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> Euro-Atlantic
Is he dare I say /ourputin/
meanwhile trump was too tired to even give a speech
Orthodox Christians aren't cucked
I think it's more that he doesn't care about giving speeches to those that won't even listen.
pretty sure premium is 93 octane??? asking for a friend.
Don't care, I'm an atheist
Fucking Dugin amirite?
Let the manlet, I mean man, speak.
That kind of attitude will turn western europe mudslime.
Fuck off, Egg McMuffin. Your queer ass is never going to win Utah.
putin is a hypocrite, few cities are as culturally enriched as Moscow
This is 2 years old.
P-putin is b-based I swear guys!
It's from 2013
i've seen this making the rounds but I can't find anything to corroborate. fake news?
h-he's based r-right guys?
Central Asians >>> Niggers+Arabs
They're the half-white half-Asian master race weebs meme about. Even if they marry a Slav, the child will be 75% white
w-wait guys I t-thought you said he was b-based...
obviously major cities will always become mixed, but Russia itself is a set of federal republic ethnostates held in common by the Kremlin. Although the former Soviet states heavily persecuted minorites I don't think the same can be said for modern Russia, but I don't know enough to make that claim.
Muliculturism mean far leftwing degeneracy.
Even then it effected usa more than most. Other countrys only have a muslim and freedom of speech problems.
France and Germany and Sweden and Londonistan are doomed though.
>12 million people, 4 mosques
>8.8 million, +250 mosques
Fucking low quality leaf shills...
Put the video faggot.
Muslims should be executed because their religion is a disaster and they do not belong in western societies, but another shitty religion is not the answer to Islam
Liberal atheists just give the rest of us a bad name and need to be kept on a leash
Based Putin.
wtf i love putin now
There are things in motion that nobody can stop.
Soon the middle east and Africa will be wiped clean, ready to be resettled with real humans. It will be glorious.
Trump and Putin are controlled opposition
No, they're not. You follow a Satanic cabal. Fuck of and die.
like you just listened to putins speech?
People hate on Putin a lot, but I've never heard a speech he gave that I didn't like.
Clean your churches
Fuck Putin, he wants to occupy Europe.
Europe's history is federalism, not Eвpoпa
Putin is an overcompensating balding manlet
>basis of western civilisation
Yeah no, little manlet.
I'd rather Putin occupy Europe than Merkel.
It is.
Putin uses a marxist dialectics because thats the only way of thinking he knows as former KGB officer. He uses all these pro-christian slogans completely instrumentally to bait useful idiots in the West.
Based Poo10
No matter what he says or does, brainwashwe goyim will forever deny his wiadom and accomplishments
They have nothing but butthurt cries alas Reeeee sbil putin dicteter reeee
Fact is
He loves the western civ more than any eu leader
He's not wrong dipshit
Thats some nice arguments you have there,mate.You convinced me for sure.
Bait into what
Ah das right
Ebil rusha ans pootin will take over omg omg
Die, buttburt belt
I'm an atheist as well but even I understand the importance of christian roots here in the West.
Basis of western civilisation is slavery and mass murder.
They only reason why we arent
massmurdering each other now is because nukes were invented.
> He loves the western civ more than any eu leader
Trump does. Not Putin. Putin wants to dominate your country, and use you as a source of internal organs for rich Russian oligarchs
>kept on a leash
That's a funny way of saying gassed.
91 is premium enough for you goy.
In mountain states they sell 89 as premium and 85 as regular.
Regular is better anyway, it's the most used and therefore freshest gas. As long as it doesn't detonate that is.
He is pretty much right. Now, is he honest, well I don't know about that.
>t. Jew
Says the polack lol
Um...yes it is. Undisputed by anyone with any fucking knowledge. dickhead faggot.
Bait into respecting out own culture and defending ourselves
German nation is dead anyway, but i dont see a reason why my nation should go to grave too only because you believe that a mongoloid plutocratic dictator wants to save the world.
Fuck off and die self hating scum.
I must say, that was quite elequent- Putin really is baced as fuck
Go back to worshipping Odin, Varg.
He was clearly letting the Globalists know that he has no intention in taking part in their desire to force America to pay for their crap.
what are you motherfucking gay?
