What measures would you take to reduce or stop entirely obesity in the U.S?
>What measures would you take to reduce or stop entirely obesity in the U.S?
Who cares? All I have to do is take care of myself. Why would I give a fuck if a bunch of fat niggers die of heart disease?
Most diseases can be avoided if you don't eat a shitty diet, so you get to enjoy rising healthcare costs even if you eat healthy/etc.
Because of liberals always trying to make you pay for fatso's medical bills.
Interesting how republican states are more obese, which is also correlated to lower iq. Really tickles my almonds.
social pressure via more fat shaming
doctors constantly tell their patients the health risks of bein' fat
media constantly tells people the health risks of bein' fat
fit people are idolized and promoted
gyms are everywhere
these people are just being lazy. there isn't even a culture saying it's acceptable to be fat. Just have to turn up the heat and hope these people take care of themselves
i've noticed that white birth rates are on the lower end the more obese it is. make sense, given that no one wants to fuck a fat person.
Deport all the niggers and spics.
Kill anyone who is obese. we would have a 0% obesity rate, problem solved!
> fat niggers
just as many fat fucking white people as fat fucking black people you fucking faggot.
Ohhh boohoohoo
You lost because nobody wanted a cranky old hagwhore or old jew commie as president pure and simple. And by the shit I've seen that you guys blindly believe in, you guys seem to be the ones with lower IQs.
I pumped and dumped so many land whales when I was working on a project in the South, it was amazing.
I supported Trump for the election lmao...
It's just very interesting to note that republican states also have lower average iqs. I'm starting to realise more how republicans take advantage of working class whites, with their muh trickle down economics. Won't be falling for that meme again, Trump can continue his billionaire tax cuts, he'll be out in 2020.
I honestly should have known better to think a billionaire from jew york would be anything other than a useful goyim. You ever wonder how he got all those building contracts so easily?
Thats just because our women tend to be much fatter.
Most fat asses in America are Mexicans and niggers you fucking retard, see
Remove niggers.
synthesize a "cascading" influenza virus (which becomes more and more deadly the more the person consumes high fat content products) and get the fda to embed it into all food products that have more fat than protein. the fda infrastructure is crucial to the success of this solution. make the virus non-contagious of course. the way this solution works is by killing off the fat population directly over a short period. iow, to eliminate the obesity problem you just mass terminate the obese population. upon completion of this first phase, we can discuss a tactical plan for phase 2.
No there isn't
Control your fucking sheboons nigger
Deny health insurance to the obese.
Deny welfare to the obese
Have the parents of obese children be charged with child abuse
Also serve only milk and water at schools, especially elementary schools
First of all we need to educate the public what the true cause of obsesity is. The dumb fuckers probably including some of you think that eating fat makes you fat. I've seen fattys checking labels to see if it's low fat. No you moron. Sugar makes you fat. Carbs turn to sugar. That loaf of white bread is making you fat. Soda is the biggest problem though. Cut out sugary drinks and you fat fucks will lose 30 pounds without even having to lift you skin flaps. Sugar is added to every easy food making it difficult for those who don't cook.
Make sugar artificially expensive. Cut off public healthcare funding for those morbidly obese.
WTF why are the yellows liberal states
while the purples and the great majority of the reds conservative states?
No need to, since we'll just fuck you're much thinner white women, then once we've used them up as our cum dumpsters black women will always be available for us to reproduce with later on in life since no one likes them besides us.
Getting rid of niggers would be a good start since they're about twice as likely to be obese than whites.
lmao, I like how you focus on the women as it fits your narrative completely ignoring the statics of men as in pic related
Increase someone's tax rate/cut all benefits. For anyone morbidly obese just tax them double or triple. If someone is half a ton, just let them starve they will prob be fine on their own lard for 2 months
it isnt the working class whom are too stupid its the left wing free shit berntards whom exist in these states that are the problem. Im thin as a rail but im from jew york.
The difference between black boys and white men is 2%
The difference between black girls and white women is 24%
Nice try, though.
Fitness needs to play a much larger rule in primary and secondary schools (/highschools) and be encouraged and admired, as it will build self-confidence and discipline in children far more effectively than sitting in a classroom bored out of their minds. Starting the day with an hour of exercise (preferably before a meal), and then finishing the end of the day with it. Doing 1 hour of "physical education" a week is pointless. The discipline is something most will continue easily for the rest of their lives as they will understand the value of it.
That's how.
Corn, soy, and their byproducts (mostly GMO too) are killing us. People need to grow their own food again. People need to remineralize the soils.
we eating good fa/m. Why you hating? A few decades ago we was starving, now we eating
Interlace that map with blacks and you'll notice a pattern for the most part.
Also this
Also, if you showed shit like this to middle school kids and make them correlate "eating crappy fat food" to "becoming shit like this," you'd see a drastic decrease in fat kids akin to how the cigarette and lungs thing worked out.
Not quite sure but I'm open to supporting something drastic. It's very hard finding women worth a damn because most of them I personally see are fatty mcfucktrunks that have their own gravitational pull. I'd rather not bother than resort to chubby chasing.
Obesity is a measurement of height vs weight. Regardless if its muscle or fat. The liberal states are mostly limp-wristed vegans.
The guy in the link is 6'1 230lbs. Which would make him obese
Get the government out of agriculture, and stop subsidising grain, soy, and sugar. It would make those commodities as expensive as they should be and discourage people from buying them. Your tax dollars subsidize the obesity epidemic.
Obese black women are hot
Incentives and continual tax reductions for people who maintain a healthy bmi.
ban all food except organic and watch the fuckers starve
iq more like iJew
I see a fuckton of fat whites
This is the only thing that would work. Its too easy to be fat today. It would require the death of the whole leftist and pc movement however, and undoubtedly it would involve real deaths too. I can only prepare myself for the inevitable civil war by drinking heavily and stockpiling firearms and ammunition.
As nice as it is to pretend that all overweight/obesity metrics are seriously flawed and all those red states are also inflated Obesity numbers, it's just not true. While it might account for some of the numbers, it doesn't account for nearly enough of them.
Food is cheap, and it's easy to be fat. All you have to do is eat.
>carbs turn to sugar
Go back to school, Mark
technically that's right and you should also read this book or at least the notes.
Concentration camps.
Or ban all fast food.
Or famine (which is coming, prepare yourself)
Otherwise you're fucked.
That's like saying cars turn into automobiles.
I have a better book for you: it's called a biochem textbook.
I love the Science
Anyone who is overweight and doesn't regularly exercise is a subhuman leech who deserves to be shot in the head. Luckily fat people have shit lives anyway. Most healthy people I know loathe fat fucks and they'll die twenty years before normal people (hopefully before they reproduce). The only problem is they are a drain on leftist healthcare systems like the NHS and Medicare. We should tax them and smokers more. It's not fair that healthy people and people with legitimate disabilities subsidise retards who choose to be unhealthy.
And BTW I'm smarter than you. I watch Niell DeGrass Tyson. I fucking love when he explains Science.
Sometimes it's a bit over my head, cause I didn't do stem (I'm poly sci), but I think Science is so cool. It's hard tho. So is math. I got a D in precalc
Wait for shit to hit the fan, problem will solve itself
>mfw British Columbia green
>Mandatory nutrition courses in high school
>Mandatory athletics
>Obesity illegal, incarcerated citizens require rehabilitation
>Harsh public perceptions of bmi
British Columbian-Quebecois Master Race
If you're fat and use public healthcare, like the NHS, you have to pay a ton more. I hate fat people but you have a right to be as much of a degenerate as you like.
If someone makes the choices that lead to their obesity, fine, their prob. Yes it's always good to give them good healthy eating advice; however, unless we're doing single payer and I'm forced to pay for their fattness, idc what they do.
Outlaw transfats in fast food.
Most other 1st world countries did it, and the fast food places still manage to have better food than us.
Put tariffs on imported fruits and veggies, and make more incentives to have farms here. Bring back the poor farms. Create a new task force that will go around and make sure the farms are actually producing food and selling it, lots of farms in Cali that will accept federal money and not actually grow anything, it's a big reason why we need to imports fruits/veggies. Doing this should make it cheaper to be able to buy healthy.
Make it illegal to feed all those growth hormones and other chemicals to farm animals. Doing that is making men stop producing a healthy amount of testosterone, and it's making us all fatter.
Regulate school provided lunches. Make sure it's actually healthy and edible. And no more stuff like classifying pizza as a vegetable.
Put a tax on beef. All the cow farming is a bigger harm to the environment than all the vehicles combined, and it's totally unhealthy. With the exception of hamburgers, red meat used to be expensive and a treat, now it's something people eat all the time. People are eating steak every other week, which is making everyone really unhealthy and fat.
We also need to put some funding into proper health education in school, and start treating obese children as child abuse. Maybe if parents started getting in trouble by the government for letting their kids get to such an unhealthy state, they will start to care a bit more.
Look at the root problem.
For example, look at Illinios. Sure a lot of people live outside of chicagoland, but most people live near in and are poor or liberals vegans and are not the type of people to be severely obese.
In Missouri, a lot of people live outside of Kansas and St. Louis and are obese based on my experience growing up here. There are many national parks and attractions but literally everyone is obese. Even many people in St. Louis and KC are obese because of white flight: people considered to live in these regions move outside city limits because they are rich but still love that fried food.
People move to CA because they're vegan because they hate the midwest because they are illegal immigrants who are poor and not obese.
The root here is true americans are fat because we have it so good. You're either a hipster vegna, dirt poor, illegal, or you're obese--more or less.
The solution? Idk, I think we're all happy. Look at obesity by age. Does it really matter if you had wonderful kids and became obese? Those kids will spurr the US ahead of other countries.
Want to live in MS and can get by and can eat so bad you live a happy life and get obese? Fuck it.
********My point....is this is the result of freedom and everything we believe in. Want skinny, poor, faggots? Introduce multiculturalism and fuck over hard working people who deserve to get fat.*******
>full of asians
>lowest in Canada
Cannot be a coincidence.
t. hungry skeleton
Make sugar illegal.
