What the fuck did you guys do to this man?
Shia has been washing his face in pee
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Lol, another one for the Trump Wall Of The Stumped.
He's also in jail right now
>the goyim still claim circumcision isn't more sanitary
that poor guy has no idea what hes doing.
Fuckin Pee in Loo Shia.
We drove him insane. He cannot beat us.
hypocrite. when you go number 2, dont miss the loo.
They swapped the order of them. Pretty easy to do.
>You don't understand, I'm on this island because they can't get me here. This is the only place I'm safe from... them
>Message in a bottle with a hand drawn pepe on some parchment
>picks a fight with Sup Forums
>loses in every conceivable way
The real question is "Did he learn anything from this?" and the answer is... I don't think he did!
That was a bit on IASIP
Frank pisses in the fountain every day while Dennis washes his face in it every day for it's restorative properties.
Im no shia fan but those three images could well be in a different order to reality.
>Go down to the water, wash fash and have a quiet piss after
>(((((journalist))))) takes ''artistic license" with the photos
Can't even laugh that idea off anymore after the flag incident; Sup Forums would track tidal currents, sea routes and storm patterns in order to chart a perfect course for a meme in a bottle.
Weaponized autism is a scary thing.
People who piss in water when there is plenty of ground around were beaten too little as children. It's disgusting and spreads everywhere like that, he even stands in the same water he pees on.
What are you even talking about. I always take the poo to loo, I'm potty trained senpakku.
I'm a meme in a bottle, gotta cuck me the right way
Shut up. Pissing in the ocean is great. It's just that you're supposed to be in the water while you do it.
It's extra fun because it's hard to do if you're too busy moving around to stay afloat and then it's WARM.
Oh dear, you just brought me back to the dark ages
Is that backwards?
no just confused
Get out of here with your logical explanations
>tfw jews will never groom you into a wacky child star, completely warping your view of reality, push you into starring roles in blockbuster films, then drop you the moment you exhibit the slightest twinge of rebelliousness driving you into a maddening spiral of self-deprecating stunts until you finally challenge the users of a mongolian kite flying forum to an idealogical battle that leaves you a ragged shell of a man drinking your own urine in wild confusion.
Kek, he's back home.
That Jail is 99% black.
>Pissing in the ocean is great.
So is shitting on the beach if you ask Indians and Africans.
sorry man, i got to assume you have no bathroom. but im happy for you.
No that's gay. You can make a clearly marked pit toilet behind the dunes or in the woods or whatever, but dropping a log in or around the shore is absolutely degenerate.
why are you traveling in India?
He's a method actor so maybe he's trying to get into the skin of someone who got pissed on? I dunno but it's gross.
Well I wasn't expected to see Shi Labouf dick today.
You motherfucker.
doesnt drinking pee after you ingest a special type of mushroom get you high
Washing your face with urine increases testosterone, notice his beard - something you nu-males cannot grow.
Maybe you cucks should start washing your face with piss.
It's because you fags tormented him so much with his art project HWNDU. That shit was childish and you should have let him express himself regardless of if you disagreed with it. This place needs to burn for good.
Fuck off, Shia
This is a fact. I live about an hour away. I stopped going to St. Pattys Day degeneracy because the "Black Irish" were doing their usual monkeyshines. Savannah is dangerous fucking city if you are not paying attention. I hope this jew got the treatment. These stats are even worse now.
Probably bad stage Schizo.
Nobody cared enough about him to try and get him help.
I've seen people like these even around my country.
There's a dude, an ex match teacher who remember whole phone book of our country. Went nutso and now walks around a city in shit and pissed clothes and a bike in hand. Never rides on it.
You guys just made his mental game go game over.
Not that i care just pointing it out. Still don't think he's a bud guys and deserves all of this.
Looks like he's getting DIVI DED tonight :^)
we broke him
and in the spirit of Sup Forums I suggest we continue breaking him, maybe he'll start running around LA streets naked shouting something about pedophiles
This nigger has lost his mind.
Sup Forums shall make him their Chris-chan
dude that isn't funny, his dad is a pedophile.
Were they filming a remake of Castaway?
Order of pictures not verified. Video or gtfo.
Not surprised.
