What's so terrible about Putin?

Liberals are so against Trump having a good relation with Putin. What's so terrible about him? Because he is a dictator? Give me a better answer than that.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Kill journalists
>Kill political opponents
>Get in the way of the west literally constantly
>Commit and encourage allies to commit war crimes
>Try to destabilize Yurop by screwing with the oil supply
>Hack the DNC's and Podesta's emails in an effort to weaken the position of the person they thought would be the next president
>But m-muh libruls
Putin is not a good person, and that doesn't change just because he helped Trump get elected (on accident, since they thought Hillary would win in spite of the leaks).

and we're so great? the world is a mess

>and we're so great?
>the world is a mess

>Hack the DNC's and Podesta's emails in an effort to weaken the position of the person they thought would be the next president
You had me until you went full blown bluepilled bullshit.

>Russia hacked emails

Fuck off CNN jew

Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post.

From what I understand Putin came out of nowhere and made Russia great again. He did a false flag bombing in 1999 and invaded Dagestan. The CIA didn't like this expansion, so did 9/11 to get us to invade the Middle East. We've been fighting them in a proxy war with ISIS and over the Arctic.

Do you have evidence to the contrary? Something other than InfoWars, please.

CNN repeatedly reports the myth that the Russians "hacked the election". Releasing true information to the public isn't the same as hacking the election. If you're pretending that they had good motives, you're retarded.

Putin's ultimate goal is to restore Russia to USSR-levels of power and influence, but without the communism. You decide if that's a good thing or not. Personally I don't think it's a good idea, they start getting real annex-y when they spread their influence to neighboring countries.

>Kill journalists
>Kill political opponents
>Get in the way of the west literally constantly
>Commit and encourage allies to commit war crimes
>Try to destabilize Yurop by screwing with the oil supply

Are you talking about the deep state in US?

Do you have any evidence?

That's what every competent country does. We've all tried to do it.

You made the claim, so you need to present evidence.

stop making me like him more

do you have any evidence that putin killed journalists

>standard Neocon response

Go to bed McCain.

How is he a dictator? He's elected. Why are you people trying to kill any meaning of words?

>Implying the US deepstate CIA Jewry doesn't do all of these things tenfold


>Russia hacked DNC meme

besides dictator, that entire list reads like a resume for the states.

Here's the public information. There are also 4 agencies which have said they're highly confident that they were behind the breach.
>inb4 muh deep state
evidence please

>Give me a better answer than that.
Liberals hate him because he fights the spread of their faggot degeneracy inside Russia, and because he has literally spoken out against ethnic replacement of whites in white nations. The fucking media won't even acknowledge the second one happened, but the Jews have him in the cross hairs for it. (See Bill Still's vid on YouTube of Putin's speech around Christmas of last year.)

I should have gotten first post because this is going to be the best post.

Putin being "evil" is a manufactured point of view everything said is true but what's never discussed is that behavior compared to our other allies that is never brought up when discussing human rights. We are close with Saudi Arabia where women have literally 0 rights, and they have public hangings for crimes such as being gay. They are dominated by Sharia and they are our ally. Why is this never discussed and why isn't this an outrage? It is double standards and hipocracy.

Liberals cannot think. Their entire life is one enormous episode of cognitive dissonance. It is all a farce. Quit trying to fight liberals with logic and reason. It can never work

They're against it cause they tried but we'll everything Hillary touches turns to shit.

Hes a falsely elected dictator and we love democracy around here
>continues to support saudi arabia and other african dictators

>What's so terrible about Putin?
He's a witch that can tell the future...

>muh 5 intelligence agencies say Saddam Hussein has nuclear weapons
>oh whoops turns out he didn't btw don't look at Halliburton or Blackwater

>We are close with Saudi Arabia where women have literally 0 rights, and they have public hangings for crimes such as being gay.
To be clear, I'm entirely fine with working with both the Saudis and Russia where we have areas of common interest. Purists who insist that our partners must 100% conform to our way of life (and, optionally, that they need to be overthrown and replaced) are morons who vastly overestimate our political clout.
That doesn't make the Saudis or the Russians good people. The Saudi prince is an expansionist asshole who's trying to create rifts within the coalition against ISIS. We need to be realistic about where our goals aren't aligned, and that means taking off the rose-tinted goggles.

i came there to shill against Putin and now even i love him, what have you done?

He's a Russian. If you were European you would know what that means. Russians are not to be friendly with, they should be genocided.


