The biggest thing that separates a human being from an animal is it's highly developed brain
Among the humans, the Jews, more precisely the Ashkenazi Jews (Jews from european countries) possess the highest average IQ.
The average IQ is 115, that's 10 points higher than the average IQ of east asians, 15 points higher than that of non-jewish europeans, and almost DOUBLE that of many african countries
Here is proof:
Their contributions to science, politics, religion, finance and so many other intellectual branches are enormous to say the least, with the 2 biggest religions in the world practiced by FOUR BILLION people invented by a people of a few million, with so many political movements that can be traced back to jewish ideologues, their influence is EXTREMELY powerful to say the least.
Jews make up roughly 2% of the US population, yet they earn TWENTY-SEVEN percent of the nobel prizes, let that sink in, Jews are roughly 13.5 times more likely on average to earn nobel prizes than other races, and they also make up 9 out of 19 of world chess champions, given their population proportion in the world (a few million amongst 7+ billion), that's absolutely insane and a testament to their intellectual superiority
Here's proof:
The list of jewish intellectuals is MASSIVE, wikipedia's page on them isn't even COMPLETE!
The take-home point is this: You spend large swathes of your day wailing angrily about the jews, whom you rationalize in your mind as being inferior to you. But you don't live in the parallel universe within which this is true.
Just like the negro's hatred of the white man is based in intellectual jealousy, your hatred of the Jew is identical.
You are the negro of the Jewish man.
The Jew is the most highly evolved and intelligent living being on this planet.
Jews are the superior race
Other urls found in this thread:
Fucking kike shill
The truth is written in the strands of our DNA.
Where are you now, Sup Forumstards?
Too busy crying about "the inferior jews" ruining your miserable lives on your echo-chamber threads?
Not a single "aryan ubermensch" has even TRIED to debunk this thread yet
You know it yourself, it's clear as crystal water: You're the negro you look down on
I disagree with separating human from animal too far, after all we aren't really any happier with all of our technology and iShit it's just a meme of our nature that brought us to the top in the first place
Correct but iq is one metric of hierarchy. Jews fail in most other categories
The most magnificent property of the universe is it's ability to experience itself through living beings.
And the being we know of most capable of that is the Ashkenazi Jew.
>i-i-i-i-iq isnt r-r-real g-guise except when it's whites being proven to be superior to be blacks
EVEN if it wasn't real (which it is and your post is bullshit) you still don't explain the massive amounts of nobel prizes, chess awards, inventions and influence of jews.
There's not just one piece of evidence proving Jews are superior, there's MOUNTAINS of evidence proving it.
Sup Forums, I don't want you to not hate us, I don't want you to not want to kill us, I just want you to admit one thing, to admit the truth: Jews are superior
That's it.
Apply yourself nigger.
t. Mizrahi brainlet
It's only Ashkenazi Jews who have high iq s
No amount of anger will ever suffice to rewrite the inferior coding within your very DNA
I'm 1/4th ashkenazi Jew and the rest is Slavic, education here sucks. Mizrahiz are retarded chavs that act like literal niggers.
Yes you're correct.
Not just high IQs, THE HIGHEST IQs amongst all known living beings
You can thank your partial jewish genes for some of your slightly above average intelligence in relation to regular whites
>It's only Ashkenazi Jews who have high iq s
Yes...and they're not even ''real Jews'' but Khazars, a Turkish tribe from the caucasus mountains.
>khazar theory
Fake and debunked
But even if it WAS real
it doesn't change the fact that this turkish khazar tribe is dominating the world with their superior intelligence
Admit you're inferior to those turkish khazar from the caucasus
I'm smarter than most Jews... The fact is that the base genes maybe better, but the potential of each human being is limitless.
Not to mention retarded inbred Ashkenazi Orthodox Jews, literally muzzies.
>>khazar theory
>Fake and debunked
Debunked by who. Some Zionist who believe in the Torah, lel...Judaism, like Christianity and Islam is base on lies. But if you keep repeating those lies for 2000 years, suddenly it's become true...
>smarter than most Jews
including mizrahis and sephardis sure?
only including ashkenazis? that makes you an outlier, like a smart black man
>the base genes maybe better
bingo! you got it
>the potential of each human being is limitless
>inbred ashkenazi orthodox jews
they might be crazy, but they're not dumb, they still have the 115 IQ
Just admit you're inferior and you can go back to the jew hate threads
Perhaps they would be happier if they separated themselves from us stupid white niggers then and build their superstate in Israel without help from the goys..
