Is marrying and having kids with an asian, the most beta thing you can do as a white man?
Is marrying and having kids with an asian, the most beta thing you can do as a white man?
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No, it's very sensible.
depends how hot she is
you would no longer be a white man.
Lower than a nigger
Better than marrying an american women with american values.
Yes. Stop race mixng. Its like mixing Sake and Bourbon.
Day of the rope for you degenerates soon
whites that have kids with Asians procreate upwards
Go ahead tell us why we should date white women.
How many people like this are there actually? I doubt its that many, somebody on Sup Forums just happened upon this silly (((coincidence))).
Most people on this board proclaiming white values (KKK, white supremacist, etc.) are the most degenerate filth you could ever meet in your life, they're loser who will never have kids and probably secretly masturbate to whatever fucking degenerate cuckish porn they watch every night.
honestly the real tradegy here is he could alot better
out of all the ways you can disgrace your ancestors, it is the most acceptable. that's because asians are humans, while the other races are not.
No, Come to the California Bay Area some time and compare asian women to white women, you will be instantly acquire yellow fever.
Better than white women.
Nope. It's kinda fun
Asian women are what white women should be.
posting these autistic threads everyday is.
>depends how hot she is
Why do you guys care about this so much? My wife is Asian we just happily live our lives making Slavic food one night and Asian food another night. All while you make these threads and argue about race mixing, the superiority of white women and high Asian IQ.
>superiority of white women
could could marry a fat black woman then adopt black babies, that would be worse
It's the hypocrisy that bothers me.
>Sup Forums complains about white displacement
>Sup Forums complains about forced diversity
>Sup Forums complains about forcing race-mixing in the media
yet, whenever someone points out how it's usually effete, beta, white males that go after asian women, a lot of pol talks about their asian wives and gfs.
stop larping, marry whoever the fuck you want to spend your life with
>if it feels good do it
degenerate fag detected
No, it's baller as fuck
However, the ridiculousness of western culture and insanity of white women has driven white men away for a very good reason though, the stormfags bitching about it refuse to address that issue.
>i do stuff not because i want to but because someone told me
i bet you love getting pegged
There is something called morals and principles, which you hold higher than some self-serving desire, which allows us build better societies.
I hate this comic, just because it's such bollocks.
Why is Asian/White the ONLY mix demonised?
Where are the comics about White/Black mixed kids being fucked up in the head?
Somehow, someone is trying to push this idea that White/Asian is something the worst of them all - oh, funny how it's the ONLY mix that benefits White men... funny that.
Literally ANYTHING that white men enjoy is demonised - even race mixing! Like, double layer faggotry going on here
Most asians in America are more European than southern Europeans
The most beta thing is making the same thread over and over on an autistic personal moral crusade
No, Having kids with a Liberal white woman is.
The most alpha thing is to have kids with an Asian man
Because white/black = black. Half blacks are just niggers.
>Why is Asian/White the ONLY mix demonised?
Your on Sup Forums, it's not.
>this idea that White/Asian is something the worst of them all
it is the highest, in terms of marriage rates. IDK about "worst"
Mongolian chicks are the hottest and have Aryan blood
I taught myself to throat sing just incase I have the chance to woo a mongol girl.
you just proved my previous statement
>"muh white babies"
I didn't prove anything other than you're a retard only capable of arguing against straw men.
pussy aint got no face, user
Post your face and I'll prove that wrong.
cant tell if you are larping or just trolling, but i pictured the person behind the post and it made me happy knowing you are not going to reproduce.
>this thread again
So you made up some imaginary image of me to validate your position.
Just like how you attributed words to me that I didn't say to invalidate my statement.
True retard, folks.
>Why is Asian/White the ONLY mix demonised?
because asians are even more insecure than whites.
they have a whole subreddit telling them that despite being weak ugly manlets they are still """"men""""".
Why do all asians look like they have downs syndrome?
>becoming a race traitor and marrying a race traitor because white women are le evil
enjoy your headcase mongrel children Mr. Rodger
As white women are turned into degenerates, white men are choosing to build their families with asian women, and there's nothing wrong with that, as long as the asian woman is either a Japanese or a Chinese everything is ok, some fucktards here don't even remember what their leader believed, the yamato and han people are both Ehrenarien(Honorary Aryans), so feel free to marry that qt asian
Downs or decide
Just couldnt resist dat waddymelon could you, moon cricket?
No difference!
His wife looks like more of a man than he does.
imagine being a Native American nationalist
>benefits White men
LMAO rice cookers actually believe this
projecting this hard.
user stop trying to use big words we know you are a suburban or rural retard who thinks its still 1950's. few groups of people agree with you and they are categorized as stupid.
> muh strawman
>im white
>muh white ethnostate
you are a joke to society
there are certainly worse things that could happen
wow great argument you really answered
The only attractive girl I've met was 50% Lao and 50% white.
I want to shag an anglo bird real fucking bad
No, it's better than taking someone else's sloppy seconds. Here are some things that are the most Beta things a white man could do:
1. Allow your wife to order you around.
2. Share power with your wife.
3. Allow your wife to cheat and raise the children as your own (cuckolding).
4. Be a virgin and marry someone who already has kids.
5. Choose to adopt kids from a 3rd world country rather than have your own because "there are already too many people in the world and this is more helpful than making more children."