>But look more closely at the above and you can’t help but notice all of the qualifying words: Possibly, appears, connects, indicates. It’s impossible (or at least dishonest) to present the evidence for Russian responsibility for hacking the Democrats without using language like this. The question, then, is this: Do we want to make major foreign policy decisions with a belligerent nuclear power based on suggestions alone, no matter how strong?

Do you read things you post?
It literally says "There isnt enough proof" and "But maybe we will find out they did if more info is released"
Jesus, lad.

>That doesn't make the Saudis or the Russians good people. The Saudi prince is an expansionist asshole who's trying to create rifts within the coalition against ISIS.

I was merely talking about public opinion. I am not saying that the totalitarian elements and the treatment of their citizens in Russia and Saudi Arabia is acceptable, but the western world has been led to believe that Russia is a boogyman when other allies do far worse and you never hear a word about it. It's totally political. It's manufacturing public opinion

I hate democracy tho

>What's so terrible about him?
He's a spook, what else do you need?

>Kill journalists
>Kill political opponents

I can attack any internet connected machine and make it look like it came from Russian government IPs... so fucking what?

Fucking this. Reading western idiocy about Russia for a few weeks can turn anyone into hardcore vatnik.

It's neocon Jews, not liberals.

Anyone who's worth his weight when it comes to technology & has been following the case closely knows that Russia didn't hack Dems, it was American leakers who got the info out

Anyone who only reads the headlines of the articles and gets intimidated by authority claims without any substance behind them thinks Russia did the hacking

Zalupa is a fucking asswipe scum, he has ruined Russia. His friends are mafiosis and all of them are controlling oil, gas, minerals and so on. Here is no future for non militari, police, kgb and other shit.

>when democucks can only resort to meme-tier critcism against pooty

>What's so terrible about him? Because he is a dictator? Give me a better answer than that.

because hillary lost and they were given orders by the dem hive mind that putin was the cause

Yeah, because sufficient proof isn't public. All you need to do is read the article title.
There also isn't any public evidence to the contrary.
Don't be retarded.

but there's proof by wikileaks that CIA can frame anyone they hack onto another entity

*sips vodka*

This is the core answer.
The neocon bullshit is just that: bullshit. Putin hasn't done one rotten thing that all our other governments haven't done too. BUT he supports white ethnicity and he's anti-degeneracy/faggots/trannies etc. Unforgiveable!

Oh yeah, and he threatens our supreme control of most of the world's oil. EVEN WORSE. Jews hate that, so fucking much.
>Liberals cannot think. Their entire life is one enormous episode of cognitive dissonance. It is all a farce. Quit trying to fight liberals with logic and reason. It can never work
Spot on.

>CIA hack and release DNC's emails to ruin Clinton's chances at the presidency
>We can't trust the CIA when they say it was Russia because they hate Trump

Jesus fucking Christ, my eyes. Fuck that nonsense font. Fuck you pirate. What's your native language you fucking idiot. Where did you even find that low grade picture? Did you make that abortion yourself? Fuck, Fuck, Fuck you.

>There also isn't any public evidence to the contrary
Innocent til proven guilty nigger, it's not on the defendant to prove his innocence it's on the accuser that the burden of proof lies.

>rose-tinted goggles.
The only pairs of those I've seen around here usually have to do with Assad, not Putin.

Putin's obviously a classically nefarious politician AND ex-KGB spook who's unpleasantly legendary for beating women, but as a world leader, he's no worse than most of them. He's just not in that little libshit Euro clique, and he never will be. Neither will Trump, so they might as well work out some advantageous deals which would be good for the people of both countries.

>It's manufacturing public opinion
Exactly. I am so very sick of that shit.

So you're literally retarded then? Gotcha

>Ask for evidence
>Get evidence
>There's more evidence which isn't public, and the people who possess it are confident that it demonstrates that Russian state operatives were behind it
There's no reason to doubt them outside of stupid, unevidenced conspiracy theories.

Has he killed anyone personally?
Is he an uncivilized nignog or a mudslime who goes around shooting people he doesn't like? Those aren't good people.

Putin is far from that. He seems to be running Russia relatively well when you compare it to other countries around it and taking into account that it was communist a few years back.

