulting in an estimated 3-15 million casualties (not deaths, casualties). I also know that a good number of those casualties were non-Jewish, be they Poles, Slavs, Gypsies, etc. So here's my question/challenge, if you will:

>As someone who's not a Holocaust denier/revisionist, but doesn't take the 6 million number at face value, why should I not believe or accept any of this as proven fact?

Any sources provided would be fantastic

Other urls found in this thread:

You shouldn't accept anything if you weren't there at that particular time to witness it yourself.

It's completely mathematically impossible. Not to mention that many stories contradict each other and the official story is ridiculous in many ways. I can give examples if you like.

I'd like that

The most ridiculous story is that of Treblinka which was supposedly a death camp. In actuality, it was a train stop to remove the few dead and disinfect the others. The story goes that everyone that went to Treblinka was gassed (even though there are many survivors lol) and then hurried in mass graves which were filled with ~700,000 bodies. Now where are the bodies? Well according to the official story, they were all burned in the last few months of the war. THEY LITERALLY ARE SAYING THEY DUG UP 700,000 FUCKING BODIES AND BURNED THEM. That's just one. I can go on and on. Not to mention that people have secretly used ground penetrating radar and found no evidence of the ground at Treblinka ever being disturbed.

Also, Majdanec death camp originally had a death toll of over 1M but this has slowly gone down to 78K. There was originally thought to be many gas chambers. Now there is only one that is believed to be real even though it has no evidence of use with zyclon B which gives off a "Prussian Blue" color to its surroundings. Not a single gas chamber has this although every clothing disinfecting chamber is covered in Prussian Blue.

>but doesn't take the 6 million number at face value

the 6 million figure is fundamental to the holocaust. without six million, no holocaust. that is because it's part of jewish eschatology and the jewish people believe that in order to legitimately be able to return to their homeland of israel there need to have been 6 million jews who perished.

that's why in germany the number is also protected, and statements like 'oh yeah it happened but it was actually only three million' are considered 'belittlement of the holocaust' and carry heavy fines similar to outright denial. and if you've ever wondered why the official number has never been revised despite the evience that revisionists put forward (and many individual camps revising their death toll), now you know.

The holocaust did happen in full, but there is some debate of how it started and who was ultimately behind it. I would watch the video below starting at 1:16:00

The sheer amount of hysteria surrounding the event should call into question the motives of those pushing the narrative. Also, the fact that it's so true you can go to jail for questioning it.

Do not doubt the six trillion, goy.

These "proof" videos are laughable after you watch the revisionist rebuttal. Believe me, I've seen them all.

The jail thing is what got me started. Now I'm a full blown denier. The truth is not afraid of debate.


Care to answer the questions in pic related for me then?

>inb4 you dodge the questions

How can you revision something that didn't happen?

This guy is on our side, but doesn't know who david irving is

>six million jews
>all of them survived Auschwitz
>every one met Mengele

Every time. It must have been the most poorly run death camp in history.


I do know who he is, but the holocaust debate has been settled and the questions and supposed inconsistencies have been nearly entirely answered. The biggest lie of the holocaust is the accusation of people saying that Hitler knew about it when the evidence points to it being hid from him. There's a reason why the Nazis chose to direct massive amounts of resources to extermination camps rather than put those resources into the war, because Hitler wouldn't have let them done it if he had known.

This will take a while so I'll comment on the first few first.
>1. Anti partisan units mostly but there were also war crimes against Jewish communities in the eastern front. No one denies that
>2. They were all tortured. The British operatives came out about this in the decades after the war. Many under trial overestimated due to this torture as torture is not a good interrogation device for real info.
>3. Lies. There are tons of deniers among the SS and Heer. Many didn't tell their story as it is literally illegal where they live.
>4. Poisoning the well fallacy faggot
>5. 6 is a special number for Jews. Many believed that the Talmud prophecised that 6 (million) would need to die for the Jews to return to Israel.
I could go on but it would take a while.

>I also know that a good number of those casualties were non-Jewish, be they Poles, Slavs, Gypsies, etc.

No not really, it couldn't have been more than a million or few hundred thousand. The "five million non jews" exterminated is a lie made by Simon Wiesenthal in the 70's to gain sympathy from non Jews.

>Yehuda Bauer, an Israeli Holocaust scholar who chairs the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, said he warned his friend Wiesenthal, who died in 2005, about spreading the false notion that the Holocaust claimed 11 million victims – 6 million Jews and 5 million non-Jews. “I said to him, ‘Simon, you are telling a lie,’” Bauer recalled in an interview Tuesday. “He said, ‘Sometimes you need to do that to get the results for things you think are essential.’”

Wow nice try but you lost. Also I didn't mention shit about wells asshole

Elaborate on what you are saying.

Do you believe in Death Camps with gas chambers and Crematorias?

Do you believe the Germans had a plan to actively kill those in camps especially as the war closed?

>And here we have the argument of the other side.
OP, now you can see which side seems more believable.

The claim is 6 million jews. 11 million overall not even joking.

Fuck you.

The guy who came up with the 5 million "other" death literally made up the number so that it was big enough to make the goyim mad but not big enough as 6 gorrilion so that the Jews would get to spot on the empathy table. I'm not fucking kidding. You can look up the interview right now.

>Do you believe in Death Camps with gas chambers and Crematorias?


>Do you believe the Germans had a plan to actively kill those in camps especially as the war closed?

I believe Heinrich Himmler did, and I believe that he as the architect of the holocaust hid it from Hitler.

Irving is just trying to avoid the gaols. Fuck off.

Not an argument

Fuck you.

>World Trade Center is still standing because I was not there on 9/11, and have never been to New York

That's some solid logic there.

