If the government regulates food prices by subsidizing production then how come food in USA is so expensive? Shouldn't free market make food affordable for everyone?
If the government regulates food prices by subsidizing production then how come food in USA is so expensive...
The fuck you talking about? "Food" isn't expensive.
Start a garden and grow your own.
Americans spend the lowest percent of their income on food per capita in the world.
unless you live in california or eat a diet of avocados and sushi food is pretty fucking cheap
$10 a day should be overkill if you cook your own food
I barely spend 100 a month
Food is dirt cheap in America. Go try to buy some beef in Canada and you'll see what most people pay.
Food isn't expensive. It's actually cheaper to eat healthier than dine on fast food and junk food.
I can build a healthy diet for a month for half of that in Poland.
you could do 50 in america to, I just like to buy soda and beer
It definitely is compared to food prices in Poland even after you consider the massive difference between Polish and American salaries.
And you do have some of the finest soil on earth too while we're pretty much stuck with half-barren wasteland due to millenias of inefficient agriculture.
Lowest price in the beef section at my local supes in Toronto is 4.99/lb in leafbucks. Wonder what it is in NY.
So, do you want subsidized production, or free markets?
Your question makes it sound like you think the two can successfully co-exist.
If they could, there wouldn't be a problem.
I was wondering how can your shit be so expensive when it's subsidized at the same time. You are getting fucked hard.
Yeah, and it would be half of your 200 euro salary
Not an argument. Your shit is still more expensive for no reason.
Ethanol is partly to blame. Also we give away too much of our food to the third world.
>Free Market
>mfw burgerclaps only eat already processed food
That way they can get more soy into their systems and lower their testosterone levels.
I would suspect that what you're concerned about is something called "profit", which is pretty much whatever the market will bear at a given time. Prices are adjustable. Subsidies are political.
Americans should demand cheaper food on the streets, not stupid shit like equality for trannies.
so true man Fuck canadian/Alberta beef is expensive but Very good usually. due to regulations it costs more but better to eat.
Gmo is not expensive on organic food is expensive
Bullshit you do.
Poles spend 3x as much as Americans on food as a % of their household income. Sad!
>how come food in USA is so expensive
In my particular state, Kansas, food is so expensive because of sales tax. This is one of the slapdash methods of filling the deficit created by eliminating small business taxes and lowering taxes on the wealthy among educational and infrastructure cuts.
What is that? I looks like it could be either delicious or revolting.
false premise, shit thread
Young potatoes with cumin, oregano and mustard.
So delicious then. I had a feeling.
>litlrly any thing in america
More expensive because we can afford to pay more. US still pays the least for food, as a % of income.
I mean if you wanted a bushel of corn (25kg) trades at $3.40
You can make a shit ton of tortillas for that. But people just buy premade shit and the companies pocket the rest
>USA is so expensive?
No it's not you just don't know how to buy, pic related my dinner today and lunch for the next four days.
Change your flag.
thats a fuckin gross cake
Some sort of parm? Looks pretty OK.
The crispy cheese edges are the best.
Agricultural subsidies include price floors and supply restrictions.
>he fell for the parsley meme
Depends on where you live. Transport costs go into it
It's honestly not that hard to eat cheap. Stop shopping at whole foods.
Nice lasagne
you think everything is too expensive you faggot.
hmm, you sound like a (((them))).
Cheapest beef I purchased last week in Oregon is $1.19/lb, which'd be $1.50 Cdn, or close to it. It wasn't the best cut of meat, but any meat is good if you know how to cook it.
Also get bare minimum meat and find protein somewhere else. Cheap af senpai.
Shit. My freezer would have been full at that price.
Ohio here and I haven't seen beef prices drop much at all. Kind of bummed with the news saying burger was way down right now. I haven't seen it.
To expensive...move to Canada and find out what expensive is. I think your mommy does your shopping.
12 of beer and a pack of smokes, ~$50, right?
How come its so expensive to eat healthy here? If i eat the processed shit sure its not that bad on my wallet but its fucking gross
A rotisserie chicken and bag of frozen broccoli might set you back $7 and give you 2-3 meals.
I spend quite a bit on food but that's only because I make a good amount of money now.
When I was poor, I lived off like $10 a week on food.
>giant bags of rice
>canola oil
Stfu and eat your perogies then faggot.
Don't forget beans and the fact that you can buy that shit for 1/2 the price if you go to an ethnic grocery store vs. a regular supermarket.