>Everyone who isn't a serial murderer is good
Nice morals

Don't fool yourself into thinking anyone cares about that humanitarian bullshit when we and our allies do worse in the name of "democracy" every year. The liberals and the neocons just ate up the propaganda they were fed like the retards they are. It's about keeping Russia down because that's the only way the unelected shitstains running our intelligence community know to keep America ahead. The idea of self-improvement is absent. And they're a bunch of senile Cold War relics who think foreign policy is going to continue revolving around the Middle East and Eastern Europe twenty years from now, which is why they don't give a single fuck about China while they try to reignite the Soviet hysteria.

>there's proof, we just can't show it to you, goyim
>just trust us, retards

This guy gets it. I'm a hardcore Russiaboo because of having to defend Putin against such ridiculous and irrational attacks. If I didn't know any better I'd say that was Putin's plan all along - reverse psychology. I regret nothing.

> What's so terrible about him?

He's not a jew communist and conserves Russian culture while allowing progressivism to trickle instead of opening the flood gates so the jews can once again invade and mass murder 30 million christians.

Sure, Russia isn't America... but they are an autocracy which for keeping Russia together... they are not interested in allowing random politicians with coat full of jews become president.

>Show the Russians exactly how your diagnostics identified them
>Next time, they'll know exactly how to avoid detection, or how to blame it on someone else
wow you should run the cia

He's not even a dictator though. I know he's been basically trading back and forth for the presidency, but hasn't Merkel been in power for over a decade now? Like 12 or 16 years? Nobody accuses the almighty chancellor of being a dictator, despite having such a ruling influence over the entire EU.

When most of the world is fucked up, your standards have to be lowered. You must accept the fact that this is the reality now.

I didn't say Putin was a "good" person, just that he doesn't seem to be a bad one, based on his actions so far.
I don't know what your definition for "bad" is.

They're democratic leaders when they're our friends, and they're dictators when they're not. World politics isn't that complicated.

Exactly... no one complains about US congress serving 30 consecutive years in seats being dictators.

The jews are just pissed that Russia has strength and intellect to keep out the big noses at a high level.

He is just a KGB pragmatist, he doesnt do things for personal reasons even though Russia is quite corrupt

1. Those you call "liberals" are actually FUCKING COMMUNISTS and you being brainwased by kremlin propoganda to think otherwise.
2. Russia is under his rule for like 18 years now and he was supposed to be ACTULLY LIBERAL president (as Russian Federation is by constitution) and expand Russia's people's rights, but you see - he used to be in KGB and in FUCKING COMMUNIST party, so his methods are based on same old mass-propoganda, oppresion (not like your fucking femenist crap - we are talking jail for alternative oppinon and killing). Also a thief. Sold like 4 billion dollars worth of our national natural resources and where are all the money, son? Nobody never saw them. 22 million live in extreme africa-grade poverty. Annexed half the Ukraine and made them our enemies. Killed a bunch of people of opposion. Totally corrupted the whole government along with police, army, and courts. List goes on and on dude. Fuck Putin. Fuck him hard.

>Putin wants to destabilize Europe

I never get this claim: Why would he?

No, that's not how it fucking works you shit eating moron. It's subhumans like you that let this "intelligence" community spiral so out of control, acting however they please without any regard for democratic principles or limits on power.

It's already been explained to you how these exact same agencies lied to you to get us into Iraq, withholding evidence and expecting the public to simply trust them because of their titles. They don't even bother trying to cover up their past deceit, it's public record but you shitheads just pretend it'd never happen again every time.

If he's so bad, why are you allowed on Sup Forums?

Shouldn't you be shoveling shit in the gulag reading your daily anti-west propaganda paper and listening to shitty Russia only approved music?

Oh wait... that's because Putin must be keeping law and order over criminal faggots like you that want to do whatever you desire with no consequences of being spanked.

Sucks for you liberal shill. Go protest a clothed person.

The question was about why Putin is terrible. America's crimes is a whole different question. Get your shitty fallacies out of the board.

>Have an approach to diagnose who breaches a server
>'hurr release it all publically'
>But then they'll know how we diagnose who breaches a server
>'no thats wrong'
ok thanks

>where are all the money
>22 million live in extreme africa-grade poverty
>where is muh gibs putin???!??
kys poorfag

>being this bluepilled
>muh GOP
wew lad kys pls

It's angry liberals and EU loving Ukrainians who are claiming this.

