We are dying.
We are dying
Everyday we stray further from the light of god
fuckin CHUDS
Some outworldly madness has fallen upon earth
I love how leftists always try to grab the protesters the police nab as if the officers are just going to let go and not arrest their ass too.
*eat the rich*
*good night white pride*
We'll never get to live the prosperous and peaceful lives our ancestors did. Fucking communists will hang one day, I'm fucking telling you.
those people are really into their larp
Wow Die Antwoord has really fallen off a cliff
People like these are why commies came up with reeducation camps. There would be no other way to save these souls.
We are living in the age, where powers of the world using media, press and education have corrupted people's minds, destroyed their values, turning their own minds and bodies against themselves, their history and their people.
Turning people from productive workers of the public, into hedonistic monsters constantly chasing the next high, constantly seeking approval of their radical groups.
They look for problems, where there are none and correct them in a violent manner in order to feel accomplished. Sincerely, feeling that they have done some good in the world. As if some madness has overtaken their minds, they see reality differently, from us. For them, up is down, and down is up - as if they see the same things we do, but through a filter, a lens that twists and turns the reality around them. A reality, that is fueling them with anger.
These people are groups of blind men and women, unable to see the truth, calling themselves, anarchists, independent, unruly, yet following blindly the orders being given by their groups of radicalized like minded individuals.
Europe is ill, that much is certain, yet I hope, for all our sakes, that we can survive this.
Someday, my enemies will have filled their faces with metal and coverrd themselves in vile images, and I shall laugh as they realise how hard it is to fight a man who wasn't trying to impress 19 year old girls with daddy issues. Then they'll realize that you can't kill an idea. Excellence. Supremacy. Sanctity.
Tread at your own risk.
>a man who wasn't trying to impress 19 year old girls
Yes my fellow alpha, while those "men" where out fucking girls and getting "ahead" in life you and I both grew our real power. By watching deep philosophical animes such as Lotte no Omocha and Kill la Kill we have gained deep insight into the human mind and we're even capable of killing grown bears with our gaze alone.
All those fake men shall tremble at our power.
The key to this is realizing the truth about WW2 and that the current situation is a direct result of its outcome.
Jokes on you, nigga; I like DBZ.
stupid attention whore masochists keep showing up in photos. and of course they're both wearing dog collars too so police can train them better.
Honest question to any leftist, are people like this not at least equally cringey as our Kekistanis?
We both have disgusting useful idiots.
you need to go back to your safespace
Peace is overrated anyway
die Antwort
nvm i though u were refering to pic related
How can a European look at the insanity that was Hamburg and not wish things were different. Is it even possible to reverse the course we're on now? Makes me sad.
I love you for that comment
Damn goblins
Doubt most people are aware of what exactly happened. Most people who browse pol digest a lot more information than your average citizen.
Its too late.
>Yuri was too smart for oure parents
Spot on.
Is he about to garrote that nigger with a chain? Man I am having more and more respect for German police.
Oi ya cheeky fuck!
Yah shoulave biined that knoif on ye arm.
I wouldn't mind a girlfriend like that one in the pic, alternative.
Madness descends on mankind in wake of the old ones.
Our sins will herald the true God.
>ITT: autists getting their panties riled up over an example of the extreme left
guess what? the whites on the extreme right are the same tattooed, degenerate, criminal, pieces of human filth except with Sup Forums virtues. Meanwhile, in the real world, centrists like Sargon and Pewdiepie are the ones the next generation are looking up to. Stop trying to act like it's the end of the world every time you seem some antifags.
Right now, right wing extremists aren't burning down cities, retard.
>set a few cars on fire
>autistically screech
>get pepper sprayed
>take pictures for your instagram
kys you oversensitive kike.
Yeah, not like in some eastern Europe coutries a year ago, retard.
Im not tattooed or a criminal or degenerate.
Why do people adopt these filthy identities? Antifa, faggotry, weeaboos, etc. Why would you want to be disorderly and vile?
We will only live in an age of strife. It's up to us to make sure our children don't also have to.
Also, reminder that neoliberals are a much bigger threat than insane SJW/marxists, because they actually attain real power.
Im stealing this
They instinctively feel that they have been played and drop out, because they also see that their parents are being played, but draw the wrong conclusions and don't realize the proposed solutions are still a form of slavery. Like instead of being uniform in a conventional sense they and up looking the same in a punk way. They are still not individuals but trying to be like others, but now they are members of a different subculture with different uniforms. You don't see punks who dress like I don't know 18th century aristocrats. On the other hand Vampire Weekend tried that once.
so what you dumb nigger? I'm sure there's at least one antifa that isn't tatted, criminal, or degenerate either. Your anecdotes mean nothing to me.
not we
>red white black shorts
what did i miss?
i just noticed the chick in the car
yeah fuck the system *spends hundreds of dollars on antifa brand clothing, hair dye and jewellery*