God damn it, the UK is the fifth biggest economy!

Just realize, 5th biggest! As the 5th biggest economy the UK will be able to do hundreds of FTAs very fast after Brexit.

Britain needs to open its factories, remove all environmental regulations and become an industrial super power again, Britain needs to abolish its taxes, remove all gun regulations, deport all non whites, and reintroduce the noose for criminals.
The EU should be littered with made in Britain goods, no European should go a minute without seeing "made in England"

We had barely any gun regulation but then some autist went into a school and murdered dozens of school kids in the 90s. Unlike Americans, people here reacted with disgust and banned them all immediately.

I think it's absolutely essential that Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand massively increase military funding, combined we should have I say about 2,000,000 men in our navies alone, we need to mamas an arsenal of nuclear weapons that would put fear into the Soviet Union, we need to invade and colonise South Africa, retake it from the negro and this time remove them and repopulate it with only Anglos. I think within 20 years South Africa will be a first world country again, we must do the same with the Caribbean we need as many territories as possible, we need to grow the Anglo population

Why didn't you hang him instead? Give even an armed robber the noose that should scare them, give the police their billy clubs back and let them beat the Muslims and niggers





>give the police their billy clubs back and let them beat the Muslims and niggers

We're in the European Court of Human Rights now, so technically we can't do any of that sort of shit now.

Talking about pic related is nothing very special. The second most populous county could have been expected to be in top 5 world economies.

ITT per capita GDP matters more than total GDP.

>This thread yet again

Why hasn't this German spammer been banned yet? I'm thinking the mod is German...

We've had mass shootings involving shotguns in England and a man was shot on live tv with a handgun. We didn't ban shit, the Scottish get one little incident with some school children getting shot and they BAN BAN BAN!

Fuck this shit hole and fuck Scotland, fucking cancerous cuck hole.

And fuck Germany, scummy left wing shit hole of cucks and niggers.

Why not? What will happen? Just tell them to fuck off and keep doing it how can they prevent you from doing it? Will they send the EU Army to stop you? Just have the British army shoot them

>one person does a bad thing
>punish society by taking away their means to defend themselves
This is why you get truck'd & rape gang'd

In 1900 the age in which a man may buy a gun in England was 14, what happened that a grown man in his 40's today can't even buy a gun?
It's a disgrace, gun control in the anglosphere literally only started because of fears of a communist uprising like what happened in Russia could happen here

1.3 billion poo poos, what do you expect?

I just wish they would stop exporting their poos, I see them everywhere in Poland.


They'd use it as an excuse to further try and fuck us on Brexit and wring as much out of us as possible before we leave. This is England, and like always we have the duty to set an example to the kids and the rest of the world on how to resolve things like gentlemen, which is to say we'll honour our agreements with the EU until we're out of it, then the purging can begin.

Economy of 1.2 billion people is now on par with 60 million people economy.

Also India overtook France too then not only UK

Based canadian

Who cares about a gentlemans agreement with a terrorist organisation? The EU wanted to place sanctions against Canada in the 1990's this is your first Domimion, the most loyal one, and the country the Queen Mother referred to as her home to one American reporter.
The EU should be sanctioned, travel bans should be placed on anyone from the EU, we need to destroy the EU and encourage trade with any nation who leaves and adopts their own currency.

Well we can only go up now, fuck the EU
We need to open up trade with Russia, Improve Anglo-American Trade and trade with the Commonwealth

Because, once again, we have the duty to set an example to the kids and the rest of the world. If we act like savages the children will follow suit and it'll domino-effect around the globe to those nations that do know how to behave, and the globalists would fucking love that. It's nice to dream of going back to the old days where we could just walk up and boot down any opposing force, but those days are gone, we're playing a different game now and as such need to adapt or die.

I like the American way better just go blow up the terrorists, send the RAF over Brussels you'd probably stop half of ISIS if you bombed them

Bbc - british biggest cucks

yeah thats why Luxembourg is such a great world power and so is singapore.

fucking idiot

India has far more economic leverage than britain that being said Britain is far more technologically sophisticated than india. Notice how the faggots on Sup Forums who want anglosphere without US always come to realize that Britain without India was a joke of an empire. Every other colony was worthless except for maybe Canada until beavers disappeared.