Police Racial Codes

IC1 - White European - Aryan, Nordic, pale skin, straight light hair, light or pale eyes, pure blood, highest life value, tall to very tall, having Caucasian-like features, obvisusly Caucasoid, not visibly contaminated with non-white blood.

IC2 - Dark European - Melancodroid, Mediterranean, olive skin, dark hair, dark to light eyes, lower life value, medium-sized to tall, having Caucasian-like features, obviously Caucasoid, visibly contaminated with non-white blood.

IC3 - Black - Black skin, straight to wavy dark to black hair, dark to black eyes, lowest life value, medium-sized to very tall, having Negroid-like features, obviously Negroid, European racial partition worker.

IC4 - Asian - Brown skin, straight to wavy dark to black hair, dark eyes, short to medium-sized, having either Australoid-like or Asianoid-like features, obviously either Asianoid or Australoid.

IC5 - Chinese - Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, Southeast Asian,, yellow skin, straight dark hair to black hair, dark eyes, short to tall, having Mongoloid-like featues, obviously Mongoloid.

IC6 - Arab - Mixed Hertiage, Mixed Race, Half-Breed, Mulatto, Semite, Latino, Hispanic, tan skin, straight to wavy dark to black hair, dark to light eyes, short to tall, having Caucasian-like features, obviously Caucasoid, visbly contaminated with black blood.

IC7 - Unknown - Not stated.

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>t. burger sitting in a basement covered in cheeto dust as he sucks a life-size replica of trump's dick
Even your own kind denounce you lol

Shut up namefag, nobody cares what you think and go back to killing your 'Infidels'.

what is this

>t. burger attempts to bantz
Stick to farming corn and sucking daddy donny off every night to make him feel better like you were born to do :)

Hey, I least neither my god and I don't fuck goats.

Friend, those are police racial codes. Sorry if you some errors, that was a typo because I was rushed when I was doing this.

Apparently Slavs don't exist by the police

atleast we have morality muh manly religion and shietttt, you make man children seem manlier even niggers are more human.

We're above the law.

I am a cop and have never heard of any of this bullshit. What is your source?

>Jew Dork cop
>too progressive to use standard racial codes

Just realized this is a LARP thread. My bad.

Who the hell has skin white like printing paper #ffffff (rgb)?

This is a LARP thread. There is no Racial Codes in US/CAD/UK LE

They're 'identity codes' used by British police (and emergency services, doormen etc)

This is the source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IC_codes

non-white subhumans BLOWN THE FUCK OUT

This is actually the old race code used by the British police, so they replaced it and used the identity code instead.

Oh, good. Now the UK police can safely know which rapes to prosecute and which to cover up

This is the actual codes.

>Mixed up mongoloid from somewhere else?
Jesus I've never seen such rudeness toward Finns!

If you were Old Bill instead of a "cop" then you'd know.

IC codes are used before someone has been talked to, SDEC after.

Makes about as much sense as