>global warming is not rea-
Global warming is not rea-
>room temperature
the earth has natural cooling and heating periods
example ice ages and when we heat back up from an ice age
and if you did any research youd know we are currently coking out o a mini ice age ranging from 1400s to 1900s
thats why even liberals dont say global warming anymore they say climate change...and guess what the climate is always fucking changing
i know this is a b8 thread but theres still gonna be fags here seeing who can scream the loudest over one another
>>global warming is not rea-
thats not even hot for canada you retard
Were are you in Canada also? low-mid 20's seem seasonable.
>hot in the summer
>cold in the winter
That's just weather, not climate.
This is just normal weather you idiot.
No, it's roast your fucking ass off and walk to the sink multiple times in an hour to splash cold water on your face.
This shit again. Your simply not getting it. Yes the temperature does go up and down. The reason why they are calling it climate change is because they effects don't just go down to global warming. Yes the planet will warm, but natural disasters will become more frequent, sea levels will rise, more droughts and famines.
And how do you know this exactly?
Fucking leaf, check the history of temperatures and how the climate was through history.
22 is "hot." Kek. It's 73 here and comfy t-shirt weather.
What the fuck is this chart in freedom units? I don't read Canadian simpleton units.
How di I figure Canadian dollars per liter verses dollars per gallon. Bullshit
How the hell did so many of you fall for such obvious b8?
>i know this is a b8
I hope this reply is bait.
I expect it's not because Yanks really are this dumb.
>The reason why they are calling it climate change is because they effects don't just go down to global warming. Yes the planet will warm, but natural disasters will become more frequent, sea levels will rise, more droughts and famines.
what are you comparing it too? weve only been recording this shit for the fast few hundred years
there is nothing to prove natural disaster are increasing since they could be just returning to normal levels from the ice age
>he doesnt pretend to fall for baits and saging the thread
No shit, it was a July standard 100 fucking degrees outside in LA today
Thats 38 celsius for you yuros
Jesus christ kill me, white man was never built for these conditions
Droughts and famines are increasing. Anartica polar ice caps are melting scientist say, but it's fresh water that's melting and it's refreezing near the edge which makes the ice cap look like it's groaning but to reality it's a timebomb waiting to melt. We haven't seen much by in a increase in natural disasters but what we study from hotter planets like Jupiter and especially Venus that they tend to have more storms mad natural disasters similar to their climate.
Literally soaking in sweat right now
How do people survive in such brutal temperatures?
22 degrees is hot in leafland
Global warming is real but it won't be catastrophic for the Global North. In fact much of the north will reach the temperature Goldilocks zone for economic activity. And before it even gets bad, green energy will reach cost parity with fossil fuels.
reeee, fucking shit weather
"OMG more extreme weather"
>more people in more places to record the events previously unnoticed
"OMG new record highs"
>Anecdotal and not meaningful in long term. Average temp change within margin of error.
"OMG cities are so much hotter now"
>No shit dumbass more people equals more heat. Urban heat island effect.
"OMG polar bear on an ice cube"
>Go fuck yourself Al Gore, ice has been breaking off for millennia. Literally nothing new but enjoy your donations from self loathing liberals.
>scientists say
Ah yes, (((Scientists)))
in the northern hemisphere it has been unseasonable cool this summer over all. Unseasonable warm only in a few places.
" No shit dumbass more people equals more heat."
>It doesn't work like this. Are bodies don't give off heat it traps it in as much as it can, or you die.
Scientist say even though the planet is getting hotter blizzards and snow will be more extreme long term.
It's summer you moron. Btw (((they))) don't call it global warming anymore, but climate change.
I swear this year has been so fucking rainy. Could they stop fucking cloud seeding our fucking country please? My garden is a whole week behind.
global warming is rea-
It's not the people its the concrete, buildings, etc that trap the heat and make the cities hotter. Plus all the electricity from ACs literally dumping heat outside to cool all the homes and businesses.
Ride across a city on a motorcycle or in a convertible. Once you get out of a built up area and into a rural area you'll be freezing your ass off. The city literally traps the heat and makes it hotter.
>Trying to convince Americans (#1 deniers) with Celsius.
fug :DDD
Isn't it summer over there?
We had 3 nights of -1 here last week. I wish global warming was real.
we have cut down emissions by a massive amount since the 90's if the temps keep rising it is therefore not our fault.
The climate is always changing you fucking faggot go hang yourself
>Hurr Durr muh natural heating and cooling cycles
You are correct, but you're still a retard if you deny that humans have had any impact on the climate
>Burn trillions of barrels of oil during the 20th and early 21st centuries
>Have thousands of coal plants all dumping gigtons of carbon into the atmosphere
>Deforest the Amazon rainforest, one of the worlds largest natural carbon sinks, further exacerbating CO2 emissions
>Glaciers in the North and South poles start melting, releasing more carbon and methane in a positive feedback loop
Do you get it yet, you fucking retard? Where do you think all the carbon goes? It just disappears? Scientifically illiterate people shouldn't be allowed to reproduce; I just feel bad for your kids who will also be dumb.
