She was the one who picked Leftist Hamburg to be the location for the G20 conference.
She single handedly trolled these Leftist fuckers into exposong their violent intolerance and degenracy. It's like she's playing some kind of dialectic with Trump, and she's playing the role of bad cop.
I used to hate her but now I don't know what to think.
Is Angela Merkel a Fucking Genius?
Other urls found in this thread:
>I am Republican but
Fuck off
I suppose it takes a special kind of genius to destroy your country along with every country around you
i'd bang angela if it would fix europa
Why else would she have picked Hamburg though? What's her end game?
What if she's actually red-pilled and is doing it in order to red-pill everyone and start a race war
Mutti in my language literally means shit
The last time the world let Germany redpill anyone they ended up killing millions of whites across the entire world
Do we really want to give Germany another chance
>Why else would she...
Aussenpolitik (foreign policy) ist Innenpolitik (domestic policy), ist Aussenpolitik (foreign policy). In this case mostly domestic policy.
>What if she's...
No. Women can't think that many steps ahead.
Say what, now?
Holohoax aside, Germany has always been very good at killing whites. Prove me wrong.
You mean britain killed millions of whites
Yeah, those guys are awful.
Isn't Merkel a tranny?
She is literally a *communist* who works for the kremlin, just like Putin.
think outside the box by thinking outside the box- not in another, more stupid one.
She wants the socialists to look bad so she can get even more votes.
She's going to be reelected. Easily, with such tactics.
Wouldn't Germans blame her for the mess though? It seems like she's enabling the Right by confirming what we've been saying about the Left.
Interesting. Can you further elaborate?
They do that shit at every G meeting.
why is pubilc demonstration a right of passage in france? things are out of hand there. hopefully maron can tighten up the ideology and move france to make more correct decisions.
>her parents were communists
>communism was crony bullshit
>next up is Jadidism/Eurasianism
>same thing
That will never happen in Germany, France or the UK. They're state cucks 100 percent.
And she knows that.
she's considered right in germany, left party and only other viable party in germany are the social democrats; so she might have pulled some 4d chess to get people against the spd
>Is Angela Merkel a Fucking Genius
merkel is literally a communist / proto-communist socialist
pic related.
Not since Hitler has any one Germaniac fucked Europe so much.
More like bangela am I right
She is on the historical timeline of the destruction of EU.
She must go.
No she looked for a way to win the election and crush SPD. She will get shot in december, nothing can change it, charter decided on it yesterday. Guten Tag Fräulein Merkel, leben sie wohl.
Very interesting. Thank you!
If you're a leper, cripple, just in it for the money, or into some sick self-depraved fantasy I guess
She has destroyed the future for Europe by pushing for Islamic migration. She's a politician so she's an idiot.
Merkel was raised by a protestant pastor father who went into the GDR on his own accord and then enjoyed privileges like having a camper van and being allowed to travel to the BRD. Why? Think about it.
She was active in socialist youth organizations and deemed highly intelligent in school because she picked up Russian very quickly. But she didn't tell anyone her mother happened to be a language teacher and did teach her in privat.
She went on to go to university, where she had to sign a document that said she would be willing to tell on people, or rather to work as an informant. She denied signing the document and writing a phony thesis on the benefits of socialism she had to do.
In university she met her first husband with the surname Merkel and kept his name even into her second marriage. Marriage didn't last long and was described as loveless, and when they broke up she went to live with a friend who was an active SED politician, and apparently her friend circle in general was consisting of STASI informants and SED people.
She was active in agitation and propaganda at some point in the GDR and only really became a member of the resistance in the last year of the GDR, which started her long career of flip flopping and opportunism.
In the BRD she was picked up by Helmut Kohl (chancellor) who took her under his wing and called her his girl, and how he had to teach her to eat with knife and fork. He became a minister rather quickly, and then further rose in the CDU.
When Kohl lost against Schröder and then got disgraced in the wake of a black money scandal involving arms dealers and so on, she took over the party (and the black money accounts probably).
She became member of the influential transatlantic club at one point, which promotes corporate globalism and works on creating an european super state, along with other influencial persons from media and finance.
She refuses to talk about her past and what she did in detail.
Oops! She SAID in retrospect that she had denied signing the document about spying on people later in her life, but I was implying that she probably lied about that issue and did sign it. Also that she spied on her first husband.
