Dear Pol

I had an in depth debate with two commies last night, and came away with some questions. Mind you I was full 1488 in the debate as they were full blown commie.

For starters does the right have a plan for when automation takes over? How will individuals be valuable if they aren't creative?

Also, after stomping around history we landed on Caeser and it was their contention that he was a commie killed by capitalists and the "automated" slave force provided Rome with enough material goods that citizens became worthless.

It appeared to me that they were viewing all of history from a futurists perspective, which is absurd. But what stance does the right have with a proper view of history towards automation?

Any of thoughts?

Other urls found in this thread:

You both got it wrong. The point is that people have no value regardless.

stop being a communist faggot and trying to fuck miscegenated feminists

Exactly, which was funny to compare slaves to machines but then advocate for UBI.

But how will the value of the individual not be suppressed by automation?

>The point is that people have no value regardless.

I had to stop myself from lurching to grab a bat or something bu it was worth it.

You are wrong
The proposition that 'people have no value' is as bullshit as the proportion that 'people have no value'.

your dicklet does not deserve that description

Why are you so triggered? Are you unable to converse with those you disagree with or are you harping on a 5 pixel wide flag?

>For starters does the right have a plan for when automation takes over?

LOL. The right's entire plan is giving massive tax cuts for billionaires and hoping it trickles down. I'm serious. That's it.

That is the entire right wing ideology for decades

If their whole argument solely rests on the automation part you have a trump card by saying we aren't ready for communism (yet).

On the Rome thing, I would say it's more like an oligarchy than a communist utopia among the rich or something. At this very time, we still have (near) indentured slaves (think of people with huge debts) and the top 1% or maybe more like .1% have more money than they could ever spend, so it's not really an argument in favour of communism.

Although in communism you did always still have a vastly wealthy upper class, of course. So you could flip that on them that way.

If individuals have no value, and socialism does not kick in I guess there would most likely be a huge decline in the population due to the sheer wealth inequality that will come into existence, but as we speak we are not there. The future is not here yet and these futuristic ideas have no place in our society yet.


No the right is about bringing back small business.


Quick note to that. The only reason communism could possibly work with full automation is because you change a key component of the equation: 'from each according to his ability to each according to his need' by stripping the first part completely.

No it isn't. You billionaire globalist supercucks worship big business.



I have no intention of automating production because it would mean I would be putting my own customers out of work therefore causing my business to struggle years later, yes I may make money in the short term but long term it's much better to be socially and economically responsible.

>Rich people have more money to save

When will brainlets learn?

I don't believe that communism is in line with natural law, so it's doomed to fail. I noticed that they continued on their ideas with everything turning out perfect and no human greed getting in the way. It seems the left has an idealistic view whereas the right prepares for the worst in man.

As far as Rome, that is true. It was just interesting that they blame the imported slaves for their work, and not for introducing opposing cultures.

Rich people don't need tax cuts.

When will right wing shills learn?

Why not? Are they not American citizen's entitled to the same tax cuts as their fellows? And if not, where do we draw the line as to what group X gets that group Y doesn't get?

That's one part I feel strongly about. I firmly believe this life is not meant to be easy. I believe there is karma involved with every persons life and the weak supporting the strong not only creates a feedback loop with the weak suffocating the strong. Furthermore I believe this has negative effects on the mental and spiritual evolution of man.

i don't think it's going to be a problem. It used to be everyone had to be out picking wheat and shit. Now a big machine does it but no one seems to be out of a job. And wheat is really cheap... probably


This is you Your entire ideology is exploding the budget deficit to give tax breaks to billionaires. You're the biggest cuck on the planet. You shills prove me right everyday.

Top kek

>pretty much this
Take the automation meme to its logical end and the system collapses in on itself putting you right back at square one. Unless displaced workers find work in other fields to keep the system going we'll either have a collapse and massive unemployment or we find ourselves in some sort of dystopian nightmare where the market largely serves the elite while the rest of us starve.

what part in this timeline was the golden age in America?

I'm just trying to understand your point of view by asking you questions you don't answer.

Who told you that? Most conservatives these days are or were small business owners. Conservatives are against big government and corporate Monopoly. You say you are against big business but you go shop at Walmart for the low priced Asian garbage rather than buy a quality product from the Ma and Pa shop on the other side of town.

