Size of Israel:
20 000 km2
Size of the Middle East:
9 000 000 km2
So tell me, why are ar*bs so butthurt about a tiny piece of land?
Size of Israel:
20 000 km2
Size of the Middle East:
9 000 000 km2
So tell me, why are ar*bs so butthurt about a tiny piece of land?
Other urls found in this thread:
They aren't, they've never attacked Israel
They're butthurt about everything and their remedy to that is snackbar
Not sure which one of you is more autistic. Israel owns illegal land it should not exist there. And yes the arabs have attacked them in at least 2 wars to my memory. Saged.
because the jews have nukes, and own american nukes
Wrong, it's 6 000 000 km you anti-Semite!
Well you see that tiny piece of land is not only holding Jerusalem and the mosque of al quds (the second holiest place in Islam)
But it's also the birthplace of Jesus, one of the 3 major messengers in Islam
And letting the same guys who tried to kill Christ hold his birthplace is an insult to Jesus, Islam and Christianity
(((Abrahamic)))) religion tells them its holy land and they need to murder people over it
>muh mosques
>muh magic people in the sky
Muslims should not exist in Jerusalem, so I guess they both need to leave.
Conquering land that Muslims stole originally is, to Muslims, a genocide. It wasn't a genocide in their eyes when they reduced the Christian population to less than 1% throughout the Eastern Roman Empire, though. Muslims are just shit people and an eternal enemy to all of humanity. Jews aren't much of a threat if we could only just get them out of our own fucking countries. Watching them walk on Muslims is pretty funny.
Everyone is butthurt about Jews. No one wants them. No where.
Why is a godless atheist trying to give his opinion on a mainly religious issue?
Fine, religion aside
Jews, (or should i Zionists, since there was some Jews in Palestine who lived in peace with the Arabs) when they came into Palestine, they had the mentality of supremacists (the main point of zionism is Jewish supremacism) and were planning on ethnically cleansing the Palestinians both Christians and Muslims, and that plan is still in action.
which of course resulted in absolutely retarded shit like the Qibya massacre, and food blockades against the Palestinians, etc etc
And did i mention that there was a jewish terrorist organization, Irgun, that harassed not only muslims, but christians and brit occupiers as well.
Oh boy, it's another illiterate American who has no idea what the fuck he's talking about is trying to give his miserable opinion
During the time of mandatory Palestine (WW2 era Palestine occupied by the Brits) Christian Palestinians made up to 10% of the total Pali demographics
Now they're 2.5% because they were the most ones subjected to the Jewish ethnic cleansing
The size of my house is 100 m2. However in 1945, Western powers came into my house and poured 5 m2 of shit on my favorite place in living room; told that shit was so persecuted in sewers so it needs a home. I demanded that they remove the shit, they did not. When I tried to remove it myself, they interfered.
>we dindu nuffin
>there were still a couple christians left after we turned rome into an outhouse
You people deserve everything you get. Before the West is even with you we will be raiding across North Africa surrounding your villages with the heads of your women and children on pikes. Then we'll call it even.
AWW poor muslimes were robbed of 0,1% of the land they invaded 800 years ago
And no I'm not an atheist, science can't explain how the world was created
actually islam`s must holy location isnt in Israel at all.
arabs just want to destroy Israel for the position on the map, if you look at the map you will understand,
Size of your house : x
I invade a room of your house.
Why are you so butthurt lol?
classic underage.
If someone would seize your kitchen, or your toilet, or any room that you can't live without, you'd be mad too.
dumb kike
Mudshits invade your house, your garden and the whole neighbourhood
You take back a room and they get butthurt and start blowing themselves up
>I'm an atheist who does not self-declare as atheist because I don't know how the world was created. Look at my brilliance!
you are pathetic
The day Israel is nuked by Iran I'll open a bottle of champaign.
>If someone would seize your kitchen, or your toilet, or any room that you can't live without, you'd be mad too.
This is exactly what Muslims do. This is why we need to take a lesson from Vlad the Impaler and return the kindness Muslims have given to us here in the West by skewering them like the kebabs they are from their assholes to their mouths.
underage with no reading comprehension
You know that cancer is microscopic too? And can take down a much larger organism
Mudshits invade your house for two reasons:
1- Israel provoke wars in the fucking desert making 'refugees'
2 - Jews finance mass immigration to destroy Europe
I don't think most people under the age of 18 have a comprehensive understanding of Muslim aggression against the West or the barbarity which they have always thrust on us. Keep on with your baseless comments though.
Do you guys think that all those attractive Israelis we are seeing all of a sudden have to do with stolen European babies?
Explain the Barbary Wars. Was that the Jews, too?
Who wants kike neighbors?
come back when you read a book
Amazing how ISIS never attacks Israel.
Muslim criminals act like criminals, the same way Christian criminals act like criminals during the Caribbean pirate era, the same way anybody acts like a pirate criminal, really.
They mad that hundreds of years of fighting the crusaders went down the toilet in six days in 1967.
So mad
I've read plenty, there is no justifiable reason for ever befriending the Muslim world after the neverending conquest you've attempted to foist on us. We literally had to escape to the other side of the planet to get away from you assholes, and now you think we're fucking BFFs and we should let you come over here, too.
In reality, when we first had the opportunity to repay you all the cruelty you've shown us we should have taken it.
You can't really call them criminals(we can, but this is perspective) if they were sponsored by state.
Both groups are retarded. The holy land belongs to the Christians
The ottoman empire was a criminal state.
