Why aren't millennials starting families?
Why aren't millennials starting families?
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Because why do anything if someone else will do it?
Nigga do you know how fucking hard it is to even live on your own in a city these days? Fuck a wife and kids, I can barely pay for myself
Do you think it's possible that other nations are attacking our citizens directly, instead of engaging our militaries in combat?
It's not feminism. It's not liberalism. It's not the Democrats. It's not the Jews. It's not selfishness. It's not because they're putting Buffalo Wild Wings out of business.
They're not starting families because they're fucking broke, you idiots.
>Millennials earn 20% less than Boomers did at same stage of life
Give them a fucking living wage and they'll have kids. Goddamn right-wing idiots.
Because they don't have any fucking money.
because my gf is currently 10
Because everyone insisted the world was overpopulated, white people are evil, and al gore is god.
It's all about the money, money, money...
Everybody except some Boomers are aware of it by now.
This, BUT with the caveat that Millenials were never taught to think outside the box. Everything they were raised in was about making followers, not trailblazers. This means they don't have the resilient autonomy necessary to come up with creative solutions necessary to get out of poverty. This, coupled with the shitty economy millennials are saddled with, means that the majority of millenials are up shit creek without a paddle and don't even know where to begin with making one.
I'm a millenial and I've knwon these feelings first hand. Getting out from that paradigm was as logistically difficult as it was terrifying. I'm still trying to reach financial parity with where I'm expected to be.
Because anal sex doesn't produce children.
>Why aren't millennials starting families?
Because they are selfish and regularly admit that they 'can't take care of themselves so why would they want a kid'?
>in its path
top notch writing by the conservacucks over at "daily wire"
>It's all about the money, money, money...
Funny how 100 years ago poor white people had tons of kids despite have no wealth to speak of. They still managed to do it, despite whether it was a smart idea to have 8 kids when you could only 'afford' 1.
>le generation meme
so don't live in the city my man, get a car and save money t. living outside of gothenburg
That was then subsistence farming was a viable way to do things and it was a bit longer than 100 years ago now. Industrialization stamped out that more-or-less. Before that you had lots of kids to cover the tasks associated with running a homestead. More hands meant more food on the table. Now more kids is only more mouths to feed with no more food to feed them (unless you're taking gibs)
whats the point in having kids when ww3 or the biggest crash ever could just be a couple of years away, I don't want to be stuck with an infant if I have to bug out. I'll have kids afterwards when things are stable, all I've got to ensure is my testicles make it to the other side.
Thank god, that with ongoing level of automation there will be need to work anymore in a couple of years. Food, shelter and other commodities will be plentiful. We need to reduce the amount of people, due the negative effect human population growth is having on the environment.
I am actually pretty wealthy, I am 22 and I wouldn't start a family because of divorce laws and shitty attitude in women
Just saying
Exactly, the biggest happening is just around the corner. Most of the human population, including your family could perish in a snap. Why bother investing money and energy in building something that is going to become meaningless in the future.
>please marry these feminists
See the funny part is that 53% of white women voted Trump, but these white women are currently giving birth to about 75% of white children. Overall white liberals aren't having families because it is unfeminist or too difficult/expensive. Conservatives are having kids, lots of kids.
Get ready for the coming Neurasthenia plague.
Worth the read for all those who consider the effects of autonomous industry on society (hint, it may not turn out like you hope): artofmanliness.com
>not trailblazers and shit
Yeah man because the Greatest Generation who did what they were told and went to college on the GI bill money were really thinking outside the box. Because the Silent Generation and the Baby Boomers and the Gen Xers who followed them into college through the generations totally were thinking outside the box.
Get your head out of your ass, everyone has just been doing the same shit for 70 years.
The problem is taking care of itself
>everyone has just been doing the same shit for 70 years.
Yes, and in case you hadn't noticed, the same shit hasn't been working like it was before. Millennials do not get enough wages to cover the same expenses previous generations could, partly because of the actions of the previous generations.
Millennials are going to have to figure something out or die out and they are the one generation furthest down the line when it comes to placid social engineering.
Except every country that undergoes womens lib see a fall in the fertility rate
Want to know how I know you're German?
Yea but you're in the minority of people. Most people aren't wealthy enough to do it. And most people aren't salty peanuts towards women.
Where does that money come from dumb cunt? You either
A) tax other people to give gibs making it harder for more people to have kids
B) fuck with the price of labour creating more unemployed people who cant have kids
>Hurr just give people more money what is inflation
God i want to strangle every one of you ancom retarts myself
My parents taught me that, in order to start a family, you need:
>a stable job
>ability to afford housing of property
>a stable and reliable partner with her head on her shoulders
By the way, they also wanted me to study until I was 28 or something because they thought degrees and high wages are strongly correlated (back in the days a degree was an automatic ticket to success, because few people had one).
They also thought seduction skills are useless and just an excuse to scam women... So my feminist mother taught me to be caring and never put my intetests before those of others, thus resulting in me being eternally friendzoned by everyone.
>Why aren't millennials starting families?
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
They're all poor.
Large amount of feminists/numales/ who don't want kids.
Marriage losing relevance.
>tfw you married your high school sweetheart and have 2 kids already
Why did the West kill love, guys?
The west didn't kill love. Communism did.
>Communists infiltrated the West in the 60s
Women suck.
Sometimes they're pretty good at that.
Spoiler: everything is men's fault.
>Inhorn blames the problem on a shortage of college-educated men. "There is a major gap — they are literally missing men. There are not enough college graduates for them. In simple terms, this is about an oversupply of educated women,” she says.
Why can't you just man up and skate through college for free just because of your genitals like I did?????
I want my kid to have a dog and a yard to play in...a safe place to ride a bike...currently stuck in an apt. I'm a slightly dodgy neighborhood. Spouse and I both work, and we made starting to get out of debt, but it's still going to take awhile. Don't want to go on gibs to have kid.
>It's not feminism. It's not liberalism. It's not the Democrats. It's not the Jews ... (it's) because they're fucking broke.
Ergo, it wasn't the west, otherwise the west would have infiltrated itself. Postmodernism in general is distinctly anti-western. It's venom in the lifeblood of western countries.
between HAES landwhales, furry superbeast feminists, and corporate go-getters who think they can neuter me because they make more money, im too busy dodging bullets to attempt to start a family.
You have to consider the amount of brainwashing those kids go through for more than a decade.
>don't found a family unless you are financially secure
>children are terrible and end your social life
>put a career before a family
>only inbred hicks want to live in rural areas
>the only place where you can have fun is in the cities
I mean, for us it is obvious bullshit because we have enough life experience to tell that it's wrong. But those kids didn't, they were constantly fed all this bullshit while their mental development was still ongoing, and that stuff is now kind of imprinted in their brain and it would take some serious fucking effort or habbening to scrub it off again.
It's the only hard data that consistently tells the story. It's women educated and entering the workforce.
We have twice the amount of workers for the same amount of work to do so the cake is split. Now you need two wages to support families, but having kids requires women to stop working for a fee years so the family and businesses take a hit. We can't afford having families without making big sacrifices.
And the world has changed. Education is accessible, sex is abundant, travelling around the world is relatively affordable and people are more independent than ever. Your value as a person today revolves around your education, career and stories behind your. The days where men and women would be considered valuable based on the number of kids raised are long gone. It's not cool to have kids anymore.
i come here to laugh at goyim
too expensive, cut that corner and have more money to enjoy life yourself without being poor or working yourself to death, fuck having children
>Why did the West kill love, guys?
Strong emotions make it hard to control people, and love is probably the strongest of them.
Cause the "western woman" has become a poison well of bad ideas paranoia and narcissism.
The western woman is "already dead"
well they wouldn't be broke if they could find a job that hasn't been taken by illegals or sold out to china and if they wouldn't be taxed into oblivion to gib gibs to illegals and nignogs
>but muh compassion
muh compassion is what is sterilizing you
go smash the fash and loot some products of capitalism you filthy degenerate, that will solve the problem
You can't solve a problem by throwing other people's money at it, you commie retard.
