past threads

Other urls found in this thread:

Androchrome is something they use to induce the adrenal glands to hit a certain high to rip a shred in time and space to enter higher levels of consciousness and dimensions. It's similar to DMT.

It's that feeling right before you fall asleep or sneeze. They call it "exquisite expectancy". All the elites trip on it for inspiration

What do you think they do at the Bohemian grove? What do you think vampirism is? Alex Jones wasn't joking about psychic vampires. The movie Southland Tales touched on it, same with Fear And Loathing. Hunter S Thompson didn't want to put it in the movie but was told to.

They also do use clones for this.

Thats why Bernie Mac died. He went to a cloning station and told on them.

The Old Gods are coming back, boys, and soon I promise your lives will have golden purpose and meaning to replace the black, numb void you've felt in your heart.

Starting Points: Areas with a Consistent Rate of Disappearances and Breeding Grounds

Where are they getting the kids and adults that they use for human trafficking? Where are places that large groups of people usually converge or stay at for an extended period? Here are 3 categories:

Where lots of kids meet and stay:

Where lots of adults meet and stay:

Where a mix of children and adults meet and stay:

Once we have determined possibility, we must assess probability. Is it likely that people would be abducted from these areas? Do the traffickers have enough cover to hide behind to get away with abducting people in these areas without too much suspicion? Do these areas have efficient escape routes to where the traffickers can quickly disperse abducted people into trafficking networks or directly to certain locations and people? Lastly, do these areas have enough funding, resources, and number of traffickers with the skills needed to conduct human trafficking operations there?

Next, start looking for connections between people, groups, and already confirmed trafficking networks in these areas. At this step, it is a good idea to bounce around between the midpoints and ending points as well to help you find connections.

Breeding grounds are likely not as common as abduction sites and would be harder to figure out, but I think that they are a possibility worth putting on the table.

If worthwhile connections are found between people and groups that have reasonable probability to be connected to trafficking in that area, then it’s time to move on to connecting that starting point to midpoints and ending points in whichever order you choose. You can also start to look for connections between other starting points in the trafficking networks if you think that it will lead to something. Connecting these starting points to the midpoints and the ending points will help to further validate them.

Midpoints: Routes, Pit Stops, and Distribution Centers

What means of transport are they using to distribute people? What means of transport are available in that location and would be both economically efficient and unsuspicious? Where would those certain means of transport most easily be able to travel to? Where are those certain means of transportation most commonly going?

Look for the places that the transportation is immediately going to. Do not immediately assume that these are ending points, for they may be midpoints (pit stops or distribution centers). See if anything is being transported to and from these locations, for this will determine if it is either a pit stop or a distribution center, and if it is indeed a midpoint. Something to remember about midpoints, and starting points to some extent, is that there are certain resources required for the transport of people (things like food, drugs for sedation, and etc;). Places that distribute these resources work as assets to the networks and may not be used for relocating people.

Pit stops will follow along the same route, while distribution centers will branch off into a different one. Pit stops will also generally be smaller than distribution centers and have less access to different routes. Pit stops usually work as refueling stations for the transportation and as temporary lodgings. Pits stops in-between distribution centers and ending points are important for maintaining a state of confidentiality, as people would start noticing if the routes all directly went to just one place.

Distribution centers are usually a warehouse, a fulfillment center, a cross-dock facility, a bulk break center, or a package handling center. This is where people are sold and transported to their respective ending points. These are especially required to remain hidden or non-suspect, and must be large enough to accommodate for large groups of people.

Ending Points: Individuals, Locations, and Organizations

Who are the ones receiving all of these people in the end? It can either be individuals who are looking for personal sex slaves or for people to use as sacrifices.

They can be specific locations which function as a type of Bohemian Grove or for places where they conduct orgies, mass torture, cannibalism (Spirit Cooking comes to mind, along with Spirit Eating), or group sacrifices. Group indoctrination, hazing ceremonies, and blackmail can also occur at these places.

Other locations include military bases, labs, and secret underground bases for genetic experiments, cloning, and for Super Soldier programs. Since some of these locations are top secret it may not be possible to find them, but you can find the trafficking networks that ultimately go to them. Locations like these are also likely to be tied to various groups.

