>Guantanamo detainee who killed a US. soldier will be given 8M$ by Canada

What the fuck?

Find this fuckers address and kill him.

topkek. These are the endtimes my friends, enjoy the ride.

This and OP's picture is the house of his lawyer where he did live at least up to last year.

Some reports say he has his own place now.

What happened to he other 2.5 million?

Finally he got the reward he deserved for his deed.


Canadian/US exchange rate.

10.5 CAD or about 8 USD.

I hate the exchange rate so fucking much

Don't buy goods from the US.

Asking a leaf not to be a cuck to someone? Might as well ask the sun not to shine

>killed a US. soldier

nothing wrong in this, yeah we should kill 400-500 thousands of them to stop this shit, at least he tried

Based. Nothing wrong with dead ZOG minions.

>Canadian government defiles the rights of another individual
>Supreme court has decided that Khadr's rights were violated
>somehow this is too hard for Sup Forums to comprehend.

Lets go over this one by one:
Terrorism is a criminal charge like any other charge. One does not forfeit citizenship by committing an act of terrorism. This is not news. People have not lost citizenship over treason in the past. Suggesting otherwise is just blatant racism.

Regardless of the crime, he is still a Canadian citizen with rights that should have been honored by the Harper government.


>What happened to he other 2.5 million?

8 mil is the American dollar. 10.5 mil is in cuckcoins.

Sweden is giving gibs and even housing for ex ISIS fighters.

Cucked nations are in need for some uranium enrichment.

>One does not forfeit citizenship by committing an act of terrorism

Here you do.

Thanks, Canada

sincerely: your brothers down north.

>Might as well ask the sun not to shine
I don't ask, I tell it not to shine.

>>One does not forfeit citizenship by committing an act of terrorism
Even in the UK of all places this isn't true, so I doubt it is for Canada. We keep hundreds of beardie weirdie's on watchlists but their citizenship is revoked in theory when they commit an attack.

>One does not forfeit citizenship by committing an act of terrorism
This is absolutely how it should work.

Guess why we have no terror attacks.

Name one man convicted of treason that has lost his citizenship

Citizenship isnt revoked for native citizens no matter what. People who were born here.

>>One does not forfeit citizenship by committing an act of terrorism
>This is absolutely how it should work.

He is from an entire family of terrorists and murdered a US solider fighting in Afghanistan. He might as well been fighting against Canadian troops. What he did was equal to treason in my eyes.

Zakaria Amara of the Toronto 18 until Trudeau decided otherwise...?

Like I said, in theory the killers of Lee Rigby don't hold citizenship. This was set up in the 80s in response to IRA attacks. But they can still sue under law, when one of them got their teeth kicked out in prison, they could still sue so in practice I don't know how far it goes.

>Terrorism is a criminal charge like any other charge

Really? How many weed smokers locked up at gitmo?


With Canada rewarding terrorists who kill our troops, they've set the precedent that we should simply kill their citizens in the field instead.

Belonging to ISIS here would strip you from all laws. You dont need to commit terror attack even.

Not to mention we had one Polish guy who ran away to middle east and joined ISIS. Long short story GROM got him, and .. removed from existence.

The court didn't order a payout, that's something Justin did on his own.

The Canadian government never put him on trial so what was Harper doing wrong?

The crime he committed was in Afghanistan and was committed without any legal protection for enemy combatants in the case of war.

Normal criminal law isn't applicable to military action.

In the end Omar was given a legal trial after the first trail was ruled by the SCoTUS to be invalid. His treatment was vastly superior to any treatment he would have expected in Afghanistan and his pre trial time was credited to his total sentence.

Oh whoops, he was convicted of terrorism.

when do we purge this shithole country.

Can Trump promise to build a northern border wall for his reelection in 4 years?

i dont feel safe sharing a border with the syrup niggers

Fuck you. He only got his back in 1975 as well.

The court would have ordered a pay out of 20m. They settled on 10m

> set up illegal prison
> all the guards are sadistic fucks
> one of the torture sessions goes too far and a guard gets killed
> muh find the 'culprit' and kill him

I've been saying this for years.
Our lax borders between two have been a national treasure for both sides, but has become a frightening and unsafe luxury lately as canada grows more an more radical electing more and more leaders who giving their country away to chinks and muzzies.