>that justification
Kek. They could just do what men have done for millennia and marry down.
It goes beyond that. They do subtle authoritarian social conditioning in school. I had a friend who was expelled for getting jumped in a hallway. He was involved in violence and therefore had to be punished, even though he was the one who was attacked. They also called it "gang activity" because he tied his shoes differently and they said it was a gang sign.
What kind of system sees an attack and says "Don't defend yourself. Take your beating and them come to big brother afterwards. We'll provide everything, so long as you do as we say."
>No need to have kids.
>Will drain money.
>Women only interested in blacks or Arabs.
>No bright future for kids.
Life is just too good to waste it on investing in kids. Not once in history was there this much entertainment and hedonistic stuff to do.
Pretty much
wow they aren't blaming men for once... this is odd
More like 90% when you add in the cost of living
Oh, yeah. I definitely remember that shit back from school, too.
They absolutely do not want you to be able to fend for yourself. Every tiny shit is supposed to go through them, even they the "official channels" are fucking useless and never do anything.
You are basically supposed to be a worker drone with no real personality of your own. When someone attacks you, that's not an attack on your life and physical well-being, it's an attack on their property.
It did not help that women entered the workforce. Not resentful or anything, but it effectively saturated the market and caused pay depression.
Now all of us are fighting for jobs with affirmative action shoehorning others ahead of the line.
They are... Just later. I started my family at 25. My peers are catching up at 32. They wanted to waste time being degenerates for awhile. Poor choice, but that's on them.
Beyond Jewish memes about how children are literally hitler what exactly do you mean "waste on investing in kids"? Do you even know or is it just "jerking off until I'm 70 and my teeth fall out is so fulfilling".
I'm guessing Nigerians are all fucking wealthy, you dumb nigger.
Because Eurocucks have such great birthrates with all of their livable wages and free social programs, right?
Oh no, wait, they're all falling far below replacement levels.
The answer is: Women are being told they are equal to men, but still hold the opinion that they must marry up. Only the top 10%~ of males meet their standards. So males try less, falling even further behind in womens' esteem.
I actually disagree with this. The millennial generation was raised with this idea that they are all special little artistic souls that will change the world. They were raised to be trailblazers, when the reality is that not everyone has what it takes. These are people that worship the ground that Steve Jobs walked on and want to be the next one to jntroduce some ground breaking way of doing things... When the reality is that there is nothing exceptional about them. They were born to be normal and do normal things, but they can't come to grips with it. I wanted to be a writer, still do, but I always understood that I wanted a house, a family and a career beyond writing. I sought those and I have achieved those goals. This was no simple fuckin task in Vancouver. The effort was Herculean. But the millennial look down on these things as beneath them, when they are the core of personal success and spiritual wealth.
They're going to come around. The realization of mediocrity will hit then hard, but they'll get it. I know a guy who thinks he's going to get rich selling custom crafted ear plugs and music festivals. He's going to come around too. They all do eventually.
Thats ridiculous
Jesus you have feminists from second wave today all admitting they wish they had kids and you think arbitrary hedonism is whats most fulfilling.
Think about it ; Rich people consistently show up as having statistically lower happiness. That does not mean money is somehow evil or that ambitiion is bad. Time however is limited and you have to utilise it in a format that covers all of ones needs.
You can not stand their and suggest that one of the most fulfilling long term expenditures in life is a waste of time. Its quite literally the purest legacy one can leave.
You're going to have kids when your sperm is irradiated and you can't spare the calories? Best to get it over with as soon as possible so you have a gang of little workers to go out and pick berries and catch bugs for the family. If you try to go it alone, you'll die.
Is it going to become meaningless? I understand the anxiety, but you can't live your life just waiting nervously for the happening to happen. You have to do your best to enjoy your life and live as normally as possible. Sure, be aware of world events and prepare for it the best you can, but don't put your life of hold for something that may not happen. Imagine doing this during the cold war.