They are all butt hurt they can't easily take over Russia and make it into their next multi-cultural marxist cesspool filled with niggers, arabs and McDonalds.

thanks for posting

Democratically elected, there are literally tens of thousands of LIVE cameras covering every single polling station in Russia, unlike USA and other countries

>Kill journalists
No proofs, but I am 100% in favour of killing libtard journalists

>Kill political opponents
Political opponents in Russia are mostly a meme, so this is false on account of it being unnecessary.
There are a lot of them as well, it's not like there's a lack of people running for president

>Get in the way of the west literally constantly
Because the west is controlled by JEWS who are trying to DESTROY it

>Commit and encourage allies to commit war crimes
Total crap

>Try to destabilize Yurop by screwing with the oil supply
Completely false

Russia has only ever cut off gas to Ukraine because they never pay their bills, they have never affected anyone's oil supplies and the gas supply of countries who pay their bills on time

>Hack the DNC
Pure propaganda

Literally bombed his own people to get in power. Before the war conflict in Ukraine his approval rating were under 50% (and this during the high oil prices). He literally needs a war conflict every now and then to keep his rating up and his kleptocracy going. First it was the Chechnya conflict, then Georgia, now Ukraine and Syria.
He is ex-KGB thug, which means he is taught that human live has no value, he will kill you or send you to prison without any remorse if you have different political views. This is what he was doing before the big politics anyway.
Idk why Sup Forums has such a huge boner for this criminal.

I see you proxy FSB dipshit

>>Get in the way of the west literally constantly
every other reason is a nonsense and a lie

Apartment bombings were done by the FSB but the conflicts you list are for russian interests


Putin/Russia did not instigate any of these conflicts

Georgia was instigated by retard saakashvili who invaded his own country
Chechnia by muslims (Putin's only mistake was to not nuke the whole place)
Ukraine by globalists who wanted to destroy the manufacturing eastern regions and shove tens of billions of euros of debt down their throat to ensure perpetual debt servitude

You are literally retarded

>I am le ebin redpill master and know putin is our only chance aginst der juden!!!!!

What else do you expect him to do given there millions of native Muslims living in his country?

Give me an actual answer faggot

And despite that, there are still LESS terrorist attacks in Russia right NOW than UK and France. Clearly he is doing something right


>Natalia is actually on the list

>There's no evidence to refute my unproven claim, therefore, it must be true
American education at its finest, folks

>Georgia was instigated by retard saakashvili who invaded his own country
>invaded his own country

>There is no evidence to refute the claim
>There is substantial evidence to support the claim
>Thus, I believe the claim until such time as the weight of the evidence shifts
thanks for posting

>he will kill you or send you to prison without any remorse if you have (((different))) political views
This is because he is one of the only people that doesn't seem to have forgotten the horrors of (((communism)))

Better to kill the commies before they take over and ruin everything again.

FACT: only commies are upset by political persecution (because communists are the only people who need to persecuted)

Yes, that's how retarded he was.

He's very severe and a bit short.

Where's the evidence fuckwit

I'm sorry that you can't read


That's actually the official position of NATO and OSCE.

Chechnya belongs to Russia and the only reason it got any focus in the west is because we were trying to separate a massive oil reserve from Russia and prevent it from ever becoming a successful nation again.
Putin didn't invade Georgia they blew up Georgians occupying south ottessia with a significant number of ethnic Russians because the Georgian government was caught in the midst of carrying out an ethnic cleansing, Georgia was set to join NATO 3 days later and begged for western intervention until neutral observers gathered that the government had planned ethnic cleansing, hence why it dropped off media radar in a week.

Ukraines a split of polish and russian diaspora there's no reason it should exist and when Donetsk and Donbass voted out, Ukrainian government and the west should've respected the democratic right of a nation that formerly belonged to Russia and was kiked out in the post-soviet collapse to start, when the Ukrainian government decided shelling the territory was more favorable then diplomacy a Russian government had every right to protect the interests of its citizens former or not.
Syria is a shitshow and Russia's cash cow there's no real justification to destabilize Assad besides U.S. wanting to prevent Russian oil interests and vica versa, Russia is only there as a matter of profit, both are wrong but at the very least Syrian government invited Russian forces.

>anti-russian memes

>it's a "muh native mooslims" episode yet again
You dumb fucking nigger, it doesn't matter what type of cancer you have. The only thing that matters is if you're ready to do something about it or not.

Claiming there's evidence doesn't magically make evidence appear.

Where's the evidence for WMDs in Iraq??
>Durr, CIA has it
No they don't, you shill

>Intelligence agencies say they have incontrovertible evidence
ok thanks for posting