What makes it that black poeple commit more crimes in average that withe people ?

What makes it that black poeple commit more crimes in average that withe people ?
Is it because they are usually from poorer cities ? Or is there something wrong with black people themselves ?

>inb4 everybody says that blacks are evil
Explain what wrong with them then.

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This explain why Black are more violent

if i m not mistaken, the video says that blacks are different because they re issued from different civilisations and cultures, and thus can t adapt to our.
But what about blacks that have been in white civilisations for ages, and yet are more violent, or blacks that are completely integrated to society, or even whites that turn out to bahave like "niggers"

It's genetic
They need thousand of years in a white civilization to be integrated, evolution take many many years.

The niggers are in the process of adaptation and the genetical changes make them even more violents because it's in their nature to resist.

Maybe if civilization is decent enough, niggers in America will behave like whites by the year 2.200

intersting. But it seems like C is induced by externals factors, which can change very quickly. So C isn't supposed to be able to change very quickly too ? After 1 or 2 generation blacks should already be like whites if there is more whites than blacks where they live.

we dont know yet. we think its liberal jewish women. we are still racking our dicks trying to figure it out

They are genetically inclined to violence because they have poor impulse control and a smaller frontal lobe.


rap makes it cool to sell drugs and shoot other niggers.

movies make it cool to cheat and be a single guy.

TV well TV is mostly white so they don't have any role models on TV.

Sports they have national stars so either you're good at a sport or you're a drug dealing nigger killer or you ain't shit.

criminal culture
tribal tendency

Smash your forehead and notice after tha brain damage you are more impulsive and stupid.

Niggers are basically lobotomized hunans the race as their prefrontal lobe barely functions.

hmu when you find out

But then how does some black dudes be cool guys and some whites behave like niggers ?

yeah that s what i think too actually, maybe if we separated all the blacks ghettos and put black famillies in pure white areas it could help their offspring to be socially accepted.

how do we get rid of these 3 points then ?

They're predisposed to being more impulsive with the "in the now" mentality. It's how they evolved to suit their African environment.

They're a people of "gibs me dats" and "muh dick". Literally.

it's all about culture.
for example, watch this KANG attack a white man after hearing the truth about Michael Brown (5:40)

Monoamine oxidase A
Blacks have more of if than other races. The MAOA gene makes them violent.

their collective IQ and their cyclically violent culture

Same way some whites are geniuses.

Genetic russian roulette.

You mean the year 76,000 A.D

>their IQ is sheittt desu.

how does maoa affect their aggresivity ? i cant find shit on wikpedia.

How does Iq affect violent behavior ? are retarded people more violent ? Also what do you mean by "cyclicaly" violent culture ?

Low IQ, high testosterone and the part of the brain that controls Impulse control is less developed. This is all well known.

Racism, haves and have nots, and abject poverty and no education.

You see normally, when you are poor for a very long time and everyone around you is poor, you just live your life and work with your fellow man to better yourselves, not really seeing the poverty around you. However, when you introduce a concept of haves and have nots, and look to those in the have category, you feel weak, disenfranchised, and poor. You compare yourself with them and feel bad, worthless, powerless, and naturally want to change that, but when the pathways to that change are blocked at every corner due to the cut throat nature of our socioeconomic climate, it starts to feel hopeless. This is when the feeling of not having anything to lose starts, but none the less a push has to be made to take back power, to regain a sense of dominance in your life, and violence and theft are pretty straight forward ways of doing this. Combine all this with racism, whites vs blacks, haves vs have nots, and it only emboldens those disenfranchised, giving them a villain in their life story, and further pushes the desire for dominance, to take what you think is rightfully yours. This is then gets further fueled by black market industries like the drug trade. This is also why mixed schools, ones that try to integrate poor and wealthy communities often fail, because the poor get upset when they once again are forces to compare. The same beats repeat with sports or porn, just vicariously. And of course, politicians and social justice types exploit these systems in a divide and conquer fashion for self gain. Probably why MLK was shot, since he didn't really fall for it. Well, OK probably not, but I'll just throw that out there for laughs.

You only have to look at the responses and the ideas on how blacks want to fix the problems of black crime.

They blame White Job makers,Guns,Police as the things that prevent them from being successful. They say they want guns off the streets but they don't want to be searched so it can happen.
They make it so white...or any color job makers can't even run businesses in their neighbor hoods.
In the end they only have themselves to blame but you don't get "mo money fo dem programs" accepting responsibility.

So it s more or less linked to media, who spread information everyone would be better without ?

Black people are from Africa where some places have very harsh conditions so they are just a bit behind but trying in terms of intelligence.
in general, the police in every city should be disbanded and there should be no laws. Especially in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, the police should have a cessation in all funding and completely lose all their equipment and capabilities. I don't have a relevant jpeg or pdf but cops are garbage.

>Black people are from Africa where some places have very harsh conditions so they are just a bit behind but trying in terms of intelligence.
But what about the ones that have been here for decades or even centuries ?

I think it's because we allow blacks to act like baboons without consequences. People who act uncivilized should be looked down upon and outcast. They should not receive anything until they can co-operate with others. However, since western civilization is declining and hedonism is on the rise, people actually look at the nigger carefree lifestyle as 'cool' since it's full of excitement and pleasure.
If people aren't proud of being civilized, how the hell do you expect the baboons, who are naturally uncivilized, to ever change?

I definitely think media plays a part in it, and considering how social media seems to inflame it all, certainly it isn't helping. I think I recall reading about how researchers saw that social media was making its users miserable, because they kept comparing themselves to this false narrative created by others (that lady and her cat comic sums it up) and feeling inferior. Similar application with poverty and race, look how good white people have it, look how bad we have it. THE STRUGGLE IS REAL. etc etc Plus race relations are considered to be at a particular low these days. That said it obviously still exists on its own, in simple observation of life.

Yeah i sometimes wishes we lived in simpler times, without all this competition about anything with everyone, y'know :/

I believe there was a thread yesterday where an user provided a link to research stating why African civilizations are still in the stone age. Basically the african language is so primitive that they have no concept of the past or future, they live "in the moment", day by day.
I guess it's still in their DNA?

Low IQ
Poor impulse control

Rich blacks still have higher crime rates than poor whites


But then why some blacks are actually intelligent and better than alot of white guys if their DNA is fucked ?
Also cani get the link if you have it, i dont like the term "african language", is way too imprecise.

Not even human.


t. white man

Morality requires absrract thinking. Most blacks do not have abstract thinking.


Its rap music and culture that comes with it. Can you imagine mandatory classical music in the ghettos

How do you explain Black Wall Street?

No, it's genetic.

Black Wall Street:


Blacks won the culture war very recently. By that I mean only since the 50s have they been tolerated, at least here in the US. Blacks back in the day were much more dignified. They were stupid, and dumb, and still prone to violence more than whites, but they knew, culturally, that they were invaders, they did not belong here and they had a master.

Now they are encouraged to act out, to "be themselves" i.e. give in to their violent impulses, because acting civilized is too "white." Now they know they have no more masters to keep them in check. They know white man's greatest weakness, and that is to be accused of racism. So they don't feel bad for attacking random white people that did nothing to them, because there are no more cultural repercussions for them to fit in.

Believe it or not but the Civil Rights Movement damaged the Black American psyche more than any other movement in history.

based whites

>black people coming from poor cities

>cities are actually poor because they have black people

>being their own victims, but it's never pointed out

Duh fuck

It's IQ, blacks have a lower genetic IQ than whites and are more likely to see that punching someone you don't agree with is a better solution than talking. If i'm not mistaken the average IQ of blacks in america is 85


The white man's greatest weakness is to be accused of racism? I've gotten accused of racist many times and never cared.

Shame on you, you fucking hate-filled racist bigot

Estrogen. They have more hormones in general.

Kinda already knew this but interesting read.

Adaptation would be very quick if we implemented eugenic policies, either by limiting criminal and irresponsible people from reproducing, or by killing criminals more often.

Russian scientists only took around 10 generations of extreme eugenics to completely domesticate the wild fox.

>What makes it that black poeple commit more crimes in average that withe people ?
they lack the more evolved neanderthal genes that whites shared among all the other races

Humans from agricultural societies are essentially domesticated animals. Their genetics have been honed to be useful in that enviroment.

To be confused as to why savages from not agricultural civilizations do not function well in agricultural civilizations is akin to asking why wolves make shitty herding dogs.

Its not because they are poor.
The uniting factor in violent crime across all cultures in the absence of a father.
There is a high instance of this phenomenon in US blacks.

Really well said

>its dey culsha

get out

Why also do black people buy beats by dre, nike, and timbs? It's because they're fucking stupid and they heard some kool kid had/did it

It's genetic. There's a reason that the living standards of niggers really doesn't differ no matter what continent, city, nation, or neighborhood you drop them in. The murder rate of Chicago, for example, is about as high as the worst of impoverished African nations despite the city being smack dab in the middle of the largest economies in the world.

Isn't it weird that nigger culture is abysmally abhorrent in nearly every community where niggers reign supreme?

>Its da culture dat is bad!!! dey dindu nuffin!!!!

Huh, weird, so why is there culture so primitive and savage compared to the rest of the developed world? Culture doesn't come from nowhere.

>What makes it that black poeple commit more crimes in average that withe people
the jews. the jews make blacks commit more crimes through rap music and NAACP/BLM type political agitation. all the things the other anons in this thread said about frontal lobes etc is true. blacks are just more innately prone to crime and violence, but the the jews have amplified this through their trickery. left alone, blacks and whites would live side by side in peace. us whites are naturally the rightful stewards and protectors of blacks on this earth, but the natural order has beeen perverted by satan's earthly agent, the kike.