It's just so funny to me that people on this board who are not educated in climate science, have not read any books on the subject, think that they can look at some cherry picked graphs and make a concrete conclusion that it's all just a conspiracy because scientists want to become rich... Lmao, yeah, those thousands of scientists are just raking in the cash from tricking people that climate change is real. I will also say that I don't agree with carbon taxes, that is just kicking the can down the road further.
What we truly need is depopulation, one or two child policies, and we need to stop this retarded notion that we can just keep raping the Earth of resources for material possessions we don't need, and we can just keep dumping our waste in the oceans and atmosphere.
It is a losing paradigm, and many who are far more educated than me think it's already too late. If people who have spent 20 or 30+ years of their lives studying the climate or the oceans or the worlds ecosystems are worried, then you should be too. Good day to you.
Living that arizona life, man.
Really? Because we haven't had a drought here in 10+ years.
And the US could use a famine or two.
not our fault everybody else follows the jews and what they say blindly without question
its called summer you nigger. but since your acting like a tard i guess come september you will be sure there is another ice age about to start
>Man man climate change is fake
eat shit pussy that is prime weather
look here at the temps during the rain
I set my AC to 25 C in the summer. It's literally room temperature.
0/10 say something new, nigger.
What about a 4 child policy, it would prevent 20+ers and they are the ones wake really detract from the normal families.. they fuck it up, the nuclear family would be more common with that too I imagine
Ah yes.
The old scientists say X will change catastrophicly any day now for the 50th time this century.
And nothing happens.
There are two obvious conclusions.
Scientists have no fucking clue what will happen.
Or, they're fucking lieing.
Fuck we're getting rain all week?
Yer not as smaht as you would like to think. You paid 100k for indoctrination? Kek. What a retard.
25 C is a retarded room temperature dude, do you live on the fucking sun?
>tfw I need to be under the covers to sleep properly
I hate summer.
It has happened though, our climate is progressively getting worse. 16 of the 17 warmest years on record have happened since 2001.
Just because you're refusing to accept the evidence doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
giant desert centipede bit my penis AAAHHHHH
"On record" which in geological time is nothing. Humans, always so full of self importance. The world will spin on long after we're dust.
Warmer temperatures are actually beneficial to crops as is more carbon dioxide to the vegetation.
Keep drinking that coolaid Mr Gore. The donations are really rolling in and I hear you have a fresh movie to promote!
Fucking idiot
This is exactly what I'm talking about, no refutation of facts, no argument. You are pathetic and understand nothing. Maybe you faggots should pick up a book and actually learn something, but I forget I'm talking to a bunch of Nazis who probably haven't read a book since highschool.
Also, to the Leaf poster, I paid nothing for my education, I did 2 years of community college on scholarship and did my other 4 at a top 50 university, also on scholarship. Not everyone in burgerland goes into debt for a meme studies degree
You are literally a meme.
Leftist canadians need to lay across the via rail tracks. We put out such low global emissions. Sad you chumps fall for mainstream media propaganda
>Obama leaf isn't a NEE-
Sorry, leaf. We just enjoyed three solid weeks of 70-80F MID-SUMMER weather. The cold front passed and the summer heat set back in and with it, you fucking idiots jumping right back on the band wagon. OH NO. TWO HOT DAYS DURING THE HOTTEST MONTH OF THE YEAR! IDS DA ENDA DA WERLD
And then when it snows you in for 5 months "this is just a byproduct of global warming! Hotter summers = colder winters XD"
Low IQ suburban citydwelling shutin literal retards. How can you even tell if it's hot outside walking from your cubicle to your car, if you're in the 55F A/C all day? IDIOT.
>"On record" which in geological time is nothing
This is the issue, the climate should not be changing so dramatically in such a short timespan. This is literally the whole point of climate change.
>Warmer temperatures are actually beneficial to crops as is more carbon dioxide to the vegetation.
Yes, heat and carbon dioxide is good for plants but only at a certain level and the effects of climate change will overall have a negative impact on natural vegetation.
it says it in the bible you fucking reatardr
I went from unvented to vented attic and it's insane the amount of difference it made in the temperature.
I guess I got global cooling in my house now.
>Natural disasters
>More frequent
>Florida just had 8+ years without a Hurricane Season
>If you know anything about Florida, it's that they have an ANNUAL Hurricane Season, where SEVERAL Hurricanes nail them
>Not realizing this
>Going full retard and claiming to be intellectually superior in any way, shape, or form
>Communists are complaining that the Bourgeois throw out a ton of food out of Capitalist greed, claiming we make enough food to feed 1.18x the amount of people on the planet, currently