Groups are numerous and varied. Examples are big pharma companies, bio-tech companies, IRL umbrella corporations, and large-scale cults and globalist groups. These groups can conduct any mixture of the previously mentioned activities that require people from human trafficking. These ending points in of themselves would have their own connections within them to different groups and individuals. The “end product” that these groups produce from the people they get through human trafficking may also be relocated and distributed to different places and organizations.

Guessing certain ending points and seeing if the starting and midpoints happen to go to them, or within the proximity of them, can be a valid strategy for finding them out.

^repost of last OP

Probably should have fixed the spelling of "Adrenochrome."

Archived versions of last two threads

Seattle shows the same pattern of having it's baby stores clustered near the ferry lines.

Yah i was in a hurry.


Edmonds (north Seattle area) ferry has a lone baby store RIGHT next to the ferry line. Next baby store is quite a bit inland. Yacht club and marina nearby.

NeuroSci PhD here: adrenochrome does not have any psychoactive properties. Happy to answer any questions you might have on this.


Androchrome is a fake drug from Hunter S Thompson's writing. This is the second fake thread about this I've seen. Weaksauce shilling

Shillfaggot here! I just happen to be a dishonest douchebag who will say/do anything for the pedo scumbags i work for

Rick Steve's Europe is just north of the place. Could that faggot be in on this?

I'm guessing it's more of a child abduction thing. Other OP was going on about adrenochrome. IDK anything about it. Could just be sick shit the elite get off to. This documentary goes into the weird and sadistic "high" art they buy. They seem to revel in perversion and death.

Every thread.

Yup. They never learn, shilling didn't work back when hillary was running for pres and it doesn't work now. sad really

Going to give you a bump.
IMO drug probably isn't real like shillfag says thing is if you've uncovered part of a big ring that's more than enough to warrant the autism. Drag these child-bumming rats out of their dens OP and company.

Post ONE peer reviewed article that supports your pseudoscientific theory that adrenochrome is psychoactive.

Protip: you can't.

You really need to be a crypto-kike to be as emotions-driven and irrational as you are being.

What do you mean by 'clones'?

There was a well-sourced paper in one of the previous threads. I'd dig it up, but I'm phone posting like a pleb.

Looks like the sign name for Belly & Co is Kinder Britches. The s at the end looks like the pedo triangle spiral.

I thought it was Adrenochrone. But still, bump.

Biochemist here. There are some physiological effects after injection of freshly oxidised epinephrin, i.e. mainly adrenochrome, but I think the psychoactive thing comes from the 1950s when it was compared to the hallucinogenic effect of mescaline. i don't remember by whom, but they didn't imply adrenochrome is like mescaline in qualitative effects, it was a potency (quantitative) comparision

Well that was easy, now please kill yourself you pedo protecting faggot

You are correct. Hoffer claimed in the 50s that schizophrenia had a biological basis in the neuroavailability of adrenochrome. This theory has never been substantiated and has been pretty much discarded since then.

>Bernie mac was killed because...

Any source to this?
Kind of weird that I watched a Cedric the Entertainer movie and thought he was dead but my gf is like didn't Bernie Mac die so I googled him and found out he had sarcoidosis and she was like holy shit that thing they always think it is on House! I was like yeah, weird.

It's a Hunter Thompson meme.

> I ask for a peer reviewed paper
> you provide an article by pic-related author

Are you even trying?

>Several small-scale studies (involving 15 or fewer test subjects) conducted in the 1950s and 1960s reported that adrenochrome triggered psychotic reactions such as thought disorder, derealization, and euphoria

John Smythies (2002). "The adrenochrome hypothesis of schizophrenia revisited". Neurotoxicity Research. 4 (2): 147–150. doi:10.1080/10298420290015827.

Mostly 50s stuff, back when the search for a cause of schizophrenia linked to endogenous biogenic amines said to be only produced in schizophrenics, the so-called pink spot (TLC) theory, was been researched. No sufficient evidence was ever found back then, but I haven't seen this recent paper yet.

Fauntelroy (south Seattle) has several a children's center, children's school, and a YMCA near the ferry.
You have to see the last thread. Crazy discoveries.

