Can I get a definitive definition of Fascism because it's practically impossible to find an actual answer in Jewgle that isn't about "muh Jews". Would libertarianism be American Fascism because libertarian is the culture of America and therefore that culture would've preserved?
What is Fascism Really?
Its free market capitalism, native citizens interests first, anti-war and a rejuvenation of societal standards.
Literally the most evil thing ever (sarcasm)
Fascism is very nationalistic ideology so it would make sense that it would vary wildly by nation. So there isn't one set definition.
actively engaging national identity to further the success of the individuals
A palingenetic form of ultranationalism
it's like national socialism but without all the retarded autism
You have to wonder what sort of person would freak out at a political movement like fascism.
The only thing that is clear is Fascists didn't want the state to own business. Which is the opposite of Communists.
It isn't its not socialist. No state ownership of business.
But isn't fascism expansionary? Or is that not part of it? What about workers right's? wasn't originally an alternative to communism?
What would a standard muse of fascist America look like? I'm intrigued.
No not at all. Its the opposite of expansionist. Communism is expansionist.
Its very big on workers rights.
And to add on, what are some key differences between Fascism and NatSoc because a lot of Nazi stuff really turns me off.
It's only expansionary (or how I like to call it "imperialist"), if the fascist nation can't find allies. For example, if you have your fascist nation, and your neighbour have a fascist nation, and their neighbour have a fascist nation, then you can focus on improving your society, because you have allies. You can trade with them, and you don't have to worry about a sudden war.
business owners own their businesses, state protects worker's rights. doesn't sound too dissimilar from most western countries
Fascism isn't socialist nazism is.
Its also not inherently discriminatory to groups like jews.
There are already current day fascist countries and they have never attempted to expand and are thriving through business.
Tf are you talking about OP?
Fascism is the practice of binding your countrymen together with a common goal. It comes from the Latin "fasces" - to bind. That's why the fascist symbol is many sticks bound together to form one larger and stronger stick. How did you manage to get Jews in your definition?
exactly, they cut out the stupid shit about government control and collusion with private industry, they just make sure it works for society
National Socialism focuses on imperialism (Lebensraum), and later on the genocide of the üntermensch. A fascist state will drive out the "not-needed" with diplomatic ways (deprivation of rights). Of course, NatSoc did that to, but it couldn't be done if they want half of Europe
Google's and Wikipedia's are lies.
Fascism is leftist collectivist filth. Wikipedia's and Google's assertion (in the first paragraph even) is that Fascism is "right-wing" (implying in effect that it cannot be left-wing). Let me describe to you the nature of Fascism: Despite the lie often repeated by these leftist faux-journalist comedians that Fascism is right-wing, the way you can get to the actual truth of any given term is to go to its *etymology*. It's birth. Fascism was named from how Benito Mussolini (a socialist) coined it. It comes from the Italian word for "bundle of sticks"
This was a euphemism for what he wanted for Italy; all the individualsticks that could be, on their own, broken would be tied together in a great socialist bundle that could not be broken. An unspoken implication that any who refused to be joined to this bundle *deserved* to be broken.
So tell me friend: Remember the last time you've seen a black Republican bullied for being an "Uncle Tom"? What you were witnessing was left-wing Fascism. Which is to say just Fascism.
>It's only expansionary (or how I like to call it "imperialist"), if the fascist nation can't find allies.
or if the nation he controls is lacking some of its ethnic territory. If Hitler were a fascist, he would have stopped with the Sudetenland and Danzig Corridor instead of attacking everyone he could, including his own allies if he thought they weren't good enough
fascism = putting the interests of "the tribe" as a whole above your the individual
>fascism= "tribe" above all
>liberalism= "individual" above all
>communism = "equality" above all
Italian Fascism:
>tribe = "the State"
German National Socialism:
>tribe = "the Race"
Here's a Q&A from Mosley's (British Union of Fascists) writings:
Here's a Mosley propaganda video:
>by the way, "propaganda" =/= "lies"
This is autism. Not all collectivism is bad.
You, sir, are retarded.
Doesn't it have nationalised banks though?
