Rioting in Germany/Hamburg

You may not like what I'm going to say but I agree with the people rioting because if you just sit and watch nothings gonna change. G20 wants to fight hunger in Africa but then they are capitalist pigs. And concerning their means, sometimes you have to use this kind of method to reach greater good.

Greater good, thats what the black people said while they burned down black stores.

This has nothing to do with race, keep it out of this discussion

get out nigger

You actually managed to make your second post worse than the first. Congratulations.

What the fuck is wrong with you? you should understand, youre from Russia

Who gives a shit about Africa. G20 is full of globalists, who have a lot of the same interests as Marxist Internationalists. I'm not going to march or riot with those shitheads who aren't even targeting politicians or bankers but rather NAHTZEES and petty "bourgie".

you just said it for food for Africa so that means you want to divert resources from peoples families in Eurpoe to black people

Fuck off nigger

> they are capitalist pigs

It's obvious that you understand nothing about economy beyond some dumb slogans and this fixated marxist idea that "capitalism = great evil of the world"

Jesus fucking Christ.

prot-tip: capitalism and free market (free movements of goods, like food) prevents poverty and hambrunes much more than a socialist planned economy on an autharchic model, proven by all economic models and by history itself.

At least im not a Nazi ...

Now watch these anti nazi burn israel fags bitch about GMOs then demand we feed africa without realizing if it werent fro gmos we would barely be able to feed ourselves

>G20 wants to fight hunger in Africa
Africans NEED that hunger. They will never become self sufficient if they can't even feed themselves.
>they are capitalist pigs
Sick buzzwords.

Baited me/10. Sage. GJ.

I also dislike GMOs, Enlighten me please why you think that they are good

because you need 3x the land area (and combine fuel) to get the same yield

>At least im not a Nazi ...
As if it is an insult to be one.


>unwitting neoliberals disrupt neoliberal convention to demand more neoliberalism

It hurts the environment

Worst Riot EVER!
poor German cant even get this right

maybe New Germans will teach em