Kekistani relief force for hamburg?

Hamburg, Germany is in a sorry state since the commie cucks went in and turned it into a warzone, perhaps the right ought to go in and clean it up because the german officials aren't doing shit

Other urls found in this thread:

It's up to the people never the authorities to stand up

antifa are pretty much a millitary faction now, and ideally should be met by millitary force, why should they get a free pass for sacking cities?

You turbo autists couldn't defend a paper bag.

Seriously fuck off.

This is literally the cringiest movement I have ever seen in my life.

Fuck off /r/The_Donald

whats this guys deal? why is he the only one who gets posted

they said the same about antifa , yet here we are

Kekistan is the gayest shit on the fucking planet and you should all be gassed.

Inb4 I and anyone else who calls you fags get called d&c shills, "Kekistanis" aren't the right, they're Sargons radical centrist fuckboy army. Go suck Blaire White's dick. Printing out frog memes isn't gonna get refugees out of Germany.

Daily reminder that quite literally every known "kekistani" is either obese, a loser, heavily autistic or a combination of all 3

Fuck off back to plebbit

KEkIstAn Is thE gAyEst shIt On thE fUckIng pLAnEt And yOU shOULd ALL bE gAssEd.

Inb4 I And AnyOnE ELsE whO cALLs yOU fAgs gEt cALLEd d&c shILLs, "KEkIstAnIs" ArEn't thE rIght, thEy'rE SArgOns rAdIcAL cEntrIst fUckbOy Army. GO sUck BLAIrE WhItE's dIck. PrIntIng OUt frOg mEmEs Isn't gOnnA gEt rEfUgEEs OUt Of GErmAny.

Please try it. You faggots would get btfo by the left.

The spread of alt-right ideas is good in any form or fashion. fuck off.

This image is very true but should add how Gookmoot is intentionally making Sup Forums mainstream, partly causing this effect. He literally did the exact same thing with 2chan

Your flag is just a meme. Not to be taken seriously

Good luck user, don't forget to bring your gopro!

Why the fuck would you care about Germany?

>I like to use hyperbole, half truths, and even outright lies to further my aims.
>I'm a cringey meme fag going wherever the current fashion takes me.

Fuck off back to whatever reddit shithole you crawled out of you miserable cringeworthy faggot

A shitty term coined by jews to label Sup Forums and likeminded internet communities and give a name to the big bad boogeyman they're trying to push on media. You're a literal fucking puppet if you unironically use the term alt-right, but I guess you're used to being a puppet, being a redditor and all, right?

The kind of fags that would have been wearing Pony shirts a few years ago. Degenerate nerds who will probably, thankfully, never reproduce.

Kekistan should be used for recruitment of normies to the cause. Centrists are easily swayed by an extreme if the extreme asserts itself.

How am I a puppet for encouraging the utilization of a meme that WE fucking created? Kekistan may be cringeworthy but it redpills normies. That's good, that's what we want.

Kill yourself you delusional redditor.

Sup Forums also invented garbage like rage comics, are you suggesting we go back to those too?

and yet no one wants you spergs to exist

I hope these Antifa idiots beat the living shit out of every kekistani cancer they meet.




Rage comics don't educate normies, Kekistan does.

>that BASED antifa flag
Every fucking time

>kekistan educates people

It's literally the same story with bronies
Sup Forums did it ironically or for fun until actual retards came along.
Same with ironic weebs and anonymous

>one cherrypicked image means Kekistan has to cease to be a thing

Look at this entire thread you delusional faggot.

Would you stop being a faggot? Kekistan is useful therefore good for us, end of story.

>kekistan is good for us

What's wrong with phoneposting again?

>What's wrong with phoneposting

kekistanis love fun. it was born by the /hewillnotdivideus/ art-project.

praise kek = doing it for the lulz

marching around in white polos does not look fun to me.

I m ok with this.

go back

Go back to your Antifa discord.

Fuck off back to whatever reddit shithole you crawled out of with your centrist, politically correct pseudo-liberal cuckservative frog LARP movement.

>unironically hating based black guys
does pic related trigger you faggot? haha seriously get off this board.

I'm not a centrist, I hate SJWs and political correctness.

