Which tests are more accurate? The compass? The 8 values one? They all seem kind of shit when it comes to defining what their results mean categorically.
Political Spectrums
>National Socialist
Right vs left is economic in nature with more state services/taxation being on the left and fewer on the right, correct?
On the political compass, I tried answering questions like a Marxist and it hit pretty close to their defined point of Marxist, at least, but it didn't work so well with the 8 values. They were expecting more statist.
Trying for marxism
8values is better surprisingly
For that scale, I believe so
We Russia now?
Then how the fuck do Obama and Hitler end up right of center?
>Right vs left is economic in nature with more state services/taxation being on the left and fewer on the right, correct?
"Right vs left" is a mixture of economic and social policies for the test in OP's pic.
The polticial compass is not a good test. If you actually take the test, you will find that it is 1) outdated and 2)not even accurate anyway
The test bizarrely assumes that defense of private property is authoritarian. If you answer yes to a proposition sating "some people should keep to their own kind", it puts you higher on the y-axis, but there is nothing clearly authoritarian about wanting to enforce your own standards of commujnity on private property.
And if you aswer yes to a proposition like :"there is a worrying collusion between media and entertainmnet", that also puts you higher on the y-axis....but opinions about culture does not mean you want to legally enforce it! Bizaare, isn't it?
>there are no authoritarian right jews
Leftist helicopter rides it is.
Huh. You're right.
It does put Obama and Hitler on the same scale economically.
We'll have fun with that, Republicans.
I don't think these can ever be truly accurate because my perspective will depend on the circumstance. I'm more liberal in some ways and conservative in others.
This is fucking retarded
You are fucking retarded
Learn the difference wetween völkisch socialism and marxian socialism
If you know it so well why don't you fucking explain it then.
>right leaning
he was left authoritarian
I think these tests don't account for ideology or worldview. I'm not sure how you'd test for that on policies alone. Maybe throw in a few questions that calibrate the categories.
well then social is the only thing being considered since he was left in economic and slightly right in social
I think on the political compass scale, American politics mostly fit in the right upper field. So in America,"Left" is "Leftist Right" on their scale.
Typically Hitler is in the center for right vs left on these and at the top for authoritarian, which is pretty accurate. But nazism is not something that can be portrayed very well in a spectrum this simple in the first place
Those are the test's defined points, not mine.
I'm (6, 2) on the political compass
what garbage
Or you could read fucking anything about National Socialism and find out for yourself before shitposting
That's pretty close to Trump... I could see that hitting the right-wing populist mark.
Then its proof the political compass is utter nonsense
Yeah I did and at no point did your picture or anything on volkism explain the position on taxation.
What did they get off?
All the political compass-type tests I've seen are just chock-full of loaded questions, false dichotomies, and complex situations painted as being black-or-white in nature.
It all depends on the types of questions that are asked, and those vary wildly from test to test. There's no one standardized "test" so results will always vary from one to another.
how so?
>inb4 gased.
No you didnt you fuckin liar
Why are you being so difficult about common sense
Use a search engine
"Socialism" is an adopted term, originally the NatSoc party was left leaning, but Hitler took over the party and changed it into Fascist philosophy
Völkisch Socialism isnt Marxist Socialism, you are required to work, there are no handouts
Political compass is meaningless
>the cross
needs to be even steven with the femichin but behind the jewstar
kek should be arm and arm with hitler. not sure why little mermaid is on there.
>implying anyone, let alone gary bake the cake johnson, is to the right of murray rothbard economically.
Also everyone in the purple square is more right wing economically than everyone but pinochet in the blue.
I'm like a cross between Jefferson and Friedman
this one worked for me
I tried the spekted one. Hit the same area as political compass when calibrating for Marxism, but they didn't have the category unlike the other 2 tests.
It could help those that don't think too much about politics to find a match if they're interested in getting involved more civically, but accuracy would be important.
Hitlers really about as right wing as the mainstream portion of the democratic party.
The problems with the democrats is not that they support socialism (they dont) its that they push for muliti culturalism
Social cant be considered on the political scale though. There are communist regimes that hated minorities or were religious and there have been right wingers that have done the oppoiste.
Social isn't right or left, its just we associate it as being because of the democratic and republican stances.
It can however affect authoritarian-libertarian scale
Stein and Sanders were just exceptions, most are authoritarian right
Put Johnson in the top left; he's pro carbon tax and pro censorship.
Obama... Authoritarian Right... the fuck?
I took it 4 times now and I always got Neo-Liberalism. At least I'm patriotic.
>perfect economic axis
feels good
No, social services (Prussian Socialism) are in the middle of the blue box. The red box is for marxism and strasserism which is worker control over the means of production.