Actually, while white black and asian IQs in the US are well measured, there isn't that much data for jews, there's not enough of them. A competing hypothesis would be that they are extremely nepotistic - look at the second column in the table of high ability university entrants. If they're favouring their own into universities, that would go a long way to why there are so many high profile educated jews. It's also perfectly evident that the white man is not favouring himself vs blacks, in fact we bend over backwards to help them, which rather fucks your white/jew black/white analogy.
Fuck, goyishe brain strikes again
you're like the we wuz kangz nignogs
>they might be crazy, but they're not dumb, they still have the 115 IQ
Yea sure buddy, ever tried talking to these inbreds?
>only including ashkenazis? that makes you an outlier, like a smart black man
>thinking all ashkenazis are these crazy amazing geniuses
Yes, this just shows how fucking retarded you are. Theres great people from every race, these are not 'outlier' these are people who had a dream or a vision in mind and they went for it. Each human has to potential to be great, but most preffer to stay mediocre.
This is the last 'you' you're getting from me, it was obvious from the start this is a thirst thread.
>Just admit you're inferior and you can go back to the jew hate threads
Just sayin brah...they're a lot of smart kikes in ths world. But if you take the 15 millions Jews in this world and give them an IQ test...they're no way in hell that their average IQ is 115. The average IQ of Israel is below 100.
>high iq smart jews get admitted to universities more often than medium iq whites with nothing special about them
woah shocking
Okay, now explain the university admission data.
problem is that jews arent human.
humans help each other, jews just want to burn everything to the ground constantly.
if they were smart like the japanese but kept to themselves we wouldnt have a problem.
Ashkenazi jews make up 33% of Israel, the rest is 85 IQ mizrahis and arabs
I already stated multiple times ITT that it was ashkenazi jews who had the smart genes
You're right, Jews are more than human.
>I already stated multiple times ITT that it was ashkenazi jews who had the smart genes
Yes the Khazars, Bubba. Take allthe ''ashekanzi Jews in the world and give them an IQ...they're IQ is not 100. Northern Italy and Japan are way smarterin term of pure CPU capabilities. Kikes are just God awful people with literally no feelings for the rest of humanity.
unless you're high IQ as well, they wont let you live, sucks to be you.
I'm one of (((them))).
kek brainlet you're literally breaking down mentally it shows in your writing
the jealousy is too much for you to handle isn't it?
you're literally pulling outlandish arguments out of your ass to try and debate with my arguments that are based on tons of evidence, science and common sense
>thing that separates a human being from an animal
We are animals Mr Shlomo, and trying to separate us from them is useless and stupid. The more clever people is the more they tend to commit suicide probably due to realising the lack of meaning life has. Ignorance is bliss Shlomo, and inteligent humans are cursed, especially if they try to rationalise life. Life needs to be lived and thinking too much about it or its meaning will probably only lead to unhappiness and despair.
>I'm one of them.
>Hides flag.
>Yo-you jusz hav to beliv me goyim
inb4 a fucking leaf.
Being Jewish is an ideology not a race
It's weird to call Jews a "master race" when they literally invented Communism so they could live as slaves. There are quite a lot of intelligent Jews, but their ideology is the ideology of a slave.
so smart they've been kicked out of >110 countries yet continually set up in another, thinking "maybe this time."
so smart their "nation" has to beg to use the resources of the so-called inferior "goyim" nations
so smart that they're unaware that the greatest nations on earth have been built by gentiles
if they are so smart you'd think they'd stick to themselves (completely, not just stick around in our countries but utilize their infamous nepotistic bullshit), build their own "glorious" nation and gtfo ours.
You're welcome for everything, kike.
its true, Jews are quite clever. too bad their tendencies require them to be physically removed.
Freud is small time
Viktor Frankl is a better psychological jew
>you're literally pulling outlandish arguments
That kikes hate humanity and think that they are better than everyone, so for them it's justified to bomb and drop white phosphorus on poor childrens in the Gaza strip...that's ''outlandish''?
Good on you for admitting jews are the superior race, it will make you feel better in the long run.
>goyim get mad they can't compete intellectually with their superiors so they rage and kick them out
Jews giving other jews prices for being jews.
>think they're better
it's not a thought
it's a clear and obvious fact
>m-m-m-muh palestine
let the butthurt flow through you gentile
your mediocre brain is on overdrive trying to find excuses as hard as it can
>New Flag
Yep. Seems about right.
