Sargon here, just dropping by on you losers to tell you you're shit and will never get on my level...

Sargon here, just dropping by on you losers to tell you you're shit and will never get on my level. I know important people, people that you will never meet - people that can wreck you intellectually, I travel to different continents just to be on their show, and they pay me the plane tickets - we're friends, get it? Jordan Peterson your idol? Know him? I do, and we're friends and talk regularly.

I also make well over 5 thousand dollars and month on donations and selling merch, I'm making around 100 thousand per month while you social rejects sit here all day spewing hate.

Get a life.

Is this one of those Sup Forums shill threads I've been hearing about?

There are so many things wrong with this post.
Holy shit. Were you even trying?

Fancy seeing you here!

>pic related: It's me and my bitch


>taking the bait.

I wonder how Sargoy would feel if he realized how much of a stepping stone he is into alternative right ideas. He certainly was for me. I think he lashes out at us (by showing us his boypussy and posting nigger porn) because beyond the semi-trolly extremes, we have several legitimate points about race that he's ironically too politically correct not to smugly dismiss.

No this is Sup Forums

At least I'm not a kikefaggot.

>Leech of Cuckkad
>LARPing as a Sumer King

Fun fact: Sargon used to visit Historum a lot before he became e-celebrity. I believe his account is still active

>pointing out the b8

Tfw sargon could actually post this, knowing nobody would believe it was him...


>Hi, I'm Sargon
>I'm smart and successful

This is unironically what Sargon actually believes.

But don't worry, you can get him back! Troll him today with a Sargon Senpai shirt, only $19.99!


Sehlaris fuck off


This kike shill is so fucking BAAAAAAAASED you guys!!

Unirionically what his inner voice sounds like.

Daily reminder sarcuck was an sjw vidya scammer like the rest until he discovered easier ways to make shekels

How's your wife's son doing?


Sargon lurks here guaranteed. You can tell from the stuff he puts in his videos. He ended one of his last videos with the American History X CNN curb stomp.

He is /outguy/


>Not pounds
>larpfag detected
>kys faggot

>refuses to associate with white nationalism

You are a massive faggot.

1/4 niggers still get the rope

>spends of his free time and his videos fetishizing anita sarkeesian
>tells us to get a life

Whatever, you garbage human.


>Hay I hijacked a frog cult and ride the coattails of a internet meme


we take you and your shit about as seriously as you take us and our shit

also sage

>mfw I prefer molymeme over this faggot


Wow, a real Sargon...


He worships Sup Forums but hates everything we stand for. His beliefs align with Reddit, but Reddit doesn't do anything fun, so he has to pretend he's one of us, all while signalling against us. He's a very confused little man.