Just how much more degenerate can things get?

Just how much more degenerate can things get?

Is pedophile acceptance the end goal?

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WTF westerners!! is boredom can make people this stupid?


It is...

This woman believes she was born in the wrong body and found a psychologist that used scientific studies (and drain cleaner) to help her transition into a blind person.

I don't see the problem. Let the retards remove themselves from the gene-pool.
Besides, I'm not paying for this shit

It's a mental illness, not degeneracy. And it's actually treated like one unlike the tranny shit

Considering women have to be below 18 years old to even have a chance of being a virgin, yes.

Marrying a woman who had a previous sexual partner decreases the chance of her being loyal drastically.

>tfw you really are disabled and feel excruciating pain 24 fucking 7 and trying your hardest not to draw attention then seeing these faggots
strange times lads

Can't wait to bang hot preteens! Thanks democrats!

Whenever she says "blind" I hear a slur as if she was brain washed or something.

I know people on this board like to say all liberals are brain washed, but she talks like some shadowy organization kidnapped her for a year telling her that she must go blind or else.

we have it too easy. people are going crazy.

I would suggest that they start by cutting off their heads.
An artificial one might work better for them.
Or not.
Who knows, let them try it!

Death-abled needs to become a trend.


I would cut off my leg if it meant I could play vidya all day.

i'd hope a re-brand of BIID/xenomelia to transable wouldn't fool anyone

she tookk advice from a pschologist on a messageboard....which one of you fuckwits blinded this poor retarded fatty????

Had the 3rd reich lasted two more decades, such degeneracy would not exist.

Oh the things people will do for welfare money

If this isn't sarcasm then please die.

"I guess i did ask for this"

Grooming is the last hope for the western world

>He's never heard of body dysmorphia

Burger education.

Its called body integrity identity disorder. The brains body mapping processes are damaged or develop wrong and the brain fails to identify a body part as its own. People with it often become convinced the only way to "correct" the "problem" is via removal of the organ or appendage. They will obsess over it and if not given professional help will go to incredibly deluded and insane lengths to remove the part.

Obviously finding a doctor who will remove a healthy organ or limb is pretty difficult so they often utilize extreme measures to force a removal.

People have used trains, heavy equipment, frostbite, chemical burns, and cutting off blood flow in attempts to damage the body part badly enough to force a removal by a doctor.

Its a very rare very bizzare and poorly understood mental disorder but it exists. Also might have a few causes. Can be nuerological as I previously mentioned in which the brain just forgets that a limb is its own and the mind invents a delusion to support the malfunction ("this isnt mine! Get it off!")

Other causes can be extreme paraphilias and fetishes in which amputation or disability is the persons fetish. Coupled with other mental illnesses like schizophrenia and such it can result in delusions that they belong that way.

It can also be caused by borderline personality disorder and depression leading the person to obsess over a delusion that they would be happier and treated better if they were disabled.

Any way ya cut it and whatever cause is acting on specific cases its still mental illness. Delusion is defined as refusal to believe what is true, by that metric gender dysphoria is a delusion too. Infact it remained classified as such right up until very recently and was only reclassified as a biological function for political reasons. Most medical professionals will tell you as much. These people are all sick.

I bet rates increase as more disabled characters, real and fictitious, become glorified. Tranny porn included.

>cut off legs
>receive gibs


Not only she went blind she also had to go through an insufferable pain. This world needs a detonate button.

At least wait until we have cyborg limbs first, jesus.

and free pain pills for life, it's a degenerate paradise

Yup. This is what mankind looks like when it doesn't have to struggle to survive. Now imagine if the Left gets its way with Post-scarcity world.


This is around 7 months old. A quick rundown from 9gag in pic. They are surprisingly mad about this.

At which point it moves out of that field of pathology and becomes a culturally induced hysteria. In the 1600's entire medieval european villages would erupt in "dancing fevers" in which people became convinced they could be infected by wild uncontrollable dancing. In japan in the 50's cases of "giggling sickness" swept through japanese girls schools where the pathogen seemed to be uncontrollable giggling. There were believed to be hysteria induced illnesses. People got them mereley because they BELIEVED THEY HAD THEM.