What does this mean? I can give myself short bursts of some brain high when conditions are right.
Am I schizo now?


Now please leave mr. "Nothing to see here i'm a Neuroscientist Adrenochrome expert"

OP tell me more about human clones

>Using pic-related as example of credible peer reviewed author

You're embarrassing yourself.

Soldiers noted that when epinephrine turned pink in its vial it would provide a distinct high

Never underestimate weaponized autism.

I used to stop in most of the ports around the areas you are posting about. I can tell you that ports are usually always commercial hubs, and there is usually child-care stores in every port I've visited. It's really not uncommon, especially in ports where large amounts of people travelling by ferry get off.
For example: A lot of Alaskans come down from Ketchikan and other ports via ferry to WA to do the shopping they can't do up there.

Diet & nuerotoxins
Gabriel Cousens, MD (2000)

It's at the top dumbass.

She's a medical author with multiple peer reviewed papers including the one i screenshotted

Shill harder.

Kek. I'm glad to see people are posting my guideline now. Remember that cruise ships and yachts being used as transport for human trafficking was mentioned in the previous threads.

Here's the Point Defiance (south Seattle area) ferry. Near a yacht club, floating warehouses, and a seaside cinema.

I'm reposting the last OP out of laziness. He might show up again. Read the last thread for his insight.

This is true, but look at the last thread. Especially the three baby stores in Port Angles. They have the pedo spiral symbols.

Bumping for great justice. Keep these threads alive. Any advances in the pizzagate/pedogate/whatevergate investigation is encouraging.


This is the closest thing to a peer reviewed paper that Gabriel Cousens, MD has ever published.

You are embarrassing yourself.


A good way to think about figuring out the networks would be to imagine if you were going to make a human trafficking network, but it was out in the open without having to worry about anyone throwing a fit over it. Then, take whatever outline locations, routes, and necessary resources you came up with and think about how you would properly hide all that stuff from the public eye of scrutiny. Remember people are sold into human trafficking for blackmail, trading, sex, rituals, super soldier programs, and biological research and all that jazz.

> Being so low-IQ so as to believe that a book on kundalini yoga nutrition counts as valid scientific evidence
> American flag

Colour me surprised.

Looks like your the one embarrassing yourself shillbro. Hindering an investigation into pedofiles because you disagree with a source on a barely researched drug

Whats your agenda here? Pretty sketchy if you ask me

>She's a medical author with multiple peer reviewed papers
> "She's" actually pic related

I dunno man, if you can tie something back other than the goofy spiral I'll stick around. I remember when pizzagate first got started with that weird Instagram accounts images and all that, and I'd like to be of some help especially if it's in WA, but I'm gonna need more than that. I see spiral designs like that pretty much everywhere out here where there's a shitty start up non-franchise store. Floral and spirals seems to be the way to go.

Hey whats your opinion on podesta's child pornography "art"

Let me guess,m

Why are u in here? Why is an overly passionate "nueroscientist" hanging out in a Sup Forums thread about human trafficking?

>Pointing out that there is literally zero scientific evidence that adrenochrome has any psychoactive properties
>Be accused of hindering "an investigation into pedophiles"

Whew lad

>tfw thread is arguing about whether or not some weird drug exsists
>tfw thread isn't talking about how to counter human trafficking and expose pedophile rings (which are real)

Oh shidd. Walnut sauce is Adrenochrome

>what are gag orders lol

Seriously, no one is amused or thinks your smart or cool with what your posting. Either contribute to the topic of the thread or leave if all of this triggers you so damn much, no one would miss you if you keep acting like this.

Answer this-
Yeah im gunna call BULSHIT on the whole nueroscientist thing

Once you study enough, you can predict trafficking hub locations down to a half-mile radius.

ITT: OP loses their fucking mind.

This is what awaits you, Sup Forumsacks. Keep taking those "Red Pills"® they're feeding you.

Farewell OP. You won't be coming back this time.

You weren't here like 6hrs ago when the threads were really getting traction. (((They))) were sliding the shit out of the threads.


I've been here since before it was a stormfag haunt, faggot.

Just because I browse this alaskan banjo enthusiast board does not mean that I can't study science in uni IRL, faggot.

