Reddits echo chamber

Was reddit at one point even a sane online platform for politics? literally i just jumped on r/politics to see how bad it truly was and the whole front page is evil alt right racist this, how ivanka sat at the g20, pointless hit pieces. Why is reddit like this?

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Yes. Real shit like articles about the NDAA and the Patriot Act used to be on the frontpage. (((They))) saw its popularity and decided to turn it into a propaganda farm.

yeah it was at one point. However it has turned into the literal opposite of this site. Here the worst that will happen if you disagree is that you'll get called a faggot. There you'll get labeled a white supremacist.

more pic related to retards on Reddit.

Enjoy the salt

btw im off of reddit, but there is no mention of cnn; blackmail or anything of the sort. It's literally the definition of a echo chamber

Reddit is where dumb people go to act smart, Sup Forums is where smart people go to act dumb

This is much more professional and nuanced opinion than you would see on Sup Forums. What exactly is your criticism of it

"I would actually prefer a tolerant Christian over a conservative and bigot Muslim"

r/geopolitics is pretty decent desu

>t. proud redditor

ah it's too early for bait mom.

You just have to wade through all the Drumpf and Orange Cheeto Monkey insults to find it.

Is Steve Bannon still the advisor of Trump?


Imagine being this deluded. It's almost as if these people were v& by the CIA, strapped down and forced to stare at a hypnotic screen for a month straight until they become drooling retards. How else can one be so absolutely sure about something that is so painfully false?

Reddit is a place where anyone can make their own board and moderate it, so each bord gets its own culture. R/politics used to be an official board but was removed by admins from the defaults for political bias.
There are probably a million politics board - most of them left wing. Reddit admins are jews that hate right wingers.

I was on there 4 years ago and it was bad then but I just looked holy fuck what a nightmare it's all left wing dribble!

I don't think the post is delusional, but the idea that we need to hide the fact that white=west=best is retarded. He's upset because Trump is speaking truths that he doesn't want to hear.

Reddit is really not that bad, just some particular sub-reddits. But there are a lot of different opinions and interesting discussions to be found.

the main subs are total shit, but there are some still decent subs. pretty sure r/politics is just sharbelue shilling though.

Name forum with a post rating system and many many personal boards in which the owners and their lackies uphold their personal delusions.
There is no true medium of debate on that site.
And if there was the site admins would shadowban people that BTFO'd them in such a hall of debate.

The DNC bought out reddit last year during the primaries, replaced the mods of the big politics/news boards with their own shills and anyone who bitched about it or posted anything negative by hillary got flooded by downarrows and 9000 word rebuttals from brand new accounts (or just banned, depending). Place went from 99% bernie/trump supporters boosting their candidate to propaganda straight from the democratic party overnight. Sup Forums used to make fun of all the bernouts constantly and it was really obvious with how suddenly all of the salty bernie bros got replaced with dem shills.

So they do admit whites are indeed supreme?

Any site that has shit float to the top based on votes, rather than truth or first come, first serve, is going to be shit in general, because only mass appeal with rise. Mass appeal also had us following Paris Hilton's every move for months and months on news networks, so that should tell you how "good" mass appeal really is.

A few years ago, before the internet got completely shit, when reddit was relatively new and hip it was full of diverse opinions wherever I looked.
Every 6 months you could feel it sliding a little more into the echo chamber it is today.

>persistent user names
>upvote system that rewards agreeing with the popular opinion and punishes wrongthink
>branched discussion that ensures that errors are not corrected

I can't imagine it was ever any good

> newfags think Sup Forums isn't an echochamber either and don't know that contrary threads got shut down to keep a narrative as well

Back to redit!

>Sup Forums is one person
t. newfag

Seriously though lurk more faggot.

In 2007 reddit had some interesting political threads when Ron Paul got big. Eventually either shills and generally retarded redditors started r/enoughpaulspam and combined with the growing obama idolization successfully shut out all interesting discussion. I unsubbed from r/politics in 2007/08. It has been pure shit since then, so about 10 years now.

>Was reddit at one point even a sane online platform for politics?
It was always liberal, but not this pants on head retarded. And r/politics was overtaken by shills when democrats launched their CTR campaign, everything that was not in line got shoahed instantly.

Before Trump took office there would be r/pics just a picture of Obama with the caption "I'm gonna miss this guy." It's like my god, you clueless fucking twit. Obama is the epitome of neoliberal evil and you "miss this guy" yet you have this demonic hatred for Trump for next to nothing. You can't communicate with the average Reddit fag, don't even try. They need to be removed.

aside from a few like the donald sub rebbit is still a bunch of faggots making "witty" comments about american politics with the dreamworks face.

I mean, they're sort of right. It was basically a white nationalist speech. It literally sounded like something richard Spencer would have written.


B-but mah peanut butter!

>Why is reddit like this?
Because it's moderated by Media Matters.

