Dixie General /DG/

Muh Peach Sweet Tea Edition

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New Mexico reporting in


Is that supposed to be a map of dixie? Pic related is more accurate.

Also Georgia checking in

Alabama here.

Yee Yee!



TN reporting in. Glad I got some work done and eat up a bunch of my fresh off the vine tomatoes.







Thats all I got for Constitutions

Roll tide buddy! 251 here

Sometimes people put too much sugar in tea and I habe to dilute it. Wish I had some hot boiled peanuts right now.

The sun shines bright on my old Kentucky home
Tis summer, the darkies are gay
The corn tops ripe, and the meadows in the bloom
While the birds make music all the day


Weep no more, my lady!
Oh! Weep no more today!
We will sing one song for the old Kentucky home
For the old Kentucky home far away

They hunt no more for the possum and the coon
On the meadow, the hill and the shore
They sing one more by the glimmer of the moon
On the bench by the old cabin door


All up and down the whole creation!
Sadly, I roam
Still longing for the old plantation
And the old folks at home

All the world is sad and dreary everywhere I roam!


Mentioning Kentucky just made me hum this.


Gone are the days when my heart was young and gay
Gone are my friends from the cotton fields away
Gone from the earth to a better land I know
I hear their gentle voices calling "Old, black Joe."

I'm coming, I'm coming
For head is bending low
I hear those gentle voices calling "Old, black Joe."


I'm going back to Dixie!
I'm going back to Dixie!
I'm going where the orange blossoms grow
For I hear my darling calling
I see the sad news falling
I'm heart is down in Dixie and I must go!


Hell yeah, 334 here.

Is a Kiawah home owner allowed to use this meme? I just got my sunburn for the year here.

unfortunately i'm about a quarter yankee, which corrupts my southern bloodline

I'm outta' sugar, my guys... I have some community porch breeze, tastes damn fantastic, but I'm out of fucking sugar.

I'm so damn depressed, also thirsty.

256 here

what the fuck is that meme area code? mobile or some shit?

Went to Auburn, loved the town, probably my favorite place in the state. Montgomery is gross.
Anyway yall are gay

larping faggot, kill yourself.

A bit of DAC at night is relaxing to me.


Paycheck's good too.


Montgomery is pretty much Coon Town, it's probably gonna turn in Detroit sooner or later.

Bit of Willie too