More modern cases In india are shrinking penis syndrome or semen theft is prevalent where males believe their penises are shrinking or that an evil spirit has stolen their semen (semen believed to be a direct physical manifestation of a males vitality there.) Despite none of these symptoms or medical explanations being true victims of penis or semen theft become listless and depressed, suicidal, or lapse into fugue catatonic states. They believe thier virility and life vitality has been stolen and thus behave like thism oddly enough the crude shamanic practices to cure it actually work better than modern medicine in many cases. The "disease" is simply an exaggerated placebo effect and so the "cure" mereley has to be something the person believes will work.

Its very possible that people deciding theyre the opposite gender or were meant to be disabled could become a culturally fueled hysterical illness.

That's for people who lift and always feel too small/need to get bigger.

I have a fucked up leg that i am considering consulting a doctor to get amputated. Come on. Can't these people just fuck off? How come everything I want to do or am involved in is infected by this shit? Video games. Movies. Music. Books. Art. Guns. etc. Just fuck off, stop seeking so much attention, and seperate yourselves and stay out of groups and hobbies that don't welcome you and that you don't even particularly like. FORM YOUR OWN COMMUNITIES AND YOUR OWN WORK

Apotemnophilia has been a thing for a long time. I don't much care for people calling it ''transabled'' though.

but everything fits
>half of mentally sick people are germans
>the guy who pushes it all is canadian
memes write themselves

people who do this often commit suicide soon after they realize how retarded a mistake it was

it is bro

What kind of surgeon would perform an amputation simply so someone can collect disability bux?

What sort of insurance would possibly cover such a pointless procedure?

No, that's just one aspect of it.

Just like trannies.

have a sauce on this picture? I want to try to watch it to see how long I can last before I flip the fuck out.

Mental illness is real

I totally get doing this in 30 years time when you could replace a limb with a badass cybernetic enhancement.

But until then why the fuck would you?


Mass suicide is the end goal of every cult.

Prosthetics are getting more and more advance to the point they surpass our limbs.

Anyone have any reading on transhumanism? I see it in fictional work a lot, but has any non-fiction author actually tackled the complexity of "ghost in the shell"?

i dont, but you can enjoy this instead
clips dottwitchdottv/SecretiveRoundOwlSMOrc

I preferred the JIF timeline.

i want super eagle eyes and not-fucked-up legs

The end goal is sperm becoming the world most bought beverage.

Yeah I have severe near-sightedness. My mother was so nearsighted she was legally blind. I'm gonna get laser surgery (not lasik, I'm too severe) once my eyes slow down in adjusting. Still haven't at 26,maybe one more year.

But I'd rather just have some Adam Jensen/JC Denton eyes instead.

>being trans-whatever definitely isn't a phase i'll eventually grow out of-

The end goal is absolute reversal of values and morality. Shit-eating will be seen as better than a healthy diet. Rape will be a blessing. The mass murder of anyone who can hold a job and uphold society will be the greatest virtue. "Look, this white man has a job and a wife! This is oppressive to me, because I did not get those things for myself! He is evil! Let's eat his flesh!"

The mind-control has one single purpose: get people to destroy themselves by believing that evil is good and good is evil. And it's working.

This points out the absurdity of trannys who cut their dicks off..

If you think about it wanting to be a cripple makes slightly more sense than wanting to become the opposite gender. You get positive sympathy from others, you get disability welfare, you get to LARP about living a struggle as an underdog, even though you are an idiot that disabled themselves voluntarily.

How does changing your gender benefit? You get to feel like a victim I guess. But you'll always be looked at with disgust. Chris Chan THINKS he will trick girls into having sex with him, but he's a literal retard.

Too bad we can't swap bodies. I'd love to be able bodied. If there is someone who wants to be crippled, I'd gladly give them by disabled body

I'm sorry bro, while not technically disabled, I know that feel.

Oh cool is that David the Gnome? I haven't seen that show since I was very little.

Gonna trip-fag cuz Im a mental health worker. Not tryin to be a big faggot.

Trannies are being terribly mis-treated. First off as children. Gender is not really set in children, hell up until the 30's babies under 4 or 5 didnt usually have gender specific behavior or clothes. Kids with "gender issues" typically are just depressed or have been coached by a parent to behave that way in a smaller number of cases its due to violent abuse or other mental illnesses. In the vast majority of cases kids given psychological counseling will revert to normal behavior in a startlingly short time period.