Lastly: I think Podesta is skippy, faggot. How does any of this have to do with pointing out that your theories about adrenochrome are a meme.

If you were serious about catching real pedophiles, you would listen to what I said, verify its truthfulness by looking at online research, recognize your error and rectify your investigation by pursuing real targets. But instead you're more interested in a fantasyland schizo treasure hunt conspiracy theory about magic drugs.

I thought adrenochrome was a meme, is this the newest pizzagate or is OP just a raving madman?

Lol I was in the first thread when the shills were foaming at the mouth saying the chemical adrenochrome didn't even exist

Back to the drawing board faggots!

>John Smythies (2002). "The adrenochrome hypothesis of schizophrenia revisited". Neurotoxicity Research. 4 (2): 147–150. doi:10.1080/10298420290015827.

I have access to the full paper, and I've fetched it and uploaded it here:

if anyone is interested

pic related


So a schizophrenic stumbles onto some drug or human trafficking or similar crime network, but mixes in their own delusions and supernatural ideas "rip a shred in time and space" "higher level of consciousness" "psychic vampires", and accidentally integrates it with the results of consumer behavior and commercial planning and land usage

And now we have some criminal enterprise that could be investigated and taken down easily and properly, but any tips to the authorities will be mixed with supernatural woo and scifi and will thereby be ignored

I think this is how some criminal networks are able to operate without using mafia/cartel/gang methods. They are doing things in a well planned manner, hidden in plain sight, and would only be noticed by those with mental defects who obsess with details and patterns etc but aren't sane enough to avoid mixing it into ufo/supernatural/gang stalking/men in black delusions, so it's never brought to the authorities attention in any way that can be acted on

These fuckers are sick.

bump for Justice

Maybe you should contribute then instead of being a crybaby faggot, faggot



It's great that we're learning about chemistry in this lovely thread, but regardless, the kids are used for other biological, sexual, and ritualistic purposes so it really doesn't matter if adrenochrome is 100% proven to exist or not. What should really matter is exposing the human trafficking and the pedos and other sick fucks behind them. If we succeed in this mission, we will all be guaranteed 3.14 qt's by the FBI as our reward. I can't disclose my sources about this, just trust me.


Focus on finding patterns of businesses tbhfam

You realise that the paper disproves your theory that adrenochrome is a psychoactive substance, right?
Did you even read it? Lol

>Old gods are coming back

He just reposted that from the previous thread, you'd have to read it for yourself


Friendly reminder not to argue with shills. Ignore them or report them if they resort to spamming.

>Everyone who disagrees with me must be a JDF shareblue soros-funded cryptojew shill


If i keep you buttmad over the adrenochrome approved source thing than other anons can research without being shilled by you or any other "specialist experts in x field" popping in to derail from human trafficking

Also your bumping the thread

Is there actually anything to this? Wife's family is from PA, and I never heard of any weird shit going on there. Everyone from her high school is a fisherman or logger now. Her family owns many businesses and properties in PA. I feel like I would've heard something.
I know that the owner of some mexican place called sergio's sold a ton of drugs or something out of there and used the business as a front, though.

Admittedly that's the only problem I have with these threads. The earlier threads were great as they were linking "Alefantis" to the Rothschilds, and that they were likely using/farming adrenochrome because they *believe* it is the key to eternal youth or some shit.

The problem is it eventually spirals into a hyperfocused witch hunt which will end up being a repeat of the false-flag CPP shooter; discrediting the investigation.

There are a few really big, easy-to-digest points in this conspiracy that need to be focused on:

1) There are a number of pedophiles in high society circles (politicians, bankers, actors, etc.).

2) The MSM has been revealed to bury/hide stories and connections attempting to expose these pedos (BBC boss covered for Saville, Ben Swann got essentially shitcanned for his pizzagate video)

3) There are countless coincidences or things (((that really make you think))) about this whole investigation that are alarming and require real investigation (Comet Ping Pong pedo symbols, James Alefantis listed as one of DC's most influential people, etc.)

For what it's worth, the general idea of mapping out trafficking networks is fucking excellent and needs to be pursued (such as mapping out child abduction cases over time, mapping out drug trafficking networks) but going on spiraling witch hunts attacking BBQ places seems a little insane and makes me question whether or not it's being intentionally spiraled into nothing as to distract from the bigger, more pertinent parts that need to be investigated.

