Age of consent

"the age of consent is 16 in my state, so why can't I watch porn with 16 year olds in it?"

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Literally no reason. Adults (approx. 12) should be allowed full rights.

Because the law mandating porn actors be 18 is federal law.

>calicucks cant fuck until they're 18.

I wanna live in a country where the age of consent is 20 so when I have sex with my girlfriend it's considered rape

no law master race

>tfw 19 year old virgin
it will happen one day, they always told me there was someone out the in the world just for you, it will happen

how does age of consent work with animals?
I'm really curious.

I hope you find someone! Boys are so cute.

The map is wrong.

Slovenia and Croatia has age of consent 15,not 14.

What happens in Yemen and Tunisia ?

both muslims, why one is 9 and one is 20

they release certain hormones or do certain calls, that's when they can immediately mate. essentially right after puberty

smelling hormones that is

15 is fine

>watching porn
>not taking full advantage and actually fucking a 16 yo
Jesus you neckbeards have dysfunctional brains.

Same reason as in the UK, it's illegal to see some things that are perfectly leagl to do.
Makes no sense desu.
General AOC should be 18. Below 18 it should be 1/2 + 7.

It's unfair that I'm not allowed to sell the porn I make with my 14 year old girlfriend.

Get a fake id dummy or have her wear a mask, not that hard

I have a hard time getting together with 16 year olds as a 19 year old, how the fuck do grown men do it without looking like creepy motherfuckers.

are you retarded? females dont sit around waiting for you. you have to take a lot of effort and pure luck to actually engage them in non-creepy way.
what, you believed that "holla"-ing (?) at a chick works? please

Trying so hard with the LARP,aren't you?

16 is considered smart and mature enough to make own decisions about banging someone but not smart enough to make own decisions about going into porn

that's pretty much it

Based Angola.

You guys do realize that the social stigma against pedophilia is based entirely on Jewish lies?

Yeah she can just borrow your Anonymous mask. Easy.

Spain is not 13 anymore, it's 16, they changed it recently due to international shaming-bullying.

Blacks have to follow the same laws, but rarely do.

>How to spot permavirgins.
You guys are thinking too hard.

>lot of effort and pure luck to engage women in a non-creepy way

Yeah, that's the point

Should I just no think at all then?

What is the correct age of consent? I think Yemen is a bit too low but 18 is too high

Yes. You want chicks dont think about it

It should be natural

Tell sign of a virgin.

Most porn is filmed in California where the age of consent is 18. If they filmed and sold it only in your state, there wouldn't be anything illegal about it.

Tunisia is the only decent nation on earth wtf


Some US laws are 16 if the parent consents.
I wouldn't call that consent.
>yea sure chad you can fuck my daughter
instead it's usually used as blackmail to break up a relationship.

map outdated. spain was changed a few years ago and is now 16

Not true, retard. The age of consent and the age for porn are not the same thing.

It's because Muhammed's child bride, Aisha was 9. Muslims are sick fucks.

By sick fucks, you mean cool guys, amirite?

>when people keep posting you are at 13 list but you are actually on 16 list since last year

I don't know what to feel

Fuck off Abdul.


>tfw 27yo virgin

Age of consent is 16 in my country

But seriously though, what the fuck is wrong with Yemen?

Age of consent here is only 13 if the age difference isn't too great.
For an adult it would be 16.

Croatia is 15 years, not 14

19 is nothing.

you want me to talk to the guy who fucking made it or do you want me to use my meme magic to change it

bibbidi bobbidi boo there it's fucking changed here's the image I don't have, happy corpus christi day or whatever

Stop lying, dumbass

13 is legal as long as the parents don't sue you.


State law>federal law retard

The supremacy clause
is one of the most basic foundations of our country laid out the in the constitution.

>1/2 + 7
Spotted the muslim. It's good to see the algebra your people "invented" (stole from the Indians) in use. THIS is literally the ONLY reason why muslims learn any maths at all.

>tfw I'll never get to live the dream of being a rich Argentinian or Japanese man who gets to deflower 13 year old girls.

The Japanese statistic is only technically true: The federal AoC is 13, but every single prefectural law is higher than that.

wtf the age of consent is 13 here?
thanks pol

All blue, green and pink countries should be nuked to oblivion.

Why the fuck is 'What if the age of consent in Canada' the most popular on Google?

i don't know

Y tho

In case anyone wonders, here in Colombia they had to made it "legally" 14 years old so that teens having sex and the girl getting pregnant wouldn't be a crime (teen pregnancy is rampant here). Diddling someone under 18 if you're over 18 will still get you thrown in jail if caught or lynched if the police doesn't get you before the neighbourhood does.

That pic is bait and it will only get a bunch of chubby neckbeards into lolis dead.

In my country, we actually learn what a square root is before catching AIDS. :^)

But in Brasil the age of consentment is 14 years. For real.

>ive totally had sex guise

It's only 14 if the other person is over 18 but there's a difference not bigger than 5 years between the two.

Shieeeet, im fucked.

> Rare Based Yemen

Fucking wew lad.

Sucks to suck.

Actually you can marry 14 years old girl with parental consent here

I mean Yemen.

You even spelled Oman wrong...

Yeah, I went full retard there.

>he is proud of having sex guys
Fits well with your ID color.