Fuck my ass. So much celebrity penis lately. Efron. Bieber. Legolas. This guy. Are they the same guy or am I being blinded? I did my 10K zoom and think i see a tasty fiveskin. He is based leave him alone. Needle dicks. All we need now is 1 direction
Guys I am starting to feel a little bad. I think we bantz'd Shia too hard.
Maybe he is a retract a fag. I dont know why all men arent restoring
>The actor approached a bystander and a police officer asking for a cigarette, according to a statement from the Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Department. He became disorderly, using profanities and vulgar language, when he wasn't given a cigarette, it said.
They are not the same, confirmed. Having strokes is fun
Not enough to grab on to without a device too clunky to be unsuitable for the workplace or moving around with.
Whatever the case is with shia that's not what I would call a clear and obvious cut job.
Bruh I'm pretty divided from that
Me either. But regarding the other point i do it at night. Nothing much required and it made me bigger and firmer too
Faggot has a bigger pecker than mine. The prick, I hope he dies!
Don't you get erections at night during REM sleep like a normal healthy male? It pops right off if I so much as start in on a semi from having haram thoughts.
then clearly we aren't the biggest problem in his life yet he decided that we are somehow wrong about something and went on a moral crusade, I just can't have sympathy for that
>Not washing your face with mineral-filled miracle water
I unno mang. Canister method that shit gets nasty. Feels good to squirt like a 19 year old. The grail of seed up in that bitch too mofo
Ass status: Divided
Turns out your pic is real, female, and recovering well. Glad I Google it that image always creeper me out.
If Melania had a surgeon like that she wouldnt look like fucking Genghis Khan.
There are two types of people.
Those who wash their face in pee.
And those who lie about it.
he found out Sup Forums had better art too
is this the second r kelly pisstape? big if true user
Oh shit that was a burn ointment burn
>he actually doesnt unzip. He just drops the shorts like a kid
Nvm, I overestimated.
He gets a solid 9 rating from this user
It's not a bad dick really.
There's nothing funner in life. Always had a soft spot for piracy flags too though. Merp
You don't have to be gay to know what a good dick looks like.
Something similar happened to me at work a few months ago. Dude was from California.
Nothing good comes from there
Deffo, Tonto. You keep riding into the sunset and being based. Draggin a big ol pair of stones behind you
hes like a full blown bum now.
You need to go back Shia. It doesn't matter that you are now such a broken man child that you are washing your face in piss and getting arrested for public intoxication, what matters is you are still messing with 4chin. Learn your lesson kid! Anywhere you go we will find you.
shia you kept changing the rules though and cancelling it. All people did was go there and play shadilay and say everything was gonna be okay with trump. then libs got mad and divided it.
mfw "redpilled" Sup Forumsacks actually think Shia and his marketing friends who have been doing these stunts since the paper bag are actually being affected negatively by them... You're being fucked over by 1d checkers. Your pills are the bluest
Jesus, medical science is amazing.
you are shit minteu, stop stealing aesthetics
>canister method
huh, how did I not learn of this way back when?
thx bro looks worth a shot
This is fucking hilarious watching Shia crash and burn
he just went to jail for being drunk in public.
If you're a sadist. He was raped as a kid and pimped out to Hollywood producers. Dude is suffering immensely.
How can someone be divided this badly still be alive?
yeah, youre right. the water is smooth when he washes his face, then much more agitated when he's pissing. OP is a fag.
we didnt do shit to him
look up his fathers history and then do some research on shias activity righ before the election season
he was having a "just" moment like all the young disney star in a crisis
the election snapped him out of it because he was focused on big bad trump who he conjured into the ultimate villian
my perspective is that he was actually projecting his fathers image on to trump
when trump won and the election hype died down shia fell back into his insanity whilst simultanously having reality slap him in the face
shia is a recovering child star that was abused by his father and probably a lot of movie producers
He is going full pseudo alpha because beeing a manlet REALLY bothers him.
Also he isn't relevant anymore. It was over so fast he could barely enjoy it. Sad.
Holy fuck! This dude could't get any crazier
lol it sure is
When a tool of the goyim has been used too much it will get unusefull of the wear and tear
Im glad to see laws are enforced even on the rich.
Yw. It's so cool I just stumbled on it about two years ago now too