Have you reverted to Islam yet lads? At what point did you realize that it's the ultimate redpill when practised correctly?
>believes the creator is ONE not three (pure monotheism). >believes in the messengers Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them). >many modest women that dress like the virgin Mary (may God be pleased with her). >has God's law instead of man-made conflicting laws and ideas. >provides basic resources for citizens. >destroys racism. >destroys tribalism. >destroys greed. >destroys borders. >destroys nationalism. >unites the world under one flag.
All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action.
-Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Matthew Rogers
>guaranteed replies
Your daily pro-Islam bait, Sup Forums. Come and get, all it costs is some (you)s!
Noah Parker
It isn't bait. It's an open invitation to all the good people out there. That's all.
Noah Carter
Jundab ibn Abdullah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:
He is not one of us who calls to tribalism. He is not one of us who fights for the sake of tribalism. He is not one of us who dies following the way of tribalism.
Source: Sunan Abu Dawud 5121, Grade: Hasan.
David King
Hue hue buy our book. Give us tithe, allah. Pbuh is watching. Women weren't born in a black sack but hey let's cover them up so we don't ficki our sisters. Degenerate religion. Submit to it and kys
Jaxon Gutierrez
Women should dress with modesty like the virgin Mary (may God be pleased with her).
Oliver Rogers
Abu Dharr reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said:
Verily, Allah has removed from you the pride of the time of ignorance with its boasting of ancestors. Verily, one is only a righteous believer or a miserable sinner. All of the people are the children of Adam, and Adam was created from dust.
Source: Sunan At-Tirmidhi 3955, Grade: Sahih.
Jace Cook
>uses the term reverted holy shit it's an actual genu-ine muslim. what's islam's stance on environmental issues btw
Brandon James
Bad bait. Sorry boyo Islam is a sham. But so is every man made religion. There are no limits after leaving our weak flesh bodies. No virgins, and why would it matter in a spiritual realm. What a bunch of simple people believing tripe.
Eli Fisher
>Have you reverted >implying i was ever muslim in the first place
UK education on full display LMFAO.
Jordan Nguyen
"O children of Adam! … eat and drink: but waste not by excess, for Allah loves not the wasters." (Surah 7:31)
Liam Gutierrez
it's intentional.
they use the term reverted because it means you've come back to your proper place in the universe (submitting to god's will) or something like that
Levi Sanders
Wasn't it being utilized as in : to regress or go backwards. Why haven't you > regressed back to Islam?
Hudson Bailey
Everyone was born a Muslim. A Muslim means "one that submits to God". All babies submit to God without a choice.
Wtf I am muslim now. Not. I am just waiting for the next war with the mudslimes. And when that happens and I kill my first one, i will bathe in his blood and continue fighting like that. And if we capture and prisoners and I get some free time with them I will cut open wounds in their bodies with a sharpened cross (not christian, just for the psycological factor) and pour pig blood in their open wounds. All this will be filmed and uploaded here on Sup Forums
Justin Gray
i'm already christian, pompous faggot. i'm good to go there.
Eli Walker
>implying race has anything to do with religion
Carter Cruz
The ultimate redpill happens far into the future when violent Moslem cities are destroyed from below, rather than from above.
It will be called "terraclasting" and it will be a crowning achievement in how the West conducts and concludes guerilla warfare. When it first happens it will be a trillion times more terrifying to violent Moslems (who will literally be losing their footing in this world) than it was to to the people in the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.
Luke Jenkins
All babies submit to God alone. Not a trinity.
Bentley Thomas
I practice shooting moving targets, how's that for preparedness OP I dislike everything and anything with sand/nigger in it, especially a totalitarian system of government designed for world subjugation through jihad
Blake Lee
Christopher Butler
>>destroys tribalism. >>destroys greed. >>destroys borders. so fuck it then lol
what a pathetic try to please liberals islam clearly does not do that but also - shouldn't.
Nolan Phillips
>All babies submit to God alone. Not a trinity.
Aiden Howard
Also teaches you to fight back and kill your oppressors. Islam is the best weapon against evil.
Evan Bailey
Muslims often claim that the Gospel has been corrupted. The Qur’an, however, tells us that the Gospel is the Word of Allah, and that no one can corrupt Allah’s Word:
Qur’an 3:3—He has revealed to you the Book with truth, verifying that which is before it, and He revealed the Torah and the Gospel aforetime, a guidance for the people, and He sent the Qur’an.
Qur’an 6:115—The word of thy Lord doth find its fulfillment in truth and in justice: None can change His words: for He is the one who heareth and knoweth all.
Qur’an 18:27—And recite what has been revealed to you of the Book of your Lord, there is none who can alter His words; and you shall not find any refuge besides Him.
These verses lead to an obvious question. If the Gospel is the Word of God, and no one can corrupt God’s Word, who corrupted the Gospel? The answer may surprise you.
For nearly two thousand years, Christians have proclaimed Jesus’ death and resurrection. Islam rejects both of these doctrines and offers a different account of what happened at the cross and afterwards. However, the Muslim explanation comes at a terrible price: God is portrayed as a horrible deceiver, and Jesus as the most stupendous failure in the history of the prophets.