It would be very libertarian on property and gun rights because those are entrenched in the American identity and have some economic protectionism to protect the nation's industry from (((globalist interests))) and strong immigration restrictions that favored Europeans
Basically American policy until the mid 60s
Because (((Google))) always puts Nazism into the equation when all I want to do is find out what real Fascism is.
Yes it does, to prevent outsider influence, fascism is not truly capitalist as faggots want you to believe
>fascism is leftist
No. Fascism is economically centrist, and socially collectivist. Right v Left is a false dichotomy that means nothing anymore.
>comes from France
>"right" meant supporters of the monarchy
>"left" meant supporters of populism
But it's better though, if jews can't indulge in banking dickery the only way to gain money is to employ or work for somebody. 100% win
Fascism is total nationalism with a strong leader meant to promote unity of the nation.
Mussolini was a fascist. Hitler was not.
Listen to some of Cultured-Thug videos on YouTube. Everyone in this thread is a complete retard.
This is the point. (((They))) are the outsider influence
So basically if JFK or Eisenhower were the president, fascists would be completely happy? How do fascist feel about banking, finance, and landlording? That's a big part of why I don't like nazism is that my family is big in real estate investment.
why is fascism viewed as the spookiest ideology ever ? its not even that edgy when you view it objectively
Watching it now. Thanks mate.
Banking and finance is in the hands of the government to prevent (((outsider influence))). Landlording can be done, since you payed for the land/house. But keep in mind that the state will watch over you to prevent corruption.
Already ahead of ya
Because Communists hate it. Communists are the ones making up history and propaganda.
>Its free market capitalism
No. Explicitly anti capitalism.
fascism and the new man is a good one to watch on his channel
.t dumbasses who fell for "antiFa's" premise and know know they are in fact the Fascists.
>not all collectivism is bad
Essentially it's main drive is efficiancy, self-sufficiency and the importance of the individual within the community (rather than strict focus on the individual like libertarianism or strict focus on the community like socialism) heres a more thurough definition:
Implementing economic policies attributed to both socialism and capitalism in order to achieve autarky. The system is enforced through a centralized leadership consisting of an ideologically united elite with a political strongman at the helm. This economic structure has the state controlling the business, public and private sectors to a degree in which the diserable traits of socialism (ie; regulated industry, protecting national interests etc) and capitalism (ie; competition, innovation, workers incentive) is achieved. The aspect of individual wealth and property remains standing while the pursuit for individualism and materialism is abolished as it is non-beneficial towards society. The proletariat and bourgeoisie are recognized and work in synergy, as borrowed from national syndicalism. Harsh social policies are implemented to crack down on social degeneracy, cultural marxism and societal self-destruction.
t. Political science student that specializes in this
It's capitalism in so far as don't feed your kiddies macdonalds.
This man knows his fascism. 10/10 stuff
Am I a fascist?
You may as well hate the nuclear family and live a hermit autist. You are doing the commies work.
Fine by me. So far fascism looks to me like the absolutely best system there could be, but jewish obsession with muh 6 gorillion prevents it from getting widespread recognition. That and the fact that jewish bankers are everywhere. Hopefully V4 will leave EU and go fascist...
>leftists have inferiority complex
And water is wet.
It is you fucking tard. Where did you get the idea that fascism was based on "free market capitalism"?
Truthbomb: the center does not exist. "Centrism" essentially amounts to a giant middle ground fallacy.
A mental trick to use on oneself for people to feel better about knowing nothing.Understand that centrism is still a claim to political interest. The left and the right (period) are lines that do not actually connect despite what we've been told. A "center" implies a value of Zero between the two. What exists "between" the left and right is a void, nothing. Not "zero" but a null value; *and it's name is being apolitical*.
Have a quote.
>The man who refuses to judge, who neither agrees nor disagrees, who declares that there are no absolutes and believes that he escapes responsibility, is the man responsible for all the blood that is now spilled in the world. Reality is an absolute, existence is an absolute, a speck of dust is an absolute and so is a human life. Whether you live or die is an absolute. Whether you have a piece of bread or not, is an absolute. Whether you eat your break or see it vanish into a looter’s stomach, is an absolute.