*steal... not buy.. sorry my bad

Cultural displacement. They were sold to (merchants) in their homeland who brought them to work for ((people)) in America. When the social injustice became too much for normal people to bear, they became (((free))) - with no responsibility to the new culture they inhabit today


yes, they are very suggestible. the post WW2 corparate jewish edward bernarys mass media paradigm has devastated them to a greater extent than it has whites. you could just as easily tell them that they should have strong families, study and follow christianity, and they would do that.

The new generation of niggers are all self entitled anarchists and black supremacists that watched too much blood and crip rap videos.

They're inherently more violent.

Low average genetic IQ

the melanin in their skin

I have noticed that even immigrants to the US - be they Chinese, Indo-Pak or other - will on their own come to the same conclusion on blacks. Yet somehow, this is the white man's doing

Their relationship with the police is the root cause.

Blacks have low I.Q.'s nd evolved around being canibals

Probably a bit of both.

1) lower IQ
2) poverty
3) existence of a gangsta subculture that authorities don't want to eliminate due to liberal values and a fear of being racist
4) higher levels of testosterone
5) probably more stuff to it

It's, to some degree, the white man's fault.
My great, great grandfathers bred them for strength and power for generations. Never for intelligence or reason.

quality post very succinct. can you come over here to help us address our nigger problem? -Justin Trudeau



Hi Herschel! Thanks for this, bud.

Blacks are evil that's why. Satan fucked that whore Eve in the garden of Eden and she shit out niggers. Women.....

I've noticed the blacks into geek culture tend to be very intelligent. I think the solution should be to push nerdy things in the black community to be seen as cool. To give them a reason to pursue mathematics and the sciences.

Young black kids need to SEE videos of successful black entrepreneurs and scientists in school at an early age. If all they see is whiteface then they'll assume they're inferior. But grade schools have it all wrong and the poor black only schools don't have "da programs" to push this idea.

Yeah you can blame it on no father in the home but I think that's bullshit too. This world is big and there are fathers present in the home and crime outcome still happens. We need to indoctrinate the niglets at a young age. Teach them to disobey their single niggly mother and be superior to her. It's the only way.

Push khan academy in these schools and motivate them to be rich through education. Nobody is doing it.

What's up in New Zealand, are they counting sheep rapes?

>white "people" acting like savage niggers
>"based" white "people"
>using nigger talk/slang

Lmao you tards can't even be proper racists. Sup Forums is a fucking joke

avg IQ is 20 points lower

Well stated, leaf.

The culture, the inbreeding of genetics (mental problems, schitzoids, etc), and the education system that as made to fail you.

Mostly low IQ.
Sure environment has something to do with it, but not much.
IQ is a better indicator for criminality than income.

First there were viruses, then bacteria, then plants and animals (skipped a few steps), then homo erectus, then blacks, then they left africa and evolved to humans.

Simple:lower IQ+higher test...


There's a correlation between social status, economic success, academic achievements and IQ.
The higher the IQ, the greater the social standing, the more financial success and the more inventive people are.
The lower the IQ, the lesser the social standing, the poorer and the less inventive people are.
Having more of these things leads to many things, but having less of these leads to aggression and through that, disregard for the law.

Now, you can line up all the ethnicities of the world onto this big ladder, from the pits of misfortune all the way to the temples of plenty.
The appetiser?
Whites, Jews, East Asians, Blacks are all on this ladder, one above the other as defined by IQ.
The main course?
Black people are at the bottom of the IQ ladder.
Education can't help them.

this won't work. niggers are inferior. you need to have black plumbers and carpenters going into the schools and saying "nigga you can make bank bitch!! overtime x2". we need kids to start working seriously at 16 years old. only gifted should go to university. this whole ;everbody goes to college' trend is a jewish scam!

It seems that way on the surface, at first, but get 3 or more of them together and watch them revert to their normal behavior. Around blacks, never relax.

>the inbreeding

This really doesn't get talked about as much as it should. There are plenty of government reports that claim that inbreeding is rampant in ghettos.

wow, up there with that white school teacher rant

because liberal, rich, white and Jewish people sold gangster rap to the masses, making retarded black thugs out to be heroes to look up to.

The destruction of the family unit. The absence of strong positive role models

holy shit... is this real?

Read 10,000 year explosion, it explains this. The non-violent and empathetic personalities had less selective pressure to become the norm like in European and East Asian populations,
so they stayed with their aggressive and apathetic personalities their hunter-gatherer ancestors used to survive and breed.

nig thread
nig thread
nig thread

I was a shitty student and only have 1 friend.

I don't act like a nigger though.

>making retarded black thugs out to be heroes to look up to.

''People'' who listen to gangsta rap are essentially retarded...

>more crimes in average that withe people
>more crimes in average that withe people
>more crimes in average that withe people
>more crimes in average that withe people
Are you on crack user ?