Will Ivanka Trump be the first woman president of United States?

Will Ivanka Trump be the first woman president of United States?

I hope not. She'd be a shit candidate and I love having Donald as president.

she has a good chance now that she sat at that table

Probably. I can definitely see her running in 2024 though I honestly would rather have Rowdy Gowdy or Paul run. I'd still vote for Ivanka though

Trump needs to get rid of her and (((Kushner))). I'm sick of seeing them, tbqh.

don't you need to have been born in the USA?

Shes an actual Soros shill

you have to be born a US citizen

First Jew president. How can Sup Forums be OK with that?

I'll never vote for a woman. They will go into BBC fever and nuke us all.

You're thinking Melania. Ivanka is the daughter.

No, her affect get's annoying really fast. She would have over half the country hating her long before election day.

great reality show America, I am entertained

She'd split the roastie vote though, meaning dems have to double down with their pandering to niggers

It's pretty clear what The Don is doing.
He made her into a businesswoman and now he is grooming her to be president.

no need for presidents when trump institutes a monarchy

Donald just has to identify as a woman in year 7, month 11 of his presidency and he will be the first woman president sorry sweetie

i wish this would happen i wonder what sjws would do

"Reeeee that's not how it works you guys don't understand how our mental illness works"

They are already saying Barron will run when he is ready

Goodness I hope not, unless she abandons all her lefty bullshit ways.

Can you imagine Hilary's face if this actually happened?

I dont think she could win

none of the qualities that made us like Trump, and liberals hate her.

Pretty sure she was groomed to be cute and perfect daughteruu and then he realized she inherited the business gene. Shes also young and hot. Perfect presidential material.

No god no. Her worldview is trash as she would hire women just for having a vagina.

you mean 'dead face'?

I'm sorry but she isn't impressive and I don't want a kike as president.

If she can easily deny Jesus to convert to Judaism just to please her husband, she's not very loyal and can't be trusted.

She's also the one trying to make her dad show mercy on the refugees and got her kike husband into the cabinet. I don't trust her little kike husband.

>Will Ivanka Trump be the first woman president of United States?
Just when you thought Trump's trolling was over.
>Donald J Trump 1st Term
>Donald J Trump 2nd Term
>Ivanka Trump, 1st Term
>Ivanka Trump, 2nd Term
That's nearly two decades of Trump.
>Tired of winning yet?

Can you imagine what Hillary would do to the people in the same room as her if this actually happened?

barron will then be ready for 5 and 6

Yes or have one full fledge American parent
Thats why Ted Cruz was allowed to run, his mom was full on American, but his dad was cuban and Cruz was born in America.
Same reason Obama was allowed to be President, whether he was born in Hawaii or Kenya, his mom was a full fledged white American.
You can also be born on American territory, the Okinawa US base in Japan.

kek will make it so.