I answered your question. Billionaires don't need tax cuts. If anything they need their tax rates raised. I get that Republicans don't care about the budget deficit or America's fiscal standing. Dick Cheney said Republicans don't care about budget deficits. But they are real. Revenues are real. Republicans must think revenues are a myth. Tax cuts for the rich don't pay for themselves with trickle down magic.



>implying that budget surplus in the late 90s/early 00s happened due to higher taxes on the rich
>implying it had nothing to do with the dot com boom which coincidentally occurred at the same time as the budget surplus

That's what I fear most. I just wonder if greed and shortsightedness will win out.

>You say you are against big business but you go shop at Walmart for the low priced Asian garbage rather than buy a quality product from the Ma and Pa shop on the other side of town.

I don't actually. And I'm all for Walmart having to pay their workers a $15/hour min wage and the Walmart heirs having to pay high tax rates. Trump wants to repeal the estate tax so they can hand down billions tax free.

Thanks for proving my point that Republicans don't know what revenues are. The dot com meme has to be the most hilarious right wing retard meme of all time. Bush had even faster computers, internet and dot coms. Still crashed the economy. It's like right wing retards have been programmed to say "dot com" every time Bill Clinton's name comes up.

>Bush had even faster computers, internet and dot coms. Still crashed the economy.

You realize the dot com bubble burst right when he was taking office, right? And that the budget slid into a deficit immediately afterward? No shit bush had faster computers than Clinton, we're not talking about computer hardware you retard.

Yeah and the same elites are not going to have much of an income without a populace that has enough buying power to purchase product.

Nice, now let's see that Y axis as percentage of income.

Trump is putting up the most impressive numbers in the history of any president

I'll love to see you grasping for straws when the average growth under Trump is x2 that of Obama

>inb4 it's because Obama fixed the economuh
lol you can say the same about any president then

>dystopian nightmare where the market largely serves the elite while the rest of us starve
I can imagine a scenario where pretty much Nineteen Eighty Four happens, with the Inner Party slowly bending society to whatever its will is. Proles are given useless jobs but brainwashed into believing they're doing a service to their country. Dig a hole and fill back in, tomorrow you will dig it back up again, all hail Oceania.

You're talking about a hilarious right wing retard meme. Republicans think the economy crashed in 2001 because they rewrite history and are complete morons. Planes crashed into buildings because of Republican national security but that's another story.

Do you know what revenues are?

1993 1999 The Based Bill Clinton economy created 23 million jobs. How many are you claiming were lost in the first 6 months of 2001 because of muh dot com? You retards never answer this.

Let's see you explain why you think at a time of deficits, debt and rising interest rates, that the millionaires and billionaires you worship, serve and obey need tax cuts.

wait... let me get this strait, you're telling me:

1) the rich (job creators) aren't struggling under crippling historically high tax rates?

2) Tax cuts on the rich don't make the poor and middle class better off?

3) the highest tax rates on the rich happened during the decades that republicans think were the best decades the country ever had?

4) Fox news, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity are corrupt soulless liars cashing a check to convince people to support political ideas that make their lives terrible?

mind blown

I think you'd be hard pressed to find a young, right-leaning individual that isn't pro-abortion. Sure there are those that are against this common sense solution, but at the rate that Christianity is moderating in the West I think these individuals are the overly vocal minority.

>Republicans think the economy crashed in 2001 because they rewrite history and are complete morons

Who said the economy crashed? All I said was that the (massive) dot com bubble, which had peaked around the time the budget was reaching a surplus, burst around the time bush took office and (coincidentally?) the surplus dissipated shortly afterward

>Do you know what revenues are?

do you know what happens when a big bubble pops?

And what's wrong with leaving your property to your descendents? It's their money, they should have the right to pass it down to their children without the government sticking their fingers where they don't belong.

too much truth in 1 post bro

5) Conservashits have been cucked by right wing propaganda to fight for tax cuts for billionaires for decades

>Planes crashed into buildings because of Republican national security but that's another story.

You realize the WTC also got bombed during the presidency of your beloved Clinton, right? How's that for democrat national security?

Not an argument

I started my company with the intention of creating a job making machine not making myself a superpower. If I got rich creating jobs then it's a due reward. Perhaps not Bill Gates rich but well off for sure. The problem is public stock and shareholder trading that have caused the greed problems not the people producing products or services but the wall street crooks.
The same people who give all that money to the liberal candidates. These people are international money changers and are the only ones who will actually benefit from such automations. So you see those same people telling you they love you are the same ones replacing you with robots, the liberal backing international banking cartels the 1%

The surplus was because Based Bill raised taxes on the rich and controlled spending by not splerging out on military and wars.

1993 (You)
1999 (You)

Republicans immediately pissed away the Clinton surplus with the Bush tax cuts.

The Based Bill Clinton economy created 23 million jobs. How many are you claiming were lost in the first 6 months of 2001 because of muh dot com? You retards never answer this.

Couldn't agree more. I'm reading Brave New World (almost done with it) and the idealistic world where people just take drugs all day (not sure if you've read it, the drug has no negative side effects) and are conditioned from birth to love it seems horrible to me.

A world like that would have no depth. Nothing to explore, nothing to motivate you, nothing to live for except for dopamine.

First $5 million is exempt from the estate tax. After that it's taxed at 40%. You're literally fighting for the billionaire globalist elites. This is what it means to be a right winger these days. It's honestly sad how cucked you people are.

You're comparing that to 9/11?

Are you trying to have zero credibility?

There will always be jobs, automation will just change what they are. In the early 1900s the fast food service industry didn't even fucking exist. The economy evolves.

>The surplus was because Based Bill raised taxes on the rich and controlled spending by not splerging out on military and wars.

Or maybe it was because he was riding high on the dot com boom. I've provided as many sources and citations for my theory as you have for yours (zero).

I'm not saying taxing the rich has nothing to do with it, but a recovering economy is obviously the bigger factor in this picture.

Was it not a national security failure under Bill? you can blast bush for 9/11 but Bill dindu nuffin regarding the 93 bombing? Why do you keep shifting the goalposts?

>Extermination of the indigenous Americans 1492-1890: 100,000,000
Come on, man.

You haven't cited anything. In fact you keep dodging a very simple question.

The Based Bill Clinton economy created 23 million jobs. How many are you claiming were lost in the first 6 months of 2001 because of muh dot com? You retards never answer this.

1999 >Or maybe it was because he was riding high on the dot com boom.

Lol this is honestly how retards argue. Riding high on dot com lol. Bush had a smartphone and social media boom. Where was his surplus? I'm using your logic now

Good Man!

People are entitled to their money. I know that pisses you off but deal with it faggot.

I'm not dinduing anything. Yes there was an attack in 93 but you discredit yourself by comparing that to Bush's 911.

Do you understand that when Republicans cut taxes on the rich, you gut revenues? Do you understand that military and wars aren't free?
Republicans pissed away the Clinton surplus on tax cuts. Are you going to dindu this?

>You haven't cited anything

I literally just said that in my last post, you mongoloid. Neither of us have cited any sources supporting our claims.

>How many are you claiming were lost in the first 6 months of 2001 because of muh dot com? You retards never answer this.

I never made any claims about employment figures, I made claims about the budget surplus/deficit.

there is plenty of mechanization that has to take place before automation is a remote possibility....

The question you should've asked them is "What happened after we replaced horses with cars?"

Magic happened, that's what, and nobody could've predicted it.

automation won't result in communism or a disenfranchised former working class it will simply ratchet up communism

*ratchet up capitalism

You haven't cited anything. I have. Clearly you don't know how to read or understand charts.

1993 (You)
1999 (You)
>I never made any claims about employment figures, I made claims about the budget surplus/deficit.

Ok now you're just fucking embarrassing yourself. You don't know what income tax revenues are?

I was looking forward to an interesting conversation, then Obama leaf showed up.

>indians die due to diseases
>this is capitalism fault


Why are you dodging? I haven't said anything about republicans and their deficits in any of my posts. We're simply discussing Bill and the causes of the budget surplus. I disagree with your conclusion that the surplus is primarily attributable to the tax increases.

>Lol this is honestly how retards argue. Riding high on dot com lol. Bush had a smartphone and social media boom. Where was his surplus? I'm using your logic now

now now, this really isn't a fair fight. You're using actual facts and arguments and is just repeating stuff he hears on conservative talk radio propaganda. You really can't expect to have a productive discussion with these people.

>plan for automation
Not sure what you mean by the 'right'. Lolbertarians and capitalcucks grow in wealth and productivity from such things.

I only know the center as I am a national socialist as well as a fascist. The plan is to allow for technology to take over costly work but I would imagine destroying all functions would be harmful to our species in general. It would be wise to reserve certain functions/positions for humans no matter what.

>Caesar was a communist
>slaves produced more than they costed
Haha what a couple of retards.

You were looking forward to an echo chamber, then I invaded your safe space and dropped red pilled facts

>I have.

Nothing proving your claim regarding the causation of the budget surplus under bill. Your little charts haven't had anything to do with that.

>8 posts by this ID
nice bait

>Mind you I was full 1488 in the debate as they were full blown commie

I'm not dodging anything.

> I haven't said anything about republicans and their deficits in any of my posts.

Lol you're literally dodging.

>We're simply discussing Bill and the causes of the budget surplus. I disagree with your conclusion that the surplus is primarily attributable to the tax increases.

Like I said, you're proving my point that Republicans don't know what revenues are.

1993 (You)
1999 (You)

also back to le edit


I win!

right wing retard logic


>extermination of indigenous Americans
pre-industrial colonialist settlers + diseases + absolute monarchies seeking to replace indigenous people =/= capitalism

If you start to count from 1500 and stick a fairly arbitrary definition on capitalism you could find this kind of kill number for any pre-industrial society.
>chinese empires
>mongol invasions
>european monarchies
>warring african tribes/kingdoms
>Roman empire

Your argument is totally invalid.
That is not to say that capitalism has not caused 0 deaths, but I would argue that it has saved more than it has ended.

>Like I said, you're proving my point that Republicans don't know what revenues are.

That's a non sequitur. Has essentially nothing to do with the content of my last post. Calm yourself and try to keep your arguments coherent, leaf. Don't get carried away now.

Only.4 presidents Drastically cut taxes in the past:


None of them did it to "trickle down wealth". They did it in hopes of raising tax revenue (It worked for 3 out if 4 of them), and to increase business, which in turn, hopefully, made EVERYONE richer.

Cutting taxes has never been a wealth redistribution plan. Stop being a fucking leaf.

They do actually.

1993 (You) (You)
1999 (You) (You)

You continue to deny the existence of revenues. All you are doing is proving my point

>For starters does the right have a plan for when automation takes over?

Communism: The west is no longer an industrial society so it doesn't apply.

Capitalism: the owners of the robots collect profits everyone else starves

So riddle me this
Why is a Canadian so butthurt about Bill Clinton?
Why do you really want us to view Clinton in an amicable light? The infographs you posted are mostly bullshit I've seen before.

Pretending the GDP increasing is solely because of his administration and policies.
It was the 90s motherfucker, the U.S.A. was growing economically steadily at the time and would have done the same thing regardless of the president.
Or can your brainlet self not process this?

>Caesar was a commie

You kept debating them after this? How did you keep a straight face?

The Facts are Bill Clinton destroyed the American economy with NAFTA. Cheap foreign products put American workers out of jobs and when the worker loses buying power the whole country suffers. It's really that simple.

>when automation takes over?

What? Automation has been going on for centuries now. Are there less jobs now?!
All automation does is get rid of repetitive mindless tasks, nothing more. There is always going to be a place for people.

And for fucks sake, would the communist please go find out what the fuck Capitalism actually is, because you sound fucking retarded.

Capitalism is not Government.

And when you understand that, and understand what Capitalism actually is, you will finally understand

Communism Doesn't Work.
Communism Has Never Worked.
Communism Will Never Work.
Communism Doesn't Work.

Cutting taxes on the rich reduces revenues. Raising taxes on the rich increases revenues.

Based Bill raised taxes on the rich and the economy soared. Bush cut taxes on the rich and the economy tanked. Obama raised taxes on the rich and the economy soared.

Tax cuts increasing revenues is the biggest right wing retard meme of all time.

see (You)

Even Republicans admit their ideology is bullshit. It's a shame that cucks still fall for it.

Everybody's getting tax cuts you fucking idiot
People who make $20,000 and under don't even pay taxes anymore

>linking MSNBC
Fixed so they don't get views

>Mind you I was full 1488 in the debate
>fag flag

looks like bait to me.

Charts showing that a surplus occurred under Bill prove literally nothing. We're not debating whether a surplus occurred in those years. We're debating the foundational causes of that surplus, which your little charts don't really address.

He's right you know, take a class in statistics. The first thing they, well, basically 'scream' in your face is that correlation does not imply causation.