Anal Sex: What You Need to Know
How to do it the RIGHT way.
I think a bonfire is called for.
Anal Sex: What You Need to Know
How to do it the RIGHT way.
I think a bonfire is called for.
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If sodomy is wrong then why did God give man a prostate?
It's pretty well necessary for normal sex.
But I think he put it there as a hidden gift to non-jews who are disappointed about jewdick and willing to do some experimenting, which wouldn't necessarily even include going the wrong way up the poop chute.
>vas deferens leads into the bladder
Please tell me this is wrong because if it's the Mandela effect I'm going to flip a shit
It's going over the top of the bladder as usual. It's just a misleading illustration.
Have you ever explored the rest of Sup Forums?
How come the side with the penis doesn't get uterus?
But that's not the (((MSM))) pushing it. That's an optional voluntary way for kids to break the 18+ rule in order to talk about sex with each other, which they're going to do anyway.
>implying my penis stares at the floor like that
> #
>But that's not the (((MSM))) pushing it.
>Teen Vogue
>Not Jew controlled rag aimed at young Americans ... Primarily girls
Satan put it there to test your faith
Sodomy has nothing to do with that :)
The prostate gland is a male reproductive organ whose main function is to secrete prostate fluid, one of the components of semen. The muscles of the prostate gland also help propel this seminal fluid out of the urethra during ejaculation .
Just like God intended
When did I try to justify Teen Vogue? Rags like those are absolute garbage and fucked my sister up.
Nah, we're made in God's image and its critical to the all-important sacred process of procreation. Just so happens you can also use it for extra fun, even if you might have to work at it a bit to figure it out.
> (OP) #
>How come the side with the penis doesn't get uterus
>Have you ever explored the rest of Sup Forums?
I try to stay away from that degeneracy
Sorry faggot, butt sex is older than civilization. Sphincter poppin ain't stoppin just because you don't like it. Now shut the fuck up before you make the right lose momentum you cancerous retard.
Is there a legitimate argument agains anal that doesnt derive from muh holy buuk chritscucks?
>WHY! Why does the MSM push this degeneracy on our teens?
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also see
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Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
>When did I try to justify Teen Vogue? Rags like those are absolute garbage and fucked my sister up.
This shit comes from there
men dont have intestines?
Vagina only has so many descriptive words. Gotta start adding some
There are some concerns distinct from vaginal intercourse, but I don't think the issue here is whether you think there's something inherently wrong with it as much as how it's being promoted.
You'll notice that women also don't have a clitorus, labia or either sort, a g-spot, or a fornix. It's clearly promoting Islam. The female orgasm is a myth.
This. It's bladder and pee
I find it works best to just nail the cervix until they pass out from the pain and piss the bed. This seems to be the suggested method promoted by those pamphlets for the New Germans.
If God intended, why didn't he design it to only function inside a vagina, to be open to procreation?
You mean other than how dangerous it is?
Does God have a prostate? If I stick my finger up his rectum can I make him jizz?
Why does God have a prostate and penis?
I'm temporal, so it's beyond my capability to know for sure, but you could try praying and asking for His guidance.
>tfw God probably has awesome handsfree orgasms
>tfw God probably has a biblical flood of precum on the way
>tfw couldn't get out more than a tiny drop before giving up it's takes too much time and mess and smell to keep at it
He's not a mentally ill tranny I guess. Why haven't you had yours removed yet?
I bet his dick is far more awesome than any mortal dick.
We're talking 16 inches and fat.
To produce semen and propel ejaculate.
Don't get poopdick or poopfingers.
Wrap it up negroid. And it aint nothin isopropyl cant kill. It's worth it and for the last time all these holes and nasty pieces are risky just dont be an idiot about it
get the fuck out
And poop first. Oh man one time I got drunk enough to finally give it a shot
>slop a condom on my finger
>gross butt-infested lube dripping out all over
>take another drink
>feels like swamp ass
>take another drink
>feels gross as hell fingering my own ass
>take another drink (thank god my other hand is clean)
>30min later finally relax enough to get my finger in
>oh fuck I'm feeling poop nuggets
>oh god it smells like shit
>oh fuck there's poop
>why didn't I bring a garbage can over? I can't walk with all ass lube and probably poop all over my asscheeks
>shame and humiliation wiping it all off on the toilet
Took quite a while before I got curious enough to give it another shot.
>article focuses entirely on the catcher
>completely avoids discussing how the pitcher is going to enjoy a woman's ass 10x more than a man's
gee, I wonder what they're trying to promote?
????? you just stick it in???? like the fuck lmao?????
>a guide to anal sex
OK so I've finished sawing a man and woman in half down the middle, what's the next step?
unlike other forms of sex, which can be moved from one to another with little concern, anal sex becomes a nogo zone as soon as you pull out.
No follow up vaginal or oral, cause it's prone to infection if you do.
Now, if you use a condom in the backdoor, then slip it off for the rest, it's fine.
>if you use a condom in the backdoor, then slip it off for the rest, it's fine
Because all that s*** and mucus kicked in your pubes is completely sanitary
they tell them all this shit but they don't tell girls their fertility starts dropping in their 30s.
Like why?
Same reason they promote buttsex. To eliminate procreation "in the wild" and destroy the familyunit so it's all controlled by the government and done with artificial wombs in a lab and so forth.
Can't argue with those digits 7's confirm god's presence.
fuck ontario and it's sex ed. curriculum that was literally designed by a pedo
Do u get poo on your peepee and does that turn u off or do you just ignore it till ur peepee squirts out your milk?
OR do u make your cornhole not eat for a few hours and poopoo before sex so u don't get a chocolate peepee?
There's a cleaning procedure prior to anal sex to prevent such occurrences, but it can happen.
I don't see what all the hype is about this, I tried it(no homo) and I never got these amazing hands free orgasms, all it does it make your dick more sensitive, thus making you come faster.
God didn't give man anything. Erogenous sensation on the prostate is vestigial, but the muscle itself serves the purpose of controlling the bladder.
Yeah all this teen vogue shit is gross but any woman over 18 or even under knows that female fertility decreases past 30. Gynaecologists remind them. It's not a Jew secret feminesm marxest jew liez
Just be sure to practice degener- I mean safe sex!
>God intended
Source ? inb4 bible.
Someone lied to you.
You could've just googled and read ontarios actual sex ed curriculum.
If you work at it for a while you might be able to pound it from the outside via your taint until your dick starts involuntarily twitching. With some concentration you can eventually trigger an orgasm from it, which isn't like all mind blowing like they say but is really pretty neat.
I found the key to figuring that out was first figuring out how to engorge the prostate with blood voluntarily, as that helps with focus and keeps it more sensitive.
Probably with practice and maybe kegels or something you could get that going start to finish in a matter of minutes. But I usually don't have the patience and just wank off if the twitching doesn't start intensifying.
Better way to prevent it would be to keep your dick out of the poop hole.
i guess that same person that lied to me also lied to the thousands of outraged parents in ontario too, eh
maybe the same person that lied to me and the parents also made up all the websites that list exactly the outrage i'm talking about
You are literally sticking your dick into the hole meant to dispose of solid waste. Things go out of it by design, not into it.
>Pushing Faggotry
Guys, I think he's from Sup Forums...
label all the parts obviuosly
>supported by Right wingers
the WORST timeline
what part of the taint do you press? Is it closer to the sack or the asshole? I always with like I'm hitting the bottom of my pelvis when I do that.
Feels good tho
Uh, I guess it winds up being kind of a rocking motion that moves pressure back end forth from everywhere almost between the balls where you can really feel the urethra protruding back down to the bottom of the pelvis. Rhythmic grinding seems to be the key to it.
Oh and I guess I should clarify that hands are great for like basically foreplay but I've only really got it working hands free. Hands seem to kill it immediately. It's like you really have to work at it from the inside, which, if you think about it, I guess is pretty much the basis of getting fucked in the ass until you get a hands free orgasm.
so you rock on your hands? how does that work?
You're all fine with fucking her mouth... What's wrong with the other end of the digestive system?
Jesus, you guys are against anal sex now? This is getting a little ridiculous. I didn't abandon the left wing party only to be subjected to even more insane rules. Why can't you right wing fucks just let people do whatever the fuck they want instead of chimping out like a bunch of SJWs over every stupid shit.
For fucks sake. Get your shit together and focus on stuff that actually matters like getting rid of niggers and muslims.
Well I mean like hands are great for feeling the situation out and getting yourself good and hard and stuff but now that I have my mind around it better, if I perch on the corner of a chair, relax, and jiggle my leg, sometimes I'll turn diamonds without even thinking that's a great way to get my prostate going.
But I guess the first time I noticed the effect I was basically dry humping my bed and sort of accidenttally found "the spot". And then I wadded up my bedsheets so that I could focus the grinding pressure on it and the fun started happening.
bladders connegded do my desticle?!
i see thnx bro
The white normie has been taught to revere education and knowledge.
Our enemies can stick any crap they want into education because the normie will always think learning more things is better than learning less things.
They don't really see any education as bad. For instance they might not want their kids to do anal fisting but they won't mind their kids learning how to do anal fisting properly.
I suppose the thing to do would be remind the normie that there are finite resources and hours in the day. If they spend an hour learning about anal sex that's an hour they didn't spend learning chemistry. In this way I think you could persuade the normie that, while learning about anal is good, there's simply more important things for their child's lifetime success.
Best of luck. I haven't had a very easy time of figuring out how to work my prostate despite some things feeling really amazing and fixing a failing fapping session.
But over time it's become a more rewarding challenge when literally I can justify blowing time literally playing with myself.
>Woman's bladder is smaller
Wow that explains so much frustration anytime I'm driving my wife anywhere more than 30 min to an hour away
Now you know the truth. Sperm is distilled urine.
supprig :DDD
Anal Sex Destroys The Anus by weakening the Muscles
>But I think he put it there as a hidden gift to non-jews who are disappointed about jewdick and willing to do some experimenting, which wouldn't necessarily even include going the wrong way up the poop chute.
Sodomy is a sin, my dude. God wants you to get married and put babies in your wife.
Well obviously. There's nothing to say you can also have extra fun if you're making babies as intended.
You can wind up blowing an extra huge load into your beautiful wife, for instance, if there's a foreign object of the proper sizing and placement in your ass that your prostate bounces off of while its spasming. And then you won't be as jealous about whether or not she's having better orgasms because she hasn't had her genitals mutilated like you have.
That sounds fine, doubt the gov will grow shitskins
Just happen to have SNL on as I'm reading this thread.
Turned off first skit as soon as Leslie Jones came out absolutely wailing like an animal.
Turned it back on to see two men kissing gratuitously to resounding applause and laughter..
It comes down to the occult. Kabbalah Satanism.
Basically, do the opposite of how things were designed to create negative karma in the universe. That is why in those rituals they intaking pee which is supposed to exit the body, and eating poo which also is supposed to be leaving the body. It is also why they promote abortion turning the symbol of life, the womb, into a symbol of death. Trans gender? Inversing the genders against the natural flow. Everything is for an occult destructive reason. Sodomy covers oral and anal. The private parts are symbolic, and supposed to remain covered. When you use the mouth the "inner energy" of that area gets exposed to the very visible face which creates a spiritual stigma. This is why they invented porn, and fashion magazines. To warp the minds of young men, and women. They've already standardized it.
I don't care if its degenerate
anal sex with women is my fetish
>>And then you won't be as jealous about whether or not she's having better orgasms because she hasn't had her genitals mutilated like you have.
>tfw (((they've))) reduced your only pleasure in life to almost nothing before you were ever even sentient and made you bitter and jealous towards women
What's the end goal here?
Hello chaos magician, good luck.
I think it's basically an oldskool satanic blood ritual that works to ensure the survival and dominance of the tribe.
Interpretations to do with slavery I think are also compelling.
And most compelling of all? According to Christianity God sent down his incarnate form to tell people it was time to ditch most of those old barbaric things and shape up ands top being total dicks to everyone.
Looking at that pic, it looks like the urethra would be the best hole.
disgusting kikery
Its true. I just peed inside my balls.
Babies, white ones , specifically
>urethra would be the best hole.
Google "cock-fingering" > images
Doug Stanhope has a routine on that.
Don't say you were not warned