Now they want to take in the mexicans?
Why are we building a wall when a spic can just go to canada for free, become a citizen for free, then just walk right in the fucking U.S for a job?

What about terrorists?
Want to get in the U.S? No problem, become a fucking canadian.

What a joke.

It's a shame Traedaueaudeuamaudadeen sold all their fucking gold, we know their asses won't be paying for it.

Fucker probably planned this all from the very start that craft fucking devil worshiping snake.
Fucking pagans.

you got it fagget

>The court would have ordered a pay out of 20m. They settled on 10m
We have no evidence to support that statement.

Any he has already undoubtedly moved the money out of Canada to avoid his wrongful death case and that hundred plus million ruling. Helped along by the Justin government to have the money transferred on a US holiday.

>One does not forfeit citizenship by committing an act of terrorism.

No, but you do lose almost all of your rights, as is reasonable. The fact that he's still alive is the problem here, leaf, I don't know why you can't see that.

Yes they would have ordered it. The Supreme court was unanimously in favor of Khadr and ruled that the Canadian government violated his rights.

Khadr’s lawyers took the federal government to court Three times over his constitutional rights, and three times the Supreme Court of Canada ruled in favour of Khadr, writing in an unanimous 2010 decision that the participation of Canadian officials in Khadr’s Guantanamo interrogations “offends the most basic Canadian standards about the treatment of detained youth suspects.”

He took the federal government to court and sued the government. What do you think will happen when the Judge sees that Supreme court ruled THREE times that the Canadian government violated his rights?

>hurr here is 1 dollar bye bye now.

>You lose almost all your rights

No. Murderers keep their rights in court. Robert Pickton keeps his rights. Loads of serial murderers keep their rights. A 16 year old murderer charged as a teen gets to keep his anonymity by right of being a Canadian. Terrorism, murder etc.. are criminal charges. He is charged as a Canadian and retains his rights as a Canadian in full.

The Supreme Court has already ruled in favor of Khadr 3 times since 2010. So you tell me who I should believe, the Supreme Court or you.

Set up a wallet and crowd fund it with Bitcoin.

>He took the federal government to court and sued the government. What do you think will happen when the Judge sees that Supreme court ruled THREE times that the Canadian government violated his rights?
Past ruling have no weight in a new case. Only the evidence and law.
The constitution has no requirement for monetary compensation for violation of rights.

That the government didn't even bother is simply evidence of Justin's personal views on Islam and terrorism.

It's already known.

Canada is a fucking shithole.

He should subsequently be ordered to pay that money to the family of the dead soldier.

>past ruling have no weigt in a new case

holy u are so retarded

yeah thats why judges, defense and prosecutors LITERALLY USE OTHER TRIALS IN THE PAST and compare the results of that trial to that of their own.

please end urself. you are just a dumb racist with no understanding of canadian laws.

Albertan here.
he cashed the cheque on Wednesday, he already got the money.
all 10.8 million of my tax dollars (now most likly already transfered to an offshore account untouchable by the widow he made or us to get back) and an apology by our fag in charge on my behalf that i did not consent to.

> Canadians shout 'racist' at people who don't want to give money to murdering terrorists


I wonder how many terrorist acts he will afford with that money.

Not to mention information was obtained using torture. Most of Sup Forums would admit to being SJW trans femcommies under torture.

Canada is such a fucking joke.

Bending over for shitskin dick so much they yell "Welcome Omar to the neighborhood" even AFTER they know he has killed a fucking DOCTOR.

Holy shit, I honestly am so glad I live in Alabama so I don't ever have to meet a fucking Canadafag in real life.

Im on it

poor starving irrelevant shitholes dont get terror attacks unless of course you count that plane crash in russia that killed half your parliament one.


Just coup the weedman government already.

Ikr its bullsshit but its cheaper over U.S then it is here

8 million canadian dollars

Let them be stupid with their money. One of our guys is worth millions. We lost one soldier while they got a stinking muslim and a huge bill in return

I didn't consent to 10 years of Harper either but had to tolerate it because I believe in democracy. If only Harper wasn't an idiot he would have won.

The cucking is real

Keep it up leaf

Not as bad as germany and Sweden is

Even they don't have a criminal bill that punishes you for not calling xir by xeir proper pronouns.

You fucking retard, you're a disgrace

Don't be mad at them for acknowledging The Brow Man's superiority over them