dude, what if California seceeded lmao
Dude, what if California seceeded lmao
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Good luck farming without water. Famine within a year
I have a bottke of Johnny walker blue under my sink for just that day. Make california mexico again and make america great again.
Good luck fighting with fixed 10rd magazines.
China takes over California. New permanent Republican legislature builds wall around it and bombs it within a year.
Try 60 days. All food would be gone by 60 days then chaos would set in.
Meh. Would make for a quick war. It'd probably lead to another Mexican-American war. Which would just bring more shitskins into America.
>all rich people and businesses leave to stay in USA
>no water since it all comes from Arizona
>probably have an open border policy so the'll be ravaged by mexicans
let them do it
Well. California will implode into its own asshole
I was being generous
If Cali became its own nation it would have to establish its own currency Cali does not have the natural resources to compete in a world market.
Mexican cartels would clame cucklifornia or mexico clould retake it.
No problem. We will have so MUCH MONEY that we will buy it from YOU USA!'!!! Bad maybe we will sell you some Apple products
Let them and build a wall around it. 10 Years from now we can push the remaining rabble into the sea and repatriate.
They could become the 11th province of Canada. Oregon and Washington can come too, we'd all make a great nation together :^)
I live in Commiefornia, but I kinda wish that they actually secede/start 2nd Civil War so that I can be in the heart of their HQ and secretly send intel to Trump and the right wing militias of the rural states who are itching to shoot up some west coast commies and spics. Since I'm a non-white subhuman myself, I can play the part of a loyal 'revolutionary' and 'rebel' to their deluded cause and act as a double agent.
It would make my life so much more interesting to be thrown in the middle of the insanity and bloodshed.
Sup Forums:
Due to the distinct differences culturally, politically, and economically between western and eastern Canada, myself and a group of other Western Canadians have created a libertarian movement called the Western Alliance, which proposes that British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories and the Yukon secede and become one single independent nation, in charge of our own destiny.
If any of you have advice for our movement or are interested in joining, follow us on our official Western Alliance Twitter account:
Californians would go bankrupt and starving within a week.
Your economy is not at all vibrant, it's a debt-sucking hole that has to import its own water and is the single largest consumer of welfare money in the whole country.
>Buying water from a country that would almost certainly have sanctions against you because of seceding
>Having 'so MUCH MONEY' when you don't even have your own currency
>Implying Apple products are made in Cali
>Implying anyone wants Apple products
>what is desalination
too expensive on a scale that would be required
An expensive process which would require years to scale up to meet demand
I honestly believe that the future of California will be as a home for only the most wealthy and the most poor. If your middle class here you're being priced out out of everything (most importantly homes) that's why so many people are leaving (including me). I mean you could stay and fight it out, because there a lot of beautiful things in this state, but you can't fight Sacramento or the mental midgets at all level of government here.
Even here, even on their fantasy of escaping they still need to shove this diversity bull shit in everyone's face.
All we need is more faggots like you.
Fuck off. Oregon and Washington want nothing to do with you. Only shit-stye Seattle/Portland would be so retarded.
>1 post by this ID
What did he mean by this?
BC is more libtard than ontario, only reason yourr including it is because of the coast.
Give them those states and take Alberta/Saskatchewan. Win/win trust me.
Jesus fucking Christ
>califags secede but then get thirsty
>only nearest neighboring states are arizona and nevada
It would be the sixth largest economy in the world with a very high GDP per capita. It is the largest economy out of all the states. Don't be retarded, if they secede they will be fine. You would beg them to buy your water.
damn..... my conscious mind didn't even notice it at first glance
Jefferson would Secede from California so there goes SoCal's water.
Holy shit it's real
mfw no gf to make out with in the middle of a standoff.
already buddy, I think it's time you turn off the computer and tv and walk around outside
They would have to use their own currency, they cannot use US dollars unless they strike a deal.
Their Socialist style of politics would last so long before they go bankrupt or accumulate massive amounts of debt. Since Democrats mostly control the larger cities, the Republican and Right wingers would probably revolt.
They would also go into starvation mode in probably 2-3 months.
What're the gun statistics in Commiefornia?
Just looking at this makes me laugh, why would you use the same name as a democratic policy when you're pushing for an insurrection? What makes you think only the US Army will get on your asses? Fucking burgers even beat roaches ultra-nationalist on my scale of "Don't fucking mess with my country", I wouldn't be surprised to see people from Montana or even fucking Maine going down in the State as civil to retake the land.
>It would be the sixth largest economy in the world with a very high GDP per capita
And how much of that is from them being in the USA? Now imagine they leave and the USA gets pissed off at them. How long till that GDP starts dropping like a stone? I mean look what happened to Britain and Brexit and that's with a fucking independent country and what's basically trade union, now imagine how dependent a state like Cali is on US foreign power and influence, not to mention getting goods from the rest of the US for free
>implying that we have so much money and we will buy it from the USA when you waste enough of your tax dollars and have ridiculous taxes.
Unless you are a really wealthy business, your state's economy would go to shit and odds are people will commit Capitlaist flight.
California has brownouts when people run the AC units. Not nearly enough MWs to power desalinization on a large scale.
We don't need any more cucks.
The Federal government wouldn't allow it, it was a bullshit ruling but the Supreme Court already ruled secession unconstitutional long ago following the civil war.
There are a lot of military bases in California and it comprises the majority of the west coast, unlike other resources such as food costal acess isn't something that can be replaced by producing it elsewhere so the fed would go full 1861 on them immediately and without hesitation.
I love how naive Californian liberals are.
None of those guns are legal in California, so there's that.
