Women have a scientific excuse for being promiscuous. Will Sup Forums apologize?
Women have a scientific excuse for being promiscuous. Will Sup Forums apologize?
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>Our results were amassed from a small cross-sectional sample of 129 partnered women who were either caregivers to a child with autism or to a neuro-typical child
>partnered women with children
They sampled non-promiscuous women, you retard.
>nigger in picture
The Greeks were right, Women enjoy sex more than men. They can have multiple orgasms during sex. With such pleasure, comes great restraint.
>Of course, it is an interracial couple.
>race mixing promotion
>oy vey goyim the studies show that women slutting it up are healthier
You faggots are starting to scare me with how right you always are. It's getting to the point where being right actually hurts me inside. That isn't supposed to happen though. When you're right about something, shouldn't you feel satisfied? Victorious?
So why the fuck does it hurt?
Everytime. Every jew move. Every jew website. Everywhere.
Jokes on them. I stopped consuming their propaganda.
Never been happier.
*movie not move
This is what it feels like when the good guys lost.
This. Just waitig for the end.
No they don't.
It's just kikes making up excuses.
The fuck is a telomere?
>nignog never took a Biology class
So old women are shit in bed.
Length of telemere is a proxy for life expectancy
Basically says the younger she is, the more she wants to fuck
You seem to be confusing "feeling good" with "making the right choices."
This is the same mistake all these sluts are making.
The point isn't to feel good about it - to revel in vindication about being right - it's just about knowing the truth, and working from there. Doesn't always feel good. Usually doesn't, here.
a whip and gun is all i need to keep my woman and blacks in line
Why do white women crave the long telomere?
>About 78 million people pick up the STI each year
what in the fuck?! natural selection is not fucking around
Long Black Telomere?
Kekked heartily myself.
Mup da doo didda
Muh telo mere bix nood
Answer the question cumskin.
longer telomeres indicate greater longevity in life but also a shit ton of health problems, could be why women live longer. they also seek medical attention far more then men but that's likely because they're fragile cunts
What's with the media pushing the narrative that relationshits are healthy and we should all be fucking?
No one wants to date anymore. Nobody. The men have discovered that women are generally shit, NOT FUN TO BE AROUND, entitled, liars, don't provide anything other than a vagoo, easy to lay anyway, and you can just jerk off; and women have discovered that men of today are inactive, over socialized, pussified, who have no hobbies or interests other than drinking, drugs, and watching tv.
Men don't have passions anymore because they aren't allowed to - nearly every profession is femanized to the extreme (outside sports). And women would rather die than marry down (literally). So it really is not a wonder that relationships and sex are at an all time low.
No amount of media articles will guilt me into having another soul-sucking relationship. No fucking way.
No. If women expect men to control their urges, despite science saying men have strong urges, women must control theirs too. It won't be a one-sided thing where women will always get their way. That era is over. They want equality where they want to stop Chads pumping and dumping them? They need to stop racking up cock carousel miles and devote their entire being to only one man.
Because they are soon becoming quite replaceable. And disposable. In the future, even betas will pump and dump these promiscuous, no-future-having practice bitches.
And of course nigger in the picture.
it's the final ticking clock on all your cells, and ultimately how long you are physically capable of living.
every time your cells divide, the telomere on the DNA of the replicants becomes a little shorter. once it's gone, the cell can no longer replicate. once that starts happening en masse, your body simply starts falling apart like sun-weathered plastic.
(((Pseudo Science)))
For what? Women are sluts and it fucks everyone over.
>literally stealing life from men
Fucking roasties REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>things happen with men that are natural to the male sex
>things happen with women that are natural to the female sex
Accept us for who we are! We don't have control over this! It is unfair and sexist to ask us to take responsibility for our choices!