Is it in the water, air, or food?
Why is everyone so fucking fat?
Other urls found in this thread:
gluttony, greed, no self restraint
Lack of self control, oversupply and no public shaming or stigma strong enough to counter that.
That picture is a perfect representation of modern America. Its almost as if it was set up.
Everyone is my town rides around on mobility scooters. Some doing with chugging down root beer. HELP
Instant gratification.
Other than that, what 132977812 and 132977838 said.
Not gonna lie former mcdonalds supporter over here, we cant let these people get their hands on the nuclear codes
Supermarkets that stock are 10% food and 90% ''''''''''''''''food'''''''''''''''.
This recent thing of posting post #s instead of quoting someone is the most autisitic shit I've seen on here. Fucking kys retard.
market/industrial food doesn't have the nutrients and protein in order to give your stomach
it's daily needs,
home-grown foods will ALWAYS contain more nutrients everytime and make you full quicker,
and it's because of the lack of nutrients in the industrial food
that you go and crave more and more until you eventually get the nutrients needed
but by then you would've already eaten like 15 donuts and therefore get fat
it's an industrial marketing tactic to make people go buy more and more,
nothing is stopping these private companies to give a specific amount of nutrients in their food
stay woke
Capitalism, basically. More specifically marketing and profit driven cost-cutting measures.
It's about the food and how it's marketed.
A society that had its peoples interests at heart would never allow the food supply to be so pumped full of sugar, sugar substitutes, and marketed so heavily.
Kfc comes with a bucket
its the hormones in the air supply turning fags gay and hungary
Say your prayers, whyte boi.
Hormones in the air supply. Sure.
how can it be capitalism? in the wealthy areas, people are not fat.
only in the poor areas people are fat.
id go so far as to say there is a correlation of at least -0.7 between wealth and BMI in the west, at least in women.
it's probably the flag
The ultimate redpill in nutrition : sugar is bad
It's just as addictive or even more than cocaine.
It fucks with your dopamine, rewires your brain to crave it, need it, and we call this lack of discipline, but it's deeper than that.
Only in America... this has to be California, right?
the reason why poor people are usually fat is because the cheap food
is fucking literal garbage, it's the only thing they can afford.
soda bottles are literally $1-$2 in america
That shit looks like a boss fight in a Persona game.
There was a time when, if a child threw a tantrum over a candy bar, his mother scolded him and he was silent. Now they just buy it to shut that brat up. That's a lack of discipline.
Harris County is Houston
>it's the only thing they can afford.
That's false. They can afford anything in the stores if they were to cut down on overpriced snacks. They'd rather get a $2 piece of meat and three cans of Pringles than a proper piece of meat and no chips. It's a matter of choices. Don't take the responsibility away from these people, they are at fault.
i bet you she was a drumpf supporter
The real question is: how did that landwhale even get up there?
>poor people can only afford highly processed sugar products
wrong. They are just too lazy to cook veggies and meat. Rice and beans are dirt cheap, yet they choose to eat processed sugar treats.
this is the kind of acting out you see when bounty hunters fail to produce Solo and the wookiee
Houston? Texas I am disappoint!
So did Truck lady at least get the Chair?
HFCS, there's something that is blocking the "I'm full" sensation so Americans are in a perpetual state of having the munchies, it must be hell. Whenever I eat American processed foods 30 minutes later I get this fake munchies signal and some how feel even hungrier than before. The shitty Swiss food makes me feel full for a long time
no such thing as a proper piece of meat (or food) at a supermarket,
to be quite frank with you everything in the supermarket is garbage.
hence the overweight problem in poorer people.
i'd argue they never had a choice in food
and therefore can't be held accountable because of their lack of equipment that they can't afford. the markets are just easier for them.
A poor understanding of nutrition due to garbage information from almost every "reliable" source.
Sugar, processed foods, excessive carbs; especially refined flour and booze.
All of this makes you tired, fat, dumb and addicted to eating it.