Plus where does California think it's gonna get its military protection from? Without us military who's to stop an invasion to take all that GDP?
Ps I'm native Los Angelino.
>dude, what if California seceeded lmao
>stealing the aesthetic of our dude from liverpool
>california leaves
>permanent Republican USA
>california dies of lack of water
yes please
they are better off drinking their shit water
> Look what happened to Britain and Brexit
FTSE up 16%
Office for budget responsibility revises growth predictions upwards
Imports and Exports rise
Why would California shrink? Most of their money is in tech and there's no reason a border would affect money from tech unless there were ridiculous tariffs, but that would just make the USA worse off.
Something that would get smart bombed within 24 hours.
Desalination plants are huge, expensive, and vulnerable.
>nigger/beaner/antifa army sets up roadblock on route 66
>military takes the 15 freeway instead
>where does California think it's gonna get its military protection from?
They assume that the vibrant communities like Compton and its resident nig and spic gangs will become loyal lapdogs to their cause.
American cuck fantasies never stop, holy shit.
>45% of California is federal land
>45 million acres at $3 per acre
That's fine. Just hand over $135 billion cash and it's yours.
Oh also we are taking away all of the military, federal funding for state schools, federal funding for farming, federal funding for welfare, and federal funding for social security and medicaid
Have fun
Look at the population of California and Canada. You would be joining them.
3000 per acre*
Both are female too, so it is a triple whammy
>tfw live on other side of the Colorado river
>tfw there are like 4x more guns than people here
>tfw Califags try and push into Glorious Grand Canyon State
I only wish it could happen. If only
Calexit is a Russian-borne meme to further sow division in the States btw
Not really, the only people who want calexit are beaners and liberal faggots so it makes sense
>beaner name
>beaners unironically making comics about stealing land from Americans
I wouldn't mind california's 50 some electoral votes being redistributed. Most would go to the next most populated state (Texas).
Hopefully a mix of the March to the Sea, the Eastern Front and the Mongol Invasions rolled into one.
anyone else notice its all black men/ white women on the cars.....
On the same boat as you except I would be sniping their backs from a rooftop and running away Stalingrad style. When the commies come looking for me, they'll be searching for a fucking white male so I'll be disguised.
No, it would crash and burn in short order. They have this great plan for universal healthcare that they want the rest of the US to help underwrite. Without the rest of the US, California's Utopian plans are dead.
Great, cuck for white people. And don't take your own fucking side.
have a better version
Those pot heads are going to be thirsty when we cut off the water supply lol.
Except the leader, who's probably a self-insert.
You're a special kind of stupid.
>tfw Califags try and push into Glorious Grand Canyon State
A good portion of your state's population are former Californians. Another large portion aren't even American citizens.
Texas would promptly secede and invade CA, then Mexico.
Is this some Islamische Aktion propaganda?
Yeah nope.
It would become Mexico.
Trade tariffs. Imports will increase in expenditure and tech companies can replant themselves back in another state easily without having to take on that burden.
Poor quality b8 man
>what if Cali seceded
Flyover states would implode without the government handouts that Cali pays for.
>Most would go to the next most populated state (Texas)
oh baby
>It would become Mexico.
The United States wouldn't have to use its military. Volunteers from all around would flood Cali like the Mexicans did. The state would be retaken within 1-2 years of combat.
This stupid fucking meme again? This is not how our water works. It would be Southern California niggers that suffer. The majority of crop production is in the Central Valley which is fed from reservoirs held in the state.
If caliexit happens then turn into escape from la john carpenter movie lol.
Southern Commiefornia would become the northernmost Mexican state and northern California would become a solid-Republican voting American state. Sounds good to me.
And then beg to be allowed back into the Union like literally every other time they've seceded.
Water is piped to California from Colorado.
Somebody at the border closes off a valve and Cali is a desert again.
This right here. Also ignore flag, I'm on vacation.
>especially since we had just purged the single biggest cancer in america
texas plz use your mind a bit.
You didn't post the solicitation. It's the best part
>What if a fascist, autocratic President took over the United States? And what if that President lost California, the sixth largest economy on Earth, by nearly 2-to-1...a margin of almost 3 1/2 million votes? What if the day after that President took power, the largest mass demonstration in history occurred, and the state with the largest turnout was California. And then, the following week, two of the largest international airports in the world, California's LAX and SFO, were blockaded by protesters? What if California refused to be ruled? From the creators of YOUNG TERRORISTS, Matteo Pizzolo (GODKILLER) and Amancay Nahuelpan (CLANDESTINO), comes this tale of resisting oppression, punching Nazis, protecting each other, kicking ass, and demanding liberty for all.
This image is funny because it implies the military would actually grace their shitty roadblock with their presence rather than napalm them to hell before rolling through the charred wreckage.
Honestly, I am extremely jealous of California. I live in middle America and it's like they are miles ahead of us in every category. It goes without saying that they are one of the country's biggest economic, cultural, and technological centers. But their politics just seems way more progressive than most of the country. They care about clean environmental policy, they are supportive of marijuana legalization (and other drugs), they are on the verge of establishing universal healthcare for everyone in the state....It's fucking embarrassing when a lot of the rest of the country is so ass-backwards.
I know most people here are very right-wing and thus aren't crazy about how liberal CA is, but it's hard to deny they stand out as among the superior states in the Union, with an incredible GDP, incredible influence and the citizens generally have very liberal, open attitudes.
actually you might not be wrong look at the front guy closely hands and all.
They're going to waste all of their government money on welfare for the mexicans and muslims. Their economy will die in about 2 weeks tops. Tech industries will move to other states since their government runs on socialism.
Are you me? I want Civil War 2 to happen so we can purge the roaches.