Lel, I lived in Berlin in the '80s. Our next door neighbor escaped over the wall when she was about five and still had family in the East. We went over for holidays there a few times and it was hilarious. They had a nice farm of 2-3 acres, and every one of them drove a Traubie. One of her cousins was a Stasi agent, showed up in a brand new BMW M5.
That being said, I was very sympathetic and enthusiastic about her when she was first elected. She's accumulated enough power at this point to throw off her past in the GDR and take it back or try to be like that fucker in the M5. I think she wants to be Stasi guy. I hope I'm wrong Helmut.
Meanwhile at the 4D Chess Server
>player joined
delusional b8 m8
i'm willing to take that bullet, too. shall we draft a formal proposal?
She did'nt pick the location. Some commitee probably did and yes, they picked that place for that very reason. They do that for EVERY G20 Summit, ever.
Toronto, Pittsburgh, come-on-now.jpg
shes just a yes man who was put into a position of authority by jews who has at least in some cases realized the error of their ways
in this she has changed her stance 100% on russia and now looks like a weak nigger begging for scraps. she isnt a genius your just a faggot
Fucking Germans.
checked for truth
>us is supposed to be against communism
>CIA do nothing when one of their allies is a communist
I wasn't I thought her to be phony from the start, for different reasons though I consider her a phony now.
You gotta understand that before she became chancellor she was considered and absolute joke and it was normal for comedians to lay in on her being ugly and weird. Personally I think this somewhat stopped after the first candidate debate in television, where I thought she was btfoed left and right by Schröder, but in post debate talk shows all the experts (mind the statement about the transatlantic bridge and how journalists are part of that as well) sucked her cock for being awesome. There even was one guy visibily confused who said something along the lines of, I didn't see that at all, being flabbergasted by the display of shilling.
Anyhow with the push of the media she managed to get like 1% more than the SPD and Schröder with like 31% (of the amount of people who went to vote, saying it's probably mor elike 15 to 20% who actually voted for her) and created a big coalition government doing the first two years under her lead but in coop.
Like one of the funnier moments in early history is Schröder being drunk as fuck in the post election round of the major player politicians, laying into Merkel not deserving to run the country and stuff like that, with the journalists openly taking sides and arguing like little kids.
Anyhow, with the help of the media and slowly taking over the power structure by implementing the Merkel system into German bereaucracy she managed to get 40% in the next election. Which still isn't really a majority, especially if you consider non-voters.
Fuck off nigger.
I'm not sure if she's a communist honestly. Personally I think that woman has no real convictions and is just a psycho who does whatever is necessary to stay in power.
Under communism she's communist willing to spy on people. During the late stage of the monday demonstrations in the late GDR she became an activists suddenly who later nobody really remembered being on. In the unified Germany she became a conservative and seized the power by pandering to the CDU base. Saying shit like multiculturalism has failed, and sucking the cock of George W. Bush in Washington, when she wasn't even in office. Saying Schröder was speaking for us when he denied involvement in the iraq war. That's the period when America renamed french fries freedom fries and Sauerkraut freedom cabbage and nonsense like that.
Now that Trump is in lead she starts sucking up to China and globalist corporatists. And I'm pretty sure if muslims take over she will become a faithful muslim and change the name of the CDU into MDU, which means muslim democratic party instead of christian.
*She said Schröder wasn't speaking for us and she would've joined the Iraq war
Here's an article written by herself:
Basically she was in favor of destablizing the middle east and would've made it even worse if she could've gotten her way. Making her partially responsible of the refugee crisis imho.
Ah fuck, sorry! Didn't think about not giving them traffic.
>Two things have been highlighted once again by the EU decision. First, the danger from Iraq is not fictitious but real. Second, working not against but jointly with the United States, Europe must take more responsibility for maintaining international pressure on Saddam Hussein. As is argued in the EU summit declaration, this means advocating military force as the last resort in implementing U.N. resolutions.
It's the parliamentary system. She's not the best candidate, but the one who can build the best coalition. It's why I think she will win next time around. As much as I love you guys, this is about as right wing as you can get in Germany.
