Why are r*manians in the EU but TURKS aren't?

i would say we are whiter and more civilized than gypsies

bcs fuck you, thats why

i hate your autistic fucking * shit

Romania is in Europe, Turkey is not.

Send them all back or kill them all

roaches need to leave. also a thread died for this shit

albania is in europe too but not in EU. you retard

you're obviously the retard

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Not all European countries are in the EU
All countries in the EU are in Europe.

>cant argue in a civilized manner
>y-y-oure retard
average cumsk*n

Thats because the EU isn't Europe, silly roach.

obvious fucking bait
literal sub-human

cry more whiteboi

lol americans...

Because turks are Muslims are whites don't love or hate Muslims

>i would say we are whiter and more civilized than gypsies
letting romania in was a mistake. However turkey has 4 times the population of romania and 220 times the inability to understand what they are (shit)
letting turks into my country was a mistake too.
Dont care how white you are. how civilised you are i see every day. Not civilised enough.

do you even map, roach?

End yourself roach.

>too afraid to use geoloc
no u

Aren't you the turk that consistently attacks whites but now you're claiming you're more white? Complex?
There's a number of Turkish who are European genetically but that doesn't change the fact that a vast majority arent and are just a bunch of dirty rapist muslims. The fact that Turkish cling to their white minority as a representation of their international image is pathetic, at least be proud if you're brown but don't try to suck up to the west when you aren't in line with us mentally, its an insult to both.

That looks like a good specimen for reproduction user.

*salivating intensifies*


It's the most butthurt t*rkroach on the boards again! I love this guy! I don't even have to do anything, he's already perpetually triggered.

because you're muslims and we don't want you subhumans in eu.

Honest question, why is Romania in the EU? The country is poor as fuck and their gypsies are crawling everywhere here in Sweden.

Turks are the people for whom the term "Untermensch" was coined.

If I could gas all you roaches I would.



Its based on geography OP.
I know your country has 0 atlas but try to keep up, perhaps get map off the internet.

turks aren't white you fucking spastic. they're middle eastern. you white obsessed faggot.

You are subhuman and not in europ? You are SO underdeveloped that you can't read a map for primary school?

Well in all honesty, armenia was spending millions to promote genocide around world despite being poor as fuck last time i checked.

Only if you give me a Qt turkish girl

Read this book,it should help you speak the truth more often.

But Germany is already in the EU 8^D

Last time I checked natsocs don't support zoophila

Good one

>i would say we are whiter and more civilized than gypsies

They will get in long before you do, stay salty turkroach.

>Amanda Cerny isn't turkish

Because of ideologically blind extremely leftist pro-EU politicians. If anyone would have asked what the people in the EU really want, Romania would have been glassed long ago.

-"Okay, photoshoot's over, get this burka back on, let's get you back to Italy."

Top kek. You belong with africa you scum


roaches can't join a union created by humans silly.

because romanians are bros while t*rks are not

anatolia was always the east, oriental do you know it was a province called asia and that's the origin of the name of the continent?
it's never been europe
it's only considered european cause germany used to be an ally and because the NATO so that it's not under the russian sphere of influence

Rather Turkey than Romania.
Most Turkish Migrants are people.
Romanians on the other hand are criminal scum

nice try you slimy hairy cockroach

Those "white Turks" are descendants of Christians you enslaved in conquered territories like Bulgaria and Greece.

1. You are still occupying Northern Cyprus. EU was damn clear that you MUST remove all occupying forces from there and remove all migrants you planted there if you ever want to be part of EU.
2. You are violating basic Human Rights including freedom of press, freedom of assembly, freedom of sex and freedom of religion.
3. You are funding islamic terrorism.

>1. You are still occupying Northern Cyprus. EU was damn clear that you MUST remove all occupying forces from there and remove all migrants you planted there if you ever want to be part of EU.
we let them vote between themselves and greeks rejected being united with turkish side. not our fault
>2. You are violating basic Human Rights including freedom of press, freedom of assembly, freedom of sex and freedom of religion.
what are you, a libtard?
>3. You are funding islamic terrorism.
show proofs.

for thousands of years ancient greeks and byzantines occupied these areas

>we let them vote between themselves and greeks rejected being united with turkish side. not our fault
yeah, lets unite and allow only Turkey to keep military presence on the island what a genius idea

Turkroach detected.

when brits do it its okay?