I'd say it has more to do with the fact that the nature of the Jew is societal subversion and always has been, but pat yourself on the back if you need to.
Nice slide thread. SAGE
btw, the intellectual Jews you speak of are masters of European literature, and inventions. Jews have offered nothing to society but filthy degenerate (((entertainment))) more like brainwashing and propaganda. Jews hate themselves because deep down they know exactly what they are, and that makes me sleep easy at night, because I'm not a subhuman kike.
>societal subversion
the smartest naturally rise to the top of a society and accordingly gain the power to influence it however they want
if you were smarter than jews this wouldn't happen
>let the butthurt flow through you gentile
Comme tu veux, Moshe...voivi un génie Juif contre des sales negres...
Jews have low visuospatial IQ compared to others and are autistic scheming rats - which is all they're good for.
>Jewish contributions to finance, religion, and politics.
Literally all of the shit they spew when it comes to these things is fucking cancerous. Whether it be usury, Marxism, or (((Abrahamic))) religions.
Your high IQ matters not when you use it to spout filth that has ruined the course of humanity and brought dishonour upon your race. Even the physical appearance of your people is grotesque and vile and reflects your dispositions perfectly.
Yelling won't ever change your DNA.
how did the Jew with all his intelligence manage to be tricked into voluntarily marching to his death in the holocaust. Maybe we killed the bottom 6 gorrilion, and left you shysters behind. you're welcome
"if whites were more nepotistic like jews this wouldn't happen" FTFY
>using European mongrels as proof of mongrel superiority
>we can't compete with the superior race so we have to kill them all
sure if that helps you sleep at night
Jewish* not mongrel, superiority.
That's the problem, Bubba...only 200k were killed...
I might as well be a super kike! I am part German too.
So the only way Jews ever acquired a high IQ was by mixing with europeans? You mix with whites with a eugenic culture that favours high IQ offspring and think it's because you're jews? Jews other than Ashkenazis are low IQ. You're only high in verbal IQ which is literally BEING A KIKE. Oy vey only verbal IQ rose.
Perhaps the smartest race
but definitely not the happiest
One guy was talking why jews are successful, it's simple they just help each other out as a community. They're not the only ones who do that, the japanese also have this kind of mentality of helping their own kin, so with every community member helping each other out,
It's not the genes stupid, it's called looking after your own. Other people don't care as much for each other, so of course when you get fucked financially, there's no community to rescue your sorry ass, so you'll be triple fucked. Now a jew can give another jew a job to help his fellow jew out. It's not a big genetic miracle, it's simple things like that, they make the community get ahead of everyone else who's busy being a lone atom in society.
We know that. Over thousands of years they have acquired and passed down their genes for the betterment of:
a) the world; or
b) themselves
Rather than looking at the what of the issue you need to look at why too.
Wrong. They dont build anything beautiful and all their works lead to destruction.
Being sneaky and pathological are not marks of intelligence.
Jews are a later rendition of my peoples old traditions and religion of Egyptian culture. They just have Jewtized it over the years. Plus the Talmud additions and other stuff.
It's obvious you don't believe this retarded bullshit.
Admit you're inferior and we're done.
If blacks helped each other they would have 115 IQs?
Do you know how retarded this is?
Not an argument, you Jew rat. People are waking up once more and eventually there will come a time (again) when the ordinary goy won't be able to tolerate your shitty, unnatural system. Then we'll see how you inbred freaks fair.
ROGER white people are unfaithful and disloyal especially the woman. They are the root cause.
No. Those awards are meaningless. They are nothing more than props.
This guy is a shill using shitty evidence, just sage this guy. He is a slide thready getting way to much attention.
a rat has a lower IQ than a human
a Jew has a lower IQ than you
so tell me, who's the rat?
>One guy was talking why jews are successful, it's simple they just help each other out as a community. They're not the only ones who do that, the japanese also have this kind of mentality of helping their own kin, so with every community member helping each other out
Judaism is simply the most succesful mafia in the world. Lel, even their women and kids are part of the plan...
higher IQ than you*
I suppose the proof of the pudding, which goes beyond IQ, is who can build great civilisations. We certainly know that whites can do this with little or no jewish help (WE WUZ THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION), what civilisations have the jews built?
Even if Israel is only a third Ashkenazi, all that raw genius should have provided it with enough brilliance to outshine the renaissance.