Here's the deal
Meat and Animal products are killing us
Watch this documentary called What the Health. It goes into how Meat and Dairy companies pretty much fund all the lower tier health organisations (American Diabetes Association, Breast Cancer Society etc). They promote meat and dairy as being healthy because they can make a lot of money off people buy these foods, while they destroy our health, and Pharma companies make BANK.
Go vegan, not even because of Animal Rights or whatever but because meat is just eating fat and cholesterol. There are very few things good out of it, and you get your protein from plants too retards, it's called nuts or soy.
Watch it before you shit talk it
You think people give a fuck? You think people want to spend more money on saving animals?
People do not give a fuck ifp eating animals are healthy or not. We are all going to die. Do you want to eat what you think is tasty or not?
I don't eat meat all the time because I think it has protein and I must have that. I eat nuts too because it has protein and is good for me. When I eat out, I will eat whatever the fuck I want. I love chicken.
Meat is healthy. No one thinks red meat is very healthy though. No one thinks eating a lot of meat is healthy. You eat mostlly white meat in moderation and rarely red meat and eat it with a lot of other things like vegetables.
Why do you push your vegan agenda on us? You are probably the cause of obesity. TPTB NEEEEED a group of people to compare against. They use the golden mean: they don't like one group? Well, create a group of people on the opposite side to pull people toward that oppostie side AND REPEL PEOPLE AWAY.
People used to eat in moderation; create and popularize vegans and vegetarians and pull people toward that or repel people further away.
Now we have a bunch of faggot vegans and vegetarians and a bunch of people eating purely meat because they hate the former faggots.
That is why we have true america and faggots vegan new america. The real question is who has is wrong or worst off? DO YOU want to eliminate true americans and usher is faggotism or take the red pill and become moderate or be along side the true americans?
Make exercise mandatory (on par with reading, math, science, and history) for grades 2-12.
It's too late for obese adults but if your kid is a slovenly fat waste of space he ain't graduating.
>DUDE WEED LMAO liberal states are not as obese
>the "based" south is the absolute worst
Dixie faggots btfo again.
"Southern pride" lmao
even for whites the south is the worst kek. God southerners are fucking niggers
Remove gibs, remove the taxes that are required to support gibs. Only keep welfare/healthcare for those with a non self inflicted illness.
Let the smokers/fat fucks and unhealthy people euthanise themselves. As some who eats healthy, doesn't smoke or drink why should I pay for them.
Man, it pretty much already is. Sure...you can get away barely passing PE.
But you still have to do something. People do exercise but we eat too much. Why is that?
Sherlock Holmes mesmerized people by stating a fact he deduced used at least two steps of logic. People do not see the first step and immiately think it is magic.
This is the jews logic: make the people eat bad because they subconciously realize their lives are meaningless and suck; doesn't matter if they exercise. They'll just get more and more unhealthy and soon pay medical bills.
We see, jews -> insurance and medical bills = MAGIC. The truth is much more complicated and...oddly enough...if you look into it and follow all the steps, it is a scheme by the jews. The tricked us by strategizing ahead far enough that no one will connect the dots.
Ignoring all this jew talk, exercising won't help immediately. It is definitlely necessary though. We need to eat better. We need REAL food. We need REAL entertainment. We need REAL satisfaction.
Take away all of this, make our only satisfaction to eat shitty, then we are fucked. Take away the Jews and we will be saved.
This is one of the single most retarded posts of all time on the internet. Congratulations. Neck yourself, faggot
Kill Big Sugar. It's in fucking everything and is addictive as cocaine.
Thanks faggot. You must be Jewish. Congrats on your inherited fortune.
>non self inflicted illness
what about someone born with a congenital defect does that count as a "self inflicted illness"
Nope, I noticed you pointed out kikes being the problem in one of your posts, but your retardation prevented you from expressing any original or even logical thought.
Good God we are fucked, either you're a summer fag larping, got your diploma in a Happy Meal, or you're just a nigger drop out.
remove immigrants hispanics and blacks are the cause of obesity problems in america
Who do you think the problem is?
Don't think I am stupid and have never considered no one is the problem, that everyone together is a problem.
Just logically, if no one is the problem, and everyone is, why are we wanting everyone to join together to solve problems?
If you do your research, you will see almost every problem originates with a jew. Sure........just maybe........you can say if you look hard enough any problem can originate with anyone. Good luck. That is empirically, statistically, impossibly true. Is it statically odd the jews are eventually behind most issues? Yes.
Is it odd the blacks or other races or organizations are not behind issues when instead the jews are? Yes.
There is literally nothing else to say. Either you acknolwedge the oddities in the world today or you are a stupid faggot and ignore them.
The only thing Hitler did wrong was not actually having the Holocaust
Yeah, Maybe.
Stop giving away healthcare and let the fatty die.
What ARE Mexicans so damned fat? Is those Amerindian genes plus high carb/sodium/fat diets? Mist of them I see are some variation of a short gremlin looking creature.
stop drinking soda and eating at restaurants