probably ran his mouth about the bombings
probably ran his mouth about the bombings
Other urls found in this thread:
>Police told ABC News that a British citizen of Serbian origin, who is temporarily employed in Greece as a bouncer, and a Greek national, who works at the bar in Zakynthos, were arrested Friday and named suspects in the beating death. Six Serbian tourists were also arrested after being identified on surveillance footage as having taken part in the brawl, police said.
20:1 odds he doesn't know the us ever bombed s*rbia
Kosovo is Serbia
albodiaspora scum detected, no, you will not get my (You)
Of course Sup Forums is pro the dunecoon thugs
Sup Forums has proven time and time again that the board is full of dunecoons
>6 to 1
The serb that fights one on one without crying has yet to be born
Dunecoons never fight one on one
They always attack in packs
Greece, please forgive us for letting that one loose. Usually they are too dumb to fill out a passport application but this one was aberrant
We won't let it happen again
Again very sorry
that one war bulgarians started because they were unhappy about their land gains in the previous war. Ended with them losing their Mediterranean sea outlet
now with that out of the way, what do you think started the fight? I think the serbs were probably mobsters, i wouldn;t doubt the american piped up about something political
80% of all Americans, and 99.99999% of black Americans have never heard of Serbia.
thats a good thing in my mind
i really dont want black americans comming here
>South Eastern Euros can't even assemble an army without half of it being lost to disease
Damn he's ugly, yet he still fucks pretty looking white girls. I wonder why?
Probably all were just drunk vacationing. Maybe one group was loud, the other asked them to stfu and so on, then ugly words etc.
so how many half nigglets do you think that girl would have shitted out, oh who am i kidding, she will find another mandingo
they don't even go to the places they know the names of, they only go to shitty places like LA, NYC, DC, Chicago, Atlanta and Las Vegas.
>inb4 those aren't shitty places
they are, I have been to all of them and live in one of them
Are they doing this on purpose? Like people care more when he's not just a worthless nigger?
>he still FUCKED pretty looking white girls.
And pic related to answer your question, leaf.
>start shit
>get hit
Negro surprised outside of his beta bitch university people fight back.
Confidence girls don't actually care about looks if you're confident and masculine. You could be fucking those girls too, if you want too.
I am confident and have average looks, but am permakhv
I can't even get 4/10 girls to like me in that way
>Confidence girls don't actually care about looks if you're confident and masculine.
I would consider myself masculine because I've lifted for over a year and have made gains, i'm still terrible at holding a conversation with most women though, it's painful.
wew lad, Serbs are crazy
I cuckholded 2 guys
It's not so much that I am not confident as much as I am disgusted by them.
How they smile to you as they say I love you to their cuckhold on the phone and you hear him back and he worries and then you become paranoid as shit because you know too much about them
If you cuckhold avoid making extensive links with her.
Just do it and leave.
Or that shit will fuck you up.
Man - woman friendship is a front to test the waters.
god dammit every fucking thread on pol ends with talks about cuckholdry
well i am hearing in other forums that local greek media said the black guy would not leave a girl alone that was with the serbs
>well i am hearing in other forums that local greek media said the black guy would not leave a girl alone that was with the serbs
Well they did a good job at least. I don't give a fuck about the nigger, and i'm glad there's at least a few white countries out there with people that won't be fucking cucks like the rest of the west.
true true
i rea on a serbian website that these hooligans were mobsters, they will probably be back in serbia free as a dove soon
Bull-Queers, Mongrel-Theists, Jews, NWO Genetic Deviants, and Despots, not welcome in Serbia?
Who would have guessed?