I'm not salty about IQ by the way, it's not all it's cracked up to be, I seem destined to sow my 175 IQ DNA on stony ground.
You forget one thing: 6 gorillian idiots died leaving the remaining jewish people without the stupidity of the dead to drag down the average.
The wealthy, smart or connected left Germany. Hitler worked against his own wishes, supercharging jewish drive to 'neva hava nuva shoah' and culling the weakest from the jewish herd.
These are Jewish "intellectuals" think about that, this is the wisdom they manage
are you retarded??
Nobel prize means nothing for the advancement of human society huh??
fucking kill yourself
>a rat has a lower IQ than a human
>a Jew has a lower IQ than you
>so tell me, who's the rat?
The Gypsies have a lower population than the English
The Chinese have a higher population than you
So tell me, who's the Gypsy?
You can increase your IQ by studying diligently, you didn't know that? You think jews are born with IQ over 200? How much studying do you think it took some people to get prominent at something? That's what you're missing.
Most blacks show little interest in studying and improving themselves intellectually, of course their IQs are going to be low. Also listening to shit like rap is sure going to drop your IQ like a rock. Some blacks have a cultural problem of hating on hard working types, with a mentality such as that you're screwed.
Brazil just experienced a drop in average IQs, you think we got a migration of africans and that caused it? No our education is in total shambles, and people also subscribe to a culture that studying and hard working is for fools, that's why.
ashkenazi "jews" is a fancy way of saying eugenically inbred europeans
lets just gas them and then it doesnt matter
nice try shill
the jews will be exposed as the evil geniuses that they are
>here's the proof
Even the Israelite can't stand these fucking kike lovers.
Big families do that too. If you have a big family, when you're down on your luck, one of your uncles or cousins can help you out, perhaps lend you some cash, meanwhile people with small families, let's say the 1 child families of China, no cousins or uncles ever, those people are fucked if they ever need someone's help. Think of a community as an extended family.
It was due to drug hair analysis. don't ever think or say anything otherwise! It wasn't cause Jewfed broke it off with her.
>lack long term and abstract thinking
This why you've been kicked out of hundreds of countries in the past millennia. This is also why you fail over and over again.
Superior you are not.
Chosen you never were.
>Chosen you never were.
They just invented some bullshit 2000 years ago and some ''fucktards'' fell for it. Since the middle of the 19th century and the (((invention))) of Zionism they keep pushing more outlandish lies every decade. Their power and influence in big universities like (((Oxford))) is ridiculous, they're essentially just pushing their shit and for reasons that i don't understand, a lot of peasants are following them.
Also I thought of another thing once too, why jews succeed during a conversation, judaism is a religion that places a very high importance on studying.
Think of the bar-mitzva, a 13 year old boy goes to read the Bible in a public prayer session and this is the rite of passage from boy to becoming a man. This is very symbolic, in order to be a man you got to learn how to read. In order to get ahead in life, studying is very important, refining your crafts and so on, and this is done via learning what's important.
Islam has a very different cultural mindset. In it, men are told they just need to obey their imam, the religious leader of Islam, and they don't need to study at all. In the Ottoman Empire, the amount of illiterates was ENORMOUS, it was like 90% illiteracy. Many of the ones who knew how to read were actually jews and christians living under muslim rule. No wonder many muslims are quite insecure and they don't produce much to the world, Islam is based on blind obedience rather than self-improvement.
Olav is a member of Mensa, not a psychologist, it's stated quite clearly on their web-page that the results should not be confused with a result obtained on a professional test.
Although as far as I've been told, they normally hit within 5 points from the professional test.
Meaning your IQ is probably somewhere between 120-130. Probably, not definitely.
It is believed that the White European IQ has fallen by 15 points over the past 100 years. This is mainly due to technology doing a lot of the mental work for us now and so such skills (like logic, math, spatial awareness etc) are not developed as much. As a result, Whites have the capacity for higher IQ that matches the Jew. Blacks, however, do not have that capacity in the same way. Even when placed in the richest country by GDP, blacks perform badly compared to Whites and Jews. I too would also look to see if here's a pro-Jew bias in the giving of Noble Prizes. Just because a Jews wins doesn't mean there wasn't excellent research by a non-Jew that was overlooked.
>I too would also look to see if here's a pro-Jew bias in the giving of Noble Prizes.
Lel, the Nobel prizes are literally kikes pathing each others on the back...