Hahahaha... Whites, that despicable race whose most archetypal exemplar is a fat evil engineer, are being slowly wiped out in South Africa...
Other urls found in this thread:
The white population is actually increasing in South Africa.
Their share of the total population is diminishing:
Many white people have done great things. Many white people have done terrible things. So you disregard great things done by white people to say they are despicable and to cheer at white people getting "defeated".
Many black people have done great things, and many black people have done terrible things. So, by the same token, what do you refer to black people as? Do you disregard the great things they have done to speak ill of the bad things? Or do you speak of only the great things in order to excuse or ignore the bad things?
What's the story behind the pic
Farm attacks
Why the fuck dont they just leave the place. They are clearly outnumbered and their industriousness only feeds the coon leadership.
They live in hell. By the time they leave, the coons will self destruct, probably through some brutal dictatorship.
>or all out chaos like Somalia
Which should fire those almonds, user. Whites being butchered, oppressed, and still manage to grow their numbers and constitute a sizeable chunk of South Africa's BNP.
Oh, and meanwhile Black South African's are killing and maiming one another in the tens of thousands each year. Yet again proving that Blacks truly are their own biggest enemy and anything they believe Whites are doing to harm them is purely in their own demented little minds.
cant wait for their extinction
Why do whites still liv ein South Africa? Apart of me feels they deserved to be lynched for living in a place infested with blacks. Why are they not armed to the teeth? This is South Africa. How hard is it to install surveillance cameras, spiked fences, own two large dogs and a revolveror shotgun? I mean this isnt New jersey or NYC or Canada its fucking Africa. If I lived in SA I would have an AK smuggled from fucking Congo or Somalia or something.
White people as a whole have only done bad things, and black people as a whole have only done good things.
Poor bait. Fuck off you faggot if you're not going to be creative about your bantz 'n' shit.
niggers should all be nuked, i'm not even memeing.
Hola hola hola jaja
So now you are against racism, you weak-minded fool?
What's wrong brother?
>blacks continue their violence against whites (what's new?)
>whites finally admit SA is a lost cause and disperse amongst similar mostly white cultures
>SA blacks cheer and celebrate victory
>can't farm because monkey brain
>can't maintain law because monkey brain
>can't maintain housing because monkey brain
>lose water and power within weeks
>two months later news coverage shows emaciated blacks in the dilapidated streets of SA
>blacks infighting and cannibalizing each other
>women beating children to death for next meal
>utter pandemonium
>African nogs think American nogs are the scum of the earth
>literal mud-hut dwelling tribesmen think that African nogs are the scum of the earth
Christ, how is it possible to be this much of an abject failure at absolutely everything?
Why would any white person find themselves on the continent of Africa? It's bad enough when they make up 13% of the population.
They can't leave. Takes years to get papers and America and Europe and Australia would rather get Somalian """"refugees""" than white south africans.
Because it is hard to leave in a situation like that. Good luck selling your property, good luck legally moving to another country, good luck settling down and restoring your life. In the picture - typical fate of a middle class person.
Millenniums of hard training I'd say. Doubt that this would be the case, since we're talking about effort. Looking at what happens when nogs is left to their own devices they're often content with a shiftless existence. They had hundreds of years as free people to learn from the White man; they could of learnt basic modern agriculture and agronomy and yet they didn't, instead they require aid today from a race they blame so much for.
And you're right, it is bad when the different nog tribes hate each other and point finger to assign blame and condemnation, excusing future disgraceful acts against one another. The few nogs that are better than their own people must be crushed by the depression given by the realization they're born black and by the fact that most nogs place to siphon any 'pride' is in their remarkable ability to ruin anything by merely existing. I don't know about you, but I feels bad for those Blacks who live peaceful lives and do their best to be a benefit instead of suffering a life of being a destructive nog.
Jajajaja, aquĆ baiteando como Dios. X-D
i worked at a hotel im brown and short but im 100 percent american bred and this girl from south africa came to my hotel. im from southern california so i can socialize with almost anyone. i start talking to her and she full blown flirts and hits on me. a girl way above my level. she could not believe i spoke clear english
Except ya know selling their own people into slavery and ya know modern genocide carried out with farming tools basically.
And ya know claiming that they deserved to live in south africa, moving in, and destroying it.
>Niggers are good meme.
How many little jewish dicks are you going to gargle today jamal?
lol wat?If we were such horrible people you wouldn't be fucking alive right now.None the less, I don't know you and haven't done anything to anybody, how the flying fuck am I a bad person you fucking maniac?
>They get shipped to France, Germany and Italy.