Not even just mass appeal, but the fact that you can essentially buy influence with bots and upvote accounts. In order to shill here you have to shitpost slide threads which are easier to call out and disappear after a while regardless of how many people respond.

The left's reactions to Trump are always 10 times than Trump. We owe them a huge debt of gratitude for keeping Trump a radicalizing and polarizing figure, whereas the mainstream GOP constantly pushes for the exact opposite.

It has always been a hardcore left echo chamber, when it started up I was in college and it was pretty normal to just ban the shit out of conservatives and race realists. They always have and always will do any mental gymnastics necessary to stand by inferior views.

They don't know. It's better to pity them than waste your anger. Anger should be saved for their masters.

It's a depressing place because it is clearly fake. This time last year you could talk freely about politics, and the Bernie support seemed genuine.

Dare you to go there now, sort by controversial for the last hour, and try pointing out misleading headlines.

This is from Don Jr and that top gun clip.


If it weren't for Andrew Breitbart I'd have never believed it.

Okay. But nothing, and i mean NOTHING can touch the sheer kikery of Quora.

It is delusional, you don't see it cause you are american, the american (now corporate/global) philosophy isn't human nature, its the american philosophy

you are such a soon-to-be-dead queer.

The best philosophy!

I have been BTFOd.

I am now an angry white male.

My frustration leads me to hate and doubling down on my nationalism.

I agree it was pretty sweet.

Reddit is commercialized and controlled. Sup Forums deliberately drives it away. I hate this site but admire it for its honesty. People hero worship celebs. The only that I trust a little is the BBC because its get shit on by both sides. AP and Reteurs as well or Twitter for raw shit.

They left out the #1 biggest problem Europe faces- mass migration. Everything in Trump's speech in Poland centered around this. Poland rejects the EU's immigration quotas.

Not slow, measured, controlled, sustainable, reasonable migration that will not put a cultural & economic strain on the host countries. Mass migration from 3rd world Islamic countries into Western countries.

This is the key issue and the poster neglected to mention it.

Look up who owns reddit. He is a major Globalist and Hillary supporter.

>"Upvotes were a mistake"
Seriously, no one uses them correctly.

its good, but too emotionally involved with the world

Yes, though once the election was nearly over everything shifted as mods began to get bought out, restrictions/bans on all subreddits that weren't leftist, and massive bot programs (granted this was probably done by both sides)

it used to be an extremely pro-Ron Paul site

I don't actually disagree with you for the most part. We have to secure our energy needs, or I'd say we stay out of the middle east altogether.

that was a Catholic dinner. there are echoes around a priest ffs

>Was reddit at one point even a sane online platform for politics?
no. I remember 8 years ago it was a nice little site to talk about tech news. Then a tolerable site. Then an intolerable one.

The fun part is to look at some of the replies, pick out the most insane ones, and see what kind of post histories they have.

/r/politics is a fucking joke

>contrary threads got shut down to keep a narrative as well
Just because your Communist General Threads were a shitshow, doesn't mean that they got "shut down".

honestly dat speech was lolzy beyond belief. after the first 20 minutes I wondered whether this man has anything else to say than virtue-signalling crap about the few things he had learned an hour ago about polish history. I mean, you could see how he had problems differentiating between the warsaw uprising and the dat kike shit in da ghetto uprising.
Should have given poles some nukes agains gemanistan and the vodka niggers in the east, instead of lame promises. Anarcho-Sarmatism nao!

>tfw the tweet isreal

because its designed as a propaganda tool for democrats and they have direct channels to shareblue

It was bound to happen sooner or later with the site's upboat downboat system and the fact that anyone can make a board and hire their own mods. The perfect recipe for an echo chamber was there for quite awhile.

back in 2008 and even 2012, r/politics was no.1 fan forum for Ron Paul on the internet.

True story.

Then reddit got taken over by the cabal.

>calling other places echochambers
>on Sup Forums

>I knew it! No way Trump had one vote in Illinois. The water is rising around Trump's sinking ship. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't win a SINGLE state.

Reddit was always a fucking cesspool. Even worse than Sup Forums. Nothing good ever came from that site and whoever came from there should just go back and kill themselves. I don't care if you lurk here since 2009. If you ever used that fucking gay piece of shit website you should end your fucking life.

No, reddit became popular. With popularity, it had to cater to normie things. There are always going to be more normie things than important things. Over time, the normie stuff grew and grew and it fed the userbase.

But ultimately the voting system destroyed reddit. They changed voting ethics from "don't downvote things you disagree with" to "downvote everything you find the slightest disagreement with". A good deal of users only cared about posting content because they got internet points for doing so. Making it acceptable to downvote everything had the same effect on reddit that democracy has on politics.

Only say what people want to hear and you'll be rewarded, but nothing important can be said ever again.

Reddit is just another failed democracy. It shows most clearly that democracy is just another form of bribery.