Russia has nothing to offer except poverty and war, so this little KGB officer tries to create impression that Russia could save the West from problems that are still not solved in Russia like islamisation for example. The only things that Russia can "save" anybody from are property and life.
The same goes for Africa, South America and Asia.
now if only he would do something about his own demographic problem
Putin understands whats going on.
We have one shot at this to make this a place for our race.
Be the man you need to be.
>opinion on russia
Instantly discarded
Putin is a hypocrite. He and the state media tell us 'Look at the West, they invite muzzies and niggers en masse, arent they crazy?' while hundreds of thousands of Central Asian shitskins pour into Russia every year and nationalists are thrown in jail for 'extremism' and 'inciting hatred and enmity' (aka Russian version of 'hatespeech'). Don't believe this insidious manlet, he lies as often as he breathes.
>Russia has nothing to offer except poverty and war
Nonetheless, they will survive, while the "rich" West withers away into decadence and collapse in the next 20 years.
Russia will look quite rich indeed compared to the European caliphate and New Africa.
I don't know about you but Putin is actively mass importing Central Asians in his country. Go google it.
It's being taken over by China while the cucks worry about Russia and muh Kim don't foong bullshit
Putin may have been a commie because he really had no choice but he and Trump are the two closest things to real Nationalism represented in a leader in the civilised world. USA and Russia should take over. Kill Jews. Smash central bank. Merkels head on a pole. Old World Order!
I know you're excited to hear what he has to say, but I'm sure there will be plenty more speeches in the future.
Putin is right.
he's right you know
Same here
huge difference beween sub-saharan African and blackinized Arab Muslims and CENTRAL ASIANS.
Central Asian genes = ancient egypt, mesoamerican pyramids, R1b royalty.
Oh no... Putin is mixing in "whites." lol lol lol
>the leaf didn't hear Trumps speech in Poland
The White Man is literally Central Asian in ancestry... Putin is friendly to Central Asians.
Oh my god. You think inducting subsaharan Africans is better? What the fuck are you on?
>accusing others of one's own sins
leader of the free world
Yeah but what if Putin went full kebab removal Serbia style ?
>America and Saudi Arabia would arm the Muslims like they did in Chechnya
>west would put more sanctions on Russia
>Saudi Arabia would produce huge amounts of oil to weaken Russia's economy
>Russians around the world will be attacked for being racist intolerant kebab removers
You only have to look at Chechnya and the collapse of Yugoslavia to see what would happen to Russia
Americans boast about kebab removal but whenever someone does it America is the first country to help the Muslims
Hasn't he done the very same? I mean Russia is full of muslims
Russian manlets are something else
lets not forget that Genghis Khan was an autistic manlet who basically fucked millions of women who came from the cold dead hands of his retarded white enemies
The Tatar genes in him make Putin the ultimate warrior
It's America that has war ships patrolling the Baltic sea not the other way round
Gee, does this mean he'll finally stop the flood of chinks and muds from asia into Russia? Somehow I doubt it.
That's what's up
...that actually matters?
Alright, boys, time for us to go back to our Christian roots.
I'm a catholic and it's the orange walk, so I'll be singing up the ra and preping for the war against the protestants.
Yes, it does... Man ppl are dumb
So am I
And yet if I could make 99% of the population christian, I would.
There are none of course, and now some faglord will post a picture of some Muslims praying on a street and just repeat same bullshit.
Meanwhile IRL Moscow has 4 (FOUR) mosques.
And meanwhile IRL majority of Russian Muslims are actually natives, people conquered by Russia, and majority have no issues with Russia and Russians.
According to these cretins a Volga Tatar in Kazan and a Pakistani in London are totally same things.
i love putin
Catholics are pagans. They pray to Mary and the saints. In clear contradiction of scripture.... Oh, wait, I just remembered that they never actually read the Bible. And thier priesthood is full of boy fucking faggotry
Based. Good for him.
there is no going back. People are enlightened
No need to give a speech when your masters are already giving one.
*gives 600 millions to feed africans*
You wouldn't because you're a brain dead sheep.
what he said was just christian traditionalism