Germany was a better place when I was a kid. I'd be willing to send my children out to ride the u-bahn in 1985 by themselves. It was a better world and a better place.
also this:
>For the party that I lead, our close partnership and friendship with the United States is just as much a fundamental element of Germany's national purpose as European integration. But both will be successful only if it is possible to build new trust and we are able to formulate our own interests. There is no acceptable alternative to this way forward at the beginning of this new epoch.
Which is interesting in context to her statements after the Trump victory.
It probably was. If you watch old footage out of the 80s, like concerts it feels almost unreal to see only white people. I consider Merkel and Kohl to be among the worst traitors and phonies this country has ever seen.
That picture was from November 10, 1989. I actually stood at the foot of the stage where Helmut Kohl made his speech. I moved out of Berlin in 1993, nothing but white people. Seriously. We used to go to East Berlin to buy shit at the Polish Market, that was as shitty as it got. I went back for a visit in 1999 and I felt like I was the only person with a German background there, and I'm half American. It was disgusting. I can only imagine how it is now. Well, actually, I live in 56% land so I have an idea.
I mean think about it. This woman is the perfect goon for the new world order. She probably can be blackmailed and she sells out to the highest bider reliably, because she has NO integrity whatsover. Her biggest trick is to not have the decency to step down when the shit hits the fan and to ignore problems until those go away on their own. Which is exactly what's happening with the refugee crisis.
There must had been 3 or 4 different occaisons where she was wobbling in the ropes but she just refuses to piss off. You can't have nice friendly democracy with people like that especially if the media backs her.
no it fucking doesn't
I live in NRW dude and it's bad. When I was in middle school german kids where the minority, even though it wasn't as many turks back then but russians in my area. Which weren't as nice as some would make you want to believe but among the most criminal groups in Germany at that point. They barely spoke german and if they did with an accent.
I don't even know where all those turks and whatnot came from, but they were suddenly there like a smokeless fire that suddenly ignited into a burst of flames.
Well if you are in a war were European nations fight against each other and jews try to subvert the entired western world of course they will manipulate politics to make sure millions of whites get killed. What do you believe? We just implement some magic kind of capitalism and all jewry will be gone out of governments? Of course tehy did put up a fight because no one gives up power willingly especially when it is about subverting mankind. Deep down you know it would have been a better today if Germany won WW2.
When The Wall was up Berlin was safe. It was like a month or two before all of the shitskins started flooding in. The Turks had a presence there, but it wasn't significant. I don't know if you've ever lived in a 99% white city, but that was Berlin before the wall came down. It was fucking heaven. I had a friend who went to a different school and he was bullied like crazy for being American, by Germans. It was because he was an outsider. Ammie go home and shit like that. It's funny to look back at that.
If it makes you feel any better my family moved to the US in the early '90s, and things really went to hell here in the late '90s. It's all over Germanbro, no white country is immune.
Her German guilt is so strong she wants to wipe it off the face of the earth
Dodged a M-A-S-S-I-V-E hail of bullets.
Still can't believe reason won.
I'm saying this not as a shill but as a friend. Germany was exactly what the Poland memes are today just 20 years ago. Don't forget that there are boomers and Gen X Germans that waved American flags in the street.
Also, a good chunk of us had Grandparents that waved a different flag in the street when they were young.
Always struck me as a hardcore lesbian.
What my family did was move to a nice neighborhood, dont mean rich, just nice. The area I am in, all of the families leave their houses to their kids. If the kid already has one, then they leave it to a niece. So far we have moved my mother, sister in law (brother in air force), me, my cousin, uncle, fiance, and several friends have as well. The only or best description I can give is mayberry. Everything is close, have all of the usual stores within 1-4 miles, a river. Nobody steals from anyone, we lock doors sometimes, when we go to bed is the only time if ever. Almost all have guns. Best decision we ever made. Not that we hate people, but boxing out the garbage seemed like a good idea.
I'm about 3/4 the way through this book and I don't know if I should cry or vomit.
I hate this Merkel piece of shit so much
I heard she has a pHD in quantum physics
I'd buy that theory if A.) she didn't flip-flop all the time, and B.) she wasn't unironically intensely involved on the Communist party in East Germany
yeah she is also the same genius that let 2 millions of people flooding all over europe and since then many of them orchestrated 10s of terrorist attacks that killed hundreds and if not for the police and intelligence agencies, it would have been much worse
I'm both happy and sad that I got to visit Germany before all this shit started, it was such a fucking comfy country.