>literal garbage, it's the only thing they can afford
what the hell are you talking about
I'm between jobs at the moment, broke as shit, barely have a few coins to rub together. I made a vegetable soup today - it took me half an hour, delicious, was ridiculously easy to make and cost me about £1.25 for the ingredients. it fed me and 2 other adult human beings for dinner.
is not food. it doesn't matter whether it's a dollar or two dollars or 25 cents a bottle, there's no reason to buy soda when you're shopping for food at all. it's sugar water and chemicals.
if people in america really buy soda and fast food and packets of microwave garbage and anything else loaded with fat and sugar and nothing else because it's so CHEAP and it's the ooooonly food available to eat then the whole country should just be wiped off the face of the planet asap
I can't believe this is a real excuse for people to be fat sacks of stupid shit
Pull that stick out of your ass, mate. You can go to a supermarket and eat just fine. It may not be butcher's quality, but there's better options than ready-to-eat mac n' cheese and microwave dishes you won't believe aren't fresh.
>the reason why poor people are usually fat is because the cheap food
This meme has been proven false. There was a guy who lost weight off a pure McDonald's diet. He just counted calories and didn't eat huge portions. Fattys will order enough food to feed a family of five for themselves and eat it in a single sitting.
just lower the quantity you eat. ive never seen a fat person who didnt down two 2 liters and 4 sandwiches for lunch
>Is it in the water, air, or food?
People eat packaged/fast food that is high in fat.
Cheese and fried foods are probably the most responsible, as well.
>straya talking out of his ass
Food only. Check out how lean are primitive tribe people. That's because they never in their lives have eaten any capitalist food. Not even one french fry.
>Fattys will order enough food to feed a family of five for themselves and eat it in a single sitting.
It amazes me that this is even possible. You can go and eat two burgers for lunch and two for dinner, and somehow those four patties between buns add up to 2,400 calories, no including the sides or drinks. If you snack during the day, which happens because burgers leave you hungry prett fast, you'll break the 3,000 with no sweat,.
1) Sugar in everything. A 200 lb. dude needs roughly 2000 calories to maintain weight. More and you gain, less and you lose. A delivery pizza is like 2000 all by itself. Add up all those calories for realises.
2) Sugar.
3) Sugar.
4) Processed refined bread and other processed foods, which are mostly sugar and so rich it is like eating three breads for every one slice for example.
5) Sugar.
6) If you're a dude, soy is in everything and estrogens in the water which you need to avoid. I just went through the entire bread aisle today and found ONE decent bread (Dave's Bread) without soy.
7) There is also a lot of sugar in processed food.
8) Stresses of modern life combined with sedentary activities means you will tend to stress eat to relax.
9) Sugar.
I'm not a GMO or health nut per se, just used to lift a lot, getting back into it now and I know a bit about eating clean.
After decades of eating weird fucking products, half of America doesn't even know what food is. Go to Walmart and watch people fill their carts to the brim with bags and boxes of products that don't decompose and only increase hunger.
How did she get up there? You cant just go straight up somewhere and its an obese female
That's because it's convenient. You can down a bag of chips in no time, but it takes time to make a meal. Not that much time, but people want to have more time to waste, for whatever reasons.
Because they eat sugar and carbs instead of fat, protein and fiber.
Went from 165 to 151 in 5 weeks by just cutting out bread/sugar and eating coconut oil.. Killing off all that yeast by not eating sugar/carbs also makes it much easier to not eat, no cravings.. I do intermittent fasting almost every day now.
I've seen videos of the horror show that is american supermarkets, and the supermarkets in the uk are getting steadily worse
but that's still no fucking excuse. you're saying these people walk into these shops, look at this utter inedible crap and somehow find it both palatable and worth spending their money on.
>the markets are just easier for them
yes, they are LAZY. they'd rather load up on their packaged cancer than go elsewhere to find some fruit or vegetables to cook with - or, god forbid, grow their own. potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers (for example) grow for fun. lentils and pulses you can get in sackfuls for next to nothing. cans of baked beans. there is absolutely no excuse.
This. The stigma of eating fats is over so we are consuming more, while the stigma of eating sugar doesnt exist yet. Sugar + fats + sedentary lifestyle = death
The other thing I noticed when I was stationed in Japan is their McDonald's sizing. Their large size meal is probably the equivalent to a medium or small in the US. Same pricing, more or less, but the portions were smaller.