6. Choose to masturbate and play videogames rather than get married and produce children.
And no, I didn't marry an Asian woman, but I have to be real.
please piss away your tainted race mixer white genes somewhere we don't have to hear about it, and make sure your resentful non-white anti-white kids are outside of our white countries
White-Asian children are twice as likely as Asians to have mental illness.
Its boss as fuck if you're doing it in an asian country.
Not so much if you're doing it in a white country..
>wanting to risk getting stabbed by some insane chink ant slave that never valued life to begin with
Something people need to realize is the 'science' behind 'love' naturally scales to adopt the best traits for offspring. The intelligence of an asian + the strength, creativity, and various other traits are a good mix, in some cases.
looks like a typical cucknadian.
White men who marry Asians will be killed first in the race war.
You see that chart as positive for Asians?
Look at all lthe "lower"
Those are big downsides.
Plus they are so fucking ugly.
Why is 6 degenerate? Women today are so bad, it is a massive downgrade no matter which way you go, when you are a white man, the only way you can fuck is down.
>american women
>an women
Go fuck yourself! learn your grammar first, 3rd world scrub!
Your kids will look nothing like you. Find a white woman, pol.
>The intelligence of an asian + the strength, creativity, and various other traits are a good mix, in some cases.
I thought Asian/white caused the more neurological problems than just asian?
>wow great argument
I already told you why the only alternative is fucking retarded, and that's an argument in favor of white women brainlet. here's some hard data if you don't believe me there's loads more where that came from too.
>white-asian mix is degenerate
>white-asian mix is not degenerate
>beta male
pick 2 that are beside each other that makes sense and does not make a paradoxical point
nice video game logic, real life doesn't work like that dumb weeb Racemixing leads to outbreeding depression & pairings of non-complementary traits.
A massively well-funded study of over 100,000 schoolchildren found that “Adolescents who identify themselves as mixed race are at higher health and behavior risk than those of 1 race.” Indeed, even when controlling for education, socioeconomic status, and other factors, there is an across-the board higher rate of health risks amongst mixed race adolescents than mono-racial adolescents.
Black-White children have family incomes similar to those of Black families, similar rates of fatherlessness as Black families, and are more likely than BOTH Whites AND Blacks to engage in risky behaviors like drinking, fighting, stealing, and doing drugs.
A study on Black-White mixes in agreement found that ”When it comes to engaging in risky/anti-social adolescent behavior, however, mixed race adolescents are stark outliers compared to both blacks and whites.” This holds true despite being raised in similar environments to mono-racial children.
I disagree. Whites lack testosterone right now as it is, we don't need beta chink genes cuz of 'muh iq'.
I think both are bad. See my reasoning here
That is a very narrow view of white women. I would like white women if the were enslaved and denied the vote. But as of now, politically they betray us, even though they sexually are too afraid to be disloyal.
Inb4 muh 53% that is just because old white women diluted the vote of the young white women
Women are women , just find one that understands gender roles assuming you're not a video game playing faggot Manchild
I thought Democrats hated Anime because it was degrading to women
>politically they betray us
they're the only ones that DON'T betray us you stupid KIKED fuck
sure, they're bad relative to the white women we had 50-100+ years ago but they're still the best women there are
>Oh, really faggot?
White American women are the worst.
Then you need to get out of the house and interact with someone besides your sister, Elliot.
Yes actually. Look at interracial white male and Asian female couples. It's 95% of the time a fat, ugly, beta white Manlet with some ugly gook because he was CLEARLY not good enough to get someone better. It's possible to find a hot/cute Asian but they're exceedingly rare and probably have had a shit load of plastic surgery to get that way. Race treachery is race treachery, period. Don't settle for less, improve yourself if you're not good enough.
feel free to fuck off over to asia, I'm sure they'll take you in to their ant colonies and you'll find some good racemixer wife material where you can have the non-white kids you're desperate for
yamato thats the nibba that can do wood style justsu and grow trees and shit
it'll be just like in your chinese cartoons
So should I fuck an old white woman then? The young white ones betrayed us hard. I am shocked about the Asian male vote. All the ones I know voted republican
Fuck race traitors. You made your bed, now sleep in it.
They are even worse in Europe, Trust me, I went to Italy once and it turned me gay. Italian women are way worse than American women
Can't blame this guy, he at least has decent taste in asians.
See how happy a mixed family can be?
I don't get the weeb animu bullshit you're saying right there, the source of what I'm saying is literally on wikipedia
My best friend has an asian gf and she's great. She stays fit, makes great food, and it seems like there's always rice ready. All my white and a hispanic girlfriends were lazy bitches.
>qt westernised chink hitting (fitness trainer) on me at work
>can't smash because of Sup Forums conditioning but now friends and coworkers think I'm a faggot
You're not very good at complex reasoning, are you?
I could sit here and explain how you're wrong, but you're clearly some """self-educated""" NEET with a sub-par understanding of interpreting research.