>muh discord

just because a screenshot shows people talking in software anyone can get doesn't mean everything you don't like comes from there.


>Im not a SJW!
classic response

>I hate SJWs and political correctness
That makes no sense since Kekistan redditors constantly boast about how tolerant and politically correct they are to try and win over the PC crowd.


Ffs I'm not Kekistan!

>I'm not Kekistan
Why are you defending the worst thing to happen to Sup Forums so hard, then?

Even if you aren't kekistan, you just proved you're not from around here.

then stop defending that group by using their to-go phrases like "I hate SJWs and political correctness." which is empty beyond "Haha triggered liberals." They don't care about jack shit beyond getting a laugh in.

WTF I love the based orange man now.


you faggots ruined momiji

My dear gentlemen.

The Great Meme War of 2017 has begun....Kekistanis Assemble!

They may take our lives, but they never take our memes!



Brave warriors of Kekistan brace yourself !!!!!!! Form a MEMEWALL, weaponize your autism. The normies may oppress us but they will never take our memes, in the god Emperor and Pepe we trust. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

Your time to die for the Emperor is now!

Theyre trying to disprove meme magic and colonize kekistani's. This means war!!! You may take our lives but you will never take our memes!!!!!!!

This war will not be easy but rest assure we will be victorious and know this what we do this year shall live on for a thousand years let the golden meme era begin!

I'm just here too shitpost in some Sup Forums threads

Undercover weeb mafia reporting in

>get off this board.
You do this nigger lover

Good. 2hu is over, let it go.

Why would they do that? They have video games to play and cartoon porn to watch.

>and ideally should be met by millitary force


Been here longer than you.

>been here longer

only newfags have to say that line in order to justify their being here in their minds. bet you didn't lurk at least two years before posting.

mfw this was going to be an productive thread, but instead everyone changed the subject to kekistan because the image is a kekistan flag.

Even if you aren't shills please fuck off with this divisive crap, who cares if it's "cringy"?

When you use terms like
I really doubt you've been here longer than anybody.

While you fags shitpost memes on a irrelevant hentai website the revolutionary left is actually doing something

Funny how Sup Forums keeps mocking left because they are all "weak beta males" and keeps praising themselves as aryan. While in reality it's just a bunch of basement dwellers who couldn't defend themselves from a 5 year old if their life depended on it

I'm ready


>who care if it's "cringy"

Because these fucks always shout "muh pr" while looking and sounding as retarded as possible. If you're going to be cringy you might as well go full redpill instead of that bullshit "soft redpill." It's a matter of substance. The only divide and conquer is people setting themselves up in teams and telling people to agree or else they're "D&C." What would be productive about people going in there and doing anything militarily? Nothing, because the small amount that would show up would be jailed, more than likely. And for what? For the memes?

No plebbit. Not everybody who disagrees with your autistic frog public art display movement is a divide and conquer shill.

True. Left just took over Hamburg and turned it into hell, with a legion of 100,000+ people. Meanwhile this guy can't even get five fellow autists to go out and sweep. Pathetic, worthless fad of a movement, destined for a swift death once they all get out of high school, earn their STEM degrees and still end up making shit.

I don't use Reddit, and even if I did Reddit is our ally and helps us when we need them.

>Reddit is our ally and helps us when we need them.

Help us? Stop using "us" as if Sup Forums is monolithic. How do they help? By taking ironic jokes and making them unironic and unfunny as humanly possible. By taking half-truths and marketing them as the whole? By virtue-signaling they are as liberal as their supposed opposition with things like "trannypede." but somehow are different because "lol, triggered."

Hopefully the left won't be autistic and won't use internet and memes as a political weapon

Memes are the reason right wing is becoming so autistic, the more people shit on the left here on Sup Forums the shittier the right becomes
Keep being autistic faggots and we will finally free Europe

They make my favorite stuff

Let's do it for Kek! Shadilay!!!

Fuck off.

Go away, shill.

This board is lost. We need gore threads back now and take back our fucking site.

CNN is trying to silence us and destroy our freedom of expression

These normies think we will be silenced?


These nomies will never silence us

>clean up
Nah, most Germans love the concept of high taxation. So let them enjoy the state services those high taxes bring.