According to the Qur’an, Allah not only corrupted Jesus’ message, but also helped Christians spread false teachings. To understand why Islam demands such a view, let us consider seven facts.
Josiah Bennett
it's a subhuman cult specifically designed for subhumans like yourself your kind is on par with communists
Jeremiah Stewart
i only eat unsmoked bacon
Grayson Cox
Proxy fags are the worst type of troll
Julian Evans
Arrogant racist. Humble yourself.
Kevin Cook
>destroys nationalism Fuck off then.
Samuel Reed
U wot m8?!
Nicholas Parker
I like it where can I invest?
Carson Diaz
your genitally mutilated religion is not your race although it's blindly followed by niggers and sandniggers of questionable cognitive abilities
Cooper Evans
I will never convert to Islam. I will however fight to my last breath against the religion of evil known as Islam. Now I am off to throw ham slices at the door of my local mosque like I do daily.
Sebastian Nelson
>red pilled >killing, pedophilia, and other degeneracies
0/10 bait
Brody Brown
>destroys borders >destroys nationalism >unites the world under one flag
That's great! I'll go to the nearest syna... I mean mosque to convert, sorry for that typo heh :)
Anthony Robinson
Arrogant racist. Humble yourself.
Joseph Wright
>unites the world under one flag >destroys borders Of course it does, the majority of Muslims are from third world shitholes where the average iq is below 85. They have nothing to lose and everything to gain by invading other countries with their shitty desert religion.
Landon James
May he burn in hell and get a pineapple in the ass daily. Bacon be upon him.
Benjamin Walker
Liam Powell
>believes the creator is ONE not three (pure monotheism). Wrong, you believe in the destructor, the moon, or the night. You don't pray towards god but towards a wooden black cube, how is that not the biggest heresy ever? >has God's law instead of man-made conflicting laws and ideas. Great claims require great evidence. >destroys racism. nope >destroys tribalism. absolutely not >destroys greed. >destroys borders. >destroys nationalism. >unites the world under one flag. You know to have the latter happen, you'll have to take the mark of the beast, in the end everything is going to be alright for the good people anyway.
So now tell me how you came to believe this amount of lies, and how has it drawn you to the dark religion?
Xavier Allen
Don't forget, if a muslim gets dog spit on them, they are eternally fucked. >tfw muslims have been known to feed their prisoners of war human flesh to condemn them before death.
Ethan Russell
reverted? I'm an unbeliever and allah likes cock in his ass.
PS..... dont be afraid of a small percent of 1.7 billion Muslims that are extremists. Its only like 1.2 million suicide bombers.
Luis Ward
Ok we'll be fighting evil while you suck it's dick.
Blake Roberts
If you lived near me and I could find you you would get beat up so hard you would have to eat liquids with a straw for 6 months just for preaching the words of a goatfucking pedo here
Parker Perry
Read my first posts about what the Prophet (pbuh) said.
Cooper Price
go back to your low-IQ cosanguinous shithole and make a difference there, fucking parasite alien
daily reminder that you will always remain a subhuman who will never feel neither at home or as a part of the host culture you are taking advanage of
Connor Anderson
sage and report commie threads sage and report enslavement threads kill niggers. kill kikes. kill moslems.
Logan Bailey
Make me. My only regret is not killing every living thing in the middle east when i was stationed there. So long as I live I will fight the spread of Islam with every breath I take and when I die I will leave behind me people who will continue that fight.
Jose Sullivan
sufis MIGHT be allowed to keep their lives, the rest should be wiped out
saged and kys
Andrew Stewart
Good to know, but why?
Blake Russell
>we fuck off you useless manlet, make a SVIBED of yourself and blow yourself up like you know best
Evan Richardson
> i am mentally ill > please accept that as a rationale for my argument no saged go get raped to death by AIDSmonkeys
Lucas Evans
just sage that shit up threads should auto sage if another fins come in with some early sages, sage flag should auto set
Benjamin Ross
If its true that you fought there and have confirmed kills, you have my respect. Any photo you would like to share?
Levi Morris
Dogs are dirty to them, like feet. That's why they throw their sandals at people. It's a sand nigger thing.
Carter Bailey
Satan hates the truth being spread huh?
Dominic Perez
You can't monetarily invest within our lifetimes. If you had dual degrees in entomology (i.e., studying tunneling of ants) and nano-engineering, you could take baby steps though. Something for the later generations to chew on, provided they haven't been converted to Shariah.
Joseph Jackson
John Morris
the truth has been known for years there are two antidotes against your kind: kikes and supersonic lead
Mason Sullivan
That's not because it is pig, but because of the other crap that is put into it nowadays.
William Price
>believes the creator is ONE not three The quran has the holy spirit in it and replaces Jesus with Mohammed as THE Son.