You're god damn fucking right it is.

wow, what a great argument, Turkish intellectualism at its peak!

no matter how much you cry, you will still remain a roach

why do you use a BLM flag, komshi? xD

Turks are the best poster on Sup Forums. They surpassed the Aussies.

Armenia was a part of the Roman Empire once.
They were also among some of the first early translations from Greek of the Bible. Muslims are incapable of being Western.

i was trolling some burgera on a previous thread and I forgot to change it

>Armenia is Romania now
American education

Fuck the EU.
They are going to let a shithole like Serbia join EU.

replacing the brittsh caliphate with a orthodox christian country seems like a good choice tbqh

But albanians are turbo roaches. EU = no roaches.

It's called "nu German" ;)

>not our fault
Your military is still there => its your fault. Nobody gives a fuck about your excuses. Either you do as you was told or you aren't accepted in EU.
>what are you, a libtard?
This is why you are worse than gypsies. EU has certain standards that all member-states must maintain. Its simply unacceptable to harass opposition media, any state which is doing it is uncivilized stone age shithole and cannot be part of EU. Any state that doesn't allow LGBT parades is not free enough for EU.
Romania could comprehend it and reach minimal level of civilization necessary for becoming part of Earth elite. You couldn't, and keep trying to deceive and cheat your way in w/out actually improving, but everyone sees through your shit.

Yeah fuck the EU

Turks civilised?
I require evidence for such an outlandish claim.


Because Turkye isn´t Europe, you arabian offspring.

you're terribly out of touch with your country's (and by extension, the whole of EU's) policies. leave your basement sometimes

Turk, first fix your shit in your country.

HOW can you be so GAY and still be a mudslime?


but they never claimed that was europa
alexander conquered even persia
that doesn't mean it was europe
bactria was not europe
mesopotamia was not europe
byzantium is though

here you go lad

native anatolians weren't greek or roman just like now they are not turkish
turkey is a fake nation

I don't think you know where either are.
Georgians and Armenians have a surprisingly prolific influence on our history. Romanians don't. Georgian, as a language, is one of the oldest languages in the world.

because you are shit colored cockroaches
the only think you should be allowed into is a pest trap

are they even human?

Gypsies are a minority in Romania. If turks become a minority in Turkey, with a white minority, you might be eligible for membership.

because of armenian genocide


Because ur country is an authoritarian shithole that supports terrorists

Forget Europe, revive Caliphate

wouldn't she be whipped or beheaded for wearing that in the street

also isn't that absolute haram for muzzies to have on their computer.
mouldy orange eating achmed fucking terrorist
lol nope

because contrary to you, they hold european values that root in christianity.

you dont.
your understanding of democracy is so much different.
you think it is still democracy when the president can unseat his own checks and balances (him self also in the process that makes no difference).

and only a small percentage of romanians are gypsys. and be sure, noone likes the gypsys here.
just as noone likes you over here.

You aren't.

if majority of Turks were kemalists I wouldn't mind. But this erdoğanist neo-ottoman Turkey is just a disgrace desu

I am all for letting you guys into the EU. Just get rid of your islam and you're totally welcome.

Albania is Muslim

greek people, living in greek cities speaking greek and having greek traditions are not greeks because a guy on Sup Forums says so. before the ottomans anatolia was occupied by greek byzantines

Romania shouldn't be in the EU either, I agree that you may be more civilized than Gypsies, but that's not a huge achievement.

Romanians are the old Europe. Anyway, get on google street and see for yourself if you're whiter. The answer is "no" btw.
And you not getting into EU has more to do with your inability to settle down with your past, barbaric culture and authoritarian ruling than skin color

Don't worry, soon Europe will be part of the Middle east.

> untermensch
The last time you claimed that your women were raped by the entire world. Really makes you think heh.

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You're not paying attention because that is what's happening over there.

They're trying really hard to undo the work done by Atatürk.