>There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil. The man who is wrong still retains some respect for truth, if only by accepting the responsibility of choice. But the man in the middle is the knave who blanks out the truth in order to pretend that no choice or values exist, who is willing to sit out the course of any battle, willing to cash in on the blood of the innocent or to crawl on his belly to the guilty, who dispenses justice by condemning both the robber and the robbed to jail, who shoves conflicts by ordering the thinker and the fool to meet each other halfway. In any compromise between food and poison, it is only death that can win. In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit.
Fascism has nothing to do with the holocaust nazis and fascists are different politics and groups.
Because its free market economics. They even sing about it in their anthem. They also do not support state owning all the business freedom for people economically you fool.
The short answer is "not communism"
>German fascism muh race
>Italian fascism muh state
>Spanish fascism muh family
>Japanese fascism muh emperor
2 fascist states can have things in common, though nothing is a set in stone rule other than being not communist
What moronic stretch of the imagination makes you think fascism has anything to do with the nuclear fucking family?
the problem is that the international Jewish media will associate ANY right wing system that's not a collaborationist neocohen oligarchy with nazism, even and especially if it doesn't actually make sense.
To my knowledge, it can be defined as a system of government where a single leader/group holds power over the societal, economic, militaristic, and diplomatic policies within a nation that is heavily nationalistic. There's a lot of room for flexibility in that definition, but I think that casts a wide enough net to cover it.
Alright Goldstein, time to go
It is true, but jews STILL associate this with Hitler. Basically what said - they don't want a system that prevents them from having influence to gain popularity.
One of the tenets of fascism is rejuvenating traditionalism.
Are you lost or retarded?
You may very well be however i would argue that in order to be a true fascist you must straddle the authoritarian extremity. A Hitler-esque fascist would reside along the central point of the economic axis while a Pinochet-style fascist would gravitate further towards the right (though not completely)
>hurr my argument sucks I guess it's time to echoespost
The individual>all you crypto-leftist collectivist fucks.
It's a catch-all word like racism that maybe used to have meaning long ago but has now been politicized out of useful comprehension. If you've ever looked at linguistics you can see that words don't have to have fixed meanings, and the rules we make with things like dictionaries are just arbitrary attempts to describe "normal" usage. Fascism is normally used today to describe anything from Islam, to liberals, to Hitler. Only commonalities those things have are suppression of free speech, and a normative moral hierarchy.
No its Communists. Communists intial enemies were Royalists, fascists and conservatives. They use the word fascist as byword for enemy.
I am now a #FascistMissle
No you have just attached this pseudo-romanticism to Fascism and were cajoled by antifa into adopting the thing they supposedly hate. They ARE the fascists. Anyone who does not reject Fascism as the collectivist filthy that it is worthless.
Non-individualists are metaphysical cucks and not in my opinion either.
Why do people assume Fascism has to have a single dictatorial leader?
Its inspirations come directly from the Roman Republic.And considering there's respect for land-owning native citizens it would work best under a Republic.
And who was behind communism?
Its more to do with the fact that Communists used to violently disrupt Fascist meetings and had to be kicked out.
That was developed by Communists into the idea thatbfascists are politically violent. Which was just a projection of Communist violence.
Theres even a plaque in England that claims Communists violent victory over Fascists in a street brawl.
It's usually only a dictatorship in times of war. It goes back to its standard afterwards.
>the center does not exist
Of course it does retard. If the "far right" is lassiez-faire capitalism, and the far left is Maoist communism, the middle is Mixed Market.
In the economic sense, modern-day America is very closely aligned to where fascism would be.
>moderate welfare
>moderate government regulations
>moderate tariffs & subsidies
>moderate taxation
The problem is we are a nation full of nonwhites, so our welfare is broken. The politicians are owned by international business interests, so our regulations tariffs & subsidies benefit them rather than our people.
Centrism is not always good, and it is not always bad. It depends on the situation, your argument is idiotic.
from i was(((taught) fascism is the belief that the state is more important than the individual
Fascism is anyone who disagrees with any leftist. I thought this would be clear by now.
>muh individual
OUR RACE is what matters, and as we diminish so will your precious "individual rights". They were created by us, and they will die with us.
You've got the boomer/kike mentality, and you deserve what's coming to you: