State enforced marriage

Would the state making monogamous marriages mandatory be beneficial to society? Pic related, Chinese cartoons pushing family values and authoritarianism at the same time.
As a freedom loving guy I couldn't support this but I can see why this could be good.

>mr chav bonghani al neigelhammad your assign female partner is oleery guiness malik nuurag saleedi


I think that, in certain scenarios, the state mandating reproductive pairs would be enormously beneficial.

this would largely be done via surrogates, however - women genetically suited for producing stronger, more intelligent people aren't always suited to be being mothers, same with men as fathers.

chosen relationships should still be a thing, as happy monogamy does have a host of health benefits, and is a critical basis for society. the only reason happy monogamy doesn't seem to exist is that we live in a truly fucked world right now.

alternatively, you could give people a range of options, have partnerships emerge naturally from there.

all of the above assumes the controller of such a program has a decent definition of "beneficial to society" which is ultimately where all plans such as this fail.

>Chinese cartoons pushing family values and authoritarianism at the same time.
Based on the first episode it's going to be more like
>That feel when I already love some other girl and we even kissed, but now I have to settle for a state enforced gf. Isn't this cruel?


Dispose of no-fault divorce laws, and you'd have the same result as mandatory marriages. The only reason people don't get or stay married anymore is because the contract itself is too easy to game and cheat. The point of marriage in the first place was to provide an incentive for people to stay together, but now it's the exact opposite, and the relevant laws are constructed to encourage divorce so that lawyers get fees.

>that pic

They're just asking for a cuck society (I know, Sweden yes!! :DDD) but no for real, if men don't need to fight to get women they'll turn lazy and fat, the women will start to despise them and look for other lovers.

>Would the state making monogamous marriages mandatory be beneficial to society?
Prohibit all out-of-marriage sex and force people to marry if they are older than 24 and still single.
Prohibit no-fault divorce.

It is certainly something that Japan should consider. A BBC news report said the other day that 64% of Japanese people surveyed had never even been in a relationship let alone have sex. It's not without problems however. First of all there is trying to pass something like this in the first place, I don't think too many people in most societies would desire such a thing, especially with how view relationships in the modern day. Arranged marriages are pretty uncommonn, mostly being restricted to certain non-western cultures. There is also the problem of people simply moving away to avoid having to follow the rules. It would be neat if people were able to simply send in a document to the bureau managing these affairs that allowed people who were of age and in love to by pass the assignment process. In the show however, people receive their notifications when there 16. This may be a little early for people to discover someone they want to spend the rest of their life with. I would say that 20 would be a better age, with actual marriage coming at 22 or 24 at the latest. Lastly, you have the problem of divorce. Now that we have this freedom, it isn't going away, and just because it's illegal to love someone else, doesn't mean people won't do it. There was an interesting study discussed on one of our Sunday morning discussion shows which talked about how adultery and views on it differ between European nations. France was the most interesting in that Adultery was a lot more common than somewhere like the UK, but that culturally it had become something that was acknowledged could happen. If someone did find out that their other half was cheating on them, they would simply tut and tell them to stop it and all would be forgiven. It is therefore important to consider the culture around Adultery and how it might affect the percentage of "happy" marriages.

exactly on point
OP is a humongous cockgobbling faggot as always

In fascist Italy there was a quite expensive tax for adult singles, at the same time women who gave Birth to 3 or more children received medals and help from the state.

Source pls

Good lord, no. If such a thing were to occur, Leftists would absolutely and without question immediately infiltrate the system and begin mandating interracial and dysgenic marriages in the name of equality. The tall would be bred to the short, the ugly to the beautiful, the foolish to the bright and the strong to the weak so as to erase the differences when they perceive as halting the creation of their utopian state.

Though none of them will ever admit it this is clearly their goal in the perpetuation of "diversity." It is in fact the opposite of diversity that they desire--the breeding of a homogeneous brown race who they imagine will be entirely equal because physical and mental differences will no longer exist. They see actual distinctions in race, character and features as detrimental to their goals, and they are right.

If anyone were to actually propose such a thing you have my solemn assurance that it would be a Jew.

Kai to Uso but the plot seems a bit shit from the first ep desu

I always thought that the salvation of the West resided in the East. The hypergamous instincts of women have to be tamed in order for society to succeed.

What's the plot about?

Guy is in love with Girl.
Government assigns him to another.

>Would the state making monogamous marriages mandatory be beneficial to society?
no. the kikes in charge would use it for more half nigger spawns and miscegenation.

Dropped this after the first ep. "We only spoke once despite being in the same school for years but I love you too!" was too ridiculous.

I think free socieites prosper because they try to keep as much things 'out' of power heirarchies as is humanly possible.

I think a program as is suggested by the OP would be too easily subverted and corrupted to be contrary of what it seeks to achieve.

Looks like another wish-fulfillment anime for Jap loser virgins, i.e. the entire male population.

Why doesn't he just kill the boy his gf is assigned to? That way he can get both right?

>be japanese
>state arranged marriages
>everyone gets to know who they're gonna be married to when they turn 16
>be in elementary school
>give a girl an eraser and then fall in love with her
>skip to high school
>gonna turn 16 soon
>still in love with the girl even though never spoke to her since giving her the eraser
>decide to confess to the girl that I love her and won't marry whoever the state decides
>confess the love
>she fell in love with me too when I gave her an eraser
>it's midnight
>officially 16 now
>get SMS
>"you will get married to the girl that you love"
>wow! that's amazing! what a coincidence
>suddenly two government agents appear in the middle of the night, because everyone in japan is tracked by the government or something
>they came to give me documents about my arranged marriage
>lol whatever already got an SMS from them, not sure why they're bothering
>they say I'm getting married to a totally different girl
>hue huat meight?
>dude I got SMS saying I'm getting married to this girl that I love
>lol nah it's some future plot device, don't pay attention to it for now
>some dumb drama with the girl I love
>episode ends

In the anime, the government enforces marriage because in Japan marriage=children.
But a fully-jewed country would actually forbid free mating and inseminate females with sperm selected by the government (being the jews they would select niggers and mongrels to keep the goyim stupid)