Which religion would be the best against cucked Europe?
Which religion would be the best against cucked Europe?
>inb4 Christianity that is responsible for Europe's cuckery
That is definition of cuck. Funny how all nations that throw away their religion (90% of West) are now cucked beyond repair.
fuck off DnC shill
This is the best pro-degeneracy ideology
I would say either christsian extremism or actual native faith of given region. The latter one is problematic since you would have to gass all the fag larpers who say shit like
What would be the endgame of a shilling like this?
I'm an atheist (I don't believe in gods) myself, however, I think that religion is necessary for a country as a doctrine to follow to fight against degeneracy
Christianity seems about the only one that can survive and revivify itself. I'd say Judaism, but it has a lot of elitism and inconsistencies. Christianity also allows for religions to exist around it that aren't Christian if they aren't violent and destructive. I don't see Sikhs and Buddhists here attempting to overthrow everything that is good.
Atheism is the absolute topkek.
Christian Democrat my ass
It's simeple principle. Nature hates emptines. When people throw away their spirit and faith they are bound the got another one with time. Won't matter if they like it or not, it will happen.
Divide and conquer, as previosly stated
Pick one
You guys need to realize that Christianity is done in Europe.
It's even part responsible for Europe's cuckoldry
>implying Sup Forums is united
germany cant
Christianity/Catholisism (Except remove the current pope and the other pedo priests)
Just remember that communism is atheism. They want you to only belive in communism and nothing else.
It is -partly- responsible, I'll give you that. But part of Christian theology is death and rebirth in a way that actually allows it to be sustainable. For all of its faults, of which there are many. the church can sustain itself despite itself.
Christianity and the emergence of different traditional pagan sects.
The nogibsmedats whatsoever religion
It has nothing to do with Europe's cuckoldry you peace sign faggot. Europe got cucked because of atheistic fagwads like you sucking Marx's dick and shouting "MUH WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE" and then infiltrating the government, academia and churches to rework all of society towards propagating your retarded niggerloving message.
The suomenusko religion
European paganism.
>Europe got cucked because of atheistic fagwads like you sucking Marx's dick
What is the pope tweeting about how the Bible tells many times to welcome immigrants?
What is the pope kissing a Quran?
What is the pope promoting LGBT under the name of religion?
The church is dead, face it. It's been decades