Norway uncucking?

Is Norway waking up?

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Not strange, Norway is getting diversity in every corner of its small country.

Norgebot, get in here and explain this shit!

Archive clickbaiters

where the fuck is that,
is that on top of a crane or something?

what the fuck?

there's more, and the Norwegians are cheering. EU cucks telling them they should be against it because of WWII...

I wanna try :3 if he replies it means he wants to be my boyfriend :>

They laughed at me because I lost.

But I was never lost in the people that supported me

There are a lot of trolls in norway


it's not the nazi germany flag i'm surprised about,
i'm just surprised some dude got it on top of a crane.... or whatever....

People will rally around the nazi banner as the sign of resistance.

Looks like you're shit out of luck m8.

Hitler must of had a bloody good government when occupying Norway that the people are now showing their respect for him.

Amazing. Germany cucks itself to save everyone else (not sweden)


That just a new form of cucking yourself.

>nazis ripping off Kekistan flag

Why u do this?



I did this,
I did it for Hitler.
Zieg Hail brothers.

Putin should have brought the hound ffs

Faggot Kiwi BTFO by based Norgebot.

Literally :-(

I'm always afraid to walk under these cranes.. if this peace of concrete falls over your head you're a pancake

"viva europa" traitorous whore

Summertime is trolling time.
Lol @ u swedistand i rev loud, and buy cheap alcohol.

0/10 bait


Some people are heroes.

Deal with it.

Absolutely disgusting

i no rite?

looks badly photoshopped

Don't shit talk us, we gotta work together against the swedes.


she's a disgusting stoner aswell

Not using the Ultra rare pepe for the centre of logo.

Still 9/10 for logo though

look like you are the traitor, selling out your heritage to a bunch of arabs and africans.

if waking up to national socialism, they might as well not wake up at all

waking up would be removing all the leftist cancer nazism included


Its the counterwieght on the "rear" side of a large construction or port crane.

should we go full autist? pic related?

national socialism is fine by me. I give a fuck about my people.

nice bait, friend. Expose ur real flag schlomo

Australia uncucked years ago.

It took long enough

somebody climbed up there with a reich flag?

v2 of kekistan flag is the new kekistan flag. 4 clover is changed out with the david star.

Anyone who accuses you of being a nazi for carrying the flag are anti-semites now and causing themselves to look like idiots

That's what appears to have happened.

You've never climbed up a crane? Around here it's something you do when you're super drunk and too young to care about the risks.

Ikr fucking nazi shills stealing our flag fml..

kekistan is gay

And yea crane climbing is lime "I am a thrillseeking young person" 101.

Its feels really exciting and dangerous while not actually being terribly dangerous as long as your not a literal retard. Gateway drug for more risky adventures.

Ouch. I cringed.


Are you that retarded that you can't tell it is a fucking joke post?

nah, that flag is impure, too much colors. It needs to be simple, regular green with a purple david star, for contrast.

easier to manufacter.

when were we originally cucked in the first place?

I'd imagine it would be very difficult tho,
using only one hand and the other for holding the huge flag...

that's kind of the point. Shit brown, rainbow degeneracy and kike overlords, Kekistan manifest.

Why don't u shop up something better?

might try it sometime

Hail Victory Brother.

Flag rolled up, tied and strapped to back.

obviously photoshoped

shut up kike.

t. nigger


>Norway hates its flag being associated with windmills

Fucking typical. I would expect nothing less from an oil greedy country like Norway. They hate preventing climate change.

If so, you got a pair to climb up on that, presumably at night.


You live in a while country so your construction equipment isn't surrounded by razor wire and alarms.

Wait until you have reach peak-nigger and tell me about your antics.

Someone hanging an edgy flag on a crane doesn't mean anything. In fact, most normal people are appalled and completely repelled whenever they see the Nazi flag.
WWII vets would kick your ass if you did that here.

what if we deported all jews to malaysia and indonesia



literally just regular kekistan flag with a purple david star where the 4clover is.

can literally do it in paint ez

B-but I thought...
What about that one atheism meme about how Jesus promised to eliminate wicked men, and Odin promised to eliminate the ice trolls...
And there are no more ice trolls

They would eventually seep back into the rest of the world. Their subversive degeneracy is genetically encoded in them.
Seriously, check out the book Culture of Critique, it does a great job of explaining the concept of The Biological Jew.

M9 the youngest WW2 vets are like 87 88 years old.

They're not kicking anyones ass.

>some of the direst and uncertain times of human history in recent years
>World leaders meet to discuss how WW3 can be averted or started
>Strongk womyn shows bullish apathy



Watch "The Greatest Story Never Told", then come back and read what you just wrote.
You will be embarrassed.

well fukin do it then

i used to know a lot of hip hop guys back in the days, who has recently discovered Sup Forums. they still walk around in their dreads and baggy pants and smoke weed, but now they've exchanged all the yo and mayne with based, KEK and untermensch. oh and yeah, they've got kekistani flags on their balconies.


Looks like someone reversed it in Photoshop or bought a real meme product. The flag should have proper-facing swastikas on both sides.

>A spectrum is haunting Europe
That's clever. I like that.

The fire rises.

i wonder what it was like before the reich. Did people look at the brown shirts and say "pathetic losers"?

ever seen a poppy grow? the seeds are tiny, and once they've grown, they fuck a lot of people up.

Nazis are the real racists

Do they understand the truth about race and the jews?

no, schlomo. show your real flag.

t. racist


>waking up
>becoming a NatSoc LARPer

pick 1

It's a shame there aren't more WWII vets around. If there were, they'd probably tell you that none of this shit was what they fought for.

racism is the science of humanity and civilization. being a 'racist' just means you understand this science.

>edgy flag
People hang and fly flags like that because they
actually believe in Natsoc ideology, not to
be "edgy" you little faggot.

ela with fotoforensics suggests legit

>knowing shit about shit
Pick -i^2

no threads on the oslo nightclub shooting,was it a shitskin?

exactly. I came to the ideas independently, figuring out what was the answer to our fucked up world, under the control of usurious banks and flooded with violent slave migrants. then learnt through /pol that i was a national socialist

the swastika flag now represents hope.

if they are presented with all the info available on Sup Forums and do nothing to reflect on themselves and just switch their complaints from one set of external factors to another, they're not doing anything to better themselves or their society. they've basically switched to another flavor of niggerdom.

most of them are redpilled on the JQ, but a lot white hiphop guys in europe are. they are also semi-redpilled on race, but they do not realize that the variance in IQ distribution might actually put them in the nigger-tier and below. and so they go around talking about untermenches and whatever, without exhibiting any kind of superiority themselves or even striving to be superior.

Among nationalists here, it's a common belief that Nazi sympathizers during WWII were traitors.

You cannot be a nationalists and support Nazism here, it is literally two opposing viewpoints on the sovereignty of the country.

Anyone who raises the Nazi flag above the Norwegian flag should be shot in the head and executed as a traitor.

> putting up flags of occupators and socialists
No, they are shoving the bluepill sideways up their asses.

eh, who cares. Oslo is a lost cause anyway, full of liberals and rich people who think being "humanitarian" by importing a few rapefugees will absolve them and make them good people.

They need an awakening.

Coulter's law