/our lad/
/our lad/
>Trae Snoozy
What a fucking name.
Good kid.
What did his parents mean by this?
Its late guys, everyone go to bed.
Hey this is great and all, but where's the original? We all recognize Trae "Never Trust the Jewzy" Snoozy when we see him.
Ionno, but I should probably hit the hay. I bet you're getting sleepy as well, no?
It's clearly his rap name.
What a lad.
I hope he gets bullied. Stupid lil white boy
It won't be long until he discovers Dai No Daikbouken and then travels down the deep rabbit hole, never to emerge.
He's white so he probably won't be.
Gen Z will lap the millennials
He will probably get mildly bullied and become a better man because of it. I hope so too.
Trae Snoozy 2060
>didn't raise the Jewish question
Nor should he be, solely based on the color of his skin.
Time for the euros to run this show
Unless he goes to public school.
is that memeball real? please tell me yes.
Yes it's real, Google it there are articles.