Its pretty accurate. Did you want him to Libertarian right when he supported the NSA?
Any establishment politician in the US, the President especially, is almost certainly a big-government neoliberal, aka economically center-right and authoritarian-ish.
How'd I do
The real issue IMO is I don't believe he was any less authoritarian than Bush or Trump, as least to that degree. That's simply the result of 'big govt. republicans are super authoritarian!" bias.
Friedman is way too left on here.
Watch the video of him talking about what departments he would abolish
What's your real 8value?
Oh dear, I appear to be filthy liberal scum. How will I ever get Sup Forums accept me?
WTF conservative Obongo
It doesn't say conservative. Right wing just implies capitalist.
Pretty boring
You and I would not have a pleasant conversation at a dinner table.
How the fuck is Obama not more Authoritarian? He had journos jailed repeatedly, used the IRS to win reelection, sent an army of flying death robots t o spread the news of his Peace Prize with the song of over a hundred thousand explosions.
Not sure how accurate, I got what I wanted though.
Mugabe, Mao, Lenin, Trotsky and Castro are way more authoritarian.
Mandela is a joke, he should be at least where Castro is.
Sanders and Washington are also more authoritarian than that, at least 2 or 3 points or so.
Pinochet is a 8 to the right, it is also weird that he is a full 10 authoritarian when he didn't bother to make an actual totalitarian state, while Stalin and Hitler are 9/10, and fucking Mao is only 5/10.
Socialism is socialism
Only difference here is that National socialism is nationalistic while Marxist socialism is globalist in nature
They're still both left wing, one still is better than the other though
>He had journos jailed repeatedly
Do you have a source for this slander?
Nailed it
I'm annoyed by the lack of first names.
Which Friedman is it?
Which Paul is it?
Exactly. Like I said in my other post, I'm guessing whoever made it is simply biased against things conservative use the government for v. what Obama did, or in other words they view banning gay marriage as more authoritarian than forcing states to cater to LBGT interests via bathrooms and outlawing refusal of service. Can't blame them as liberals probably see those things as ultimately promoting freedom, but that's only because they have no conception of economic or business freedom, only mass.
Please refrain from any posts on the topic of political ideologies in the future. NatSoc isn't socialist, not all Marxist socialism is globalist (some had the mantra of "workers of the world unite," but many are nationalist too), and NatSoc isn't left-wing (Jonah Goldberg is wrong on this issue, as much as many on Sup Forums would love to accept his "Liberal Fascism" thesis).
He's probably referring to this: theintercept.com
Although Holder, in one of the very few good things he ever accomplished, ultimately pushed Obama back on the issue and refused to jail James Risen, so I would have to say the statement "[Obama] had journos jailed repeatedly" is factually incorrect. The accurate statement is to say he threatened journalists with jail time and had them put under surveillance.
There needs to be another dimension
One dimension is economic, the second dimension is social policies, the third dimension is government size. The lack of a social dimension makes it really strange when you have Russia almost on top of Obama while socially they are very different. Same with Gary "What is Aleppo" Johnson next to Ron Paul
> left means higher taxes
Not correct imho.
Socialism/Marxism/anarcho-syndicalism in theory are against what results in the exploitation of labor (such as profit, interest, rent, tax)
Prussian Socialism you dumb shit.
you've done good.
hail victory
If they're stapled to the far left, there are probably fullblown communist, where taxes are a bit of a moot point. No one's taxed on what they earned, but the surplus profits of industry go towards the state.
What if I told you Obama is not particularly left wing economically?
Wtf I love Obama now
That's just their gimmicky verbage, they simply want you to have no money and be a slave of the state whether through taxation or just straight up owning you like in every attempted iteration of communism and true socialism. Look at the Democrats and call them out for what they really are.
im with ye on this one
What you say is true for socialism/communism, not true for anarcho-syndicalism where the possibility of a workers' state (or a state which acts in the interests of workers) is denied.
For anarcho-syndicalists, *solidarity within the community* (not welfare) is undertaken without the intervention of third parties such as politicians, bureaucrats, and arbitrators.
I-is this good?
Ah, okay.
again, true for socialists, not true for anarcho-syndicalists
Again, I don't support them but I studied them.
(political science phd)
it's a good start
Mad, Nazi?
Sure, here's a prize.
Read "Towards a New Socialism" by Cockshott
The communism of the future will involve more democratic methods.
Took it again because it had been a while and got almost exactly the same. I'm at the same level as T_D cunts. Just gas me.
r8 me
You're between Bush and Saudi, so Laurence of Arabia
Eh, don't blackpill over just that. It's fine. You're gonna be fine.
nah T_D are probably less authoritarian and more progressive than you
My heart says maybe.