Answer pls


Year in Treblinka is where a majority of the claims come from. Wiernik had a wild imagination.
He even claimed he got shot, deflected the bullet off his shoulder blade, and then killed a guard and escaped.

My cat vomited a hairball in my bedroom a moment ago. Because I wasn't there to see it, I can't be sure it really happened.

Fucking retard.
The rule is you don't take shit at face value without reviewing the proof or results carefully.


No one likes you. The world mutters "Jew" naturally in the brain when they are unfortunate enough to happen upon you. You will pay for every lie and for every crime against the natural state. Your febrile deluded cult dreams will come true but in the form of a wide awake nightmare.

Proof Hitler didn't hate Slavs:

Jozef Tiso was a Slovak Catholic priest and was a National Socialist sympathizing politician. He was also a friend of Hitler. In this link, you can find a picture of him shaking hands with Hitler:

Hitler granted independence to the Slovak Republic under Jozef Tiso. He did the same thing with Croatia, another Slavic country. Why would he do that if he had goals to exterminate Slavs?

There were also Slavs fighting for Hitler from Ukraine. They were called the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS.
Pic related is a celebration in Ukraine for this division.

See this video for footage of Slavs fighting for Germany:

The reality of lebensraum:

Generalplan Ost refuted: (pgs. 236-243) (pgs. 168-192)

Myth of massive Polish death toll:

If the holocaust happened then why is it illegal to deny it in almost all European countries? Imagine how suspicious it'd be if the American government threw anyone in jail who claimed 9/11 or the moon landings were fake.

>I acknowledge the fact that Hitler's regime committed war atrocities, resulting in an estimated 3-15 million casualties

Have you EVER heard about the WINNER of a war being accused of atrocities and war crimes?

It doesn't happen.

That makes "war crimes" charges nothing but a liberal SJW sobfest.

Hitler was stupid but not stupid enough to waste resources to commit a genocide while fighting a multi front war.

Check the ID for those posts

so... ALL 6 gorillion jews were burned in ovens? and the ovens only had a max capacity of 1 jew?
what about all the pictures of jews we see being shot and buried in mass graves? i doubt ovens were the sole device for killing jews.
get cancer you solipsistic druggie cunt

History keeps being made--giant electric chairs were used to kill Jews

>I acknowledge the fact that Hitler's regime committed war atrocities
What about the allies? Did they commit war atrocities against Germans?

>resulting in an estimated 3-15 million casualties (not deaths, casualties).
According to whom?

>>As someone who's not a Holocaust denier/revisionist, but doesn't take the 6 million number at face value, why should I not believe or accept any of this as proven fact?
I don't want to answer a question with a question but...Why should you believe it as fact?

I mean, if I wanted an opinion of who and what the "Nazi's" and Hitler were, why would I go to their sworn enemy?

And as for "proven" what physical evidence have you seen that makes you believe the holocaust happened?

>Any sources provided would be fantastic

For movies, I'd suggest starting with David Cole in Auschwitz and then the Treblinka Archeology Hoax.

For books, I'd recommend The Hoax of the Twentieth Century or The Leuchter Reports

Instead of spending 10 cents on a .22 cal bullet, those retarded Germans were steaming Jews like hot dogs.

Poisoning the well fallacy is the name of the logical fallacy that question commits.

If you put an extra jew in the oven it's going to take longer than if you just had one. It would also be extremely damaging to the cremation machinery to handle that extra body it was never designed for.
The pictures we have are all from the end of the war when the camps where liberated by the allies. The German supply system had broken down months prior as the allied air campaign bombed trains and bridges,feeding the camp prisoners wasn't the first priority when the German people where themselves starving,

>Instead of spending 10 cents on a .22 cal bullet, those retarded Germans were steaming Jews like hot dogs.
"but user, that just proves just how evil those antisemitic nazi's were! can you even imagine being killed in ways like pic related? you should show some sympathy and unconditionally support the jews and israel, lest a second holocaust happen!"

My Grandfather was a Polish soldier during WWII. He was Catholic, not Jewish.
As history goes, he was captured, POW, forced into labor(railway, then farming later).
He "liked the way Germans manicured their yards"
That's most he would say about it.
He was a displaced person, moved to USA.
He did get a pension from Germany.
I'm glad the Soviets didn't capture him, or he would he would have been shot in a frozen forrest, and I would not exist.
I'm glad the Nazis followed the rules of war.

If the nazi's wanted to be smart about it, and super efficient they would have drown them.

Supposedly all the Jews where gathered up and forced onto trains, specifically into cattle cars with barbed wire to keep people inside. Instead of taking them to elaborately disguised gaschambers, simply build a railroad siding 100m long and then flood the back half of it to a depth of 15 meters.
Then all the trains would need to do is back the cattle cars into the flooded pits until the cattle cars where completely submerged, wait ten minutes, then pull the cars out and take them for processing.

In this way there is no expensive chemical, no complex gas chamber, nothing for the allies to find, and the prisoners never leave the train - they can be taken directly to the furnaces for processing with no fuss.

But no, the germans opted for disguised showers and masturbation machines instead.

>"and the quarters of 40 warders, armed with tommy-guns"
Why are German prison guards using American submachine guns?

Here you go!


>The guy who came up with the 5 million "other" death literally made up the number

>oi vey, goyim... just because we openly lie about the death of 5 million doesn't mean we're lying about the 6 million!
>think of my grandmother, who was turned into a lampshade at age 6!

He wasted a lot of resources on too many failed projects to count.

It's always wildly fantastic atrocities they site.

Does this look wild to you, GOY?

All other numbers in millions were quite literally fabricated by a jew who admitted to it
You can easily find this information, so why have you not done so?
Fucking faggot