Last time I was at Denny's, I looked around and saw some folks eating what was probably 1500-2000 calorie meals.
>not eating a plant based diet
Enjoy being fat, fatties
Lack of self control and oversupply. We should just send fat people to concentration camps.
I used to feel this way, but I've gotten a few friends/family members to cut off sugar/carbs and replace them with fats.. They all lost a shit ton of weight and felt better pretty rapidly, stopped eating as much..
The blame should be on government/big food, teaching people since kindergarten/1st grade that they should eat more bread than vegetables and that they should use things like olive oil or avocado oil almost never.
Are Americans still putting corn syrup in everything? Just fucking stop that shit
poor niggers are usually uneducated and can't maintain their control,
i'd be amazed if they can count up the amount of calories they were taking in.
this is america we're talking about m8,
american supermarkets are always 4x more fatty in it's goods it's selling. trust me.
atleast german shops have good selection of meats.
source on that guy who lost weight off a pure mcdonalds diet?
remember this is POOR people we're talking about, a typical middle class family
would be a bit more moral in their actions
fuck off redditor if you want to be one of us you need to be familiar with the ins and outs of the US penal and criminal justice systems
its in your fucking culture based on fear, blind praise of capitalism and lack of education.
>plant based diet
enjoy becoming carl the cuck
>source on that guy who lost weight off a pure mcdonalds diet?
>not eating seeds, nuts, grass-fed meats, yogurt
>not drinking kombucha, kefir or green tea
>not joining the bone broth master race
>not taking PQQ with CoQ10 and mixing turmeric/hemp seeds/pumpkin seed oil into your morning Vega shake
Nigger what are you doing??
Always archive shills
There's too much meat being eaten by idiots. You can't just live off of pork chops. Fiber is lacking in most diets, so eating some instead of just another high-fat meal might be a good idea. Full plant based diets are stupid, I agree on that.
you're making the world better, man.
This. There's way too much sugar in our food. Grain-based food should be avoided. The human body has not evolved to live in such a carb rich environment, which is where we live since the green revolution.
Also, this insane quantity of carbs makes our body thinks that we live in a perpetual summer, which in turns boost the fertility rate beyond sustainability .
because foundations for healthy diets and cancer are beeing sponsored by the companies that make food that make you get fat and give you cancer and everybody falls for it. just eat more veggies.
mizz thiccness
I'm really tired of seeing this thread every day.
Why is OP always a faggot, and can't figure this out alone?
Poor people with EBT cards could choose to get quality food, but they choose shit. I used to work in a convenience store, every day it was
>yall take EBT?
>awwwww yeahhhhhhh
and proceed to load up on candy, soda, chips, liquid cheese, and all manner of disgusting horse shit.
Junk food is cheaper than perishables, fruits, and vegetables usually.
There are mono-sodium glutamates, corn syrups, GMO's, and other chemicals in the foods of mainstream food companies as well as most other foods you see out there.
Liberalism as well as the education system has destroyed a sense of health and fitness; making it seem as if being fat is absolutely ok and normal. Id wager that Mexico is a lot like us in this regard too, which is why they need to get off their fatasses and jog a little.
Last but not least-
The food network.. the cooking channel.. always trying to reinvent cooking by making it even more grotesquely fatter. Americans choose to eat the worst things in the world even though it may be the best tasting lunch or dinner or desert they've ever had. America prides itself on cooking and America does a very good job with cooking BUT our cooking kills you with calories sometimes.
Abundance of food, easy transportation, and most jobs do not require much physical labor anymore.
Eating healthy is expensive and challenging once you've become addicted to sugar and carbs.
But, I also don't know how they let themselves get so bad. I got to not even a quarter that fat and instantly hated myself and started eating better and working out.
>Junk food is cheaper than perishables, fruits, and vegetables usually.
I don't know about you, but even with coupons I pay €8 for a two burger combo. There's a lot of other options for that kind of money.
Poor people are low IQ niggers, you must understand this
Fats aren't bad for you
>Well, What Is It?