>So tell me, why are ar*bs so butthurt about a tiny piece of land
I'm going to assume you are retarded and tell you its because of :
4 day war
You also forgot many details:
-Irgun was a mostly self defense organization.
- Jews and Muslims reproduced more than Christians
- this is the historic homeland of the Jews.
- before the Jews came, it was a shithole and mostly desert.
- Jordan is where the Palestinians should be
why won't jordan accept the palestinians mohammed?
Actually they didn't interfere and you got your ass kicked. Also, this "shit" is the most developed country in the middle East (The oil countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar don't count as all their development is purely by luck).
>french flag
of course abdul.
>-Irgun was a mostly self defense organization.
So they go around shooting random musims, christians and brits? and if i recall correctly irgun was created because the kikes were angry because the brits wouldn't hand them palestine.
>- this is the historic homeland of the Jews.
Not even close, shlomo, if you leave your seat for 2000 years then come back expecting to be empty then you're delusional
>- before the Jews came, it was a shithole and mostly desert.
maybe because it's was fucking year 1945 at that time?
>- Jordan is where the Palestinians should be
Because they don't want to go there?
Won't happen Muhammad
There where attractive Israelis from the start but the Russian immigration in the 90s sure helped
>Tells others to read a history book
>Thinks Jews only started immigrating to Palestine in 1945
Name a single nation that accepted all the inhabitants of a neighboring nation that fled from conquest. It's like expecting the brits to take in all the frogs during WW2.
This argument is retarded as are you.
>And no I'm not an atheist, science can't explain how the world was created
Oh , i see, you're just a magyar just off his horse, never had the opportunity to get an education and a culture.
Beware, don't wait for too long or we'll send you back to Asia - we have enough idiotic migrants as it is.
The majority of Jordan is Palestinians anyways so wtf?
Except that there is absolutely no difference between the Jordanians, the Palestinians and the Egyptians
Because Israeli security apparatus is so good that even Palestinian groups have resorted to knife stabbings.
says the cumstain hiding his flag
Because they are fucking Muslim inbred cousin fuckers always having chimp outs. I hope Israel fucking nukes all of the shit hole paki surrounding nations one day.
>hurr durr i have no reading comprehension
No, not even close
Irgun went around shooting brits and muslims, though mostly military targets little if any civ targets (even the king david hotel was being as a military command point at the time of the explosion)
haagana was a defense organization fighting mostly muslims headed by Ben Gurion
Haagana bombed the shit out of the Irgun in 1948 forcing them to desolve and making Beggin extremely mad for 30 years
You can't expect Jordan and Egypt to shoulder all Palestinian refugees since it would bankrupt both nations, Jordan is already experiencing a famine. You are expecting to shoulder the burden of several million refugees when they can't even shoulder their own. Same goes for Egypt, despite being in a much better position than Jordan it would completely fuck up Egypt.
>Irgun was a mostly self defense organization.
Wrong, it has been a terrorist organization,nothing more.
>Jews and Muslims reproduced more than Christians
Yes, cockroaches always do that, it's their only way of winning .
> this is the historic homeland of the Jews.
Nope, even the bible says that you invaded these lands, that you were just the gyppos of the Middle East even back then.
> before the Jews came, it was a shithole and mostly desert
wrong, it was the home of the canaanite people and their kingdoms.
> Jordan is where the Palestinians should be
No, that has always been a disputed desert, no one but migratory tribes roamed thru it, the palestinians of today are nothing more than the original semites that have been on those lands since forever.
Shlomo, at least try not to lie this obviously.
Yes, i know, you're proud of the rotting meat you keep under your saddle.
Do Christians worship the Creator? Or the location where Creator's avatar took a shit? It sounds like something only the Catholics would care about, to bronze Jesus's Turds.
>pakis and imams
They'll have to nuke you retarded bongs too
Just to educate you a little Jewish settlements in Palestine started after WW1, not 2. Not that it will help considering you're Muslim and thus technically retarded.
Wow... that was so cringy to read... There is no proof for any of the stories in the bible you know?
Even before that
Can you shoulder my shopping spree?
It's easy to say that, but when you're literally kicked out of your own home it's a different story
You are american, two of you would bankrupt any nation if we were to shoulder your McDonalds fees.
Yes, history and education are indeed an abomination in the eyes of the evangelicals, just kiss the jews' ass and you will feel a lot better .
You racist bigot! Throw you in prison for that hate speech, now send me your money for McDonalds, and your women.
5hey domt belong there
>Jews aren't much of a threat
Nice try chaim
They really do, though. They even fought a war for it and won, which are the only claims Muslim's have over their land. Unless Muslim's want to give back Constantinople they don't have much of an argument about who belongs where.
Not in a militaristic sense, no, Ahmed. Not to us anyway. :^) I am all for all the news moving to Israel.
>Israel owns illegal land it should not exist there
Thats not true. Israel existed all the time, it was just occupied by various people. now jews are just taking control of what is theirs
>They even fought a war for it and won
except they didn't kike. The international community gave it to them for nothing against the wishes of the arab leaders. No one could fight against the entire world, not even the Axis. They have no claim to it outside of bullshit biblical text that they literally made up.
Size of your boipucci 2 inches
Size of 6 million boipuccies 12 million inches, why care about your boipucci?
The Muslims started a coalition war against Israel and got farted on.
because the arabs are good liberals and want to destroy the nationalist ethnostate of isreal b/c racism
Assuming Palestine belongs to the Jews