Nietzsche & The Nazis: How Did He Influence Them?

>Official Story: Nietzsche's Ubermensch inspired the Third Reich and laid philosophic grounds to justify the Holocaust but The Nazis had a very poor understanding of his philosophy due mainly to his antisemtic sister editing his work to align w/ Nazi values
>But, we know, Jews lie and are history revisionists
So what happened?
>Official story true?
or, as I see it, we have a few different options:
>Work: Unedited - Nazis: Good Understanding - Holocaust: Didn't happen
>Work: Unedited - Nazis: Good Understanding - Holocaust: Did happen despite Nietzsche Warnings
>Work: Unedited - Nazis: Bad Understanding - Holocaust: Didn't happen even tho justified
>Work: Unedited - Nazis: Bad Understanding - Holocaust: Did happen and thought justified
>Work: Edited - Nazis: Good Understanding of bad text - Holocaust: Happened & Justified
>Work: Edited - Nazis: Good Understanding of bad text - Holocaust: Didn't Happen although Justified
>Work: Edited - Nazis: Bad understanding of bad text - Holocaust: Either or, not related directly to text
What really happened?

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Nietzsche was a small factor on the Nazis but not the huge influence he was made out to be. It was his sister who was more like a proto-Nazi. Nietzsche hated German nationalists and antisemitism and the Nazis eventually banend his works in Germany.

they really banned it?

can i get some more context in this whole thing
Did i miss that Nietzsche said europe most expel the jews?

his sister was antisemite and had control of editing after his breakdown. nazi influence due to her. n was pro europe. walter kaufmann spent decades ctr

t. phil grad

Nietzsche was a Eurocentric and he did say that Jews became mawkish when they moralised. He wasn't advocating their genocide but he certainly didn't like them.


nazi spin on Ubermensch missed the point, it was about self-overcoming cf jordan peterson et al

Fucking srlsy? XD take a look at Nietzsche's letter's to Mendelssohn, fucking retard

Nietzsche learned his anti-semitism from the best, Richard Wagner, the original and dominant thinker in their friendship, (((Walter Kaufmann))) is an idiot


he didnt like bible's slave morality, more precisely

n was a victim of his bad attitude, though triumphed to moksha in the turin square

hahaha dumb poltard

>nazi spin on Ubermensch missed the point
I agree IF the official story its true
But what I'm wondering is if the holocaust didn't happen as pop. history narrates than maybe they didn't think Nietzsche's work meant a literal genetically pure blonde beast as history says,
Maybe they had a more nuanced understanding

Nietzsche even uses Wagner's neologisms, such as verjuden and Verjudung

Nietzsche' concept of ubermench greatly coincided with Hitler's concept of ubermench which was overcoming struggle of life at all times until the moment of death. The Jew revisionist tried to protect Nietzsche's work and defame Hitler by associating Hitler's idea of ubermensche with the "blonde hair blue eyes Aryan master race" nonsense that is a reoccurring theme whenever you read or hear (((their))) narrative. When you study Hitler, you will see that his idea is no different than that of Zarathustra. In fact he was the embodiment of him.

Not everything NatSoc-related has to be about Jews. The idea that every single philosophical belief within National Socialism requires an explicitly antisemitic spin is a retarded Jewish lie.

Nietzsche and Wagner also came to hate each other partly due to Wagner embracing German nationalism and Christianity. Nietzsche wrote an entire bitch fest about it.

He had many things to say of contemporary and historical jews and jewery and his sayings changed in tone throughout his career; evolved.
One thing I always thought about Nietzsche view of The Jews was that they were not men of the book, the torah. They didn't read the torah in the way the christians read the old testament. And that they've strayed very much, even the pious ones, into a race that survives through amoral exploitation, and, given that Nietzsche's view of things is quite perverse, he admired them for that.

>What really happened?
Work: Unedited - Nazis: Good Understanding - Holocaust: Did happen, and justified under Nietzsche's teachings

is it just me or Nietzsche writing lacks comedy considering the subjects

More Pls
I read most of Nietzsche's work, some books several times, and don't know where these supposed sister edits come in, how a few edits could totally change his philosophy, seems fishy to me
Love it.
Funny how it plays into our timeline because its almost like a satire on how retarded he'd actually have to be to think that, which nobody would, especially someone reading in its proper language and form.

Nothing to do with being more precise. He didn't like Christianity or Jews, the two are not synonymous.


Why would he admire them for that?

true, though
1) nietzsche disliked nationalism as a goal in itself -- as if should we become happy herds and rest on the seventh day like God -- because he sought never-ending struggle, destruction, and creation
2) it is the Schopenhauer behind Wagner's Christianity that didn't fit Nietzsche's mature vision of life

Nietzsche was a guy who saw admirable traits in both the master-slave moralities, he was a man that respected his opponents.

Hitler carried volumes of Schopenhauer's book with him during World War 1 and read them whenever he had time.

Read "beyond good and evil". He addresses the Jew problem a few times in the text, mainly in the chapters in the second half. If I had my copy with me I'd post some of the sections but can't right now.

>what happened?..the holocaust obviously didn't accomplish anything other than give the Jews a vehicle to persecute and silence anybody that disagrees with their version of the truth.