>tfw chilling with the lads on the bank of the Rhine, sipping beer as an evening thunderstorm rolled in and drunk Germans laughed in the background in a Biergarten.
>tfw Bavaria in summer
Why do (((they))) have to ruin everything?
Is she the true 99D underwater space chess master?
>Is Angela Merkel a Fucking Genius?
Intelligence is strictly relative.
Oh yes, the famous GDR scientists who are forever remembered for their brakethroughs like synthetic banana and car sized microprocessors. I will forever remember Merkel's research on quantum chemistry.
I think it has more to do with "muh rightful clay, so let's start a fucking war".
after watching video from Hamburg, I can only conclude that the Germans are utterly criminal, it doesn't matter what ideological label we slap on them
I promise I'll never LARP as eurotrash ever again, they are super fucked up, MURICA bitches
>haha I was just pretending to be a globalist puppet
Fuck off
Merkel is a populist. What the populace wants right now is brown people. No Merkel isn't cool.
Really makes you think.
>What the populace wants right now is brown people
This is not true at all
If anything germans are too polite to start complaining as they are acting like some party host who wants his guests to leave now, but doesn't say it openly.
I recommend everyone to read this book
It has a lot about the history of immigration into Europe post WW2, the people behind it, the driving factors, peoples attitudes and how they were shaped or changed or silenced.
It's a sobering read but it must be read.
i sleep comfy at night too
germany is too filled with degenerate shitskins and psychopathic germans and needs a new beginning
>taking responsibility for their actions.
You're giving her way too much credit. If anything she's waiting for Trump and Rasputin to clean up her mess and then scold them for waiting so long before fixing the problems that she created. Look up maternal narcissism if you want to understand what's going on inside her head.
>ruin your own country, killing thousands with invaders
>some faggot on anime imageboard claims that it is 145241d chess
why people like you are even born, were your parents fucking backwards?
leftists commie mayor of hamburg asked for the location of the g20 to be in hamburg.
No, she's just retarded evil bitch.
Want to know something completely fucked?
After her 'multiculturalism has failed' speech her ratings shot up.
Leaders all around Europe took note and all used the same or similar lines in speeches while continuing to flood their countries with Islam.
I'm not entirely convinced Angela Merkel is a woman.
Kalergi Prize Winner!
And toxic Spawn of Bull-Queer, Mongrel-Theist, Jew, NWO Satanists...
I don't think the Brain-Washed deviant has had an original thought its whole life?
>I used to hate her but now
Is this what the Schulz-shills evolved into after they realized he had no chance?
ive never encountered a woman that ive not ranked in a +or - money to fuck. while i wouldnt pay to fuck angela merkel, the money you would have to pay me would be surprisingly small.
US was only briefly anti-communist and to this day their media still complains about it (muh McCarthyism).
This the single biggest meme in german politics
Merkel is some strategic cold thinking genius playing underwater 5d chess.
Let me assure you this isnt the case. This woman has NO POLITICAL AGENDA whatsoever. She s rarely making decisions or speaks in public (on national issues). And when she does something, the 'independent press' willingly interprwts it as genius. Its ridiculous at this point.
She did the eyeroll of feminist empowerment too
no, you're a retard and so is she.
Be merkel
>See how bad is it and where Europe is going
>Nationalism isn't rising as fast as to stop 3rd world immigration
>See that Brexit vote and elections are coming up
>Call refugees to cause rise in nationalism, all while hiding behind liberalism
>Later just deport refugees
Too bad France and Netherlands failed us
What really activated my almonds is the fact that just before the refugee crisis there was a tv show where a small little immigrant girl told merkel that she might be deportet and merkel basically just told here that germany cannot take in all the refugees of the world and there are good reasons for people being deported. She seemed really anti illegal immigrants and got a lot bad press because the little girl then just cried.
I'm not sure if she just saw the bad press she got and thought she has to do something about it to keep her ratings high - suddenly letting so many in.
Or she realized the pubilc opinion is so in the favor of "saving poor little refugee girls", that they became completly irrational about and the only way to make them see whats going on is to let everyone see for themselfs whats going to happen if you abolish all immigration controll and let the left have their way. She is the conservative candidate after all for fucks sake.
I really think she just does everything for polls. But somewhere in the back of my head I still think some weird kind of 5d chess is going on.