So this is what the superior white race of Sup Forums looks like. really makes you think

so this is what the superior white race of Sup Forums looks like. really makes you think.


Jump off an apple factory chink

>photo of Reddit

Yeah that's more like an anime convention than anything with chan at the end of is

They are not fighters we need.

They are their FATHERS.

I'm a bit older than the average person here. I thought it was more or less a meme that you guys almost never know any females.

How can you assemble this many people and not have a single girl? Do you actively drive them away?

pussy magnets

>Do you actively drive them away?
They refer to women as roasties and obsess over them getting blacked. You really think they have a healthy relationship with any woman?

hey, baby. heh heh heh

The funny thing about this pic is, they're making the evil nazi salute, so Sup Forums can't write them off as LARPers from /r/the_donald. This is 100% Sup Forums.

Most of them range from 3 to 5
Haircuts, clothes, facial hair, skin condition, physique, everything is wrong with these guys

>You really think they have a healthy relationship with any woman?

this guy could.

"Oh man I hope this pose looks as good as it did when I practiced it"

jesus christ guys take the fucking appearance pill. daily hygiene and upkeep is extremely important

Kekistan prevails!

It's just fun imagining these guys behind all the "how do we fix white women?" threads.

Looks like normal enough people to me.

Nazis and anarchists. future of our children, something something

Imagine them, ughm, I mean us! behind every thread? Feel anxiety attack yet?


Is Kekistan the new MLP?

Women overwhelmingly are promoting the fall of the west. If they aren't pushing some marxist agenda, they are apolitical to the point of ignorance and voting for stupid shit based on emotions. This is not the kind of place they would gather.

They replaced braces with glasses, typical 'Merica when they start to think for themselves, then later on they will end up like Bill Clinton, working for corporations for Jews, because muh money.

Nah, those a just Americans. Literally all mongrels.

Good for them. If they have their little crew.
Where they put their energies is another matter.

>refugees are stealing my 3d women REEEEE

Ironic, coming from a German

Well. Yhey dont look superior. But their minds might be.

Dont judge a book by its cover.

These people make me feel like a chad

>ukraine 3rd world country

lol who cares about your opinion

I missed the pun. Is it that all Ukrainian women work as prostitutes in Russia / Poland /Germany (i.e. Germans stole your women)?

>I'm a bit older than the average person here
So, 18?

>They refer to women as roasties and obsess over them getting blacked. You really think they have a healthy relationship with any woman?
you're intelligent and logic minded, why are you here?

looks like you typical Sup Forums RL meetup/ HS animu roomfags. Beta cucks, neckbeards and weebs.

well, the commies got women it seems

>tfw the active political groups have basically been LARPing on both sides
>tfw recent political discourse is now only an imitation of a past ideology
>tfw most of the people in our countries are so estrogen filled that they only seem like failures when even trying to fight against anything
It's just depressing

No, the people with power, with important careers dont ruin themselves to meet those with nothing to lose.

same kind of betas, these ones just look weak as fuck
i'm starting to think 'extreme ideologies' are for faggots and weirdos

If you see the White dick, you'll shit brix

At least they have the backbone to fight Hans.


The truly powerful people can get away with anything. Those who have to worrywort about muh career are only cucking for the true elites.

Fucking Kek what is this where do people like this meet each other? Gooks nerds and hambeasts doing Nazi salute. Very unusual

The true face of Sup Forums :^)

Dude thats like a fucking dev team or something. STFU

why are you angry
do you relate to them? do you look like one of them?

>Dude thats like a fucking dev team

>Dude thats like a fucking dev team or something. STFU

That is not a dev team, that is Kekistanian Ensatzgruppen.