Either Mohammed was too dumb to understand the trinity or was practising taqqiya to get people who don't understand it to believe they disbelieve
Ian Hernandez
> if you still do not believe my faggotry > i will babble so the cognitive dissonance centers light up > and you make a non-critical decision on my psycho-babble > which is how religions get started > huuka nanakmutauahalaklaksal > i either know what I am talking about, or this is just embarrassing for both of us > people would rather kill their own kids than be embarrassed. that's how religions start i am serious sympathetic embarrassment > HEY LISTEN BRITNIGGER > YOU THINK YOU ARE user? > YOUR TRAFFIC IS RECORDED > WE WILL TAKE IT OVER > WE WILL IDENTIFY YOU > WE WILL TORTURE YOU TO DEATH IN WAYS > YOUR MIND CANNOT COMPREHEND > WE WILL INVENT NEW WAYS TO MAKE > YOU SUFFER > WE WILL HAVE A MINISTRY OF SUFFERING > AND IT WILL BE GLORIOUS > YOUR TORN VOCAL CORDS WILL BE SEWN LIKE RAGS INTO THE FLAG OF OUR NEW FREE REPUBLIC > YOUR SKIN WILL ONE DAY BE THE DRUM THAT BEATS OUR VICTORY > YOUR SCREAMS WILL BE RECORDED AND WOVEN INTO THE BACKGROUND OF OUR NEW ANTHEM, OR NEW GLORIOUS SONG OF FREEDOM > YOUR SACRIFICE WILL NOT BE SOON FORGOTTEN YOU PESTILENCE
Dominic Moore
Why is it forbidden in the Bible too then?
Robert Rivera
no thanks, I like my IQ points.
Robert Nelson
The only truth about islam is that its a cancer infecting humanity for too long. When the war comes I will make sure to cut the dicks of my kills and show them to their comrades so that they know that they will get no virgins or any other bullshit you preach
Owen Watson
your suffering is near
Carson Roberts
>It isn't bait. It's an open invitation to all the good people out there. That's all.
>Good People >Islam
Henry Ross
Jesus said, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God."
>implying Jesus was God LOL
Jacob Gomez
Islam is for niggers, get that shit out of my face or I'll slather you in bacon.
Nicholas Adams
Leo Roberts
pressie for you
Lincoln Robinson
Interesting idea. Aeon flux comes to mind. Millions of units working silently together to raze a city.. Or are these little beauties explosive?
Jack Martinez
remember this britfag > full centipede I promise you that we will keep you alive with science as you are at the back of a full 50 person centipede I promise you you will die of sepsis, some time in the future, but not long before torments and suffering will make you beg for death as you write prayers and sacrifices to your tormentors using your own bloodied fingers
Ian Hughes
and this one
Kayden Cooper
Islam has a worse logic problem than Christianity. Recognizes Jesus as a prophet - but a prophet cannot lie about their prophecies. Islam is contradictory here. U can't have Jesus and claim he's a prophet, because his prophecy was he is the Messiah and no one would come after. Did he lie? That is catch 22
Adrian Mitchell
the pain we put you through the implements we devise people will write book on them your suffering will become a chapter in a medical journal the japanese will condemn us for what we do to your souls we will studiously impart the most suffering and godawful torment upon you you and all your vile cancers
Evan Jones
Mashallah you have been guided. Takbir!
Jeremiah Rivera
My head kept coexisting with my body after I left Christianity. Pretty sure you can't offer the same guarantee.
Hunter Williams
>destroys tribalism
Islam is pure tribalism under a religion though.
>destroys borders
I think any historical caliphate would say otherwise, they define borders as regions of the world under their control and regions not.
Lincoln Watson
Explosives are usually delivered via much larger mechanisms which follow through the tunnels.
Not sure if the units themselves explode to any detrimental effect - they probably disintegrate in the event of an attempted hacking. I imagine they can tunnel from beneath target city to target city across an entire continent over their useful lives.
Jonathan Wright
>implying Jesus(pbuh) didn't tell his people about the coming of the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)
John 14:16 "And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever" John 15:26 "But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, [even] the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me" John 14:26 "But the Comforter, [which is] the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." John 16:7-14 "Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Of sin, because they believe not on me; Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more; Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged. I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, [that] shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew [it] unto you."
Sebastian Jackson
Suicide is Haram in Islam. Also, I'm not a coward that kills civilians.
Benjamin Nguyen
Jesus is the Messiah in Islam tho. Its gonna be awkward when he comes back to people worshipping him.
Leo Russell
The problem is relying on Christian doctrine to support Islam csuses too many issues. If u want to argue for Islam it's fine but Christian doctrine and Islamic doctrine are not really compatible. It makes god look spastic, and tha can't be the case clearly
Landon Clark
you will be impaled and used as entertainment
David Rogers
He said that Jesus never said in his Bible that someone would come after him.
Asher Clark
>1488 rejoice, mein schutze! the day approaches
Owen Reed
Project Vigilance.
Lucas Kelly
Ah, so this is why feminists and commies like it so much.
David Sullivan
Warum trägst du ein verdammter Blatt mein Bruder
Ryan Ramirez
Jace Gutierrez
Jesus was the Son. What you think of God is the Father... Though Muslims don't worship Him unfortunately. Humble yourself and pray for understanding that hasn't been granted to you. Repent of your heretical foolishness and reread the Bible.