You wake up in your current location in the year 1700. What do?
You wake up in your current location in the year 1700. What do?
Try fight off the aboriginals
I guess im canadian?
Trap furs.
And by trap furs, I mean catch beaver.
find a hottie Iroquois chick to bang
Form western Canada by cutting one log at a time
i would be constantly threatened by natives.
and as a castizo i wouldn't have full rights, but i think it would be fine anyways.
Try and kill all the boongs I can.
Die of starvation or get my head scalped because there's no civilization anywhere close to me 'cept for some forrest niggers.
I can pass as a criollo so i'll might be alright
kill spaniards and frenchies with my best buddy portugal
be happy i don't have to brush my teeth anymore too
fuck the natives
Invent the machine gun and single handedly destroy the native Americans and put an end to slavery before it starts. Because ya know its wrong and if we didn't bring them here then well we wouldn't have them here now
Fuck with the Spanish Colonials
Write the constitution
Get killed by Indians or starve to death in the untouched wilderness a thousand miles from civilIzation
Get eaten by maoris.
Move to south west Victoria and claim the gold field for myself.
When white people turn up, become billionaire.
Buy all the land up north that's full of uranium.
Don't let chinks migrate.
Take over new zealand.
Rape a woman and kms. Bavaria was a poor shithole
Hunt beavers, sell fur, get shekels.
Put on my Puritan garb and burn a witch.
Head north and try to make it to Batavia, then back to Europe.
Ask around if its January 26
Subjugate the natives and establish a fur-trading settlement.
get rich trading furs with the Iriquois
I would use my modern knowledge and go tell my British rulers the future implications of nogs, Mestizos and other outlanders on their glorious colonies and homeland.
Then I would ensure that both the Americas, Europe and Australia would remain white continents.
Either get shot by an indian or thrown to the wolves when they try to take me as a sex slave and find my penis.
die to snake bites
North America wasn't a white continent until the late 1800s tho, and that's still excluding Mexico
run the entire world with knowledge of natural resources, electricity, energy production, combustion/steam engines and firearms
Too late, Bacon's rebellion already happened and the nogs are flooding in. In a few decades they'll reach their highest percentage of the population in North America.
I'm JUST outside British territory in South Carolina.
So I'd probably make a homestead and claim an assload of land if'n I don't immediately get scalped by savages (not sure if I'm allowed to take my 9mm).
Go search for gold deep inside the jungle, hunt native savages and destroy some quilombos
>current location
Knock knees with the French and try not to die of dysentery, I suppose.
Be Iberian as always.
Prob rape and marry an indian or some shit.
>wtf I have syphilis and intestinal parasites now
Well I'm fucked. I guess rule the abos.
Try to make it north to fort Detroit but get scalped by Wyandotte Indians on the way there
Pillage for gold.
Ontarian is definatly below shit tier
Attempt to avoid comanches and make it to a colony
>Be Me
>Be familial resident of Georgia for three hundred and something years
>Ancestor was landowner about twenty miles from here.
>Try and make it there.
>Live comfortably on a plantation for the rest of my days as White Upper Crust
wish I'd studied salish at school.
probably die in the woods from wolf or bear attack, or be killed by an indian
This and go on the war path to kill all Africans, American Indians, and Mide easterners.
>use each areas plunder to build bigger armies
>turn on the Jews
>have only whites in America, ME, Africa, and Europe
Create forbidden border regions in Siberia and Pakistan so we can keep boundaries between India, china, and us
Warn the Brits of the upcoming American Rev.
Scalped by the Arapahoe.
injins all round me boys
wat do?
I am 12 floors up so I guess I would die.
Fight the brittish and throw tea in the habah
Cheers brother.
interior BC should be separated from the vancouver chinks
Trap furs and grow grain in Ouisconsin.
> Be me stuck in Perth
> Unite Abo tribes under my command
> teach them how to make and use boats, guns, etc.
> sail to Europe and Middle East
> Utilise Abo army and reward them with Middle Eastern oil that they could sniff for generations
> gas jews
> tfw ruler of Europe and Middle East
> pax Romana restored
Cry as the eternal Anglo destroys all before me.
Kill all the natives and establish the Republic of Texas. Eventually we become large enough and are The Great Republic of Texas.
I'm in the wastelands of New Jersey, between the two thriving cities of New York and Philidelphia.
Gif related.
Everything is the same (but I hate the French more)
Tell my spanish overlords tips for the future and new knowledge in exchange for shekels. Hopefully I don't get accused of witchcraft and buy a nice house and two slaves to do shit for me.
>get shot when you tell him you're his grandson from the future
Go find the Puyallup tribe, make them worship me as a god, name myself Rainier. Teach them the ways of civilization and nationality, conquer other shit-tier tribes in the area via war or diplomacy. Slowly expand influence down to NorCal and East to the Rockies. Teach them the way of farming the fertile East. By the time I die the nation of Rainier will worship whites as a symbol of power and superiority and have the Cascades to remind them of that every day.
>> teach them how to make and use boats, guns, etc.
gunsmithing or some kind of manufacturing, same shit I do now but with crappier tools
You son of a bi....
Whelp...yo hablo Español...solo pocquito Español, sinceramente,if I could make it to the Spanish colonies I might be able to find my way way back to Europe and eventually shape the course of history with my future knowledge. But more likely I'd die of malaria from mosquito bites, or cholera from drinking swamp water, or just getting bit by a water moccasin.
Florida fucking sucked before civilization came here.
>implying civilization ever reached most of Florida.
>teach them to worship whites
yeah that'll work out real nice for them
live in a nice modern country because anglos are the master race
Mmm, be a loyal subject of the holy roman emperor, have 12 children, harvest, kill and persecute some protestants in backward alpine valleys and die at 50, I guess.
feels very bad mann
Try to discourage the African slave trade and/or have them castrate their slaves before bring them into the 13 colonies.
It'll ease the pain when they all get wiped out by small pox. They'll die knowing they died from a white disease, and therefore die happy.
Flee to Rhode Island. Puritan Massachusetts can't handle my atheism (and I doubt I could convincingly fake being the kind of religious zealot you needed to be in those days to get anywhere in life.)
Probably be hung because I'm a Catholic in Puritan New England.
claim all land where Chicago will soon be
Corner the market on Indian toll roads. Start buying slaves & bottom land near the river.
Just go to Maryland or Pennsylvania
as a castizo i would have no problems :3
>Continue being Floridian
I'm white and a male so I'm alright.
Teach my aboriginal brethren about the dangers of the first few boats, then teach them how to make gunpowder from piss, hardwood ash and sulfur deposits. Unload my working knowledge of the periodic table, chemistry, the old worlds diseases, and electricity upon them. Succesfully repel all landing parties, equip them with planes and high explosives. Conquor old world, enslave the jews.
I mean, if I'm gonna be in the 1700's, getting shot is a pretty good alternative to NOT being able to live the hoity toity lifestyle.
>None of this would come to pass
God save King William
Get beheaded for being white
>> teach them how to make and use boats, guns, etc.
where u at in jersey brah
kill maoris
Go for a walk in venice
Unify deutschland
Swim to the island next to where I live, since i live on reclaimed land.
Try and remember what that guy in dances with wolves did
Chill where i'm at in southern New Jersey. ;)
Make totem poles with native people and build craftsman houses out of trees
I'd have to avoid the Creek savages until AJ comes along in the early 19th century. Otherwise I'd have to flee to the nearest french settlement. Probably Nawlins.
Join the ottoman empire and try to save the white race.
get out of japan you fucking weeaboo faggot