That's not true, in my experience. My entire experience as a millennial was "finish school, go to college for a degree like everyone else and get a good job". Considering the percentage of other millennials I know with useless fucking degrees, massive student loan debt and no reliable way to pay it off, I think that was there experience too.
It was all about reliance on the system; that's not how you raise trailblazers.
I'm far from alone, I'm surrounded by military age men with no children. If it turns into a nuke war and I have irradiated testis then that's that, I can't stop them nuking everything.
this, money is just an excuse
In the past kids were needed to help work on the fields, these days you no longer need them.
>Its quite literally the purest legacy one can leave.
There is no legacy to leave behind, all kids will end up being slaves and will be increasingly miserably as the economy decays. The most virtuous thing you can do is not allowing them to be born in all the misery.
Sell your apartment and use the profit to buy a house. Alternatively, if you are a moron and rent, buy a fucking starter home. I'm about to move my family out of our cuckshed and into a house. There are plenty of kids in the building and I totally understand what you are saying, you have to start somewhere. Kids are a huge motivator.
>Women are being told they are equal to men, but still hold the opinion that they must marry up.
>try to be like men
>skip very basic aspects of what it means to be a man
>"wow, why isn't this working out?!"
truly a mystery
>The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
I like this presentation, but didn't he double count when he added all the gumballs for people in the world making less than 2$ per day, and then added for people living in countries making less than the average of Mexico?
Did I miss something?
Fucking kek you're broke because of usury.
That was OC by the way, feel free to use it.
You have to get that degree so that you can take your knowledge to the streets/market and change the world with your novel ideas that are entirely unique to you!
You don't want to be some grunt worker at a factory just pulling a lever all day do you?
>living wage meme
>pizza delivery guy and burger flippers now in higher tax bracket
Who could be behind this post I wonder...
>it's not the disease that's killing you that you should worry about
>it's the symptoms that are the problem
>a band aid solution will fix all your worries
I'm too busy eating avacado toast to start a family
I am also surrounded by military aged males. Everyone is, always. They're not going to help you and your association will be a liability. Don't kid yourself, the only people you can trust are your family and extremely close friends.
The biggest red pill is everything that is happening get right now is a scheme to keep tax revenue flowing to cover entitlements.
my close friends is who I'm referencing. None of us have kids and we're just waiting, they've got no one else and neither have I we'll be fine, or just go full mad max
>Don't kid yourself, the only people you can trust are your family and extremely close friends.
Which is exactly why the state doesn't want you to start a family. It gives you a safety net that does not depend on them, and even worse, it gives you a reason to live and form your own goals.
There's no reason to
Nah, it was more like...
>1) Go to college
>2) ???
>3) Profit
>4) Retire
Little did any of us know the fucking economy would scrape it's own nutsack off against the economic pavement. There was no logistical information given. It's one thing to tell people they're unique, it's quite the opposite to actually equip them with what it takes to be unique. There was some of the former, but none of the latter. What you're referencing is the myth, not the reality.
>the daily wire
>The Daily Wire is an American conservative news and opinion website founded in 2015 by political commentator Ben Shapiro
Why is it always this fuckhead.
>any news outlet
>not being owned by a merchant
fear that children may turn out like most of the people on /pol.
also the cost; i'd rather spend money on myself and making my life awesome than on some kid
Do you really want us to repopulate?
Just like any university is owned by merchants too, Prager "university" is proof of that. :^)
Because they don't work and do shitty degrees.
Millennials are worthless. This is one generation that doesn't deserve to breed. They'd rather skip class in college to play video games and blame the system when they kicked out for having shitty grades. They think college should provide a home when it's supposed to be a center of education. If this generation were to not breed, it would do a favor to the nation and the globalists at the same time.
Stop working at fast food if you want a living wage you fucking retard. Stop whoring around and having kids you can't afford. Minimum wage isn't meant to be a crutch. Stop making dumb fucking decisions that will cost you your money and a good portion of your life.
Agreed. That's why I went Russian. Traditional, great values, can cook, beautiful, wants children, goes to church... What more could I ask for?