For adults a similar treatment pathway ought to be tried prior to any chemical or surgical methods. Often times the person has an underlying cause that has led them to become obsessed with being the opposite gender. The basic root of it is that some life stressor or (combination of them) is too much to handle and they become deluded that they can escape these issue by some sort of transformation process into another person.

Contd pt 2 .........

You always see these glowing reports from just recent post op trannies that theyre so happy and full of confidence and self esteem. This is the honeymoon phase, as soon as whatever life problems they were running from inevitably resurface they usually drop back down even lower than before the operation. This is when suicides usually occur. The liberal explanation of "they get bullied too much" is just simply not true.

The chief treatment for anyone suffering delusions that they must transform themselves into something else to be happy is to find out why they are unhappy now. The liberal explanation that "its cuz theyre the wrong gender!" Is false. Thats the problem they have constructed to avoid whatever else it is they cant handle. Its a distraction from whats really bothering them.

In other cases its a sexual fetish. There really arent a lot of good explanations for why fetishes happen since people can develop identical ones independant from eachother with no outside influences to guide them to it. Theres also not a lot of treatments that seem to work for people with a paraphilia or fetish.

You may not agree with it but this is what peak intelligence looks like, bigot.

The age of consent was 12 before women could vote and confine us to withered hags

No, after they get that they'll move on to demanding society treat them as a minor too letting them into child only events hand in hand with their child girlfriend.

It's from Summer Games Done Quick. It's still airing on Twitch right now.

cutting off people's legs or blinding them doesn't "remove them from the gene-pool." if that poontang still intact i'd still fuck 'em. you will be paying for them AND for their descendants.

hmm makes it easier for us : )

fuck forgot 2 turn off flag from other thread. i'm a LEAF

Perhaps they fly to the third world to have the procedure (it disgusts me slightly to describe it this way) done in some back alley clinic.

I know this feel all too well. I got my leg wrecked when i was a teenager, im always in pain, usually limp. I hate these people

Dr Phil it figures.
This has actually been going on for quite a while now. I have no problem with people do it, but they should be disqualified from getting government money afterwards.
Tell me about it. Both of my sciatic nerves are basically wasted, and it is pain from heel to ass much of the time. Which is why I don't tolerate people who whine over minor pain at all.
We need some legitimate catastrophe to give society a wake up call to what is important, and to weed out the weak. I figure that a meteor, or a Krakatoa event is over due.

Can't wait for this to evolve into translife, so they just fucking kill themselves.
>A fucking egyptian knew immediately what the problem was
Yes, my friend. This is what privilege looks like. This is why Feminism has been full retarded since the beginning. It's only privileged idiots that believe in it and feel bad for their unearned success.

This is really interesting user, thx. Would be interested in reading more if you can suggest anything that a normie w/o a psyche degree can understand.

I don't understand paraphilia either. I got a macrophilia paraphilia and I know it's weird. I don't understand wtf it came from or why I have it. It's simple though, all things considered I have it easy.

no you idiot these people are planning on draft dogging because they wont meet basic fitness requirements. even women are doing it because they know that they will be drafted otherwise its admitting they are weaker than men and old women dont give a fuck if some die they just want to say women did all the work in WW3

>Meanwhile the transgender community distances itself because its working hard to de-pathologize what’s known as ‘gender dysphoria,’ and believe that this may hurt their cause.

Hahaha, so basically even trannies are like "woah, you guys are too crazy even for us, and we're deliberately trying not to be seen as nutjobs (even though we obviously are), so we're not going to go near you, sorry".

The battle of the crazies.

BTW I didn't archive the link because Unilad is a good site which, in my opinion, deserves your clicks. Only left wing sites should be archived.

I have literally the same problem. My leg was wrecked when i was 16, im in constant pain and have to take prescription pain killers to function. Surgery to correct it made it worse, and i am genuinely watching new prosthetic technologies closely because i seriously dont want to live like this anymore. They have a new prosthetic surgery think that grafts metal to flesh and bone. Since its experimental maybe i can find a doc to do it so he can write a paper about it. Go full deus ex idgaf i just want to pain to stop

>Lolicon linked to having a small penis, being unable to please the opposite gender, interracial and lesbian.
I think you'll find that straight paedos like children either because they like how little girls look or they like how little girls act. Interestingly it's rarely both leading to the purity faction vs the legal lolis faction.

But no your shitty flowchart explains everything in a completely legitimate way and isn't retarded like your flag.

It's just the same as cutting off penises and breasts. All these people are sick and need mental treatment rather than being told that they are normal and encouraged to mutilate themselves.


From like 15-17 I was obsessed with lesbian necrophilia and it went away. Can't explain that?

My collection was small for obvious reasons.

Yes I have seen the Neon Demon.

My leg is almost two inches shorter than my left and is club shaped with twisted bones that make me limp even more. The sole is just a giant callus that is going to wear away when i'm older. I want to be mobile and free to walk/run/whatever. I figure what great advantage do i have for keeping a shitty original leg over just chopping it and getting a prosthetic that is literally just an inorganic better version. Yeah everyone screams "phantom pain XD" at me, but fuck. I have constant pains now, and I'm young. I'll trade that in for the occasional leg spook that lets me live and move better.

My bad, I didn't think the bitch would go through with it.

Any bets when they will remove this from DSM?

Considering that they intentionally created their own physical disabilities, should we make them pay for their own healthcare costs for this? Or should we treat them as mentally disabled, since that's what you'd have to be to amputate a perfectly working leg.

Criminally underrated

Experts are as at a loss as I am. In some cases its somewhat like the chart some user posted earlier and develops organically from porn and other sexual interests or expieriences. In other cases it can just spontaneously develop and either be with you for life or go away suddenly for no reason.

I remember age 10, internet wasnt a thing yet, never seen porn, no sexual abuse, hardly knew what sex was. Saw star wars and thought princess leia looked pretty hot in a collar and chain. Outta nowhere, no outside influences the idea that a pretty girl could be put on a leash just clicked. Fantasized about bondage throughout highschool and had NO IDEA WHAT IT WAS EVEN CALLED. Got pretty into BDSM in my college years after the internetvintroduced me to the realisation there was a community. (Nothing crazy, some girlfriends who liked being tied up, spankings, blindfolds and such.) Then one day I just wasnt interested anymore. Like gone. I just suddenly though straight vanilla sex was pretty cool and the idea of putting on the leathers and busting out the riding crop seemed like a lot of work.

Paraphilias and fetishes are a wierd mixture of nature and nurture that experts havent figured out yet.

They have neurologically controled biologically implanted prosthetics now. 7 dude who lost their arms were shown if a full blown deus ex looking arms learning to control their new limbs. If they have that for arms, they MUST have SOMETHING similar for legs. I just want a God damn adam jensen leg to replace my severely damaged one.

Pour me another feel

An addendum, violent fetishes and antisocial tendencies CAN be created by a childhood of violent or sexual abuse but not always. For instance a lot of pedophiles were raped as children, on the other hand lot werent. Paraphilias and fetishes are a totally unpredictable field and until recently sexuality wasnt a comfortable field of study so people with them were written off as deviant freaks of nature or shrugged off as abuse victims in childhood and left at that.

Then genetics became the catch all explanation for everything but there isnt any evidence to support that explanation. They have not found a gay gene or a tranny gene or a pedo gene. Its really one of those things that could be a composite of a thousand factors or just one on a case by case basis.

>Is pedophile acceptance the end goal?
Merely a staging post on a long trip, end goal is some slaneeshi tier degeneracy cults.

it's probably only problem in US with niggers being too lazy, this happened with slaves too you know
I've never read anyone in Sweden+Norway+Finland having anything like this past 30 years

Good, I hope they cut their own heads of

Honest question, why is it always right wing retards falling for articles like this? Why do you fucks become such scared little pussies over obvious bait articles.

I'll wait here for dipshit liberal to call this a mental disorder, while in the same sentence say transsexual is not

i felt a blood vessel pop in my brain watching this

this is the end times lads

fuck it all

OF course tarns is a mental disorder. But if the best cure for that is letting the person do what he wants and chop of his dick, why do you care? How does it affect you?
Isn't that what this country is about? Freedom of choice, even if that choice seems stupid to you and me.

They've been trying to have paedophilia accepted for quite some time now. Still disgusting.

Zoophiles and Pedos are next to be normalized.
Remember this.