>, we will all be guaranteed 3.14 qt's by the FBI as our reward

I'd gladly do it for free m8.

>BBQ places
No, not BBQ places. This is Kokopelli, doesn't that look familiar? Like a pied piper?

To get your guys' synapses firing, this was posted from the last thread: The main "hub" restaurant. In Port Angeles, it would be Kokopelli Grill. Google the ancient god Kokopelli. Its connected to a BBQ place.

Warehouses. Sure would be a shame if a Safety Squad had to go in there and check the electrical.

Baby clothing stores. Logos. Chalk on sidewalks and walls with strange symbolism. Anacortes is another MAJOR hotspot.

Here's some info about Kokopelli Grill.

They're a part of this association for whatever leads might happen to be there:

Look at the pattern of BBQ places, planned parenthood, adoption, UPS, hardware stores, soundproofing companies, dentists. marinas, large warehouses. and as i said above, any buildings where these are all under the same roof or nearby.

>attacking BBQ places
Just observe and report

I think it also may be a good idea to investigate previous, actual pedo/human trafficking/child ritual abuse cases to give us a frame of reference or give us some names who might be slipping under the radar.

There was an r/conspiracy post that went into a bunch of well-sourced detail about The Finders, the Franklin Affair, and some pedo rings in Belgium (Dutroux affair).

I'm looking for further reading/viewing to get caught up to speed on some of these scandals. It's pretty fucking clear, especially with these adrenochrome breakthroughs, that a big part of this child abuse is because these fucks actually believe in this occult shit where you can prevent dying. It makes sense, too; if you're a rich, powerful cunt, the only thing you really can't have is an endless life, so of course these fucking psychos are going to go for it.

I mean if he wants to go suicide bomb a confirmed trafficking hub, who are we to stop him? All he has to do is get a tan and beard, dress in ISIS attire, and shout "Allahu Akbar" while doing it and the MSM will never report on it anyway.


You havin' a giggle m8?

"They use the oven to destroy the blood-drained corpses."

This is supposed to be the reason BBQ places pop up so much and out relevant to the networks.

Summary of Anacortes and Port Angeles finds from last thread. Will do Bellingham and Seattle next. These are a bitch to optimize.

I have a master's degree in neurological science as well. Where did you study?

More info from the previous thread:

>This place due to its location connects between Seattle and BC Vancouver and is the destination point for the San Juans and International ferry runs for Washington State. Could there be a potential trafficking route there?

Fun Fact:

"It’s Not Just Chris Pratt and Bill Gates Who are Flocking to the San Juan Islands"

>Are they trafficking people using the secret compartments in yachts?

Bingo. Twin diesel engines are quite loud. Also, ya know, yachts don't really have all that much security when they're docked. Just a single rope tied up.

>Then by extension, they also use cruise ships for trafficking?

Absolutely, under the guise of divers doing welding repairs. they are actually attaching things to the hull of the ship. Cruise ships also have MANY secret compartments where the people go who "fell off"

>I knew it! The Israeli elite also happen to own some of the biggest cruise ship companies in the world, are they in on the trafficking too?

Should I be looking into this foundation?

Absofuckinglutely. Are you guys picking up on the color pallets of these businesses yet? Also look at which countries the cruise ships are registered in.

There's a ton of leads right there for you guys who are interested to dig into.

Nevermind I'm dumb. I just ran it by her again. She doesn't know about the pedo shit, but she said port angeles was fucked to hell on drugs when she was a teen. It destroyed the city, basically, and everyone she knows is basically unemployed and on either exotic or common drugs

This user is on the money

>only one not close to the 5 fwy is Port Angeles
>Port Angeles despite being a tiny city has an international airport
>but the 101 goes though it, and going east turns into the 104, and tat ends at the ferry that leads to edmonds
BRB activating almosds

I was around during the very original /ewo/ threads before the name pizzagate even got attached to it. Lots of really great anons doing lots of great work. Then I come back to check on it a few weeks later and it got slid into obscurity. Then the fucking comet ping pong shooting happened and it really makes you think that the entire investigation was being slid for a reason.